CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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This is the last post, got called into work. Will update tonight.

In the morning, Marisol woke up to the warmest feeling. As she looked down, she seen Brandon still sleeping but caressing her upper thigh. Being sneaky and naughty Marisol took off her niht gown and laid back in her same position. It was long before Brandon's strokes became heavier and deeper, causing her to clench her thigh's in ecstacy. Wanting more Marisol watched with amazement, as Brandon caressed, as she moaned out loud waking him from sleep. Realizing what was happening he knew it was to late to stop now. He could feel her sigh's rippling through her as he turned her face toward him and kissed her passionetly on the lips.

"My beautiful Marisol, kissing her deep, he was ready to take her into the world of love, when the phone rang.

"Hello"!! said Brandon a little peeved.

"Yes, Dr.Swanson, it's Mayleen". "You have a 9am patient waiting for you".

"Oh God"1!! "Thanks May, I'll be righ there".

After hanging up, Brad told Marisol he had to go and see a patient.

"I'll see you later sweetheart, I'm so late". "I love you".

"I love you too Brad, have a good day".

Marisol was still feeling giddy, because she had almost had her Brad right where she wanted him.

"There's alway's tonight" , whispered Marisol to herself


HJr had left for the Lab, he had two cases that needed his attention. As he was heading out the door, their was Claire.

"I'm so sorry HJr, I never meant to hurt you like that".

"I know sweetheart", "I was wrong too, I should have known not to use the Hummer". "Listen I have to work on a couple cases, how about I pick you up later for lunch"?

"That sounds great", "I'll see you then".

As Claire turned to leave HJr said.......

"Aren't you forgetting something Claire"?

As she turned around , she seen her ring.

"This time Claire, keep it on".

"I will HJr, I love you".

"I love you too sweetheart" , he said as he kissed her.


Stella was ready to play with Mac, but Mac was giving her the cold shoulder, due to last nights escapade.

"Come on Macky Whacky, give Stella Wella something".

"Forget it, Stella, you didn't want to play last night, and I don't want to play today".

Stella didn't really care what Mac wanted, all she knew was that she wanted SMEX now. Taking her hand she grabbed and began to play.

"Damn you Stella", would you stop this, said Mac getting excited.

"Look Mac, he likes it when I touch him", said Stella laughing.

"You're an Evil little Minx Stella".

"Puuuurrrrrr!!! I know", she said as she crawled down Mac's chest and disappeared to play.

"God Damn", yelled Mac, I'm gonna pull your teeth out one by one Stella, if you don't stop bitting".

Crawling back up, Stella positioned herself on top of Mac and rode away into the sunset.

"Slow down love, Stella, slooooww doowwn"!!! said Mac, trying to hold back.

Stella was in complete hysterics, she loved having this power over her Mac. With one last push, Mac poured into her.

"Damn you again Stella, that wasn't fair, payback will be mine".

Climbing off her horse, Stella went to take a shower, still laughing.


"H" woke up alone in Cody's bed, getting up he went in search of his missing wife.

"Calleigh sweetheart. Calleigh", where are you love"?

"I'm down here handsome, in the laundry room".

Walking down the stairs, "H" seen her hair shinning beautifully through the sunlight.

"My beautiful wife", said "H" as he kissed her neck.

"Mmm!!! "I missed you last night handsome". "How is Cody doing now"?

"I'm not sure love, It's going to take a while". "But we'll get him through it together".

"I know you're right handsome".

"Daddy"!!!! yelled Destinee.

"Down here Desti", "What is it love"?

"I can't get this damn play-doo to open".

"Excuse me young lady". "Where did you hear that word"? asked Calleigh.

"From daddy mommy, for goodness sakes, it's not as if I said a naughty word, it's just damn".

"Talk to your daughter handsome" , said Calleigh.

"Let's go sweetheart, said "H" picking up Destinee and putting her over his shoulder.

"I don't need no talk daddy, come on now, it's just a damn word".

Calleigh was laughing quietly to herself, as ""H" took his little Angel upstairs.

Once "H" had her upstairs, he sat her down and opened her play-doo.

"Listen sweetheart". "the word you've been saying isn't very nice". "Young ladies don't use those words".

"Why not daddy"? asked Desti innocently.

"Because when they use it, they don't sound like Angels anymore".

"Just like I'm your Angel daddy"?

"Yes love", just like you".

"Okay, I not say the word anymore". "But you should talk to Arisol, she's not your Angel now, she swore that word all the time, so what does it make Arisol daddy"?

"Hmmm"!!!! "H" wasn't sure what to say about that, and just as he was ready to answer her, he heard......

"That makes me his little Devil now, Desti".

"Arisol"1!! "I missed you, you always away all the time".

"I missed you too Desti", a whole bunch" , said Marisol as she hugged her sister tight.
Pushing the meter!!! Not me :devil: I'm innocent, there isn't one dirty word in there. I'm well behaved. :devil:


Stella came out of the shower still laughing.

