CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Okay guy's, sorry this is my only post today. I have to work again.

There is one chapter above this, if you haven't read it yet.

See you all tonight. :lol:


Hjr and Claire were getting ready for their wedding night, that is until Claire got herself so nervous she puked all over HJr.

"I'm so sorry HJr, Oh I don't believe I did that". "I'm just so scared".

"It's okay love, I'll grab a shower and be right back".

Poor Claire was so distraught, that she ran into her mom and dads room.

"Claire, said Stella. "What's the matter sweetheart"?

"I puked all over HJr, because I was scared to have sex with him".

Stella so tried not to laugh. She couldn't figure out, they were always at each other when they wern't married, and now they were married Claire was scared.

"It's not funny mom". "Look at me shake, I can't stop".

Mac was smothering in his pillow, covering his hysterics. Stella could feel the bed shaking, and slapped his butt, as she left the room with Claire to talk.

"Why'd did you smack dad, mom"?

"Because he needed it", said Stella.


Brandon was watching Marisol sleep, while stroking her hair. He still couldn't get over how lucky he was to have someone like Marisol and her family in his life now. He kept his promise to himself to become a plastic surgeon, to help out other victim's who needed it.

As he traced along Marisol's scar, he realized how happy he was, that she had changed her mind about having it surgically corrected. She had just been through so much, over the last few months, he didn't want her to have to go through months of grafts to correct her already gorgeous face.

The next time Brad looked up, Marisol was awake and smiling at him.

"Hello beautiful", said Brad. "How you feeling"?

"Better, with you in my arms". "I love you brad".

"I love you to sweetheart", as he kissed her with heated passion.

Getting up he closed the door and pulled across the drape. He knew he and Marisol wouldn't be disturbed, because he had already spoken to the staff. Getting back into bed, he turned his wife towards him and looked into her eyes as he said.....

"I'll try not to hurt you Marisol". "But I need to love you".

As a tear slipped down Marisol's cheek, he wiped it away with his kiss. Taking his hand he caressed her cheek while kissing her deeply. Nedding to explore more, he caressed his hand down her thigh as she sighed and purred. After a few more minute's of play, he told her to relax and breath deep, as she felt his love, she closed her eyes as he pushed forward. Looking into Marisol's eyes he could see the pain he caused her, but he could also see her passion glowing all around her. Moving slowly he took her deeper into the relm of their Universe, until they became one with each others souls.

"Did I hurt you Marisol"? asked Brad while he stroked and petted her.

"No"!! "Only for a minute Brad, then it felt wonderful".

"It was more than wonderful Marisol, it was perfect".

"You're right it was almost perfect". "I think we should do it again just to be sure". Giggled Marisol.
lol with Marisol! Poor Claire. :(

haha its so weird reading Brandon saying "dad" to H
Seriously. I'm kinda surprised "H" hasn't said something lol

Somewhere on the beach...

He was watching her walk along the beach. He knew she would be his final addition, to his collection. As he headed down the stairs towards her, a couple came out from behind the rocks. Knowing he wouldn't be able to grab her , he left the beach to try and find another.


"Mom, I just can't do it". "I'm so scared, I know it's gonna hurt".

"Listen Claire, it's only going to feel uncomfortable for a while". "Think how HJr must feel, he's never been with a woman before either". "You will teach each other what you need to know". "Trust me you'll be fine". "HJr is very understanding, he'll be patient with you".

"I know you're right mom, thanks for the talk".

"You're welcome sweetheart".

Once Claire headed back upstairs, Stella went to deal with a very naughty Mac.

"Is everything okay now"? laughed Mac.

"You're aweful Mac, that's your daughter you're laughing at".

"Well I'm sorry love, but I mean think about it, they couldn't keep their hands off each other before marriage, but yet, on her wedding night, she gets sick". "I'm sorry love, but it's classic".

Stella picked up a pillow and threw it at Mac's head. "Go to sleep". Turning over away from Mac, Stella went back to sleep.


