CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Can we say *Sigh of Relife* much? Oh LMH, you had me worried for a minute there. But I knew you would pull through. ;) :cool: :lol:

Please add More! :devil:
Wow, you had me holding my breath for the whole chapter, I litterally exhaled at the end!!! Well done, this is excellent I am loving all of it.

But I guess that wedding night, will have to wait again :rolleyes:
Ah yes, thank you, I can't get enough of the man! That smile and those eyes, floor me everytime.

The shout out deserves to go to Amergina though whose wonderful creation it is :D

Back to the story...will H's blood take away the visions, that may have been caused by fever cause of the infection?? I hope so, poor Mari :(
Everyone waited patiently to hear from the doctor about Marisol's condition.

"How much longer is it going to take dad"? asked Claire.

"I'm not sure sweetheart". "Hopefully not to much longer".

After 45 more minutes of waiting the doctor came out.

"Brandon", we've done all we can for now". "the rest is up to Marisol, she needs to fight the infection, with the help of the antibiotics".

"How is my husband"? asked Calleigh.

"He's fine, he requested to be in with Marisol, so he's in her room". "He's also very weak right now, it took quite a bit of filtering to get her blood clean". "We've started him on I.V. iron, to build back up his red cells".

"Can I see her please"? asked Brad.

"Of course you can, come with me".

When they all got to her room, they found "H" in her bed holding her tight.

"Is she awake"? asked Brad.

"Not yet son, she's still pretty fevered", said "H".

As he tried to get up and out of Marisol's bed, he almost passed out.

"Woah"! "Let me help you there dad", said Brad.

"H" smiled, and allowed Brandon to help him over to the other bed.

"I'll take it from here Brad", said Calleigh. "You go see your wife".

When Brad walked over to Marisol's bed, and sat on the edge, he could feel her heat from the fever through her sheets. Stroking her fevered head, he whispered in her ear, that he loved her.

"God"! "She's so hot", her skin feels like it's on fire". "Come on Marisol, don't give in to the fever, fight it Marisol, I need you, we just started our new life". "Fight Marisol".

Later that evening everyone went home , including Horatio. While Brad climbed into bed with Marisol, and held her in his arms.

"I love you Marisol, please come home, to me", said Brad, before he fell asleep.


Calleigh, had gotten "H" into bed to relax.

"Are you feeling okay Handsome"?

"I'm fine love, I'm more worried about our daughter".

"She's strong Handsom, she's a Caine". "She'll beat it".

"Have "HJr and Claire left for their Honeymoon yet"?

"No, they've put it off until Marisol is better". "So Mac told them, they could stay with them for tonight". "he's even allowing them to sleep together in the same room", laughed Calleigh.

"Well I hope so sweetheart, they are married now".

"I know, It's so hard to believe we've lost two of our babies".

"Don't cry love, we still have three".


"HJr"!! "Are you going to be okay"? asked Claire.

"I'm fine sweetheart, don't worry". "Come here".

As Claire walked over still in her gown, HJr turned on some soft music and danced with her.

"There we go love", "Our first dance as husband and wife", he said kissing her.

"I love you HJr", said Claire.

"I know my love, I love you too".
Awwww! Now THAT is the sweetest chapter!

How can I be strong, when this is our baby that's on her death bed".
KK, I ust have missed that thanks for pointing it out. I'm glad "H" is her dad though! Hey, atleast they didn't go on Maury or something lol!

Marisol was having a wonderful dream. she was walking along fields of green, when she seen Sam walk out .

"Sam"!! cried Marisol. "Is it really you Sam"?

"Hi Marisol, I've missed you".

"Looking into his eyes, Marisol said....... "I've missed you too"

"Listen Marisol, you need to go home". "Brandon needs you, he'd be so lost without you". "he will love you forever Marisol".

"But I loved you too". "I want to stay".

"Marisol, you can't stay, you need to go back". "Brad is so sad, and he has no one to love him, no family nothing". "You are now his world, and you can't take that away from him". "That's true love down there Marisol, and you need to go back".

With tears in her eyes, Marisol gave Sam, one last kiss and when she opened her eyes he was gone and nothing was left but green fields.

Brandon could hear the sound of crying. Waking up he seen Marisol awake and crying.

"Sweetheart"? "Oh God"! "You're awake".

Feeling her head, he realized her fever was broke.

Marisol, why are you crying "?

"I'm sorry Brandon, I ruined our Wedding", and I almost left you behind".

"You never ruined our Wedding sweetheart, and you would never leave me behind, because I wouldn't let you".

"I'm so thirsty, can I have something to drink".

After the nurse checked over Marisol, she gave her a glass of Ice chips.

"If your wife needs anything else Brad just let us know".

"Thanks Stacey".

"God Marisol, you really scared me, I thought I lost you"


Brandon called "H"

"Hello"!! said a sleepy "H".

"Hi dad, it's Brad". "Just wanted to let you know your baby is awake".

"She's awake Son"? "Honest"?

"I swear dad, she's awake". "here".

"Hi daddy", "Thank you for saving my life", said Marisol in tears.

"You never have to thank me sweetheart, you're my little Angel, forever and always". "Are you going to be okay for tonight"?

"I'm wonderful dad, I have you, my family and my warm and loving husband". "Night daddy"?

"Night sweetheart, I'll see you in the morning".

"Handsome was that Marisol"?

"It was love, she's awake and alive".

"Oh God, that's wonderful". "Thank you Lord, for answering our prayers once again".
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