CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Everyone was having fun watching the kids open their wedding gifts. When the phone rang.

"Hello"! said Calleigh.

"Hi Calleigh, is Tripp there".

"Sure, just a minute okay". "Frank"! "phone for you".

"Okay thanks Calleigh". "Tripp"! *Talking* "Okay I'll be right there".

"H", Eric, that was the Miami-Dade P.D. , someone dropped off a letter for you at the crime Lab". "It's marked Urgent", so one of the Officers are bringing it over".

When the letter arrived, "H" knew what it was right away.

"Is it our first clue "H"? asked Eric.

"I'm thinking it is". Opening the letter, "H" pulled out the skin.

"Christ"! "This guy is sick, said Mac.

"I know, we've got a real Psychopath on the loose".

"What's the letter say "H"? asked Eric.

"It says.......

This is Clue #1
Around the beach near the broken sign,
is where you'll find a book of mine.
Check it carefully, and you'll see inside,
two certain numbers that are part of my address
You have one day to figure it out and then the first girl
dies and the second clue is sent. Remember it is you
who is killing these girls by not finding them.

Good Luck........."The Skinner".

"Well let's get over there, times wasting", said Mac.

As they all got to the beach, they found the sign and looked underneath, sure enough there was the clue. When "H" opened it he found a bunch of scrambled letters, that read...... "VBTOLEYALIRGAHN". "I'll give you one hint, it's three words".

"Are you telling me , we have to unscramble this". "How are we supposed to know if it's a street, a town, a place"? asked Eric.

"Well I guess it's something we'll have to figure out quickly", said "H".
Okay guy's fun game. Let's see who can solve the scrambled puzzle. It's in the paragraph above you.

You need to figure out whether it is a city, town, or street. ;)


"Listen mom, said Brad.

"I love the sound of that, I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to call us mom and dad".

"Thanks". "but I think I'm going to get Sleeping Beauty home".

When Calleigh looked over she seen her daughter sound asleep in his arms.

"Are you sure"? "If you like you can stay here for the night".

"Are you sure mom, we don't want to impose".

"Impose"! "Never, I've got 8 rooms and only 5 of them are being used now". "You and Marisol take the bottom room, that way she don't have to climb the stairs".

Picking Marisol up in his arms, he carried her into the bed.

"Are we home Brad"? asked a sleepy Marisol.

"No love, we are staying with mom and dad for the night". "You rest love, I'll be back later".

"Okay, I love you Brad".

"I love you too Marisol", night sweetheart", as he kissed her lips.


HJr and Claire, had gotten home to HJr's small apartment.

"I'm sorry love, I know it's not alot", I promise we will house hunt tomorrow".

"That's fine HJr, I'm happy as long as you are here with me".

Taking Claire in his arms, he made passionate love to her once again.


"What are we going to do about this message"? said Eric.

"I think we should take it to Marisol", maybe she can get something off it", said Frank.

"Well, all we can do is try", said "H".

Once they all got back to "H"s place, "H" asked Brandon......

"Hi Son"! "Where is Marisol"?

"She's sleeping".

"We need her help with figuring out this puzzle". "We're hoping she can get a vibe off it".

"I'm sorry dad". "But this is one time you'll do it without her". "My wife has been through more then enough, I'm sorry, no way".

Calleigh was listening.

"Handsome, I have to agree with Brad". "This is one time you have too do it without her".

"But these women will die one by one, if we can't figure it out".

"I'm really sorry about that dad". "But my wife's health is my only concern".

"Listen "H", He's right", said Mac. "We'll just have to sit and juggle, till we figure it out".

"I'll tell you what", said Brad, "I'll help".

So they all sat and down and tried to figure the puzzle out.
Thanks for the wonderful feedback. Such interest in my stories, really give me confidence to continue.

Thanks again LMH :)
It must have been three in the morning when Li'l Eric came walking in from bar hopping.

"Hey dad, Uncle Mac, Uncle Eric, Brad, what are you guys doing"?

"We're trying to figure out this damn puzzle", said "H"

"Let's see it dad".

When Li'l Eric took the letter, he looked at the scrambled word and said......

"North Bay Village", hey dad, that's just like six blocks over".

"What was that Son", asked "H" in shock.

"North Bay Village dad". "That's he puzzle". "Now, I'm going to bed, see you in the afternoon".

After Eric went up to bed, Mac said......

"Christ, we sit here almost 7 hours and nothing, Eric walks in and solves it like it's nothing".

Everyone laughed.

"Okay". "Mac and Eric, let's go and see if we can't find this guy".

"How "H"? asked big Eric, we only have a street, but no address".

"I don't care if we have to knock on every door, we'll find him".


Once everyone left, Brandon went to get some sleep. Crawling into bed, he pulled his Marisol into his arms, as she let out a ....."Mmmm".

"Hey sweetheart, how you feeling"?

"Better now you are here handsome".

Turning in his arms, Marisol looked into his eyes, and kissed him passionately. Melting deeper into her kiss, Brad could feel himself loosing control of his senses. She was like a drug, an addiction, needing more he stroked his tongue within hers, and they both allowed the enchantment to over take them.

As he lay atop her, he whispered, "I love you Marisol", "Always and forever", with that said, he plunged into her with beauty and with love.


"H", Mac and Eric, knew they couldn't wake people up at 3:30 am in the morning. So they went for coffee to stay awake, and that's when Eric seen him.

"H", over there". "He kind of looks like what Marisol described". "Do you think it could be"?

"I'm not sure Eric, but we just can't walk and accuse him". "What we will do, is follow him".

When the scruffy looking guy left the coffee shop, "H", Mac and Eric followed him on foot.
When they arrived at his place, "H" and Mac, sent Eric to pretend he was lost.

"Excuse me Sir", "Could you tell me where I am please"? "I'm lost".

Eric could smell burned skin, coming from inside.

"You're in North Bay , why"?

Giving the signal with his eye, "H" and Mac ran up and tackled the perp to the ground.

"Eric"! yelled "H". "Go check on the girls please".

When Eric got inside, he could see the five girls hanging upside down. Calling for the Paramedics, he started to bring the girls down.

"It's okay now, you're safe, help is on the way".

As they were all laying across the floor, with partial starvation, infected wounds, and soiled clothes, Eric asked them their names.

"Can you tell me your name"? "Can you speak to me please"?

All the girls were in severe shock. When the Paramedics arrived, they assesed the girls and then transported them all to the Hospital.

After booking the perp and taking him to holding, "H" and Mac headed home to their wives.

Next on Crossover....

As we all know, Claire and HJr are pregnant with their first child.
"H" wins his $100 from his bet with Mac.
Macster and Eric, both tell their parents they are going on a Walk-about.
And of course what would Miami be without another Psycho running around killing Miami store owners with poison.

All this and more on the continuing story of Crossover
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