CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Claire woke up in the morning with a splitting headache, and then all of a sudden ran into the bathroom and threw up all over.

"Sweetheart"! "Are you okay"? "Answer me Claire".

"Blah"****Blah***, "Go away, I'm sick".

"Please love, let me help you". "Open the door".

Washing her face, Claire opened the door, and looked at a concerned Hjr.

"I'm fine, but I need to lay back down, my head is spinning".

"Okay love, you rest and I'll get you some cold water".


Macster and Eric, were talking about their Walk-About, when Mac and "H" walked in.

"And just what are our two boys up too"? asked Mac.

"Listen dad, Eric and I would like to go away for the summer, on a Walk-About, before we start University".

"Are you serious". "I'm not sure about that, how do we know you'll be safe"?

"Come on dad, we are all skilled in Martial Arts and Bullistics". "We really want to do this , please understand dad".

"How far are you both thinking on going"?

"We don't know yet, hopefully as far as we can, until school starts".

"If we let you two do this", and that's a big if". "You have to check in with us every 8 hours and let us know where you are".

"WE will, we promise". "We just really need this dad".

With a huge sigh, Horatio said......"You have to okay it with mom first".

"We already did dad, she said it was up to you and Uncle Mac".

"Okay fine, when do you leave"?

"Tomorrow morning dad, at 6am".

"Okay then, do you need any money"?

"No way, Macster and I have been saving all year".

"Alrighty then, have fun", said Mac and "H".


The Pharmasist was filling his perscriptions when the strange man walked in and asked for his help. As the Pharmacist came out from behind the counter, the guy jabbed him with a suringe full of liquid. It only took about 3 minutes for the Pharmacist to start having seizures and foam at the mouth. Looking at the Pharmacist, the strange man, turned and left the store.
First off, poor Claire! :( I felt really sorry for her and HJr! ;)

Second, I like how the boys convinced Mac and H to let go on a Walk-About! By the way, what's a *Walk-About*? :D

Please add more
A walk about, is when you travel to different Countries and towns by foot. So you get you see everything along the way.

So you start at one point and travel from town to town, to see as much as you can.

Kind of like a round the world trip.


Marisol and Brad, were enjoying their new home they had just purchased. Brad had bought them two, of the cutiest female black Lab pups. Marisol had named them Melly and Natty. As they ran around the back yard, and played, Marisol watched them from the kitchen window.

"Hey Handsome"! "You have too see this, look at them , aren't they beautiful".

"I'm glad you like them love, because they are all ours".

While Marisol headed upstairs to finish unpacking , Brad unloaded the rest of their furniture.

Once he had everything in place, he let the dogs in, and headed upstairs to see his beautiful wife. When he got to their room, he noticed her in a sexy position. Not being able to help himself, he walked up behind her and bumped her butt.

"Hey Hotstuff"! "How about we Christen our rooms", said Brad.

"Are you being a naughty boy"?

"Never my love, I'm just a man, who loves his sexy hot wife", as he caressed her thigh.

"Would you stop that , you're being bad".

Kissing her neck and shoulder, Marisol couldn't help but melt in her husbands arms. As she leaned back against him, he wrapped his love around her heart, and took her beyond the reality of enchantment.

"I love you Brad", said Marisol, as he picked her up, and carried her to the next room.


Claire's stomach had settled down, and she got out of bed to look for HJr.

"Hey HJr, thanks for helping me earlier". "God"! "I've never been that sick, ever".

"I think you should see the doctor Claire, that was an aweful lot of vomit, and I don't like these dizzy spells, you've been having".

"I'm fine now HJr, try not to worry".

"I'll always worry Claire, you're my wife". "So since you're feeling better, how about we go see Marisol and Brad's new home"?

"I'd love too, let 's go". "You know, Marisol told me they have two new puppies".


The Caine house was very quiet, with HJr, Marisol and Eric gone.

"Sweetheart"! said "H", are you okay love"?

Poor Calleigh had tears in her eyes. "I've lost all my babies". "Now I'm down to two".

"Auhh!! "Come here love, Eric is coming back, he's just gone for the summer", said "H" as he held his wife close".

At that moment Cody and Destinee walked out of the kitchen. Destinee's face was covered in spaghetti sauce.

"What's the matter mama"? asked Destinee.

"Nothing sweetheart", "what have you and Cody been eating"?

"Spaghetti "O"s, Cody made them for us".

"Well that was nice of your brother wasn't it"? said Calleigh running to her room in tears.

"Daddy"! "Why is mommy so sad today"?

"Well sweetheart". "She misses her three other babies".

"But I'm her baby daddy". "So how can she be sad"?

"She just is love, but I think you could cheer mommy up with a big hug and kiss".


Things were just as upsetting over at the Taylor house.

"Come on Stella, please come out of our room and talk to me".

"No"! "I can't believe you let our baby go". "He's to young".

"Listen love, he's 19 now, you can't keep him at home". "Beside's he'll be back at the end of summer". "Now please Stella, come out".

Stella opened the door, with a pouty look on her face.