"That's okay Stella, have a good laugh, revenge will be mine", said Mac.

Blowing Mac a kiss, she left to over and see Calleigh.


Marisol took Destinee out for lunch and shopping.

"Ariosol", said Destinee, "Can we go to McDonalds"?

"Of course we can sweetheart", right after we get matching outfits".

"Why we hafta mach"?

"Because it's fun, and everyone can tell we are sisters".

Walking into the clothing store, Marisol picked out two cute matching knee pants and two matching shirts.

"Oh look Arisol, I look like a odel"

"Yes you do Desti". "A very beautiful model".

Once their outfits were complete, they headed over to McDonalds.


HJr had picked up Claire for their lunch date.

"Are you ready to go love"?

"Yes, how was your day HJr"?

"It was great love, where would you like to go for lunch", asked Hjr as they were walking through the mall.

"Look"! said Claire. "there's Marisol and Desti". "Oh my God, they match".

"Marisol"!!! yelled Claire, "Overhere".

"Hey sis, what are you and Desti doing here"?

"We are spending some sister time together", and now we are on our way to McDonalds for lunch".

"Mind if we tag along"? asked HJr.

"You have to Desti", "As this is our day together".

"May we have lunch you and Mari, Desti"?

"Sure, come on, we all eat togetter".

After lunch, HJr and Claire headed back to Claire's place. While Desti and Mari, headed home. When they walked in the door, "H", Stella, Mac, Calleigh and Brandon, were all in the family room, watching Tv.

"We's home", yelled Destinee, running into the family with Marisol.

"Look momma, Arisol got us matching outfits".

"Wow"!! Look at you both, my beautiful babies all dressed in pink and white", said "H".

"And look daddy, Arisol bought us more, see our shirts, they say #1 Sisters", isn't they nice mommy"? And then we seen Hjr and Claire and had lunch at McDonalds".

"You've had a very busy day, haven't you love"? asked Calleigh.

With a big yawn, Desti said.... "Yeah"! "I love you Arisol", sank-you".

"You're welcome sweetheart, you have a good nap".

While Calleigh took Destinee to bed, Marisol asked Brad how his day was.

"It' was really busy love, but it nice to see you , I missed you all day".

"I missed you too handsome", said Marisol.

After the Taylor/Caine Clan had finished dinner, they discussed wedding plans.

"Okay, let's start with Marisol and Brandon", said Calleigh. "Where do you want the wedding to be"?

"I would like it on Miami Beach, right out in the back". "I would like a beautiful white tent set up, decorated inside with beautiful white and pink flowers throughout the tent". "All the chairs would be decorated with pink ribbons and baby breath all over".

"Wow, said Claire, that sounds wonderful".

"Do you think so"? , said Marisol.

"I do, that's what I'd like too".

Brandon and HJr just sat back and listened to the girls plan their wedding.

"Well then I have a perfect idea, said Marisol. "Why don't we have a double wedding". "It would save time and money".

Brandon piped up and said........"Money is no object, Marisol is to have whatever she wants, there is no limit", "It's her special day".

"It's your special day too handsome" , said Marisol.

"My special day, was the day I met you Marisol, the rest of our future is forever, and I have no intention of ever leaving you, so you make this day special, because you won't be doing it again, you're now my world, forever".

Marisol teared up...."I love you so much Brad". 'I don't need a big wedding, all I want is something small with family and close friends".

"You will have your special day Marisol and the tent idea sounds wonderful, I'll leave all the details to you and your family".

"I'm afraid you got that wrong son", said "H". "The details will be left to all of us, you are our family too Brad, so you best start accepting it".

Brad tried to hide his tears, but wasn't doing a very good job. "H" knew he had no family, and he was more then happy to welcome Brad to theirs.

"Okay then", said Calleigh. "A double beach wedding it is". "Now when"?

"Hmmm"!!!!! They all said together.


He was stalking her, he had followed her three blocks already. Knowing at the next corner there was a turnoff, he knew he could grab her there. As she turned the corner, he jumped out and grabbed her, dragging her into the car and taking off.

Once he had her at his place, he told her to Shh!!! Grabbing some rope, he tied her feet and hung her upside down, with the three other girls he had taken before her.

"Now"!!! "Don't go anywhere girls, he said laughing .


Destinee had come down from her nap and walked in to see Marisol still here. Running over, Destinee sat on Marisol's knee and kissed her cheek.

"You still here Arisol", ike you said".

"Yes I am sweetie", "I told you I wouldn't leave till you woke up".

"Look at us daddy, we's twins".

"I see that, my two beautiful Angels".

"No daddy, I'm your Angel, member"? Arisol is your little devil".

Everyone laughed.

"Okay dad, we are going to get going", we'll see you tomorrow".

"No leave Marisol", pease stay", peeeaaaasssee", said Destinee in tears.