Heading into the bar for a drink, the killer found another vicitm, she was sitting alone in a booth. Normally he wouldn't confront them, because it caused to many problems. But he was desperate, he needed the fifth piece and she was it. Walking up to her he said....

"Excuse me , could you show me which way I would go, to get too Celber's Bar".

Being half drunk, she seen no danger in showing him which way he would have to go. Heading out the bar together, she pointed down the street.

"It's just two blocks at the next corner, on the left hand side".

"Well that's great , thanks, would you like to come and get a drink".

"Sure"!! "Just let me grab my jacket".

Once she came out with her jacket they walked down the street.

"Oh shoot"!! "I forgot my wallet in my car". "It's just parked over here".

Shrugging her shoulder's, she followed him in behind the lot, and that's when he gagged her, and dragged her into the car.

Pulling into his drive way, he carried her into the house, tied the rope around her ankles , blind folded her and hung her up.

Going into the closet he got out his carving kit and sharpened his tools.


Claire was back in her room, with HJr.

"I'm really sorry Hjr, I never meant to throw up on you".

"I know sweetheart, it's okay". "You just need to relax Claire, just go to sleep, we'll wait till tomorrow night, okay"?

"Are you sure"? "I don't want you to be upset".

"I'm not sweetheart, we've waited this long, we can wait a little longer".

Taking his wife in his arms, they fell asleep.

Marisol and Brad, had just finished making love for the second time.

"Did I hurt you again love"?

"No"!! "I'm just a little tender". "But I feel wonderful".

"Good, because I have a surprise for you".

"A surprise"! "What surprise"?

As Brandon opened the door, three caterers brought in a table tow chairs, food, music and candles, after setting everything up, they left.

Picking up Marisol in his arms, Brad carried her to the table and sat her down.

"This is for us love, our reception we never got".

As Brad turned on the music, the one caterer served out the food. Brandon had ordered them the Lobster, with lemon sauce, side salads, little heart shaped buns with pads of butter that someone had shaped into hearts.

But the main attraction was the beautiful heart shaped wedding cake, and on the icing was perfect pictures of the two of them together, someone had airbrushed on the cake.

With tears in her eyes, Marisol said, thank-you".

"No thanks needed love, This is our wedding day and you deserve all the happiness I can give you".


Once the killer had his knives all sharpened, he took the first girl down and skinned some skin off her arm. She screamed in extreme agony. Once he was done, he hung her back up.

Taking down the second victim, he skinned a piece of skin off her cheek, as she screamed and screamed until she passed out from the pain. Hanging her back up , he repeated his steps with the other three girls.

Stretching out the skin, he took a thin piece of cloth and an iron. Laying the skin under the cloth, he ironed it until it was straight and dry. Then he took some black ink and a quill pen and wrote a note on the skin to the police.

Catch me if you can , I've already begun to torture 5 women. each day I will send you a piece of their skin, with another clue. Your job is to figure out the clues bafore I kill these 5 girls. Oh! "Just remember one thing, the longer it takes you to find them, the more I skin them. Your first clue will arrive tomorrow.

Let our game of Cat and Mouse begin.


Eric was sitting in "H"'s office when the letter arrived. On the envelope it said Urgent. Eric called "H" to let him know, a letter had arrived. After he informed Eric to bring the letter over, he got dressed without disturbing Calleigh and headed downstairs to wait for Eric.

"Hey "H", got here as soon as I could". "The letter smells funny, like burned skin".

When Horatio opened the envelope, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"That's because it is skin Eric". "Listen to what our killer has to say.....

Catch me if you can , I've already begun to torture 5 women. each day I will send you a piece of their skin, with another clue. Your job is to figure out the clues before I kill these 5 girls. Oh! "Just remember one thing, the longer it takes you to find them, the more I skin them. Your first clue will arrive tomorrow.

"I don't understand "H", he's actually torturing women alive, skinning them".

"He is Eric, and we need to find him soon".
They better find him soon.

one spelling thing: torture is the right spelling. Just a note.

PS when will you write more rebel CSI?
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