CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Hehe!! the best way to keep track is to seperate the children. In this story they are as follows

Caine children: HJr, Marisol, Eric, Cody and Destinee. Keep it written down, it helps.

Taylor children: Claire, Macster, Arthur, Kenya and Austin.


Over at Going Under, H/C share only one child her name is Emerald Elizabeth.

Each Fic has different character's and stories.
Hehe!! the best way to keep track is to seperate the children. In this story they are as follows

Caine children: HJr, Marisol, Eric, Cody and Destinee. Keep it written down, it helps.
I'll do that, thanks to both of you!
"Daddy, don't shoot"!!!

"What the he........"GET OUT NOW", screamed Mac. "Damn you two". "I could have shot you both".

"Claire was in hysterics, she never thought to think, her father may have thought a robber was lurking around.

"I'm so sorry daddy". "This is all my fault".

Stella came running out of the house.

"What's going on out here"? "Claire, Hjr, what's wrong"?

Mac was so angry he couldn't speak, turning around he walked back into the house.

"What the hell happened out here, someone tell me now"?

"HJr and I were in the poolhouse, and I guess daddy seen us from the window". "he thought we were robbers or something, and he almost shot us".

"Oh Christ Claire". "What are we going to do with you two".

"We wern't doing anything mom, we just fell asleep, and we awoke, daddy must have seen our shadows". "Is daddy going to be okay"?

"I don't know Claire, that look on his face spoke of shock and pain, he could have killed you , or both of you". "I think you should go to HJr's for the rest of the night".

"Will you be okay, with daddy"?

"I'll be fine, you two go".

After they left, Stella went to deal with a distrought Mac.


The stalker had been following his next for 3 blocks now, after he seen her go into the store, he waited behind the alley for her to come out. When she walked along the same route, he grabbed her and dragged her back to his car. Once he returned to his house, he blindfolded her, and tied her ankles together, hanging her up with the other 4.

"Look at them he laughed". "A couple more is all I need". heading back into the street, he searched for his next victim.


When HJr and Claire walked through the door, "H" and Calleigh were waiting for them.

"I know, in the den", said HJr.

"What happened son"? "Stella said Mac is distraught, shaking , and really angry, all at the same time".

"Claire and I were in the poolhouse earlier tonight and we fell asleep". "When we awoke it was really late, so we were heading out and I guess Uncle Mac, thought we were theives lurking around, so he almost shot us".

"Oh my"! said Calleigh. "Didn't you think to leave a note, or let Aunt Stella know were you where"?

"No mom, this has never happened before, I guess Uncle Mac got up or something, and seen us in the poolhouse".

"Whether he got up or not isn't the point". "This is twice you two have been caught sneaking around". "I mean, can't you guy's wait one more week till you're married".

"Yes dad, we can". "We fell asleep, nothing more".

"Alright, go get some sleep". "Claire you can have one of the guest rooms".

Once the kids went upstairs, "H" and Calleigh hoped Mac would be okay.
When Stella got back into the house, she found Mac at the table whiter than a sheet and shaking uncontrolaby.

"Mac", "Mac". "Look at me Mac".

Nothing no response , no look, no emotion.

"God damn it Mac" , said Stella , as she slapped him across the face.

That did it, as he looked at her.

"God Stella, I could have killed them"? said Mac in response.

"Christ Mac, don't scare me like that again". "You didn't shoot them, you have to much control to even think you could".

Mac was still shaking , as Stella walked over and took his hands in hers.

"It's okay Mac". "The kids are fine, I sent them over to "H"s.

"I swear Stella, those two are going to be the death of me".

"Shh!!! "It's okay Mac, just relax, and calm down".


HJr could still hear Claire crying in the next room over. Getting up he went into his mom and dad's room.

"Dad"? called HJr.

"What is it son, is something wrong"?

"I can hear Claire crying, could I please go comfort her, I'll leave the door open".

"Sure son, that's fine, I'll see you in the morning".

HJr opened the door to Claire's room, walked over to the bed and climbed in beside her.

"Shh!!! "It's okay Claire, I'm here with you". "Try and sleep".

