CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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(Back at NYPD)

Stella was working with Danny on the case for the D.A.

"Hey", "Was Mac okay with taking Calleigh"? asked Stella

"Yeah", "though Calleigh is very upset with me".

"She'll be fine "H", "I know it's hard being across the ocean from each other during the week, but you and Calleigh will survive". "Mac and I love having her and kids, we've become a very tight unit and it's going to very upsetting when you all leave". "Claire and Marisol have become sisters, tearing them apart is going take alot of coaxing and patients".

""H", yelled Danny. "Sorry to interrupt, but your fax just came in and Eric is waiting for your call".

"Thanks Danny, said "H".

Horatio recieved the fax and called Eric to confirm.

"Thanks Eric", "How is everything else there? any problems with Stetler"?

"No", "actually I haven't seen him in a couple days". said Eric.

"Okat then", "anything else I need to know Eric"?

"That's about it "H", "How did Marisol's appointment go today"?

"I'm not sure, I didn't go with her. Mac had to take her for me as I was waiting on your fax".

"Okay, have Marisol call me later please, I miss her".

"I will Eric". "If there are anymore developments let me know".

"I will "H". "Bye".

Horatio wondered to himself what the hell happened to Stetler.

(Back at the Hospital)

After the exam was complete Calleigh and Mac waited patiently for the results. Marisol had cried herself to sleep in Uncle Mac's arms.

"Relax Calleigh", Mac said taking her trembling hand.

"Mrs. Caine", "the doctor has the results ready for you, if you'll follow me please", said the nurse.

Mac and Calleigh headed down the hall with Marisol sound asleep in his arms.

"Have a seat", said the Doctor. "Okay, Marisol's arm healed very nicely, but her leg is taking longer due to the severness of the injury". "Surgery is not needed at this time, but she will have to remain in the hip casting for at least another 8 weeks". "I'd like to see her again in 3 weeks time, you can book the appointment with the nurse".

"Thank-you Doctor", said Mac.

"You are very welcome". "See you in 3 weeks".

Calleigh and Mac headed home to tell Horatio the good news.

"Calleigh", "you okay"? asked Mac with concern.

"Not really, that means another 8 weeks without Horatio". "Can this day get any worse"?

(Back at NYPD)

Horatio was helping Stella get her caseload in order when Danny came running in.

"H", "It's not good, "Eric just got called out to a crime scene, your guy Stetler, is Dead".

End Scene
I would say uhoh but since it's Stetler can we party? ROFL! More soon!

ETA: I keep thinking that in real life they could easily transfer Marisol's case to a specialist in Miami and fly her there or something...I think they often transfer people back home when they're stable enough. But I guess we wouldn't have crossover then would we? lol
That's right, that is what I love about FanFic, you can make things up that would never happen. :D, Hold on to your seat because it's about to get hot in Miami/NY.

Silence could be heard throughout Mac's office as Horatio and Stella looked at each other.

"Thanks Danny, said "H", "I'll have to head back to Miami tonight".

After Danny left the office Horatio turned to Stella and said.

"Just what the hell did that I.A.B. guy do"? Putting on his shades Horatio told Stella to brace herself for the storm that was about to hit.

As they left the office and headed home Stella asked "H" what he was going to tell Calleigh.

"Horatio, what about Calleigh"? "She knows nothing about this".

"That will be my job to tell her as soon as we get home".

"Oh, "H", "She's going to hit the roof".

"I know Stella, I know".

Pulling into the driveway Horatio and Stella realized they weren't home yet.

"I'm going to run up and pack", "you watch for Calleigh and warn me when she gets here". "I need to tell her right away so she doesn't have time to react".

Stella thought to herself "yeah, right". She knew damn well that Calleigh was going to freak on all of them for what they hadn't arranged with the Head of I.A.B.

Stella heard the car pull into the driveway. "Horatio they're back". said Stella.

Horatio came down the stairs with his suitcase in his hand as Calleigh and Mac walked in the front door. Calleigh took one look and she knew.

"I'm sorry love", "we all need to talk".

"About what Horatio"? said Calleigh with anger.

"I'll take Marisol upstairs", said Mac. Then we will all head into the kitchen and talk".

Sitting in the kitchen Stella was bitting her nails.

"Stop that Stella", said Calleigh. "What is wrong with you two"?

Just then Mac walked back into the kitchen and asked Horatio what was going on.

"Well", "it seems that Stetler is dead". "I have to go back to Miami right away and process everything with Eric.

