CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Once Brad left the Hospital, he stopped to pick up Desti and Cody.

"Hey guy's, you ready to go"?

"Yeah"! "Were is Mari"? asked Desti.

"She is staying with your daddy, for a while".

"Will she be home soon"?

"Of course she will Dest", why"?

"Because I'm scared, I want my Mari".

"I'll tell you what, we will go home , have supper, and then shortly after that Mari will be home".

"You promise, Brad"?

"I promise, sweetheart". "Now let's go".

As they walked out to the car, Brad told HJr to call Marisol, and tell her Desti needed her".


Mac checked on Stella, and found her awake.

"How you feeling sweetheart"?

"Terrible, God, this is nasty".

"Listen love, I have some bad news for you".

"What is it Mac"? "Is it the kids"?

"No love, It's "H", he's in the Hospital". "It doesn't look good, he has the Norwalk along with Pneumonia, his body is having trouble, fighting both viruses".

"But he's going to be okay, right"?

"We don't know Stella, he's in really bad shape". "I'm hoping to hear from the kids shortly".

"This is just wonderful, damn him, he better fight this", said Stella with tears.

"Shhh!!! "Try and go back to sleep stella". "I'll let you know if anything changes".


Marisol was still sleeping when her mom came back in. Walking over Calleigh shook her awake.

"Angel"! "Listen Angel, HJr called, Destinee is very upset and scared, she's asking for you to come home".

"But I don't want to leave dad, mom, Please, don't make me leave him". Cried Marisol as she gripped his hand that was wrapped around her.

"Shhh!!! "You'll wake the dead with that sobbing", said a groggy "H".

"Daddy"!!! "Oh my God, daddy, you're okay"?

"A little sweetheart, though my chest still hurts alot".

"I'll get the doctor" , said Calleigh.

"Oh daddy, I was so worried, and scared, I love you so much daddy, and I really wish you'd stop giving me these scares".

"Sorry Angel, It wasn't my intention to get sick, said "H" in small gasps.

When the doctor came in, he checked "H"s vital signs and listened to his chest.

"How are you feeling now, Lt.Caine"?

"Like my lungs are going to explode".

"You'll be like that for the next couple days". "Once the antibiotics fully start to work, you'll feel better". "It's amazing that you're even breathing, you had Pneumonia, long before you had the Norwalk". "Had you not had any symptoms at all".

"No, just a little tired and a bit of a cough, a week ago".

"Well, you're one lucky Lt., We'll do a chest x-ray in the morning". "Marisol, say hello to Brad for me".

"I will Sam, and thanks for taking care of my Dad".

"No thanks needed, Brad is very fond of you're father, so you can always guarentee, the best of care, as he is a highly respected P.S.".


Brad had gotten Cody and Destinee fed, as they were watching TV, Desti started crying again.

"What's the matter Desti"?

"I want my daddy, mommy, and Mari". "Please tell them come home".

"Come here sweetheart", said Brad.

As she walked over, brad took her into his arms and held her.

"I promise you Destinee, your sister will be home soon". "So will your daddy".

Just as Desti was begining to fall asleep, Maisol walked in.

"Mari, how's daddy"? asked Cody.

"He's awake Cody, he seems a little better". "You can go see him in the morning". "Brad, Sam says hello".

"So he told you"?

"Yes, and thank you for calling him in".

"No thanks needed love, he's my dad too".

"Mari"!!!! sighed a tired Destinee. "You home now"?

"Yeah! Love, I'm home now, and daddy's going to be fine".
I was confused for a moment cause wasn't the one who died also named Sam? But now I have it straight. I'm glad he woke up :)
I thought some of you might be, but I knew you'd figure it out Mel.

Updates will be a little late tomorrow.

Thansk for the FB.

He was lurking again, looking for his next child. He knew the beach was now a dangerous place, as the cops were all over it.

As he stood at the edge of the park, he seen a young girl walking her dog, turning down the corner, he started to follow, thinking to himself how easy this one would be. As the young girl turned down the ally, he grabbed her from behind. Leaving the dog there, he carried her off into the abandoned building across the street. the druged up people just ignored what he was carrying. Putting her down on the cold floor, he quieted her, and violated, then killed her small body. Walking away, he smiled to himself, with satisfaction.


Claire had recieved the call from her dad, that the kids could return home.

"Oh sure, now you want them back daddy". "Well, maybe i want to keep them now", laughed Claire.

"If that's what you want , sure, they're yours".

"How's mom, dad"?