"How about we stay, until you are asleep tonight, okay".

"K' Arisol", I love you".

"I love you too sweetie".
First: aww that was so sweet. I love how Destinee and Marisol interact.

Secondly: Ohhh! A new perp. Instrusting!

Please add more!
Once Marisol got Destinee down for the night, she and Brandon headed home.

"I'll see you tomorrow mom". "Night daddy".

"Goodnight Angel", said "H" giving her a kiss.

Once they were on their way, "H" grabbed Calleigh and carried her upstairs for some H&C time.


HJr and Claire were in the poolhouse.

"Finally, we have some alone time Claire".

"That's sweet HJr, but it's not going to be tonight".

"Why not"?

"Because my visitor came early".

"Auh!! "Now you tell me". "Oh well, come here and let me hold you at least".


Marisol and Brandon had just got home.

"I'm so tired handsome". "I'm going to go too bed". "I love you".

*Laughing* "Nice try Marisol, it won't work tonight".

"What won't work"? asked Marisol innocently.

"You trying to get me too make love to you".

"I'm not trying anything Brandon, I'm really tired", said Marisol walking to the bedroom.

After she changed, she climbed into bed and fell asleep. Brandon, still wasn't falling for it, so he went into the Living room to watch TV. After watching the news, he shut off the TV and went to bed.

Finding Marisol sound asleep, he pulled her into his arms and held her while she sighed.


It must have been three in the morning when he heard Marisol scream out.


"Marisol, Marisol"!!!!! "Wake up love you are dreaming".

when Marisol awoke she could still see the Perp, in her mind. Picking up the phone she called her dad.

"Hello"! said "H".

"Daddy"!! "Daddy, I seen him, I seen what he looks like, I need someone to draw his face, I still see it, please daddy hurry".

"Marisol who's face"? "What are you talking about Marisol"?

"The guy who's kidnapping women dad". "Just get over here now".

"Alright love, I'll be right there".

"Horatio, what's the matter"? asked Calleigh.

"I'm not sure, Marisol said she had a vision of some guy kidnapping women". "she says she knows what he looks like and to get over to Brads place.

"Oh my"!!! "Let me know handsome".

"I will love, be back soon".

A short time later Horatio arrived with a sketch artist.

"Okay love , slowly now, tell me what you saw"?,
"At first I seen shadows, then going deeper into the dream, I seen four women daddy, all them alive, blindfolded, gagged and hanging upside down by their ankles". Then there was him, a horrible scruffy looking man, like a mountain man". "He was wearing hiking boots, dirty jeans and a red and green lumber jacket". "But it was his face that terrified me, you could see the evil behind his eyes, they were hollow, like he had no soul". "God daddy, it was aweful, those poor women".

"Sweetheart, listen to me". "You gave a great description of him, I don't want you to worry, we'll find him".

"I hate these visions daddy". "Sometimes I see things I don't want to ever see".

"I know sweetheart". "But your visions are getting stronger, you can now actually see faces and places, before you could only see shadows and shapes".

"I don't want to see anything dad". "can't you understand that"? said Marisol going to he bedroom.

"She'll be okay "H", "I'll take care of her".

"I know son, I know".

After Horatio left, Brad went to check on his Marisol.

"Marisol"! "Are you okay love"?

"I'll be fine Brad, don't worry, I just have a headache".

"Would like a couple asprin"?

"No, it will pass, I always get them after a vision".

Getting into bed beside her, Brad wrapped her up in his arms.

"you're shivering sweetheart". "Is that normal too"?

"No"!! "that's terror". "I could feel how scared those women were".

Wrapping her even tighter in his arms, he talked to her about their wedding and what their wedding night would be like. After talking for 30 minutes, he could feel her body relax. Knowing she was asleep, he crawled out of bed, grabbed his laptop and looked up ESP on the internet. He was determined to see if there was anyway to help her through them.

As he scanned articles, he came across one for Clairavoyance, The transference of information about an object, location or contemporary physical event through Psi. An individual is said to be able to gather information from an external contemporary source that is hidden from their traditional senses by distance or physical barriers. Just as he was to read further ahead, Marisol awoke..

"Brad"? "Where are you Brad"?

Closing his laptop, he went back into his room and got back into bed.

"I'm her sweetheart", "How you feeling now"?

"Better, now you're here". "I love you Brad".

"I love you too sweetheart". "go back to sleep".


Mac was still awake, he was having trouble sleeping. It seemed he couldn't clear his mind about how to payback his wife, for her little stunt. Getting up, he headed downstairs for something to drink. As he got to the window, he seen shadow, near the poolhouse. Grabbing his gun, from the locked drawer, he cocked it nad headed outside. As he got closer to the poolhouse, he could see shadows moving around.

Moving in ,Mac stayed away from the light. As he got to the door, he pulled it and aimed his gun and.........
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