Mac looked shocked, Calleigh looked stunned and Stella continued chewing her nails.

"What the hell you talking about "H", said Mac. "Do you know what this means"? "How it looks"? "Christ what are we going to do"?

"Horatio", said Calleigh, what is going on"?

"I've been having trouble with Stetler as you know". So Mac went and talked to the Head of I.A.B. that owed him a favour". "Then Eric called NYPD, told me that Stetler was found dead floating in Miami waters". "Now I have to go back and get this case together before the investigation begins".

"Are you telling me this I.A.B. guy had Stetler killed"?

"Stella and I think so", "but I won't know until Eric and I process everything".

"Can I not trust any of you", "Never once did you think to include me in this mess". "I would have told you not to do anything", now look at the three of you". "You know what",? "All of you can leave me alone, I'm taking my kids and going home to Miami". "As for you My husband, get that look off your face because if anyone sees it you're finished, it reeks of guilt".

Leaving the kitchen Calleigh stormed upstairs to pack. Horatio, Mac and Stella stood in shock, never had they ever heard Calleigh talk like that.
Thanks, A little humor is good. Re reading it I realized it was kinda funny myself.

*Peeks around the Crossover box making sure Mel isn't around* :eek:

"I'll go talk to her", said Horatio. "Mac we need to decide how to handle this once I get Calleigh settled down.

"Mac", "what are we going to do"? "What did you say to this guy"?

"Stella", "I told him nothing, all I asked him was to ask Stetler to back off of Horatio because him and his family was going through alot right now, and he said he'd handle it". "That's it Stella".

"Maybe you should find out if this has anything at all to do with your favour"?

"Sure Stella, I'll go accuse the guy and he'll think I'm acting guilty and pin it on Horatio and I". "Horatio and I are going to have too figure this one out with our teams help".

"Does this mean you are all going to Miami"?

"Yes, it does Stella". "You and Calleigh are to stay out of it", "If anyone asks you questions you tell them to talk to your Union Rep, Understand"?

"Of course", said Stella.

"Now, I'm going to call the team and tell them to pack there bags for Miami".

Meanwhile back upstairs Horatio sat down with Calleigh on the bed.

"I'm sorry love, I never meant to keep anything hidden from you". "I only wanted to protect you and our children". "The less you knew the better".

" As much as I appriciate the concern, I'm your wife and you should have allowed me to that make that choice".

"I know love", "I'm so sorry". With that said Horatio got down on his knees, looked into his wifes eyes and told her again, "I'm sorry love, with all my heart, I'm sorry".

"So what are you going to do"?

"That is what we are about to find out". "How did Marisol's appointment go"?

"The specialist said her arm has healed nicely, but her leg will have to remain casted for another 8 weeks".

"Well, that's great news". "Can we all go home then"? Horatio was hoping she'd say no, he wanted to keep her and the kids safe.

"Not yet, Dr. Bryson wants to see her again in 3 weeks time, and I know we could go home and fly back in three weeks but that's to much uprooting for the kids". "They're enjoying their new school and friends". "It makes more sense to stay here".

That is what Horatio was hoping to hear. "That's fine love, you and the kids stay".

After Calleigh and Horatio returned to the kitchen Mac informed them that he and his NY team would be flying back with him to Miami.

"That's great Mac", "The more on this case the better".

"Stella we have to leave now, you and Calleigh will have to explain it to the kids".

Mac kissed Stella good-bye and told her to take care of herself the kids and the baby. While Horatio kissed Calleigh and told her to make sure the kids knew he loved them.

(Back in Miami)

Eric picked up Horatio and Mac at the Airport and they went right to the crime scene. Upon arrival they seen I.A.B. already on scene.

"Mac said Horatio, I smell a set up". "This was planned, there is no way I.A.B. would be here yet, someone tipped them off".

As they exited the Hummer, Horatio was approched by I.A.B.

"Lt. Horatio Caine"?

"That's right", "can I help you with something"?

"How well did you know Agent Stetler"?

"Some what good, we crossed paths quite a few times".

"Were where you last night between 10pm and 1am"?

"I was in NY this week-end and came back when I got the call from CSI Delko".

"Do you have proof of this"?

"My word is my proof", "If you require anymore information, you'll speak to my Union Rep". "Now if you excuse me I have a crime scene to process". With that said Horatio put on his shades and caught up with Eric and Mac.

"Everything okay "H", asked Eric.

