CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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More fun with the puppies. :D

Just as the truck dropped off the last of HJr and Claires stuff, Marisol showed up to help.

"Hey HJr, how's the move going"?

"Very funny sis, why don't you get over here and help".

As Marisol walked over, she picked up a small box.

"Is that all you can carry"? "Come on Sis, grab something bigger".

Claire was sitting back laughing, she knew exactly what Marisol was up too.

Once they got inside Marisol looked around and said...... "Very nice". "I like it".

After they had everything inside the house, Claire made some lunch.

'How you feeling Claire"? asked Marisol.

"Not to bad, just a little morning sickness now". "Though mom told me this morning , that dad has the flu".

"Is he acting like a baby again"? asked Marisol.

"Naturally, mom said he's driving her nuts".

"Men"! "They are such baby's".


Calleigh and Stella were looking around the mall, for the perfect gift, for Marisol.

"I'm so lost", said Calleigh. "I just don't know what to get her".

Then she seen it, the beautiful heart shaped locket.

"Oh my"!!! "Look at that Stella". "I could have it engraved with her initial and put a picture of her and Brad inside".

As Calleigh looked closer at it, she noticed it opened three times.

"Look Stella"! "It opens three times, Marisol can put pictures of her children in their when she has them".

Once they paid for the locket, they headed home.

"Are you sure you need to go home"? asked Calleigh.]

"Yeah"!! "Mac's sick again and acting like a baby".

"Okay than, I'll see you both on friday for Marisol's party", said Calleigh.

When Calleigh got home, she found all her beautiful floor plants, all over the place.

"BATTY!!!!!!!!!!!! yelled Calleigh. "Damn I'll kill that dog".

Running around the house, Calleigh couldn't find Batty anywhere.

"Where are you, you bad little puppy"?

When she walked into the Laundry room, there she was standing up wagging her tail and showing her dirty paws.

"You are a bad little puppy", not nice Batty".

Batty laid down on the floor, with her paws in front of her.

"Don't give me that look either". "Your a bad girl:".

After cleaning the mess, Calleigh sat down , and tried to figure what she was going to do about Batty.


Melly and Natty, were getting into all kinds of trouble with no one home. They had found that feather pillows could be alot of fun. They were shaking them and pulling at them, and once they tore them open, they chased the feathers, that were flying through the air.

When they had finished, thay fell asleep in the feathers.
Brad arrived at Hjr's and Claire's to pick up Marisol.

"Wow"!! "Very nice HJr, looks amazing". "You guy's have been really busy".

"Handsome"!!! called Marisol. "It's about time, we need to get those pups out".

"But I just got here love". "Can't it wait"?

"Do you want an episode of yesterday"?

"No"!! "Okay, let's go", whined Brad.

Once they got home, they noticed everything downstairs seemed fine.

"Woof, woof, woof, woof", barked Melly and Natty.

"Hey babies, were you good puppies"? "Looks like you were", said Marisol.

When Brad went upstairs to change it wasn't long in coming......

"M A R I S O L"!!!!! "I'm gonna kill those girls".

Picking them up, Marisol said....."What did you guys do now"?

As she got upstairs, she seen the feathers and pillows, than she seen Brad's angry face.

"Do you know how much these pillows cost"? "Do you have any idea"?

"I'm sure they didn't mean it handsome". "They are only babies".

"I don't care if they're babies, they need to learn". "Now lock them in the Laundry and let's go".

"Go where"? "That's mean to lock them in there".

"NOW"!!!! "Let's go".

"But Brad, to where"?

"To the damn Pet Store, to get a cage, to lock the evil twins into".

After Brad locked them in, he grabbed Marisol by the hand, and dragged her to the Pet Store.


"H", Mac, and Ryan were all processing the evidence, they had collected from the Pharmacy killings.

"Do you think this random, or do we have another Serial on our hands"? asked Mac.

"I'm not sure"? We are waiting on the Tox report", said "H".