"Auhh!!! "Come here and see me love, I'll make it all better".
Ya LMH! I totally agree with Mel, give Calleigh and Stella another baby and they'll be good to go! :devil: ;)

Please add more :lol:

Claire and HJr arrived at Marisol's and Brad's. After ringing the doorbell, they heard the sound of puppies barking.

When Marisol opened the door, the puppies jumped up all over Claire.

"Oh my"! "Look at them HJr, they are so adorable". "Oh they're so soft".

"Come on in" , said Marisol, as she embraced her brother. "How's mom and dad doing"?

"Okay I guess, mom's upset because Eric and Macster, went on their walk-about". "Dad's trying to cheer up". "He told me, we are to have grandchildren for them quickly".

*Laughing* Leave it to dad". "How about your mom and dad Claire"?

"Dad's going insane, because all mom does, is complain about Macster being to young to travel". "Dad also said, I better not get pregnant first, because he'll loose out on $100 bucks". "And I think I have the stomach flu", I keep throwing up every morning".

"Claire"! "Did you say every morning "?

"Yeah"! and I get these nasty dizzy spells too".

"I think you're pregnant Claire", said Marisol.

"Say what"? "UhUhh!!!

"I'll bet you five dollars, that you are", said Marisol.

"So what do I do now"?

"You and I take the dogs for a walk, to the Pharmacy down the street, and pick up a kit".

"Handsome", called Marisol. "We'll be right back".

"Where are you going sweetheart"?

"Just ot take the dogs for a walk, with Claire".

"Okay, I love you".

"I love you to Brad".

As they got to the Pharmacy they noticed the sign said closed, but when they peeked inside, they seen Mr.Tham laying on the floor. Opening the door, they walked in.

"Claire call 911". "I think he's dead".

As the EMT's arrived, they waited for Alexx to show up.

"Hey Alexx", how are you"? asked Marisol.

"Hi baby, how does it feel to be married"?

"I don't really know yet". "I like it so far".

At that moment, "H" and Mac showed up on scene.

"What do we have Alexx"? "Marisol, Claire"! "What are you two doing here".

"We found the body dad". "Hello to you too".

"Sorry sweetheart, hello, and are these your new dogs"?

"They're called puppies dad", said Marisol as she kissed his cheek.

"Okay, now what are you and Claire doing here"?

"We came down, to buy Claire a pregnancy test".

Mac, "H", Alexx and Claire, all stood in shock.

"Excuse me"! said Mac. "Are you pregnant love"?

"I'm not sure yet daddy". "We haven't tested".

"H" started laughing hysterically. "Are you telling me I finally beat Mac Taylor in a bet". 'Christ this is great". "One hundred dollars please".

Mac scowlled. "You haven't won yet, not until she tests". "So let's get into the body, before it starts to stink", said Mac.

Still laughing , "H" and Mac headed in to the Pharmacy.
OMG LMH that was funny! :lol: Poor Mac, it must suck that he has to loose a $100 bucks to H! :lol:

Please add more! :devil: :lol: :cool:

Marisol and Claire headed home with the test.

"Handsome"! "We're home". "Call Melly and Natty for me ".

The puppies heard Brad whistle, and took off to him.

"Let's go Claire, upsatirs now". said Marisol.

"I don't want to, I'm too nervous".

"Listen, all you have to do is pee on the stick". "The test will do the rest for you".

Turning her back while Claire peed on the stick, she gabbed about how great it would be for her dad, to finally outbeat Mac.

"Are you done"?

'Yeah"!! "Now what do we do with it"?

"We wait a couple minutes ,and we see if it turned blue".

As they both waited for the timer to go off, Claire couldn't look, so she passed the test to Marisol.

"You look Mari", "Please".

Turning over the stick Marisol seen it was blue.

"Oh my God"!!! "You guys did it, you're pregnant".

The girls started scream, which caused the dogs to bark, and the men to run upstairs.

"What's the matter Marisol"? "Are you okay"?

"Yes handsome". "Claire is pregnant". "HJr is going to be a dad".

HJr just stood there in shock. "Me a dad"? "Wow"!!!


Mac and "H" were looking over the body.

"What do you think Alexx"? asked "H".

"Some kind of poisoning, I'll know more when I look inside and do blood work". "I also sent some back to the Lab with Eric".

"Okay , anything else Alexx"?

"Nothing Horatio, no broken bones, gun shot wounds or knife". "The man is clean, except for the possible poisoning".

Once Alexx left, "H" told Mac......"Let's go see the kids".

"Screw you "H", "You just want your $100 bucks".

"Me, nah!!!! Never". "Now let's go". "I want to see my Angels new house".

"Fine "H", but one word about my $100 bucks and I'll kick you up the @$$".


Calleigh headed over to Stella's ,with Cody and Destinee for a visit.

"Hey Stella, how are you doing"? asked Calleigh with tears

"Not great, I miss my baby so much".

"I hear you , I miss Eric too, I've done so much baking today, I feel like the Pillsbury Dough Girl". "I brought a bunch of tarts, and cookies by the way".

"Thanks, I'll put us on some coffee", said Stella.
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