"It is for now Eric, It is for now".

"Danny, Hawkes, said Mac. Horatio is in charge any orders that come from him are to be followed, "Understood"?

"Understood Mac", said Danny and Flack.

"Okay", I want Danny and Eric to process here and around the area of the Miami waters, Ryan and Hawkes you two go back to the Lab and keep an eye on the evidence". "Most importantly "DO not under any condition leave that body", "Hawkes, you let Alexx know that you were a M.E. and I told her you are to help process the body.

"You got it Lt. said Hawkes.

"My team calls me "H", you are now my team, that is the name you will use".

"Thank-you, I'm honored".

"No thank-you for being here to help get this case figured out. "Let's go".

After Ryan and Hawkes headed to the Lab, Horatio and Mac went to Stetler's apartment to look for clues. As they entered they knew someone had alredy been there. The furniture was tossed along with files drawers etc.

"Horatio, someone was looking for something, see this file folder it's marked C.I.A.B., I'm begining to think the Head of I.A.B. is connected to our case".

Horatio and Mac bagged the evidence and some other items as they headed to the Lab.

(Back in NY)

Calleigh and Stella had gotten the kids bathed and into bed. Sitting down Stella apologized to Calleigh for not telling her about what was happening.

"I'm really sorry Calleigh, we just didn't want you upset again". "We are all very concerned with your health and the baby".

"I know that Stella, but you have to be careful too, you are also carrying".

"Your right, but I don't have any stress Calleigh, you need to stay relaxed".

"How do you think Mac and Horatio are doing"? asked Calleigh

"I'm not sure, but I wish they'd call".

(Back in Miami)

Alexx and Hawkes were working on Stetler when Horatio and Mac walked in.

"Anything yet Alexx"? asked "H"

"No", "We've just gotten started Horatio".

"Auh Alexx, He told me he like's his team to call him "H". said Hawkes in his soft dreamy voice.

Alexx gave Hawkes the most perplexed look. "Really", "Like I didn't know that, thanks for the info". said Alexx with sarcasm.

Hawkes looked at her and said "Your Welcome", with his sexy smile.

Alexx thought to herself, "Down girl, you're married".

"Okay you two, that's enough process please", said "H".

After Horatio and Mac left, they headed up to his office to call Calleigh and Stella.

(Phone rings) "Hello"? said Calleigh.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you feeling"?

"A little more relaxed, thanks to Stella explaining the situation to me".

"I'm really sorry love, I never meant to hurt you".

"I know, any luck with the case yet"?

"Not yet, Hawkes and Alexx have just started the Op on the body".

"Really", and how does Alexx like Hawkes dreamy voice and sexy smile"?

"I don't know"? "she hasn't gone all jelly like, so I imagine she thinks of him as a college".

"You men are so blind", "If you listen hard enough I bet you could hear her mind saying "Down girl you're married".

"Listen Sweetheart, I'm going to give the phone to Mac, put Stella on love, "I Love You".

"I Love you too, Handsome"

Passing the phone to Stella. "Hey Mac", "how are you", "miss me"?

"Yes, Fine and always", said Mac. "How are the kids"?

"There sleeping, Claire wasn't very happy with you not being here, nor was Marisol".

Mac was hoping to hear that. "Well give them kisses and tell them we'll be home soon". "I Love You".

"I Love You too Mac". "Call later please".

"I will love. Bye.

End Scene

After Mac hung up the phone, Eric and Danny walked in to "H"s office.

"H", There was nothing there, no prints, no shoe impressions, nothing". "These guys have to be pro's, there's no other explanation".

"Eric there is always evidence, it's just a matter of finding it". "Go back to the scene and start again, take Ryan back with you and Danny".

"Mac, let's get that file over to trace".

Once at the trace Lab Natalia was no where to be found. As Mac went to sit the folder on the table he seen a Folder marked C.I.A.B.

"Mac look at this", it's a C.I.A.B. folder like we found".

Looking around Horatio traded his file for the one on the table.

"What the hell "H", that's tampering with evidence". "Are you insane"?

" I'm just going to have a look in here, I'll put it back when I'm done".

"What if someone comes in"? "Then what"?

"She'll think she has the right file, then I'll send her out again and re switch them back".

As they looked in the folder they seen photos of Calleigh, Stella, their kids and themselves.

"What the hell is this"? asked Mac. "that's my family and yours".

