CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Lol, can you say "Dum Dum Dum!" I wonder how that's going to go over with H and Mac! :lol:

OMG! Please add more LMH! :cool:
Marisol, called her dad.

"Hi daddy", said Marisol.

"Hi Angel, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you good-bye".

"That's okay daddy". "I have some news for you, and then Hjr has some too".

"Okay Angel, what is it"?

"Brandon, asked me to marry him and I said Yes".

"He did, when"?

"this morning over breakfast".

"Let me talk to the boy".

"Daddy"!!! said Marisol, be nice".

"Alway's sweetheart", now put the good doctor on".

"Here Branndon, he wants to talk to you".

"Hello "H", "How are you Sir"?

"I'm great, how are you"?
"Fine Sir", "Is there something you needed"?

"Are you going to take care of my daughter"?

"Of course Sir, always and forever". "I love her, she's my only soulmate".

"In that case you have my blessing, now pass me to my son".

"Yes Sir"!! said Brandon, as he passed the phone to Hjr.

HJr was shaking his head no.

"Here, said Marisol, quit being a baby".

"Hi dad"! "How goes it there"?

"Not to good son, what did you need"?

"I needed to let you know that Claire and I are engaged to be married". "We are going to be having a double wedding".

"That's great Son, but has Claire told her dad yet"?

"No, she was going to that later".

"No need son, he is right here".

"H" called Mac to the phone.

"It's Hjr, he needs to talk to you".

"What is it "HJr"?

"I'd like your permission to marry your daughter".

"Would you now". "Well I don't know if I want her married to a bullistics expert".

"Uncle Mac"!!! 'Come on".

"Of course Son, you can have her", now don't tell her yet, put her on".

"Claire, your dad want s to talk to you".

"What did he say Hjr"? whispered Claire.

"He said he wants to talk to you".

Poor Claire was nervous, she thought for sure her dad was going to say no.

"Hi daddy", said Claire.

"Claire bear, my girl, what's up"?

"Not alot daddy, I miss you".

"I'm sure you do Claire Bear", said Mac, teasingly. "So are you sure you want to marry someone like Hjr"?

"Daddy, come on, you know I've loved since we were kids".

"I know that sweetheart, but you're my baby". "I don't want to give you up".

"Come on dad, you still have Kenya, and three boys".

"Are you still a virgin Claire"? Mac knew she was, but he loved to tease his little bear.

"DADDY"!!!! that's not your buisness".

"Fine love, you have my blessing, but you need to call your mom".

"I will, I love you daddy".

"I love you too Claire Bear". "Well "H", that will be fifty bucks please, said Mac.

"Damn you Taylor, everytime we bet on our kids you win".

"It's called skill "H", now come on, I'll buy you lunch with your fifty bucks". "And we'll discuss how to get rid of my Macster and your Eric next".

"You're terrible Mac, said Danny who was listening.

"You'll understand when you have children". "Now "H" for our next bet". "which of our children will give us the first grandchild"?

"I'll have to go with Claire and HJr, they've been dying to mate since pampers", laughed "H".

"Okay then". "I'll take Marisol and Brandon".

"whoa, a second". "You got to let me in on this", I've got fifty on Claire and "HJr", said Danny.

"Well okay then". "This is going to be the easiest hundred bucks I've ever made", said Mac. "Now lets go get some lunch".
Once the kids were more relaxed, they all realized how much their mom was missing their dad.

"Mom"!! said Marisol. "Brad and I would love to stay for lunch and suuper today". "Wouldn't we Brad"?

Brad had no family, so to him this was like heaven. "Of course, we'd love to stay". "calleigh has told me all about your wonderful cooking".

"Oh!! "Well that's wonderful, I'd love ya'll to stay".

"We'll stay to mom". "As long as we're having your Southern fried chicken".

"You read my mind sweetheart, with those fried potatoes and grilled veggies you love".

Once Calleigh went into the kitchen , Marisol said to HJr......

"Do you think she'll be okay"?

"She's strong Mari", try not to worry, we'll all keep a good eye on her".


Li'l Eric and Cody were at hockey practice, when the hostage situation took place.

*Bang,Bang** Everyone freeze, no one moves, than no one gets hurt". *Bang* I said don't move, next time it won't be a warning".

"Eric always carried his cell phone in his pocket, taking it out he dialed 911, and just let dispatch listen.

"Now I want all you boy's to sit in a circle, and the first one who tries anything funny, get's their head blown off".

Once the dispatch knew it was a hostage situation, she called the Swat Unit for assistance. Calleigh was first to see the commotion.
"Oh my! Hjr, somethings going on at the Hockey rink".

"Aren't Eric and Cody there mom"?

"They are, yes"! "Oh my HJr, what's going on"?

"I'll find out mom, stay calm, I'll call you".

As HJr ran out the door, over to the rink, he was stopped by Frank.

"Frank"!! "What the hell is going on over there"?

"The team has been taken hostage". "there's at least three armed gunmen in their, from the bank robbery that happened earlier today". "As far as I know, everyone is okay".

"I'm going down their Tripp, I'm fully trained in Weapons".

"I know you are Son, that's why I came to get you".