At that moment Eric arrived with the report.

"It's unknown "H", "We can't figure it out. they are calling in Poison Control, they should be here shortly".

"Okay"! "thanks Eric".


Destinee got home from school, to see her mother very angry.

"It's not good, is it mama"?

"No it's not love". "Your puppy killed all mommy's plants".

"I'm sorry mommy". "She doesn't mean too".

"I know that sweetheart, but you have got to start teaching her".

"Okay mom". "I'm really sorry".

"I know". "why don't you take her for a walk".

After Destinee left with the dog, Calleigh shook her head and said....

"Thanks alot Mari".
When Marisol and Brad got to the Pet Store, the first place he headed was to the cages.

"Come on Brad, this is cruel, I will not let you lock Melly and Natty up".

"It doesn't matter what you want Marisol , they need to be caged when we're not home".

"I said no, and that is that".

With that said Marisol walked out of the store , got in the car and left Brad by himself at the Pet Store.

When she got home, she let Melly and Natty out of the laundry room.

As she started supper she heard the front door slam.

"Now that was rude"! "Don't you think Marisol". "You left me alone".

Marisol kept ignoring him.

"I know you hear me Marisol, why did you leave me"?

Marisol had tears pooling in her eyes, "Because you're being mean to our puppies".

"Brad could hear the crack in Marisol's voice.

"Ahh1!! "I'm not being mean love, come here".

Turning around Marisol allowed Brad to snuggle her close.

"Listen sweetheart, I was only going to lock them up, when we're not home". "So they can't get into trouble".

"But that's mean". "They won't understand, and they'll cry".

"Trust me sweetheart, they'll be fine".


Calleigh and Destinee, had cleaned the house together top to bottom.

"All done mommy". "Now can I play ball with Batty"?

"Sure sweetheart, but stay in the yard".

"I promise mommy", said Marisol as she headed outside.

While she was playing with Batty, some strange guy was watching her play. As he walked towards her, he tried to grab her, Destinee screamed and the puppy attacked.

Batty had the guys arm, and had bit down, to allow Desti to get away. Once she broke free, Calleigh came running out , and seen the guy running down the beach.

"Are you okay Desti"?

"Yeah mommy, Batty bit him, look at Batty's mouth mommy, it's all bloody".

"I have an idea sweetheart, how about we take Batty to see daddy's Lab".

"Oh okay, now mommy, can we go now"?

"Of course love", get ready".

"I need to clean Batty first mama, she's got blood on her".

"Just leave it love, so we can show daddy".


Stella was nursing a still sick Mac.

"Hold still Mac, I can't rub your chest, if you keep moving around like that".

"But it stinks love, God, I hate Vicks".

"You hate everything, when you're sick".

"No I don't love, I love you".

"I love you too Mac, now take these asprin and go to sleep".

"But can't you lay with me sweetheart"? "I miss you".

Looking at Mac's puppy dog eyes, she climbed into bed with him, which will turn out to be a big mistake, as the germs spread.


Destinee ran into the Lab and yelled her daddy's name.

"DADDY"!!!! "We're here", yelled Desti. "Uncle Eric", said Desti running to him.

"Hey Desti, there's my big girl".

"Someone tried to take me and Batty bit him, see her face, lots of blood".

At that second "H" had come out and heard every word.

"Sweetheart, who tried to take you"?

"Some man daddy, he was bad, he grabbed my arm, but Batty bit him".

"Eric take Batty , and swab him please".

"You got it "H", said Eric.

"Wait Uncle Eric, I come too".

Reaching out his hand, Destinee took it and went with her puppy.

"What happened sweetheart"?

"I'm not sure, she was outside in our yard with Batty, when I heard her scream, running out I seen the guy running down the beach".

"You do realize, that Batty saved Desti's life, if not for her, he would have gotten away with Dest".

"I know that handsome, let's just catch him , okay".
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