CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Once Mac and "H" got to Marisol's door, they whistled.

"Christ, this house is amazing". "We're both in the wrong line of work", said "H".

(Kocking on door)

"Woof, woof, woof, woof".

"Dad"! "Uncle Mac, come on in", said Marisol.

"Hi sweetheart, we just came to see your new place".

"Well come on in then dad", said Marisol.

"Hey dad, said HJr. "What the hey brings you here"?

"I came to see my childrens place". "Hi Claire"! "How you feeling"? asked "H".

Claire couldn't control her giggling. "I'm pregnant", "Dad"! "I'm pregnant", yelled Claire. "Aren't you happy dad"?

"I'm very happy love, just give me some time to adjust".

"I'm happy for you Claire", said "H". "Very, very happy".

"That's just because dad owes you a $100 bucks, Uncle "H".

"No love, I'm truely happy for you and HJr, this is going to cheer Calleigh and Stella up emensely".

"Have you heard from Eric and Macster yet"? asked Marisol.

"Yes"! "Last night, they are having a great time", said "H".

Just than Brandon came walking in.

"Well hello Son, when are you going to give me a grandchild"? asked "H".

"We're trying dad, said Brad. "When the timing's right it will happen".

"Hey dad"! said Marisol. "Did you figure out what happened to Mr.Tham"?

"According to Alexx, some kind of poisoning".

"That's aweful dad". "I really liked Mr.Tham, he always gave us free candy when we were kids".

"I know love".


Calleigh and Stella had just finished pigging out on all the treats, when Mac and "H" walked in.

"What is this"? asked Mac. "Where is our treats"?

Looking at the plates, the girls realized they had ate all the treats.

"Umm!!! "Hmmm"!!! "I don't know"? said Stella.

"Well in that case, you don't get our good news"?

"What good news"? asked Calleigh.

"Wouldn't you like to know", said "H" teasingly.

Calleigh walked over, and pinched "H"s butt cheek until he told.

"Owww!!! Damn you Calleigh". "Claire's pregnant".

"What"? said Calleigh and Stella, at the same time.

"Claire and HJr ,are going to give us, our first grandchild".

"Oh my God"!!! that's wonderful" , squeeled Calleigh with Delight.
Well the girls were still screaming, "H" was rubbing his butt.

"Oh my God, the kids must be excited", said Stella.

"They are, said Mac. "They should be here shortly". "Be prepared, Marisol is bringing her little pups".

"What pups"? asked Calleigh.

"Melly and Natty, her Black Labs , that Brad bought her, to go with their Mansion", said "H".

"Is there house beautiful"? asked Stella.

"Beautiful isn't the word for it". "He spoils Marisol like crazy". "What she wants she gets". "What she don't want, she gets anyways".

It was at that second the doorbell rang. As Calleigh opened it she got attacked by two little puppies.

Well when Desti seen those, she went nuts.

"PUPPIES"!!! "Look mommy , Puppies". "Hi puppies", laughed Desti as they licked and tackled her.

"What are their names Marisol"? asked Desti, who could now say her sister's name.

"The one with the Pink collar is Melly, the one with the purple collar is Natty".

"I loves them". "Can I have a puppy mommy"?

"We'll see okay love", said Calleigh.

"So where is HJr and Claire"? asked Stella.

"They'll be here shortly, they had to make a stop".

"Then where is Brad"? asked Calleigh.

"He had to see a couple patients". "He'll be here later".

"So how are you and Brad doing with child planning"? asked a concerned Calleigh.

"Never mind mom, when we are ready, we'll have one". "Until then, just enjoy HJr's and Claire's".


He was waiting for the Pharmist to finish with his customer.

"Excuse me please". "Could you reach something for me"?

"Sure". Coming out from behind the counter, the Pharmacist was jabbed with a suringe, a few seconds later, he went into Convulsions and died. The man turned , and left the little Pharmacy.


HJr and Claire, had put their down payment on their first house, thanks to Brandon Co-signing for them.

"I can't believe it HJr, our first home".

"I know", It's amazing isn't it Claire". "Just wait till mom and dad hear".
When Hjr and Claire arrived Calleigh and Stella went nuts.

"OH, there they are, come here". "We are so excited", said Calleigh.

HI mom, Aunt Stella", said HJr, so dad told you already"?

"He did yes". "I'm so happy, look at you Claire, I can hardly wait till you start showing", said Stella.

Marisol was watching them, and thought to herself, "What the hell is taking me so long"? "Maybe I should see the doctor".

Horatio was watching his daughter's face, and he could see the pain behind her eyes. Walking over he took her in his arms and whispered...... "Don't worry love, it will happen soon".


Brandon was having a difficult time with one of his female patients. For the longest time, she had been hitting on him.

"Listen Michelle". "I have new surgeon who has taken an interest in your case". "You will no longer be my patient". "Here is his card and your new appointment". "You'll like him, he's very nice".

Brad hated having to this, but she was constantly hitting on him, and that was against his moral and ethics as a doctor.

"But I don't understand why I can't stay with you"? "You've always been my P.S.", said Michelle.

"Michelle, I'm so over booked and don't have time". "Please see this P.S. , he's wonderful".

Pouting at him she said......"Fine". "Take care".

"You too Michelle". "I'll be sure to update your case with Dr.Tands".

Grabbing the puppy they had bought for Destinee, because Marisol couldn't stand the one black Lab sister being left by itself , Brad Closed up his office, and headed over to mom and dad's , to meet Marisol.


Brad got in the door, and found everyone over excited.

"I take it they know about the baby and the house", said Brad.

"H" and Mac stared in shock.

"What house HJr"? asked "H".

"Brad co-signed , so that Claire and I could have our first home". "It's very small, but we love it".

Staring at Brad, "H" and Mac both wondered, if Brad would buy them one too".

Brad knew exactly what they were thinking, "NO"!!! *Laughing*

At that moment Destinee came running. "Look, another puppy".

Marisol took the puppy from Brad and handed it to Desti.

"This is for you Desti". "This is Melly and Natty's sister". "She's your puppy now, we bought her for you".

"For me", said Desti with tears in her eyes". "Thank you I love her".

"What are you going to name her"? asked mommy.

"Hmmm"!!! "I think I like Batty". "What do you think Marisol and Brad"?

"I think it's the perfect name for your puppy", said Brad.

Destinee ran around the room with the puppies chasing her.

"Brandon, could I talk to you for a moment son"? asked "H".

"Sure dad", I'm right behind you".

When they got in the Den, Horatio asked Brandon........

"How long have you and Marisol been trying to have a baby"?

"For a while now", why dad"?

"Well, she was hidding it very well, but you could see she was hurting, because Claire was pregnant".

"I know dad, I've tried to tell her, that it will happen soon, but even I'm begining to wonder".

"I think with all the trauma she has suffered, it might be a good idea to have her see her doctor".

"I know dad, we have that set up for next week".

"Good son, It will be okay", said "H".
Hey great stuff love the puppies....haven't they only been married for about 5 mins?? Surely it's a little early to worry, but then she is a Caine and in these fics they breed like anything!!!!!!
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