Underneath the photo's was a letter from I.A.B. that read

Dear Mr. Stetler, Your application for Lietenant has been denied. At this time we feel Lietenant Caine is more suited to remain in his position. If you find any proof to your accusation please forward it to us immediatly. Sincerely yours G.B. Brenner.

"Jesus "H", this guy really had in for you".

"Just not for me Mac, you too". Horatio returned the folder, put on his shades and walked out.

After Horatio called Eric and told him they could be reached at home he took the hummer and headed out.

(The Caine Home)

Horatio opened the door and walked inside, "What the hell is this"? The house had been torn apart from top to bottom, all their family photo's were on the floor smashed. Running upstairs Horatio checked behind Marisol's headboard and breathed a sigh of relief when he seen the info he had gathered on Stetler was still there.

"God "H", you two really had it in for each other".

"It's a very long story Mac, one to be told another time".

"I think we should check into this Brenner guy and see how he's involved with Stetler".

"You're right Mac, Let's go.

(Back at the Miami Shore)

"Christ Eric, it's getting dark out here and I'm getting hungry"

"Shut the hell up Wolfe" and keep looking.

Danny couldn't help but snicker, he had heard about Wolfe and Delko not getting along.

"Hey", "Look", I found something called Danny.

Eric walked over and seen the gold tooth with blood on it. "Maybe Stetler faught the guy who killed him". "Let's get it back to the Lab".

" Can we stop at the Drive through on the way back"?, "I haven't eaten all day Delko".

"Whatever Wolfe", "We'll grab you a happy meal".

"Very amusing Eric". said Ryan.

(Laughing) "Relax Wolfe, It just a joke".

Danny was laughing in the hummer as they drove back to the Lab.

End Scene
Calleigh makes a come back. :cool: :cool: "H" style

(Back at the Lab)

"Holy Crap, said Danny, Look at this place". "It sure as hell beats NY".

"Yeah", In Miami we are kind of spoiled".

"Hey Delko", said Natalia.

"Hey", said Eric back

"Who the hell is that"? asked Danny.

"That's Natalia, she works in the Lab", said Ryan.

"Christ she's hot".

"Trust me Danny, you don't want anything to do with her", said Ryan.

"Why not"?

"Because she is the Lab mole".

"Shut the hell up Wolfe", said Eric.

On that note Mac and Horatio walked in.

"Eric", "What took you guy's so long"? asked "H".

"We had to stop and get Wolfe a Happy Meal, he was hungry".

"Screw you Delko", said Ryan.

"Yeah", " in your dreams".

"GENTLEMEN", yelled "H", "Eric did you find anything"?

"Yes, a tooth, Danny and I were on our way to the DNA Lab", said Eric.

Call me Eric , Mac and Danny and I will be with Alexx and Hawkes.

As they got downstairs Hawkes was showing Alexx an easier way to remove the ribs. Horatio looked stunned and Mac looked engrossed.

(M whispers to H) Any closer and they'll be on the table".

"That's for sure, whispered "H". "AHeMMM".

"Oh, Hi Horatio", said Alexx. "We have something for you".

"What's the matter Hawkes, feeling a little hot", said Danny.

"Danny, don't you know you should never piss off the guy who holds the shears". (snip,snip)

"Gentlemen please", "What have you got Alexx"?

"Well it appears Stetler died from a blow to the heart". "See the large fist mark over his skin". "Also we found this in his stomach, it's some kind of micro chip".

"Okay, thanks Alexx, I'll take this myself", said "H".

As Mac and Horatio walked up the stairs they heard Danny say

"Coming Hawkes, or are you staying to play Doctor, Doctor"?

"Alexx, it was lovely to meet you", "take care", said Hawkes as he left with Danny.

The only thing Alexx could think was, if she wasn't married she would have jumped him on the table.

End Scene

(Back in NY)

Calleigh and Stella had been sound asleep when they heard the noise downstairs.

"Stella, wake up, you here that"?

"Yeah, sounds like someone is in the house".

"Where's your gun stella"?

"In the nightstand".

Calleigh tiptoed over to the night stand and took out the gun. Her and Stella quietly walked downstairs.

"Someone is in the Den". "Are you ready Calleigh"?

"I'm always ready, I'm bullet girl".

"Only you would find this situation funny, Calleigh.

As they walked around the corner they seen two guys dressed in black searching through the drawers.

"FREEZE", yelled Calleigh.

The guy's turned around and ran towards Calleigh and Stella, BANG,BANG. two shots rang through the house, as the two men laid on the ground dead.

