CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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When they got back to the room, everyone was waiting for their news.

"Well Sweetheart", what did the doctor say"?

"Not alot, just that I'm........."

"That you're what love"? asked dad.

"That I'm, that we're pregnant", yelled Marisol.

"Oh my"! "My baby, is having a baby".

"Correction love, our baby, is having a baby", said "H".

"Whatever, come here asweetheart", cried Calleigh. "We'll have to have a shower, and go shopping, buy Maternity clothes". "God", thank-you". "two grandchildren handsome, what do you think about that"?

"I think, I'm getting old", caughed "H".


Mac and HJr had arrived just as Alexx was performing the Autopsy.

"What have we got Alexx"? asked HJr.

"You know sweetie, you sound more like your dad everyday".

"I'll take that as a compliment Alexx", said HJr with authority.

"Mm, Mm, Mm, Two pea's from the same pod". "Anyways, this poor baby, was violated everyway you can think of". "I even found it in her throat". "Poor baby". "This pervert is very sadistic, I can tell you was made to suffer, before he killed her, needless to say, it was afixiation".

HJr could feel that anger and discust starting to rise. While Mac's tic in his cheek and jaw, were pulsating with the vain in his neck .

"Any trace Alexx"? asked HJr.

"I've sent some hair and fibers up to DNA, but whether it is hers or his, I don't know".

"Okay, Thanks Alexx, keep me informed".

"Will do, Horatio", laughed Alexx.

"Funny Alexx, I'll be sure tell dad, you said hello".


Claire got Kenya and Austin ready for bed for her mom.

"Mom, do you still read them stories at night"? asked Claire.

"Sometimes love, if they want one".

"Yea, please, tell us a story Claire", said Austin.

"Fine, one story each and then bed".


Mac and HJr decided to head over and see "H". When they arrived they found everyone over excited.

"What did we miss"? asked HJr.

"Your sister has some wonderful news", Tell them Angel", said Calleigh.

"Heys I'm the Angel, member"? said Desti. "Marisol is the she devil", she says so, right marisol"?

"that's right Angel", would you like to tell them , my news"?

"Oh please", Marisol is pegnant"

"She's what Destiee"? asked Mac

"She's pegnant", don't you understand ", said Destinee, shaaking her head.

Everyone laughed.
I have to work today. But I brought the cookies and milk for the party. I'll try and get in one post before I leave.
Well then, congrats sweetheart", said Mac as he hugged her tight.

"Thank-you, we are ever so happy".

"Do you know what this means Marisol", said HJr.

"No what"?

"You and Claire , are about a two months apart".

"Oh my"!! "Double showers, double shopping", said Calliegh.

At that moment ,Mac and "H" both said......."Broken pocket books".

"Hey "H", how much you want to bet, Claire has the girl and Marisol has the boy", said Mac.

"$100 bucks, says Claire has the boy, and Marisol, has the girl", said "H".

"Whoo"!!! "Looks like I'll be getting my $100 bucks back", laughed Mac.

"Don't count on it, remember Mac, you have 4 boys and one girl". "I have 3 boys and two girls". "So the chances of you winning that bet, are slim to none", said "H".

"Listen you two", said HJr. "what are you going to do if they each have a set of twins"? "Then who wins"?

"No one, said Mac, "It becomes a drawl".

"You guys are terrible". "Betting on our babies , babies", said Calleigh.

"I told you mama, me the baby, not them, me the Angel, not her", yelled Desti. "For goodness sakes, get it right already".

They all looked at Desti and said....... "Sorry Angel Baby".


Claire had finally gotten her brother's and sister to sleep. Walking near her mom's door, she called and told her she was heading home.

"Okay sweetheart, Is HJr on his way"?

"Yeah mom", "he just called with some wonderful news".

"What news love"? asked Stella.

"Marisol is pregnant". "Her and Brad, are due in about seven and a half months".

"Oh that's wonderful, how much did your dad and Uncle "H" bet this time"?

"HJr said, $100 again". "dad, says I'll have the girl, and Marisol will have the boy". "But Uncle "H" is going the opposite way".

"God, they'll bet on anything". "You take care sweetheart".

"I will mom, love you".

"Love you too Sweetheart".
Lol, OMG! Mac and H are worse than two little kids! :lol:

I love how you have H and HJr, looking and sounding a like! ;) :cool:

Please add more!
Sorry, it's short, just got home. :)

Meanwhile, Marisol and Brad, had gotten home.

"Oh no Brad, we need to go back to mom's".

"Why sweetheart, we just got home".

"I know, but we forgot to take Batty". "Desti won't sleep without her".

"Alright, grab her up".

Once they were on their way, they forgot to lock up Melly and Natty. Bad mistake that. As Melly had found her way into the bottom cupboard, and the baking flour.

Tearing apart the bag, with Natty's help, it went flying everywhere, causing Melly and Natty, to look like Ghosts.

Running around the kitchen, they left little footprints everywhere. Taking off with bag still half full of flour, they ran into the living room and ontop of the Black leather sofa.

Melly and Natty faught over it, until they both spilled what was left of the flour. Barking and running around and around, until they both got tired , and went to lay on the beautiful new, Black satin comforter.


Desti was crying.

"Come on Desti love, we will go get Batty in the morning", said Calleigh,

"No mama, I want Batty, now mama, I wat Batty". *Crying*

At that moment Marisol and Brad walked in with Batty.

"BATTY"!!!!! called Destinee. "Oh thank you Brad and Mari, thank-you".

"You're welcome Angel", said Marisol.

Desti took off with Batty upstairs. "Night mama, night Mari and Brad".

"Night sweetheart", said Mari.

"You didn't have to come back love, she could have waited" , said Calleigh.

"That's okay mom, it's no trouble". "But now we are going to get going, I need some sleep", said Mari.

"Okay love, you two drive careful".

"We will mom, night".

Little did they know, they were going home to a mess.
Oh no lolol...they're gonna be sooooo mad!

*is glad her dogs were past that stage* Though I did once have a puppy that ate a shower curtain...and sometimes the two I have now still eat things and they're 8yrs old lol
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