CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Once everyone had left, Calleigh had trouble getting Destinee to go too bed.

"Come on sweetheart, bed time".

"But I want Batty to sleep with me". "She's just a baby, she needs me, mommy".

"Fine, but I'm going to be very angry if she pee's your bed".

"She won't mommy,. I'll take her peepee now".

Desti took Batty outside.

"You go Peepee now Batty, or mommy will be mad if you pee my bed".

Batty looked at Desti with the cutest look and head tilt.

"Go on Batty, peepee".

batty ran around in a circle a few times and then went pee.

"Good girl Batty". "Come on now, let's go to bed".

Running up the stairs Batty barked twice and sat on Desti's bed staring at her.

"You have to wait Batty, I need to brush my teeth".

Once Desti was in bed, Batty laid down beside her.

"Look mommy, she's protecting me".

"I see that sweetheart", said Calleigh as she bent down and kissed her daughter goodnight.

"You have a good sleep sweetheart". "Night Batty".

"Woof", barked Batty.

"She's smart, isn't she mommy"?

"That she is love". "See you in the morning".


HJr and Claire, were getting everything packed , and ready, for their move tomorrow.

"Are you almost done love"? asked HJr.

"Yeah"!! Just two more boxes and we're done".

"Are you feeling okay sweetheart"? "I don't want you doing to much".

"I'm fine HJr, thanks for asking though".

"Of course I'll always ask". "You're my wife, who's carrying our child".


Marisol and Brandon, were busy with thier naughty puppies, who had chewed Brad's good shoes.

"No Melly"!! "Bad puppy", "Let go", said Marisol.

"Errrr!!! grawled Melly, who thought this was the greatest game.

"Bad Girl"!! "Melly, no, no". "Damn Brad, she won't let go".

"Well I'm sorry Marisol, but I'm having my own problems with Natty".

It was battle of the human's vs pups, when Horatio walked in.

*Laughing*** "Well, what do we have here"? called "H", as the puppies dropped the shoe's and ran over to "H".

"Oh sure, drop it for him", said Marisol. "What are you doing here dad"?

"I need to talk with Brad about something".

"What something"? asked Marisol.

"Never you mind, young lady". "Brad, now please".

Brad followed "H" out to the balcony.

"Go away Angel", yelled "H".

"Auh!!! "How does he do that".

After she walked away, Horatio talked to Brad about Marisol's surprise birthday party.
always. Post will be late. Also there will only be one. I have to work again this afternoon till 9pm. But keep smiling and reading, I'm happy that you all love my story.
Moving day....

The truck arrived late, which left Claire and HJr running behind in things they had to do.

"This is crazy HJr, we should have done this ourselves".

"It's okay love, just relax, or you'll be sick again".

"But you're going to be late for that briefing at Miami-Dade".

"They'll be fine without me for a bit". "One of the guys will fill me in".

At that moment the moving van arrived.

"It's about time, you're two hours late", said HJr.

"I know, our last move ran late, so let's get you all packed up and moved".

Once eveything was packed, and the moving truck had left. HJr and Claire, drove to their new home.


"H" woke up and got out of bed, looking down he yelled.......


"What daddy"?

"Come here please, and bring that pup with you".

When Desti walked in the room, she seen her dad, had stepped in the pooh, that Batty left on his floor.

"See this young lady". "You get it cleaned up and then take Batty outside".

"Sorry daddy, she didn't mean too".

"I know that love, now please clean the floor, while I clean my foot".

After she had the floor all clean, Desti took Batty outside to play.


Marisol and Brandon woke up to puddles on their floor.

"Damn it"!!! yelled Brad.

"What's the matter handsome"?

"Look at what those pups did". "I thought they were trained".

"They are handsome". "I guess we should have put them out last night before bed".

Brad got out of the bed, and jumped over the puddles.

"You girls are bad"! whispered Marisol. "You keep peeing and daddy will make me keep you outside".

As she talked to Melly and Natty, they tilted their heads.

"I know you know, what I'm saying".

"Woof, woof, woof".

"Come on, let's get you outside".


Mac woke up feeling really ill.

"Mac"! are you okay"? asked Stella.

"I'm not sure love, I feel really sick".

Getting up he ran into the washroom, and vomited all over. Stella ran over and got him some water, feeling his head, she noticed he was hot.

"Get back into bed Mac, while I call the doctor".

"When the doctor arrived, he checked Mac, and informed him he had the flu.

"Plenty of fluids and stay in bed". "You'll be fine a few days".

When the doctor left, Mac got really whinny.

"Stella"!!! cried Mac, I'm so cold". "I ache, please Stella, help me".

"Come on Mac, it's just the damn flu". "Get up and help yourself". "I have to out with Calleigh, I don't have time".

"But you should be home with me, I',m sick".

"Listen Taylor, suck it back". "I'll see you when I get home".

Bending over Stella kissed Mac's cheek

"That's it"? "You call that a kiss"?

"Listen Mac, I don't want to get sick". "You be good and when I get home I'll rub you down".

"Fine"!!! "Drive careful love, see you soon", Love you".

"I love you too Mac". "Feel better".
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