"Nice shot's Calleigh", said Stella as she called NYPD.

"I'm going to search them before the Police get here, got any gloves Stella"?

"Yeah", over in my kit".

After Calleigh put on gloves she searched the suspects and found a miniture camera and two minature micro chips.

"Stella get their prints and a sample of that blood, this way if it's a cover up we have proof for Horatio and Mac".

Just as they had finished the Police pulled up and took statements and the gun into evidence.

"I'm going to go upstairs and hide this evidence we collected and then I'll make some coffee.

End Scene
that was interesting. LOLOL at the Miami people <giggle> Yeah too bad for Hawkes, I'd love to see him and Alexx interact.
(Back in Miami)

Horatio recieves call from NYPD.

(phone rings) "Caine".

"H", it's Flack, how's it going"?

"Good, how about you"?

"Not bad, listen I called to inform you that Calleigh shot and killed to suspects tonight at the house".

"Is she okay, how about Stella and the kids"?

"Relax "H", they are all fine". "Though calleigh asked me to give you a message, though I don't understand it". "She said tell "H" that his Bullet Girl is safe and sound".

Horatio started laughing, "Thanks Flack".

"No problem, you'll let Mac know"?

"Of course, he's right here with me". "Take care".

"Yeah, you too". "Bye".

"What's going on Horatio"?

"It seems two men broke into your home and were rummaging through the Den".

"Is Calleigh, Stella and the kids okay"?

"Yeah", "Calleigh shot and killed them both".

"Jesus "H", remind me if I ever need back up to call your wife".

(laughing) "Get in line", "she's popular around here, they call her Bullit Girl".

"I can see why". said Mac.

(Back in NY)

"More coffee Stella"?

"No thanks, I'm fine for now". "Calleigh how can you be so calm"?

"I don't know, everytime I fire a weapon it mellows me out".

"Do you think the guy's have heard yet"?

"Most likely, Flack won't wait for long".

At that comment the phone rang, "Hello"

"Hi Sweetheart, how are things"?

"Good, any more news on your case"?

"Not yet love", anything you want to share"?

"No, Stella and I are having coffee and chatting". "Flack called you I knew he would, that's why I gave him the message for you".

"Yes love, anything I need to know"?

Calleigh talks in code about the evidence incase the phone is tapped

"Of course", "Two times the amount of test in sample gone but near".(talking in code)

"Good job love", "That's my Bullet Girl". "I love you lots".

"As do I you". said Calleigh.

"Put Stella on love".

"Mac", I miss you so much, can you come home. I can't be here right now".

Mac knew she was thinking back to the night with Frankie". "Listen love, I want you to breathe deep and close your eyes". "Can you see me"?

"Yes, I see you".

"I want you to picture that night we made love in the field", "Can you see it".


"Take that picture to bed with you love, okay". "Let me talk to Calleigh". "Remember the field".


"Calleigh I need you to do me a huge favour".

"Sure, what is it"?

"I need you to sleep with Stella tonight, "She is having flashbacks of the night with Frankie".

"Oh God, I forgot all about that". "Sure, don't worry Mac, she'll be fine".

"I know Calleigh, with you there to protect her I have no doubts".

Calleigh and Stella headed back upstairs to bed.

"You can have Mac's side, he always sleeps on the outside".

"Stella, don't worry, I'm here and I'll protect you". said Calleigh.

As Calleigh laid her head on Mac's pillow she could smell his scent all over it. Inhaling deeply she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Stella on the other hand was having a flashback of Frankie coming at her as she shot him. "AHHHHHH"! screams could be heard as Stella slashed and faught to survive her nightmare.

Calleigh woke up out of her sleep and shook Stella awake. "Stella, wake up". "Wake up".

"Oh Calleigh it was aweful Frankie was.......... "SHHH! said Calleigh I'm here" and she held Stella through the rest of the night.

(Back in Miami)

Horatio, Mac, Danny, Hawkes all decided to stay at Calleigh's Beach home she grew up in until he had a chance to clean up the mess at his house.

"Okay, Danny and Hawkes, there is two beds in the room to your right". "Mac you get Calleigh's old room from when she was a kid, but don't move anything or she'll shoot you".

"God, I miss the girls", said Mac.

"I here you, nothing gets me hotter then hearing Calleigh fired her gun". "God the girl is a walking Arsenol". "You should watch her shoot sometime it's a wonderful experience".