Frank explained to Calleigh, what was happening, beofre he headed back over with HJr.

"I'll call dad Mom" , said Marisol.

"Caine"!! said "H".

"Daddy it's Marisol". "Eric and Cody have been taken hostage by bank robbers, at the rink".

"Listen Marisol, calm down, now slowly tell me again".

After Marisol, explained to her dad again , about what was happening, he asked her to put on her mom.

"Sweetheart"! "how are you do love"?

"They've got my babies handsome, both of them".

"I know love, calm down for a minute". "Where is Hjr"?

"Frank came and got him, they needed him".

"Good, he matches your skill sweetheart, the kids will be fine now". "I'm going to call Frank and find out somemore details, then I'll call you back". "Okay love"?

"Okay handsome", I love you".

"I love you to sweetheart, stay calm".


"H"! "What's going on"? asked Mac.

"My Eric and Cody, have been taken hostage with other boy's at their hockey practice".

"Good God"! "How's Calleigh"?

"She's holding it together, the kids are their with her".

"Have you talked to Tripp yet"?

"That's what I'm doing now".

Meanwhile.....*back at the rink*

"Alright listen up you little brats, I want you all to move to the back wall and turn around facing the bleechers".

Eric knew right away, this position was used when the shooters, where going to start shooting their hostages.

"Eric I'm scared, whispered Cody".

"It's okay Cody, I'm here"..

This is the Police, we want you too come out with your hands in the air". "there is no need for anyone to get hurt".

"Shut the hell up cop, or I start shooting these kids now". "I'd be more worried about my demands, which for starter's is safe passage out of here for me and my men".

"If you want to start negotiating, you need to release some hostages".

"No deal cop, you have to give me something first".

Okay, just a quick point girls. I said none of my main characters ever die. Which means H/C/S/M. :devil: :devil: God! I'm so evil :lol:

Thanks Mel. I'm glad you like the Siggi :)

"Alright, one of our Officer's are bringing you up a car, he'll park it at the doors backwards". "But before that, you have to give me all the Hostages".

"Do I look like an Idiot to you"? "I'll release them all but the coach, and one boy".

"Deal!! send them out".

"You, you ,you, you, you, and you", up let's go, get out".

Everyone was sent out but Eric and the coach. Once they had the kids to safety, Cody told HJr they still had Eric.

"I know bud", it will be okay, we'll get him out".

"Are you ready Hjr"?

"Ready as I'll ever be".

Once HJr was in the , hidden on the back floor, his partner drove up the car, got out and walked back down to safety.

"Do you think he'll be okay"? asked his partner.

"He's "H"s son, it's in his blood, he'll be fine".

As the robbers came out the door, one of them had Eric in front of them, while the other two held the coach.

"No funny idea's cop, or the kid gets it".

Just as the robbers, opened the car door, HJr, had his guns drawn, *bang,Bang* two shots straight through each chest, as the other Swat team took down the last purp.

Once everything was all clear, Hjr took his brothers in his arms and held them tight.

"Can we go home now". "I''ve had enough hockey for one day".


"H" was waiting for Frank to return to the phone".

"Yeah"H". we got them. Two dead and one in custody".

"How about my boy's"?

"They're all fine, HJr is taking them home now".

"So how did HJr do"?

"Not that you need to ask, what you already know, but he did great, took down two".

"That's great Frank". "I should be home in a few day's".

"Well"!!! "Is it over"? , asked Mac.

"It's over and everyone is safe".

"Thank God for that".


Hjr had just got in the door, with Eric and Cody.

"Oh my babies"!!! cried Calleigh. "Are you okay, how horrible it must have been".

"Calm down mom, we're fine", said Eric.

"What happened over there HJr" , asked Claire.

"Hostage situation, no fatalities, everyone's safe". "Just some small time criminals".

"Don't let HJr make light of it mom, he's a hero". "He shot two of the guys straight threw the chest". "It was like something out of James Bond". "Plus, Uncle Frank said.... "he's just like his mother", and we laughed".


Mac and "H" had the Pyromaniac cornered.

"Give it up now", "There's no escape", yelled Mac.

Knowing he was trapped, the Pyro doused himself in gasoline and carried his lighter with him outside the door.

"Come within two feet of me, and I'll set myself on fire", he said as he flicked the lighter.

"Put the lighter down, there is no need for you to do this". "Just walk towards us slowly, and we'll help you".

"I don't want your help". "I don't wan't to go away, back to that center". "I just want to die".

"Listen"!! "Please, let us help you".

"Noooo"!!!!!! yelled the guy as he put the lighter onto his shirt setting himself on fire.

Mac and "H" ran over, took off their coats and started putting out the flames. Both Mac and "H" knew it was to late, but they had to try.

"He's gone Mac", said "H".

"I know "H", "Let's get this wrapped up, so you can get home".

"You're not coming"?

"I am, but on a later flight, I have to catch up on all this paper work".

"Then I'll stay and help you".

"Are you sure"? "I thought you might want to get home to Calleigh".

"She's fine, the kids are with her". "I talked to her already".

"Okay than". "Let's get this paper work done, and head home".
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