CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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After Eric had finished processing Batty, he and Desti walked back to Calleigh.

"Mommy, that was fun". "Uncle Eric showed me how to swab for DNA".

"Wow, lucky girl". "Are you ready to take Batty home"?

"Yes mom". "But can we get ice-cream"?

"Sure love". "Handsome"! "Call me when you hear anything".

"I will sweetheart". "Desti, give me a kiss Angel".

After Destinee kissed her dad, she left with her mom to get ice-cream.


Brad and Marisol had just finished putting the cage together.

"There we go Melly and Natty". "What do you think"?

Melly and Natty just stared in wonder.

"Come on Marisol, let's try them in it".

As soon the pups heard the cage opening, they took off.

"Smart pups", said Marisol. "I told you they wouldn't like it".

While Brad chased down the puppies, Marisol watched and laughed.


Stella had finally gotten a whiney Mac back to sleep. Getting out of the bed, she went downstairs to start supper for Arthur and Kenya.

"STELLA!!!!! called Mac.

"Oh for crying out loud, now what"? said Stella to herself.

As she headed back upstairs, she found Mac leaning over the toilet again.

"God my stomach is killing me Stella, I can't take much more of this vomiting".

"It should be over soon Mac, now get back into bed".

After Stella had him all tucked in again, she went back downstairs.


The little man had walked onto the Pharmacy. He knew this one was going to be a little trickier, as the store was very crowded. Heading up towards the counter, he asked the Pharmacistt, if he could help him for a moment. Taking the pharmacist over to a quiet area, he went and poked him as HJr was walking by.

"Hey"!! "What are you up to there"?

HJr could see the Pharmacist foaming at the mouth, running towards the little man, HJr grabbed him and called the Police. Once his dad and Eric arrived, they had Frank take the perp to Miami-Dade.

"Don't you want to know why I killed them"? asked the old man. "Because all Pharmacists are evil. They kill people".

"Frank"! "Get him out of here".

Once everthing was processed, Horatio told HJr that he would be needed to help with the next case.

"Are you telling me I get to work with you"? "Oh dad, this is awesome". "What's the case"?

"Catching the Pediphile, who tried to steal your sister".

TBC.......next story, The Pediphile
"What do you mean Desti was attacked dad"?

"Someone tried to grab her from the backyard, but Batty saved her, he bit the perp".

"Christ Dad, has the DNA been processed yet"?

"It's being done as we speak".


Calleigh had gotten home with Desti and Batty, when Brad and Marisol showed up.

"Marisol"!!!!! yelled Desti. "I miss you", my puppy saved me from being stolen by a bad man".

"What"! "Mom, what's she talking about"?

"Oh, she was outback playing with Batty, when someone tried to grab her, but Batty bit him".

"Oh my God mom, do you know how lucky you are to have Batty". "Now aren't you glad, I bought her for Desti"?

"Yes, I am Angel". "I'm sure your dad will thank you too".

"You see brad, those are good puppies, next time you'll listen, when I tell you they don't need cages".

"Huh!!! "dream on Marisol, your Desti just got the good one".

"Problems with your pups son"? asked Calleigh.

"Big problems mom, they tore apart very expensive feather pillows, from our bed".

"Oh my"! "That's not good son", giggled Calleigh.

"You're right, which is why I bought the little she-devils cages, for when we're not home".

"Isn't that mean mom, he expects me to lock those poor little puppies up". "How are they supposed to protect the house, if they're locked up".

"Protect the house"!!! "Those little She-devils would most likely welcome them in".

"Brad"!!! "Do we have to fight again today, you're pushing it".

"Of course not love, I'm just pointing out that they are holy terrors".

"Whatever Brandon Swanson, come on Desti, let's go play outside with Batty".


Feeling all alone, Claire decided to go visit her mom and dad.

"Mom, dad"!!! "Where are you"?

"Shh!!! said Stella coming down the stairs. Your dad is sick".

"Again, daddy's always sick lately".

"It's all this Miami air, I don't think he'll ever get use to it". "What are you doing here love"?

"I was fgeeling alone, and decided to come visit".

"How are you feeling with the baby"?

"Okay I guess, the morning sickness has finally passed".

"Well that's good news". "Where's HJr"?

"He's working on his first case with his dad".

"Wow, he must feel on top of the world".

"He does, It's a dream come true for him".

"Well, lets go have some tea, and get caught up".
Screams, Ahhhhhh!!!! Not another Mel.

*Hates questions, drives crazy mind think can't* :D :D

*Get's out Pitchfork, chases you and Mel around*

*Poke, Poke* :lol: :lol:
*gets out sword for sharp weapon fight* *thinks the sword is a Highlander thing...they pull them out of nowhere lol*Yay I have backup roflmao

But please post again soon!

"God mom, sometimes your daughter is unbelievable".

*smiling* "But that's why you chose her".

"I know you're right, but she has this Caine attitude that pushes me to the point of yelling".

"Welcome to my world. "I've lived it for years, you'll get use to it".

"I hope so, because this is becoming one bumpy ride".

"Just get her pregnant, things will settle down". "when is that appointment with the specialist again".

"Tomorrow at 9am".


"H" and HJr, were out looking for Howard Pints , known child molester.

"Christ dad, how hard can it be to find one guy"

"Very hard sometimes HJr, you just need to remember that "In Miami We Never Close"

After 3more hours of searching, Hjr and "H" headed home.

"Dad, you can just drop me off at Uncle Mac's, I have to meet Claire".

"Okay son". 'That will give me a chance to check on Mac".

As they arrived Claire and Stella were sitting outside on the patio.

"Hey sweetheart, you ready to go home"?

"Sure HJr, said Claire. "I'll see you later mom".

"You bet Claire Bear". "Are you here to see the Mac"? "He's really sick you know". Laughed Stella.

"Funny, said "H". "Where is he"?

"Upstairs in bed". "Being a baby".

When "H" climbed the stairs he could hear Mac moaning.

"Christ man, should I call a Paramedic"?

"Get lost "H", "Not now, I'm sick".

*laughing* "That's a shame,, you're missing out on a great case".

"Oh really", and what case is that"?

"The case of the Pediphile, who tried to steal your neice Desti".

"What did you just say"? "When "H".

"This morning, right from our backtard, he grabbed her, but Batty bit him , and he took off". "Got some great DNA, and even a name". "Howard Pints, known child molester".

As much as Mac wished he could help, there was no way he could get out of bed without passing out.


Marisol, had come back in with Desti and Batty.

"Okay Desti, We're going to leave now". "But remember, I'll pick you up after my appointment tomorrow".

"To go shopping"? said Desti in tears.

"Yeah li'l sis, to go shopping". "Don't cry Desti".

"But I loves you Marisol, please can't you stay till i sleep"?

"No sweetheart". "Remember, that's why I bought you Batty, so she could sleep with you". "No give me a hug and kiss, and I'll see you in the morning".

"Okay"! "I love you Marisol".

"I love you too Desti".

Just as they were heading out the door "H" walked in.

"Daddy"! yelled Marisol. "Kisses please".

"H" picked his daughter up and kissed her smartly on the mouth. "You leaving so soon love"? "Hey Brad, how are you son"?

"Good dad", and you"?

"Not bad, though I'll feel alot better when we catch this Pediphile".

"You'll get him dad, don't worry". "You ready love"?

"Don't call me love, Brandon Swanson", said Marisol as she walked out.

"What the hell was that"? asked "H".

"Let's just say, I have a feeling , I'm going to be sleeping in the dog house tonight". "Bye dad".
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