Mac already knew how Calleigh handled a weapon. He also remembered them fooling with weapons and Calleigh getting hot and flustered with the way Mac positioned himself on the ground.

"Well I'm going to get some sleep, we need to be up early in the morning". "Goodnight everyone".

"Night Mac", yeah night Mac".

"So, said Danny, "What do you want to do Hawkes"?

"Good night Danny". "Get some sleep".
Listen mel, I talked to H and M and they said if you hit me again I have to stop writting the story. :lol: LOL

(Back in NY)

Calleigh let Stella sleep, she had had a very long night. Going into Claire and Marisol's room she noticed they were sleeping in the same bed. With it being Sunday, Calleigh decided to let them sleep in. After checking the girls she headed over to the boy's room, both "HJr" and Macster were sleeping soundly. She thought to herself, "this is wonderful I have the whole morning to myself". But then she entered Arthur and Eric's room and they were both awake, after she had them changed and dressed she took them downstairs and gave them both some soft toast and milk. As she was getting ready to bake some cookies for the kids the phone rang.


"Hi Calleigh", "how is everything"? asked Mac.

"Better now, she had a rough night, woke up twice screaming, but we got through it and she's still sleeping.

"How are the kids"?

"All sleeping except for Eric and Arthur".

"Well, what are you up too then"?

"I'm just getting ready to make some cookies for the kids".

"You're not over exerting yourself are you love"?

"No, I'm fine Mac don't worry"?

"I'll always worry, it's the part of my job that keeps me alive".

"So what is Horatio up too"?

"He's in the shower".

"Okay, I'll let Stella know you called".

"THanks Calleigh", "I miss you and give the girls a kiss from me".

"I will, bye".

Calleigh went back in the kitchen to make cookies.

(Back in Miami)

Eric and Ryan showed up at the Beach house to take Danny and Hawkes out Miami style.

"Let's go you guys we're gonna be late". said Eric.

"We're coming, chill Eric", said Danny.

As Danny and Hawkes came out Eric and Ryan tried not to laugh. Hawkes was dressed in flowered shorts with a flashy tee, Danny was dressed in cut off jeans and t shirt.

"No way guys", "we are not taking you two out like that, this isn't Hawaii 5"O".

Eric through the bag at them, "put these on and hurry we have chicks waiting"

"You found us women Eric, you Rock, I hope mine is hot" said Danny.

They came down 5minutes later dressed in mens capri pants and muscle shirts.

"Damn said Ryan, good choice Eric, now we are ready to go"

Hawkes was a little worried, he hadn't been out on a date for a while and hoped he'd be fine.

Eric and Ryan met up with the girls.

"Sarah this is Danny, he's the detective from NY I was telling you about, and Sassy this is Hawkes M.E/F.O."

After intro's were done they all headed down to the beach. Eric had reserved a boat for them all to go out in.

"Wow, This is nice, good job Eric, said Ryan. As they all went out on Miami waters Eric and his girlfriend went deep sea diving. While Ryan and his girlfriend went for a swim, and Danny spent time talking and getting to know Sarah. Hawkes on the other hand was getting into it with Sassy.
She was hot, dark rich skin, big brown eyes, non stop lips and a body that would make the devil drool.

"Come here", Sassy walked over with Hawkes to the far end of the yacht, laying down a blanket they sat together in the sun. "You're very beautiful" said Hawkes, "you have lovely skin, as he took his fingers and softly caressed her dark skin until little shivers came from within her. "So sensitive, aren't you"? "A little" she said to Hawkes. "Hawkes looked into her eyes and whispered seductivly, "come here", as she did he stroked his tongue across her lips, her chin her neck, as she moaned and dipped to give him better access. Deeper now as he lays her on the blanket and starts to stroke her driving her wild in his arms, all the way to heaven he took her, she swore she seen stars aline with the earth as she released her love onto him. "Wow", she said, how are long are you here for"? "Not sure, he said as he was still stroking her arms, "but for the remainder of the time I am here, I'm all yours". She smiled into his eyes as she said again please". So Hawkes gave the lady what she wanted.

(phone rings) "Delko".

"Eric, where are you guys"?

Sailing "H", "I told you last night I was taking Danny and Hawkes out sailing".

"I know and that's fine Eric, but I need you back here ASAP. We've had a break in the case".

"Okay "H", we'll be right there". "Ryan, Hawkes, Danny, we gotta go back there's been a break in the case".

After they dropped the girls off they headed to Miami-dade Lab.

"H", "we're here".

