CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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When "H" was done at the crime scene, he felt dizzy and ill.

"What's the matter with you dad"?

"I'm not sure son, I feel really sick".

"Maybe you should go home, I'll take the evidence in with Eric".

"Are you sure son'?

"Of course dad, you go home and rest, you're whiter then a sheet".

When "H" got home and walked in the door, he noticed Calleigh talking to the doctor.

"Sweetheart, are you okay"?

"Oh my, you lok aweful handsome". "Were you over at Mac's yesterday"?

"Yeah, why"?

"Well it seems they have some kind of tropical virus and are very contagous".

"Now he tells us, God I'm going to be sick".

Once Horatio was in bed, the doctor informed him, he had the same virus. after bloodwork, he informed Calleigh to send the kids away for about a week".

"Where too"?

"Call Marisol love, she'll take them". "Just don't let anyone near the house, have them wait outside".


Marisol and Brad were getting hot and heavy when the phone rang.

"Just leave it love, I want you too concentrate only on us".

"Come on handsome, something could be wrong".

With a sigh, Brad allowed Marisol to answer the phone.

"Hello", said Marisol.

"Hey sweetheart, it's mom". "How did your appointment go"?

"Good, the doctor said just to relax, that everything is fine".

"Oh that's wonderful". "Listen love, I need a favor".

"Sure, what is it mom"?

"I need you to take the Cody and Desti for me for about a week".

"Oh mom, why"?

"Your dad has contacted a Tropical virus from Uncle Mac, and he's highly contageous".

"Well, what about Aunt Stella"?

"They are both sick too, the kids are staying with Claire and HJr".

"You're kidding right"? "Oh I can just see HJr and Claire, what a riot".

"So will you take them"?

"Sure mom, we'll come get them now".

After hanging up the phone, Brad asked......."What's happening love"?

"Mom,dad, Uncle and Auntie have all come down with some Tropical virus and she needs us to take Cody and Desti for a week".

"Wow"!! "That will be good practice for us".

"Then let's go get them", said Marisol.


HJr had gotten home from work.

"Hi HJr" , said Kenya.

"Hey Kenya, where is Claire"?

"She says she has a headache, from me talking to much".

"Oh I see". "Where are Arthur and Austin"?

"They's in their rooms".

As HJr walked into the bedroom Kenya followed him.

"Sweetheart, are you okay"?

"No she's not HJr, I told ya's she has a headache".

"Listen HJr, please leave me alone for now, I need some sleep".

"FINE"!!! "But if you can't handle one little toddler, how the hell are you gonna handle our's?

"Oh!!!! "You say bad word, HJr, not nice".

"I'm sorry, Kenya, let's go get some ice-cream". "Shape up Claire, because ours will be coming soon".
Okay! When we get to a thousand I want to change the name. Here's the titles, you all get to help me choose. :D

1. Crossover the Next Generation

2. Crossover the continuing story of H/C/M/S

3. Crossover The Caine/Taylor Clans
I like number 3 'Crossover The Caine/Taylor Clans' because you can't have 1 if you are still going to have S/M/C/H and you can't have 2 because you have B/M/HJR/C!! :)

Brad and Marisol arrived to pick up Cody and Destinee. When they got out of the car Destinee was crying.

"What's the matter sweetheart"? asked brad.

"Mama say's I can't bring Batty".

"Why not, sweetie"?

"I don't know". "She keeps saying no".

Marisol went up to talk with her mom.

"Stay there Mari., no closer please".

"It's okay if she brings her puppy mom, I'm sure Batty would love, to see her sisters".

"Are you sure, I don't want to put too much stress on you and Brad".

"We're fine mom, send out Batty".

As soon as Calleigh called Batty, she came running. "Woof, woof".

"Come on Batty", called Desti, as the puppy came running.

"Get better mom, tell dad the same".

"I will love, you guys be good".

"We will mom, we promise", said Desti.


HJr had finished giving Kenya her ice cream.

"How was that kiddo"? "Good"?

"Yes it was, thank you Hjr".

"You're welcome sweetheart, why don't you go play with your dolls you brought".

After Kenya ran off, HJr went and talked to Claire.

"Sweetheart"! "What is the matter with you"?

"I'm just tired HJr, and I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom".

"Of course you are". "You just have to learn how to talk to your sister, you'll see she is really smart".

"I know that". "It's her constant chatter, that drives me insane".

"Did you ever think, the reason she talks to you so much, is beacuse she misses you"?

"No"! "I never thought of it that way".

"Well you should, think how you would feel with all boys around you 24/7".

"You're right, I'll go talk to her".


"H" was so sick, he felt like his head was going to pop open, like a walnut.

"Christ Cal, I'm dying here". "How come you're not sick"?

"Give it time handsome, it took you 48 hours to get it". "Give me till tomorrow and it should hit". "For now, I'll get you some flat ginger ale".
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