CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Claire was having the most erotic dream about her HJr. She could feel his touch, brand and burn her skin, almost as if she was awake. Starting to moan she opened her eyes and realized it was really happening.

"HJr, what, are..........

"Shh!! Just let go Claire, relax and enjoy", said HJr as he continued exploring her body.

Funny thing was Claire was enjoying it, she could feel the warmth down to her soul.

"HJr, what's happening to me, I feel, I feel", *sigh*

"It's okay Claire, let go".

And let go she did, she could feel the burst of beauty surround her as she sighed and purred.

As HJr looked into her eyes, he told her to just close her eyes, and listen only to his voice. Just as Claire did as he asked , he wnet forward without warning.

Bad mistake that, she was so shocked she screamed, "Auhhhhhhh!!!!!!

"Shh!!! quiet Claire, please love, just relax , shh!!

As Claire finally relaxed, her and Hjr, enjoyed the beauty they were creating around them, and as they were both on the edge, and ready to release, Hjr and Claire, brought forth their love, and concieved their first child.


Stella and Mac heard the scream. As Mac snickered , Stella slapped him again.

"Stop that Mac", "I really wish you'd stop laughing at your daughter".

"I'm sorry Stella, "I reallly don't mean too".

At that moment Macster came running in the room.

"Mom, what's that scream"? "What's wrong with Marisol"? "I should go and check".

"No"!!! "You don't want to go in there, nothing is wrong".

"But mom, she screamed".

"I know that Macster", "Go back to bed".

As Macster headed back to bed, Mac was in full hysterics.

"Christ"!!! "Could you imagine if he ran in there", *laughing*

"Mac Taylor, stop that laughing now".

*laugh, snort, giggle, laugh"*

"That's it Taylor, I've had enough of you laughing".

Getting up Stella walked out of the room with her pillow.

"Goodnight Mac, see you in the morning".

"Sweetheart"! "Sweetheart"? "Come back, I'm sorry". *Laugh*


Horatio and Eric were hard at work at the Lab.

"Okay Eric"! " Take the skin to DNA and have them process it, we need to find out who these women are".

"You go it "H", said Eric.

After Eric left, "H" called Mac.

(Taylor House)

"Hello"! said Mac.

"Mac"! "It's "H", I need your help. I'm down at the Lab".

"Is everything okay"?

"We have a new case, possible Psychopath".

"I'll be righ there", said Mac.

Walking down to the spare room, Mac told Stella, he had to go see "H" at the Lab. Kissing his wife good-bye, he said.......

"I'm truely sorry for laughing Stella". "I'll see you when I get home".


When Mac got to the Lab, he found "H", Eric and Ryan, looking over a letter.

"What have you got "H", asked Mac.

"A letter made with skin", human skin from women that have been kidnapped by a Psychopath".

"Are you telling me, this guy skins his victims"?

"What I'm telling you is that he keeps them alive, while he skins them". "As far as we know, he has five of them, and he's going to keep them alive until we recieve his clues".

"So he's playing a game with us"?

"Seem's so". "The longer it takes us to find them, the more he'll skin them and send us another message". "But he's only going to give us 5 clue's", after that they die".

"This is great, I swear Miami is worse then NY sometimes".

"It's times like this , I agree with you Mac".


"How you feeling sweetheart"? asked HJr to Claire.

"A bit stiff and a little sore". "But besides that I'm fine".

"I promise you Claire, the more we make love, the less it will hurt".

"I know HJr, and thank-you for understanding ".

"Claire, you're my wife, I'll always be patient and understanding, I love you".

"I love you too HJr". "So Marisol comes home tomorrow"?

"Yeah"! "Brandon is supposed to be bringing her here first, so she can open their wedding gifts". "Then we are having a small party for them".

"That's wonderful". "Marisol has had such a rough time this past few months".

I know love", "But she's a Caine, and she'll always survive".

Morning came and with it a new day.

"Marisol, my beautiful wife, wake up so I can take you home and start our new life".

"Mmmm!!! said Marisol, I love you", and I can't wait to get home".

"You do realize love, that I'm selling the Condo". "I want my lovely wife and children to have a happy home".

"Come on Handsome". "I'd really like to keep the Condo, at least until I get pregnant".

"Are you sure love"? "I thought all wives preferred a new home"?

"Well I'm not all wives, I'm your wife, and I like the Condo".

"Then the Condo you shall have".
As Marisol and Brandon left the Hospital, Marisol noticed they wern't headed home.

"Brad"! "Where are we going"?

"To see mom and dad, I thought it might be nice, and you can rest there".

"But I wan't to rest at home with you".

"We will love, but first we see mom and dad, and you can stop that pouty face it work with me, I'm not "H".

Once they pulled into the driveway, everyone hid.

"Hello"!! "Mom, dad, we're here".

Nothing but silence could be heard. So feeling frisky, Marisol began to get naughty with Brad.

"Stop that Marisol, Marisol, don't"! *Hiss** "Damn you, behave" , sighed brad.

Just at that moment, everyone came out and yelled, "Surprise".

Looking at the couple "H" realized were his daughters hand was and shook his head.

"Newlyweds" , he laughed. "Welcome home sweetheart".

Pulling her hand away, with her face as red as rose, Marisol ran into her daddy's arms.

"Daddy"! "I missed you and mom so much". "How come you didn't visit"?

"Well sweetheart", "We thought it would be nice, for you and Brad to have your alone time". "But we called everyday".

"Why is everyone here yelling Surprise"?

Looking around the room, she seen Sheldon, Alexx, their children, Mac, Stella, their kids, HJr and Claire, Uncle Eric and Frank.

"Well this is for you ,and Brandon sweetheart, your reception, and all your gifts from the wedding ,are waiting to be opened".

"This is wonderful" , cried Marisol, as she hugged everyone.


He was skinny them again, a piece from each body.

Such horendous screams of torture as he pulled their skin from them.

When he had enough to make another piece of paper, he sat down and wrote.....

This is Clue #1
Around the beach near the broken sign,
is where you'll find a book of mine.
Check it carefully, and you'll see inside,
two certain numbers that are part of my address
You have one day to figure it out and then the first girl
dies and the second clue is sent. Remember it is you
who is killing these girls by not finding them.

Good Luck........."The Skinner".

After he sealed the letter, he dropped it off at Miami-dade and left.
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