"You should leave HJr, we've caused enough problems tonight".

"It's okay, dad knows I'm here with you". "I told him"

Knowing that he knew, Claire wrapped herself up in Hjr's warmth.


Brandon was having trouble getting Marisol to behave again.

"Come on sweetheart, we'll be married next week". "Please stop grinding me".

"But I love you Brad, your scent, your heat, your hug.............."

Covering her mouth, "Don't you dare say it Marisol".

Getting sneaky Marisol bit the hand that covered her face.

"Owww!!!! "Damn you Marisol", "Why did you do that"?

Turning in his arms she grabbed his face and shoved her tongue in his mouth . Try as he might he couldn't break her hold. then he realized she could have had him anytime she wanted, because she had all that training behind her. Knowing she was to strong, he finally gave in. Just as they were getting into it, the phone rang.

"Thank God for small miracles", said Brad to himself.

"Hello"! said Brad. *talking* "I understand, I'll be right there".

"What's the matter Brad"?

"I've got to get over too the Hospital, they just rushed in a burn victim".

"Oh my God"!!! "Drive careful hun", "I'll see you later". "I love you".

"I love you too sweetheart, lock the door behind me".

Once Brad left Marisol was freaking out. She didn't want to be left alone, she could still see the guys face. Knowing she couldn't call her dad again, because he was so tired and had already been there, she called her Uncle Mac.

*Phone rings*

"Hello"!! said Stella.

"Auntie Stella, is Uncle Mac there"?

"Sure sweetheart, everything okay"?

"Not really, I'm just a little upset, it's a long story".

"sure, hold on love"? "Mac, it's Marisol".

Mac had just gotten his senses back a few minutes ago, and wondered what the hell was going on now.

"Hey Marisol, what is it sweetheart"?

"I'm scared Uncle Mac, really scared".

"About what"? "What did he do to you Marisol"?

"What"? "No". "I just need to see you Uncle Mac, it's a long story, and I'm all alone, and scared", and poor daddy is so tired, from being here before".

Mac couldn't understand what she was talking about.

"Okay Marisol, I'll be there as soon as I can".

"What's the matter Mac"?

"I'm not sure love, Marisol said she was scared". "I'll call you when I get there".

"Should I call "H" and Calleigh"?

"Not yet love, wait till I find out what's going on". Kissing his wife he left.

Once Mac got to Brad's condo,Marisol ran into his arms.

"Oh thank you for coming Uncle Mac".

"You're welcome, now can you tell me what's going on, and where's Brad"?

"He got a call in, for a burn victim, and I had another vision earlier, a bad one dad". "I seen a guy who was kidnapping women and hanging them upside down by their ankles". "Dad brought over a sketch artist and we got a picture of the guy, but I keep seeing him Uncle Mac, and I can't sleep, and poor daddy is so tired".

"Okay sweetheart". "So what you're telling me is that we have a new sicko on our hands"? "One that you seen, and fully described".

"That's right, and now I can't sleep, I keep seeing him". "I hate these damn visions, why won't they leave again"?

"Come here sweetheart".

Marisol walked over and sat on her Uncle's knee. Curling up under his chin, with her hands wrapped around his neck, "I love you Uncle Mac", she fell asleep".

Mac thought back to how much he missed holding her. She was always his special Angel, he and Calleigh would never concider her a mistake. She was made out of what could have been, all those years ago in the Lab.

"To many secrets Taylor", he said to himself. He knew this was one secret, he, and Calleigh, would take to the grave. At that moment Brad walked in.

"Mac"!! "What's the matter". he asked ,when he seen Marisol in his arms.

"She was scared, she wanted someone with her".

"I wish she had of told me". "I wouldn't have left".

"She wouldn't do that, she'd make you go".

"Listen then, now that I have you here, I've been checking out on the internet trying to find ways to help her with the headaches she gets after an episode, but I can't find anything".

"I know, neither could we". "But the funny thing was she grew out of them, never had another, until the night of the accident".

"Wow, that's really strange". "Makes me wonder if she could train herself, to turn them off".

"Never thought of that", might be worth checking into it Brad". "Marisol, wake up love", Brad's here".
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