"She's better, she can actually eat now". "we really appriciate everything you've done". "So drop the kids by about one, I'm just heading over to see "H" in the Hospital".

"Okay Daddy, see you later".


Marisol woke up sicker than a dog.

"What's the matter love"? asked Brad with concern.

"I'm so sick, I don't understand it, I was fine yesterday".

"Didn't you say, you slept with your dad"?

"Yeah, but I had all that stuff on".

"That doesn't mean anything sweetheart". "I don't want to take the chance, I think we should get you over to the Hospital and have you checked out". "We have to take the kids there anyway's to see dad".

"Okay, said Marisol, as she got up to dress".


Frank, Eric and Ryan, were called to the homeless building.

"Christ Frank", said Eric, not again".

"Afraid so Eric, this guy is sick". "My God, she's no more then 7". "What is she doing out at this time of the morning by herself", asked Ryan.

"You have to remember, ninty percent of the families around here, don't care". "the only thing they care about is the next drink or fix", said Frank.

At that moment Alexx arrived to collect the body.

"Poor baby, she's still warm". "She's been dead less then 2 hours". "Sick bastard".

"I know Alexx, let's just get her into a new body bag and out of here", said Frank.

Marisol, Brad, Cody and Desti had all shown up to see their dad.

"Daddy"!!! yelled Destinee, I missed you daddy, I love you daddy".

"I love you too my Angel". "Have you been having fun at Marisol and Brad's"?

"Yeah daddy", and Batty is bigger now, she's grown more".

Horatio tended to agree with Desti, even though he knew, it had been only a couple weeks.

"She has"! "Well that's wonderful".

"Uhuh!! and Marisol is really sick, she won't stop puking inthe toilets or car".

"Marisol, asked a concerned Calleigh and "H".

"It's nothing, I really wish you would all, stop making such a big deal about it".

"That's what you think Mari". "Let's go".

"Where Brad"? "We just got here".

"You are going to see a friend of mine". "You'll like her alot, trust me".

As Brad dragged Marisol out, "H" and Calleigh just looked.

"How sick is she Eric"? asked mom.

"I'm not sure mom, but she's been puking since she woke up this morning".

"Just this morning"?

"So far, she couldn't even stand getting near the car, without puking".

Horatio and Calleigh stared at each other, and at the same time they said......"Do you think she's pregnant"?

As they laughed, "H" said , wanna make a bet on it"?

*Laughing** "I don't think so handsome, I'll leave the betting to you and Mac".


Claire and HJr arrived with the kids at Mac and Stella's.

"We're home daddy", yelled Kenya. "Where is ya"?

"Hey sweetpea, how are you"?

"Good daddy, I missed you lots".

"I missed you too". "Claire bear, how are you feeling"?

"Better dad, just a little tired".

At that moment the phone rang.

"Taylor"! said Mac.

"Hey Mac, it's Eric". "How are you feeling"?

"Better, why, what's wrong"?

"We've had another child murder".

"You're kidding right"?

"Afraid not, 7 year old girl", and with "H" being indisposed, we are short handed".

"Alright give me about 10 minutes, Hjr is here with me, we'll come over together".

"Okay, we'll see you then", said Eric.

After hanging up, Mac informed Stella that he had to go fill in for "H".


Brad left Marisol with Debbie, she was a great doctor and he knew Marisol would like her.

"Hi Marisol, I'm Dr.Shore, I understand you haven't been feeling well".

"It just started this morning, I can't keep anything in". "But my dad has Pneumonia and Norwalk, right now, I've most likely caught it".

"It's unusual to catch something in less than a day". "What I'd like to do, is blood work and a Pregnancy test".

"Pregnancy test"? "Why"?

"Just humor me Marisol, we'll know where to go, once we get these tests out of the way".

After having the tests done, Marisol waited patiently with Brad, in the doctor's office.

"Alrighty than". "We have your test results Marisol, by the looks of things, your illness, should clear up in about 3 months, than it will be smooth sailing and cravings, for the next six".

"Are you telling me, that we, that i'm........."

"Pregnant"! "Yes Marisol, congratulations".

Marisol was in shock, Brad was exstatic, jumping up out of the chair, and grabbing his wife. Big mistake that, as she vomited right on his shirt, as he swung her around.

"Bad mistake Brad, said Debbie, I'll get you something to clean yourself up". "Marisol, I'll see you next month, okay"?

"Uhhuh!! "See you then".

When the doctor left, Marisol sat back down, looked at Brad and said......"A baby".
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