CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Oh come on now!!!!! :D It was YEARS ago. I've given plenty of hints throught these stories. :lol: Especially when Marisol was in the Hospital, Mac leans over her and tells her she's his Angel. :) I'm sure you all picked up on it happening. :p :p :p

Welcome to the twist and turns of Crossover :devil: :devil:
Oh come on now!!!!! It was YEARS ago. I've given plenty of hints throught these stories. Especially when Marisol was in the Hospital, Mac leans over her and tells her she's his Angel. I'm sure you all picked up on it happening
Naw naw, I thought that was just an uncle neise kinda thing. But O was half asleep for some parts of this so that's a possibility I suppoise. lol
this is the scene. Look and see, I thought for sure you all would have caught it :D :lol: :D :lol:

Mari"!!! "It's mommy Angel, I'm here beside you", please baby, won't you come home"? *sob****

Mac walked over and touched Calleigh's shoulder, turning around she got up and embraced herself in Mac's arms.

"I know Calleigh, I know how you're hurting". "Shh!!! Come on Calleigh calm down, you have to be strong for Marisol".

Looking up into Mac's eyes Calleigh said, How can I be strong, when this is our baby that's on her death bed".

"Shhh!!! "I know Calleigh, please calm down, she'll wake up".

Calleigh embraced herself back into Mac's arms.
Interesting twist.

But I thought their one tryst was way before her and H so how'd H think she was his? Was it just like Calleigh and Mac slipped the one time but since she was also with H she could let him think Mari was his?

They're okay as long as nothing ever comes up involving DNA and matching her to H, cause then they'd be in trouble.
Interesting twist.

But I thought their one tryst was way before her and H so how'd H think she was his? Was it just like Calleigh and Mac slipped the one time but since she was also with H she could let him think Mari was his?

They're okay as long as nothing ever comes up involving DNA and matching her to H, cause then they'd be in trouble.

Mel, you're the closest, but if I explaine it to you now, it ruins the whole story. Needless to say, without giving away, is that it will work out. :eek: :eek:

Auhh!!!! I can't say more. :lol:
Well if it will all work out, then I needn't worry. But I really want to see what happens so LMH, get on the ball and post real sonn Please! :lol: ;) :cool:
The Weddings

It was the early morning, and everyone was getting ready for the wedding.

Mariosl was wearing a beautiful white gown, with little pearl drops, down the sleeves and neck line, with french lace. Her headband was beaded with little pearls, and her vail was made of italian silk that reached down to the end of her ankles. Her train traveled at least eight feet .

Claire was wearing the same gown, only her train was 4feet in length, because she was afraid of tripping over it. With the two of them together, they looked like twins.


HJr and Brandon, were waiting nervously at the alter.

"How are your nerves man"? asked HJr.

"What does this tell you". Brad showed his hands to HJr and they were trembling.

At that moment the music started and down the aisle came Destinee with Austin , they looked so adorable. Desti was in a light pink dress, and pink crown carrying a basket of rose petals. Austin had on a little black tux and a prestine white pillow carrrying four rings.

Once they were all in position the music started for here comes the bride.

Looking down the aisle, everyone seen Marisol and "H" walking down, with Claire and Mac behind them. Such visions they made. As they got to the front "H" kissed his daughter and passed her off to Brandon, then moving off to the side, Mac passed Claire off to HJr.

As they all stood together the priest read the vows and the brides and grooms said I do". After their kiss, they walked back down the aisle and that's when Marisol fell to the ground. everyone went running.

Someone call 911, she's not breathing. "H" started CPR on his daughter, desperate to get her to breath. Brandon was in Hysterics. Calleigh and HJr did their best to keep calm.

After loading her into the Ambulance, everyone headed to the Hospital. When they got there they all waited to here from the doctor.

Brandon"!!!! yelled the doctor, We need family members for a transfussion, your wife has poison in her blood, most likely caused from the Trauma she suffered during the accident.

This is her family here".

"Okay I need the mother and father to come with me please".

Mac and Calleigh looked at each other in shock, "What the hell now"?

After "H" and calleigh walked down to have their blood tested Mac waited for the fireworks to start.

Okay Mrs.Caine, you're not a match, you can leave, Mr.Caine you need to stay, you're AB- and that's what we need.

Calleigh"!!! "Well what happened"? asked Stella.

"Horatio was the match", she said in shock and releif. They needed AB-, his blood not mine".

Mac and Calleigh finally knew, that Marisol did indeed belong to "H", because Mac's blood type was B. Looking at each other they smiled and breathed a smile of relief, all those years, of worry for nothing.
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