CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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A short time later the doctor called and informed them they had Norwalk fku Virus.

(Phone rings)

"Hello", said Calleigh.

"Yes Mrs.Caine, it's Dr, Robins office calling. We'd just like to inform you that Lt.Caine has come down with the Norwalk Virus.

"Oh"!!! "Well, the doctor said it sounded like a Tropical Desease".

"We understand that, but it came back Norwalk". "Just follow the instructions and you should be fine".

"Okay, thank-you than, goodbye".

When Calleigh hung up the phone, she went and talked with "H".

"Hey Handsome"! "You have the Norwalk Virus".

"Auhh!!! For crying out Calleigh, were the hell did that come from"?

"I don't know, I guess you and Mac picked it up somewhere". "I have to keep you on clear fluids and no food".

Looking at her handsome man, all curled up, she walked over ,kissed her hand and touched it to his face.

"I love you handsome, feel better".

After Calleigh left the room, she washed her hands with antibacterial soap, like the doctor informed her too.


Mac was just starting to feel a little better, as he looked over he seen Stella shivering and groaning in pain. Turning to face her, he grabbed her in his arms and held her tight.

"Sucks to be sick, doesn't it sweetheart"?

"*moan* "Germ spreader". "this is your fault Mac Taylor".

"I know that love, and I'm very sorry", he said as he kissed her burning head.


Marisol and Brandon, were just heading out the door with Cody and Destinee, when the phone rang.

"I'll get it love", said Brad. "Hello"!

"Hey Brad, it's HJr, you'll never guess what our parents have".

"Oh yeah! "what's that"?

"Norwalk virus", of all things".

"Oh that's great, they must feel like hell".

"They do"! "So what are you guys up too"?

"We were just heading out with the kids, and dogs to the beach for the day".

"Sounds great, how about we meet you guys there".

"Sure, see you in a bit HJr", bye".

"what was that about"? asked Marisol.

"Norwalk Virus".

"What about it"? asked Marisol.

"It's what they all have, the Norwalk Virus".

"Oh my, poor daddy, Uncle and Auntie". "Oh well, let's get to the beach".

Mac had gotten Stella back to sleep. After having a shower and shave, he headed downstairs to put some much needed food in his stomach. Choosing lightly buttered toast and weak coffee, he sat down and tried to enjoy it.

"God! This isn't going to work". "I still feel sick", said Mac to himself..

Getting up he decided to go back to bed.


Marisol, Brad, Cody, Destinee, Melly,Natty and Batty, had been enjoying the beach, when Batty started growling.

"What's the matter Batty"? asked Marisol.

They were watching Batty bare her teeth, as they turned around, they seen a guy with a bandage on his arm.

"Look at that Marisol, do you think it's"?

"I'm not sure Brad", said Marisol calling Frank.

"Frank"! "It's Marisol, we need you at the beach, I think that Pints guy is here, we are on the North side".

"Okay Marisol, don't approach him, we'll be righ there".

As Marisol got off the phone, Pints noticed them looking him, and then he seen that damn dog. Turning around he began to run up the beach.

"I'll try and catch him", yelled Brad.

Marisol could here the sirens coming louder, yelling at them, she told them, "down that way".

By the time they caught up with Brad, Pints had escaped.

"I'm not sure, which way he went Frank"?

"That's okay Brad, you tried".


Claire, HJr, Arthur, Kenya and Austin, had shown up.

"What's going on Mari"? asked HJr.

"Brad was chasing down Pints, but they lost him".

"Where, here"? "On this beach"?

"Yeah"!! "Batty noticed him, and started growling". "So I called Frank, and Brad chased him".

Just as Marisol was going to tell him more, Frank and Brad returned.

"We lost him, we had him, but he took off around the corner and just disappeared", said Frank. "How's your dad Marisol"?

"There all down with Norwalk".

"Where the hell did they pick that up"?

"Not sure, they must have eaten something that was contaminated".

"Hmm"!!! "Okay, we're gonna get back, I have officers walking the beach".

"Okay Frank, we'll see you later", said HJr.
*trades in bladed weapons for rocket launcher* mwahahaha
~*~Awwww CRAP! *runs and hides from Mel!*
I hope they catch that Gallons guy or w/e lol!
*wonders what they ate that was contaminated* Maybe someone *coughmelcough* dosed their food with some disease. I dunno :p

Marisol, Brad and the kids, headed home for supper.

"What would you two like to eat tonight", asked Marisol.

"Can we have Pizza and wings Sis"? asked Cody.

"Sure , we can do that". "How about you Desti"? "Desti"?

"She's sleeping with the puppies sis".

"Okay, we'll let her sleep". "Next stop the Pizza Palace".


Claire was getting supper ready for the kids and HJr.

"HJr"! "Do you want potatoe's, or home fries, tonight with your meatloaf"?

"What do you think guy's"? "Fries"?

"Yeah"!!! "Fries sound great". "Hey HJr, does my sister know how to cook"?

"Of course she does". "Fries sweetheart".

"Okay, they'll be ready shortly". "Arthur, Austin and Kenya, set the table please".

As the kids got up to set the table, Hjr went to check on Claire.

"Are you feeling okay sweetheart"?

"Yeah"! "Much better, now I've had a talk with Kenya".

