CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Trades in Pitchfork for 44 Magnium from Calleigh. Next question and the story gets it :p lol.

The following morning....

He was stalking the beach houses, he was looking for a child to play with. He knew finding a child this early in the morning was going to be difficult. But just as he was about to give up, he seen a small boy of maybe five or six years. Not seeing his parents or anyone else on the beach, he ran up grabbed the child, covered his mouth , and took off with him , inside the Lifeguard Hut.


Stella woke up with a smashing headache, and nausea. Knowing she wasn't pregnant, she figured she had caught Mac's virus.

"Stella"!! "You okay love"? asked Mac who was no better.

"No"! "I think I've caught your virus, this has to be more than the flu". "I'm gonna call that idiot doctor again".

Trying to get out of bed, wasn't going to happen, as soon as Stella stood up, she felt the vomit coming, running to the washroom she spewed forth everywhere".

When she thought she was finished, she called for Arthur.


"What is it mom"?

"Stay there son, don't come in". "Call that crazy doctor for me, and tell him, to get his ass over here".

"Sure mom, so I get to tell him those exact words"?

"Don't be cute Arthur, just do it".

When the doctor arrived he took some blood from Stella and Mac, started them on antibiotics, and informed them, to find a tempory home for their children, as they were highly contagious.

"It seems you have some form of tropical virus, I'll know more when I get the bloodwork done". "Now"!! "Has anyone else, been near you within that last 24 hours"?

"Oh my God"!!! "My daughter, she's pregnant, and "H" or Lt.Caine".

"Okay I'll stop by their homes and see them, as for you two, find homes for your children, before they catch it".

Once the doctor left, Stella called HJr and Claire ,and informed them about the virus, and that they would have to take the four kids.

"You are kidding right mom"? "I can't handle tennagers and small children". "I haven't even had a baby yet". "Please mom, don't do this".

"I'm sorry Claire , you and HJr are my last hope".

"What about Uncle H and Auntie"?

"No"!! "You'll do this Claire, it will be good practice for you and for HJr".

"FINE"!!! "I'll come get them".

"You do that, but honk the horn. Do not enter this house, understood"?

'Yes mom". "bye".

"What's going on Claire"? asked HJr.

"Mom and dad have some tropical virus and are highly contagious, she needs us to take the kids".

"HJr looked like he was about to pass out. "Well, I have to go too work now, see ya love".

"FREEZE mister". "You need to go pick them up".

"Aww!!! "Come on love, I'll be late".

"Oh well, go get them".

Storming out the door, HJr could be heard saying, "Christ, this is going to be a week from hell".

Frank had been called to the beach, for a DB. Upon arrival, he seen the poor toddler, laying face down on the sand.

"Christ"! "Has anyone called "H" yet"?

"Not yet sir"? "We thought you'd like to do that".

"Me"! "Why"? "Are you an idiot"? "this is child Rookie".

Picking up his cell, Frank called "H"

"Caine"! said "H".

"Yeah "H", we need you down at the beach, Pints got a child".

"What do you mean got"?

"He's dead "H", He's only 3".

Silence could be heard, "H" realized how easily this could have been Destinee.

"I'll be right down Frank".

After hanging up the phone, Calleigh asked what had happened.

"It seems Pints, molested and killed a three year old boy".

"Oh my God"!!! "that could have been........"

"Shh!! I know love, I'll see you later".


When HJr arrived he told the kids to hurry, because he had a call out. After dropping them off to Claire, he headed to the beach.

"Listen Austin, Arthur and Kennya, you better behave", said Claire.

"We will sis, you know that", said Arthur.

As she got them settled in their rooms, Kenya asked her sister......."How long does we have ta stay with you"?

"Until mommy and daddy are better".

"Why is they sick"?

"I don't know Kenya, they picked up a bug".

"What kinda bug"? "An ant or someting"?

"No"! "A virus, a little germ that makes you sick to you tummy".

"What does a erm look like"?

"It's not an Erm Kenya, it's a germ, and sometimes they can last a very long time".

"Oh, do you know how ta look after us"?

"Kenya"! "Why so many questions"?

"Cause thats how I learn silly". "Mommy told me so".

"I've got a headache", said Claire as she sat down.

"Why you have a headache Claire"?

"Because you ask so many questions".

"You is rude, and I'm hungry", said Kenya.


Marisol and Brad had arrived at the Fertility Clinic for there second appointment.

"I'm really scared about these results brad". "What if we find out I can't have children"?

"I told you Marisol, let's not think about it, till we find out for sure".

"Mr&Mrs. Swanson, come on in", said the nurse.

As they sat down and waited Marisol started to shake.

"Calm down sweetheart", "Try and relax".

At that moment the doctor walked in.

"Good morning Mr&Mrs. Swanson".

"Morning doctor", said Brad.

"Okay I have your results". "From what I can see, you are both very healthy, and very capable of having children". "Your sperm count is very high, there is no reason why you can't conceive, just relax and enjoy each others company, the rest will fall into place".

Marisol was in tears. "Thank-you so much, you've made me very happy".

"Glad I could help". "You'll be not so happy when you recieve my bill", laughed the doctor. "Call me soon for coffee Brad".

"I will, see you later". "Now my beautiful wife, let's go home and make a baby".
yay!! More Caine children!
Kenya reminded me of my brother when he was little. God that was annoying when they asked questions
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