CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Whoooo H should call him Mini-Me rofl

Awww I want them all back together so the two pairs can play :devil:
Okay, just a quick point girls. I said none of my main characters ever die. Which means H/C/S/M. God! I'm so evil
Yeah but personally the evil me says you should kill off a main character to add drama. Heheheheee and you think YOUR evil.
Once they had everything done, they headed for the Airport.

"God it will be good to get home to Miami, said "H".

"What's the matter "H", NY to cold for the old bones"? laughed Mac.

"No, not being with my sexy wife, is killing me".

Mac could understand that, though he'd keep that thought to himself.

"Are you ready for another flight love"?

"Not really, this is getting insane, I think next time, it will just be you".

Mac laughed, "That's fine love, I'll just drag "H" along again".

"You wish Mac", said "H" smiling.

"No"!!! "I know, because if I can't be with my wife, then you can't be with yours".

"You're such an Ass Mac", said "H" laughing.


Calleigh and the kids were just sitting down to supper when "H", Mac, Stella and the Taylor kids walked in.

"We're home", yelled "H". "Where is everyone".

"Daddy, yelled Marisol. "How are you, welcome home, kisses please". "You too Uncle Mac, bring your lips over here".

Marisol planted them a kiss smartly on their mouths.

"Hi Dad, hi mom", said Claire, "How's NY".

"Cold and damp", in short terms it sucked".

"Mom, I'm starving, said Macster.

"Well come on in the kitchen and eat, I've made alot of Fried chicken and those little fried potatoes".

Just as they were all heading back into the kitchen, "H" picked up Calleigh and carried her off upstairs.

"What are you up too handsome"? "Put me down". "This isn't gone with the Wind".

"Sorry love, I missed you too much, to put you down, and I can't wait either, only your love can satisfy me".

Tossing her on the bed, he tore off her clothes, and plunged deeply within her soul. She must have been as ready as he was, for she was soaking wet, and he haden't even started yet.

"You missed me too, didn't you love, I can feel you heat burning me".

Calleigh grabbed his face and shoved her tongue down his throat as they growled like animals in the daylight hours, and as much as they didn't mean to be loud, "H" let out a giant......."ROaarrrr"!!!!!!! that could be heard clear across Miami Shores.

*Laughing** "Way to go Dad"!!!! said HJr as everyone started laughing.

"Ahh!! that's just gross" , said Cody and Kenya together as they blocked their ears.

When they were finished they dressed and headed back downstairs, still having no clue "H" roared during play time. As the walked into the kitchen, they heard the kids snickering.

"What's so funny"? asked Calleigh, with an innocent smile.

And of course Mac, who couldn't help but tease the shit out of "H" whenever he could said..... "ROAR""".

everyone laughed Hysterically.. As "H" looked at Calleigh turning three shades of red.
ROAR lol

NOOOOOO don't do that :hehe:
YESSSSS Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it!
After dinner Mac ,Stella and the kids left for home.

"Dad"? said Marisol. "Brandon and I are going to get going now".

"Wait love"? "You're going wih him"?

"Of course daddy". "I've been staying at his place for a while now".

"Calleigh"!!!! "Are you aware of this"?

"Oh stop now". "Leave the kids alone". "I think they've been teased enough today".

"Okay, fine". "I'll see you later Angel". "Take care of her Brad", and no messing around".

"HORATIO"!!! yelled Calleigh, leave those kids alone", she laughed.

After they left, Claire and HJr, tried to sneak out the patio door, so they wouldn't get the third degree.

"Hey"!!!! "Where are you kids going"?

Just out dad, we'll be back soon". "See you".

"Horatio , I told you, to leave those poor kids alone". "why don't you go see how your Son's are doing after their ordeal at the rink".

"Fine", said "H" pouting. "Hey boy's", how are you doing"?

"Good dad, you should have been there to see HJr in action, it was so awesome". "He got both those guys with one shot each, not even coming close to the coach and I".

"Really, wow, good to know". "But I asked how you two are doing"?

"Fine dad, really", said Eric.

"How about you Cody"?

"I'm fine to dad, thanks for asking".

"H" had a feeling that Cody may not be telling the truth, for behind his sons eyes, he could see his terror.


Marisol and Brandon, had gotten home.

"Do you want some coffee, handsome"? asked Mairsol.

"Do you know, how much you sound like your mom"? said Brad laughing.

"Why", thank ya'll for that comment". Giggled Marisol.

Walking up Brandon wrapped his arms around Marisol's waist, as he kissed her neck.

"Mmm!! "We are gonna get into some trouble if we keep this up".

"What sweetheart". "I'm only kissing you". "You're so damn sexy".

Marisol reached her hands behind her, and wrapped them around his neck.

"My beautiful wife to be, whispered Brandon, as he caressed his up her tummy to her breasts.

*Breathless whisper* brandon", please", sighed Marisol.

"Shh!! "It's okay love, just enjoy my touch sweetheart".

Becoming more bold, Marisol grinded her bum slowly into Brandon's thigh's, as he brought his hands to caress inbetween her thighs.
"Brad"!!! cried Marisol innocently. "I want you to love me, please, I don't want to wait".