"I told you, all she needed was her sister's love".

"I know, you were right", said Claire as she kissed him.


"H" was doing so much vomiting that Calleigh thought for sure she'd have to take him to the Hospital.

"Come on Handsome, you need to go".

"Just leave me be Calleigh, I'll be fine".

"Listen you stubborn fool, you are dehydrated, you need I.V. Fluids". "So either we go, or I call 911".

Knowing he had no choice, "H" tried to get out of bed and collapsed on the floor. bEing by herself, she wasn't able to lift him , picking up the phone she called for an Ambulance and informed them to wear masks and gloves. Once they arrived they loaded "H" onto the stretcher and wheeled him out to the Ambulance. Picking up her cell, she called the kids.

"Hello"!,, said Marisol.

"Angel it's mommy , I need to let you know we are taking daddy to the Hospital".

Marisol could hear the Sirens. "Why mom, what's the matter"?

"Your dad is dehydrated and passed out". "I'll call you when I know anything".

"Okay mom, I love you."

"I love you too Angel, let HJr know okay"?

"I will mom, Bye".

After she hung up the phone with her mom, she called HJr in tears.

*crying** "HJr, daddy is being taken to the Hospital, mom said he passed out".

"What"? "When"?

"Just now HJr, she called and told me too let you know".

"Okay sis, calm down and keep me informed".

"I will, I love you HJr".

"Me too sis", Me too".

When Calleigh and "H" arrrived at the Hospital, he was taken into a quaretine room, as safety precaution. Starting him on I.V. fluids, they did blood work, pressure's , temperature's and oral swab. To help with his breathing, they inserted a small tube through his nose, down into his throat. Once he was settled and treated to their satisfaction, they had Calleigh put on a gown, gloves and mask, before she entered the room.

When she got in there, she could here his raspy breathing. In fact, if she didn't know better, she could have sworn, he had Pneumonia. Sitting beside him, she held his hand and whispered how much she loved him.

"Don't you dare leave me Horatio, you hear me"? "The kids and I need you".

As she bowed her head, the doctor came walking in.


"Yes, that's me".

"I'd just like to inform you that your husband has not only Norwalk, but Pneumonia on top of it". "Right now, his immune system is having trouble fighting two infections". "What we are going to do, is start him on fluid Antibiotics". "I can't promise this will work, as his infection has progressed very quickly". "If you have any questions, please let the nurse know and she will page me".

"Thank you doctor", said Calleigh with great pain, because she knew, when she told the kids, they were going to be upset.

Calleigh called Marisol........"Hey Angel, it's mommy".

"Mom", how's dad"?

"He's not good love, he has Pneumonia ontop of his Norwalk". "I think it might be a good idea for you and Brad to come see him".

"What about HJr"?

"he's fine to come, but Claire has to stay away". "I'll see you both soon". "I love you".

"I love you too mom".

After hanging up Marisol called HJr and informed him that dad's condition had worsened. Leaving Destinee and Cody with Claire, the three of them headed over.

When they got there, they had to put on the gown, gloves and masks. Walking in the room, they seen how lifeless their father looked.

"Mom", cried Marisol.

Taking her daughter into her arms, she allowed her to cry. While HJr walked up to his dad's bed, leaned over and said......."Come on dad, you have to fight this, giving in isn't a Caine option".

Reaching down he took his fathers hand and squeezed it tight.


Claire had called her mom and dad.

"Hey daddy", how are you and mommy feeling"?

"I'm a little better, but mom is still really sick". "You sound upset love, is something wrong"?

"Uncle "H" is in the Hospital, he has Pneumonia, on top of his Norwalk". "Auntie told the kids, they needed to be there, because he may not pull through". "His body is having alot of trouble fighting two infections".

"Auh Christ"!!!! "Okay, sweetheart, you try and relax, and have HJr call me when he comes back".

"I will Daddy, I love you".

"I love you too Claire Bear".


Calleigh, Brad and HJr went downstairs to get some lunch, they all realised that Marisol needed to be alone with her dad. Climbing up on his bed, she took his lifeless arm and wrapped it around her, while snuggling up to his neck.

"Daddy", it's your little Angel". "I know you can hear me". "You can't leave me daddy". "I need you here with us". "You need to be able to see your first Grandchild, and you have to see the other kids grow up and graduate". "We all need you daddy, I need you daddy, you're the only one that helps me through everything". "Please daddy, just fight hard".

After Marisol had finished talking to her dad, she placed her hand on his heart and could hear and feel his raspy breathing. A short time later , she had cried herself to sleep.

Calleigh HJr and Brandon, came back in and found Marisol sound asleep.

"I should take her home", said Brad.

"She won't let you Brad, trust me, I know Marisol, she'll stay till he wakes up". "By the way mom, how come you're not sick"?

"I'm not sure son, It could be because I constantly wash my hands, or maybe I'm immuned". "I;m not sure".

"Hmm!!! Well I'm going to head home to Claire and the kids, you'll call if anything changes"?

"I will son, tell Claire hello".

After kissing his mom good-bye, he left.

"What about you Brad, are you going to stay"?

"Maybe for a little bit, then I'll go pick up Cody and Desti from HJr and Claire, and take them home".

"Okay son, I'm going to go call the Team, and let them know". "I'll be back soon".
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