"Okay listen, Mac and I played those little micro chips and we got Brenner's voice on tape". "Stetler must have been taping him", he was a dirty I.A.B. So once we drop all this off to the D.A , Mac and I will be going back to NY.

"Mac, said Danny would it be okay if we stayed the extra day".

"That's fine just make sure you are back in NY monday before 11am".

"Eric, you'll be in charge again until I get back in the morning, said Horatio.

"Sure "H".

With that said Mac and Horatio dropped off the evidence to the D.A. and they left for home.

(Back in NY)

The girls were in the kitchen giving the kids lunch when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it said Calleigh, opening the door there was two bushals of Red stemed roses. One marked Stella and the other Calleigh.

"Stella, come here quick".

"What is it Calleigh"?

"Roses Stella for both of us". "aren't they beautiful"?

"Mmmm, They smell awesome, who sent them"? asked Stella.

"Let's see, "To my beautiful blonde wife who lights up my body and soul". "Love "H".

"Mine say, "To my lovely wife who gets more beautiful everyday. "Love Mac".

As they headed back into the kitchen the men yelled "Surprise, we're home". As they walked up to their wives to kiss them.

Stella grabbed Mac and held him tight in her embrace as she whispered over and over how much she loved him.

Calleigh on the other hand walked up to Horatio looked in his eyes and said "Welcome home Handsome". As they kissed through all the noise and yells from their kids.

Once the kids were in bed Calleigh went upstairs and got the evidence she had collected from those two men.

"Here you go handsome", "finger prints, blood samples, micro chips and mini camera that I so used to take pictures of those idiots". "oh and before I forget, Mac, Flack has your gun. He had to take it after I shot the two rounds".

"That's fine Calleigh, I'll get it in the morning".

"So ya'll, how did Danny and Hawkes like Miami"?

"To well, they stayed the extra night", said Mac.

"Gotta love that Miami air and nightlife", said Calleigh. "Horatio", do you leave in the morning"?

"Yes love, I have to go back until Friday". "Come on".


"Upstairs love, I'd like to spend some time with my beautiful wife before tomorrow".

When Mac turned to Stella she was sound asleep, he picked her up and carried her to bed as he realized she was getting heavy again from their new baby. Laying her on the bed and covering her ,he whispered, "I love you" as she slept.

Meanwhile Horatio had fallen asleep on Calleigh.

"Wake up Handsome", "wake up", said Calleigh. She knew he must have been tired because he didn't even budge when she nudged his back known how he hated that.

Walking downstairs into the dark she stood by the window in the Living room looking out across NY.

"Calleigh" she heard the whispered sigh near her neck. "Calleigh", "Feel me Calleigh". "Can you feel me touch you upon your chest, Tell me Calleigh can you feel me.

"Yes I can feel you", all of you.

"Tell me you want me Calleigh"? "Beg me to love you".

"Yes please love me, touch me hold me possess me".

"Your wish is my command", taking his hand he stroked it slowly up her creamy thigh, as she hissed out a soft cry. "More please, higher, a little higher, "Oh that's it right there, God I can feel your thickness, Please release with me now, now ,now. With that said he poured his love into her body and soul. Turning her in his arms he said , "I love you my beautiful Bullet girl, forever and always you're mine".

It was 4 am in the morning when Horatio woke Calleigh up from the downstairs floor they had made love on all night.

"Calleigh, I have to leave for the Airport love, wake up".

"What's the matter "H" said Stella.

"I can't get her up", she sound asleep, and we need to leave for the Airport before I miss my flight.

"Hold on, let me get Mac. "Mac", "Mac", wake up.

"Hmm! "what is it love"?

"I have to leave too drive Horatio to the Airport". "But Calleigh is sleeping in the living room by the window and "H" can't wake her, she needs to be carried upstairs".

In his head Mac said "Another window, I'm going to remove them all out of her site". "Okay I'm coming love".

When they got downstairs Horatio was having no success. "Mac I really have to go", "The plane is at 6am". "Please tell Calleigh I love her".

"Sure you go ahead, I'll carry her up for you". "Have a safe trip".

Mac lifted Calleigh in his arms and carried her upstairs. As he placed her on the bed she woke up. Looking around she seen Mac sitting on the bed.

"Mac, where is Horatio"?

"He's left love, he tried to wake you but he could not , so he asked if I would bring you up.

"He left without saying good-bye"? a tear slipped down Calleigh's cheek.