Brad knew he should wait, but Marisol was so insistent that he picked her up and carried her to bed



HJr and Claire knew they had to find some where to be alone. But where, was the operative word.

"What are we going to do HJr"? asked Claire.

"I know, let's go play in my dad's Hummer".

"He'll kill us if he finds out, that we're anywhere near his Hummer".

"Come on Claire", "How's he gonna know"?

"Okay, let's go".

As HJr and Claire were kissing and caressing in the back of the Hummer, "H" got a call to a crime scene. Opening his back door, he found the kids half undressed and playing around.

"HJr"!!!! "Claire"!!! "Into the house now"!!! screamed "H".

Shutting the door again , so they could make them selves presentable, "H" called Mac.

"Hello"! said Mac.

"You better get over here", "It seems our two children decided to play Peek-a-boo, in the Hummer".

Mac started to laugh. "Are you serious"? "You've got to give them props, for trying".

"Just get over here", said a tired "H".

After he hung up with Mac, he called Frank and told him to get in touch with Eric, that he wouldn't be able to get there".

"Let's go you two".

When they got in the door, Calleigh asked what had happened.

"It seems our children, used the Hummer to try and play Peek-a-Boo".

Calleigh laughed. "Well if these two are playing in the Hummer, you can just imagine what the other two are up too in Brad's Condo".

Horatio looked like he was ready to shoot someone. "Not a another word Calleigh". "You're not helping".
LOL...I hope they don't yell at them too awful much. Hopefully the babies wait until they're married though. The wedding is more fun that way, when you don't have a big baby belly lol

Brandon carried Marisol into the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. Laying down beside her, he told her......

"Marisol, I love you so much, I ache. I feel you lay beside me and I ache, you touch me and I ache". "But I will not give into temptation until we are married".

*giggling* "And If I touch you here", as she pointed to his lower extremity.

"Listen Marisol, if you don't behave I'll take you home".

"Auhh!!! "Fine", getting up Marisol threw a pillow at Brandon's head as she walked out.

"I love you Marisol".

"Yeah,Yeah, I know", come get your coffee".


Claire was freaking out at HJr.

"I told you we'd get caught". "Thanks alot HJr".

"Just shut-up Claire, you're drving me insane". "I hope you don't plan on nagging me like this when we are married".

"You know what HJr"? "Go to hell", said Marisol as her dad and "H" walked in.

"Excuse me young lady", said Mac.

"Can you just take me home please dad".

"What, why"? "What is going on around here"?

"Your daughter is driving me insane", she whines all the time, HJr this and you did that". "Christ".

"That's it HJr", the wedding is off", said Claire as she threw the ring at his feet".

"That's fine with me, such a spoiled little brat", said HJr as he left the room without the ring.

"H" walked ovcer and picked up the ring off the rug. Looking over at Mac he said.....

"I guess we didn't need to talk too them at all", said "H" as he Mac laughed.

"You know they'll make up", said Mac.

"Of course they will, but it will be fun to watch them hiss at each other for a while", said "H".


Claire was in the car waiting for her dad to come out.

"Okay Claire Bear, let's get you home". "Would you like to talk about it"?

"There's nothing to talk about dad, I just want to go home".

Once they got home, Claire ran into her mom's arms.

"What's the matter sweetheart"? "hey, come on now".

"HJr and I broke up, we had a fight and we broke up". "He said I whine to much".

"That doesn't sound like HJr", said Stella.

"Claire and HJr got caught playing peek-a-boo in "H"'s Hummer", so he told them both to get in the house". "then they started arguing and Claire threw her ring and they called off the wedding".

"I'm sorry to hear that Claire, but what did you think would happen"? "And of all places "H"'s Hummer". "You know if he gets a call he's gone".

"I know mom, I'm just gonna go to bed".

"Okay, goodnight love".

Once Claire went upstairs, Mac walked up to Stella and said....

"You want to play Peek-a-Boo"?

"You're naughty Mac, keep Mr.Jolly far away". "I'm going back to bed".

As Stella headed upstairs, Mac followed with a very disappointed Mr.Jolly.


"H" was about to check on HJr, when he heard the screams from Cody's room.

"Cody"!! "Wake up son". "Cody", called "H".

"Dad", Oh God daddy it was scary, I could see the men, their guns and they were going to kill us". "Make it stop daddy".

"Shh!!! It's okay Son, they can't hurt you , it's all over".

"H" laid down beside his Son, and held him tight in his arms, while he slept.

When Calleigh walked into the room, two hours later, She found them both asleep. taking the blanket, she covered them both and left the room.

Walking by HJr's room, she seen his light on.

"HJr , you okay son"?

"I'm fine mom, just can't sleep". "Claire and I had an arguement and we broke up".

"Oh HJr, what happened"?

"We were playing Peek-a-boo in dad's Hummer, and we got caught". "Claire blamed me , I called her nag, and she threw my ring at me".

"In the Hummer"? "Come on HJr, why there, you must have known your dad might get a call out".

"I was hoping he wouldn't". "God this is frusterating".

"Try and sleep HJr. I'm sure Claire will come around".
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