"Calleigh he told me to tell you he loved you very much, he did try several times to wake you".

Turning away from Mac she got up from the bed and walked over to the window.

"Calleigh do you have a thing for windows"? "Everytime something upsets you, you find a window to stand near.

(crying) Back in Miami, whenever Horatio and I would argue over something silly, I'd always find a window and pray for patients and understanding with him".

Mac smiled, he could understand Calleigh losing it with "H" because they both had the same temperment which was what made them click.

"You know what Calleigh"? "I think you and I need to go out for ice cream later once the kids are in school and daycare, my treat".

Calleigh smiled it had been years since she had a good ice-cream. "I'd like that Mac".

Now that Calleigh was happy again and laying back down for a while, he was going to hide on Stella, because it was payback time Taylor style. Whistling he walked downstairs to hide.

End Scene
Poor Mac get's caught in the act of Taylor Time :lol:

Mac heard the car pull into the driveway. He hid behind the huge 6foot tree they had near their front door. Mac jump out of the bush with a cave man club and loin cloth on. Only it wasn't Stella it was Danny, and when he took a look at Mac he lost it.

"Well lookie here we got ourselves a caveman". (laughing ) "Jesus Mac, just what the hell do you and Stella do? this is beyond Kinky". "wait till I get back to .....

"Say anything Danny and you'll find yourself on a extended vacation". "I'll be right back".

While Mac went upstairs to change, Danny couldn't stop laughing. He could picture Mac running around with the club, again the Hysterics hit him and he started howling when Stella walked in.

"Danny", "What are you doing here so early"? "Danny", "what is so funny"? Stella couldn't help but laugh at Danny because his howl was contagious.

Just then Mac came walking down the stairs, and found both of them howling.

"Danny what did I tell you, you just couldn't wait to tell her could you"?

Trying to contain himself Danny answered, I haven't said anything Mac", "I swear".

"Then what the hell is my wife laughing about"?

"Me Mac, my laugh got her laughing". "I'm sorry Mac I..... (laughing again)

"Danny", "what the hell do you want"? yelled Mac.

"It's Stella I want, The D.A. called about the case from last week we worked on, he needs to see us both ASAP".

"Did he say about what"? asked Stella as she passed Danny a tissue.

"No", "Just that we are to get over there ASAP, that was all he said".

Stella gave Mac a kiss and told him she'd see him later. As Stella and Danny were heading out the door, Danny said, "UGGA,UGGA Mac". Danny's laughter could be heard all the way to the car, and poor Mac was left with no Taylor time and a cold shower.

After Calleigh and Mac got the kids off to school and Daycare, he asked Calleigh if she was ready.

"Shall we go Calleigh"?

"Sure let me grab my coat".

Heading out the door Mac asked if she was feeling okay.

"Calleigh are you okay? "You look very pale this morning".

"I'm fine Mac, I've just been having a few cramps on and off the last few days".

"Have you told Horatio"?

"No, I don't want to worry him".

"He's your husband, it's his job to worry".

Mac took Calleigh to Baskin Robin's for her ice-cream. Calleigh had a Chocolate Fudge Sundae with nuts, while Mac had a Brownie Sundae, as they sat down Calleigh stole a bite of Mac's brownie.

"Calleigh, you bit my brownie, so now I'll steal a spoonful of your 's"

"Dream on Mac, as she hid her sundae from him. "It's all mine. Maybe if you are good I'll give you a taste".

Mac waited until Calleigh started eating and then he took his spoon and stole a spoonful of hers. After they finished eating Calleigh seen the cutiest little baby outfit. It was in two colors, Yellow and Green. Calleigh bought two, one for her and one for Stella as Mac smiled his approval on the little outfits. Once they got back home Mac convinced Calleigh to put up her feet and relax.

(Back in Miami)

Horatio was having bad feelings all day long, he couldn't put his finger on what, but he knew it was something serious. Picking up the phone he called Calleigh.

(RING) "Hello", said Mac.

"Hey Mac, how's Calleigh doing"?

"Not to bad I took her for ice-cream and she found matching baby outfits for her and Stella, and now I've just ordered her to relax". "Hold on I'll bring the phone to her". When Mac walked into the Living Room Calleigh was sound asleep. "Well I'll be damned".

"What is it Mac"?

"She actually listened", "she's sound asleep".

"Don't disturb her then, I'll call later".

"Okay, take care". Bye".

Mac took down the blanket and covered Calleigh up as she slept through it all.
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