CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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After Eric and left to get back to the Lab and finish developing those pictures. Brandon invited "H" and Mac up to his place.

"Come on up"! "I'm sure Marisol would love to see you both".

As they were heading up to his Condo, they were shocked with all the roses he purchased.

"Are those all for our Marisol"? said Mac.

"Yup!!! "Don't you think she'll love them"? said Brandon.

"Mac gave "H" that look that said, "Just how serious are they".

heading into the Condo, Marisol jumped off the sofa and went to run into Brandon's arms, until she seen her dad and Uncle Mac. Realizing how she was dressed, she froze.

"Daddy"! "Uncle Mac"! "What are you guy's doing here"? with a huge cute smile.

"That's not going to work Angel", where the hell are your clothes"? asked "H".

Ignoring her father and Uncle's shocked look, she said to Brandon.....

"Are those for me"? "I love roses".

"Yes they are Marisol", "They remind me of your beauty".

"H" and Mac, were on fire, they kept trying to try and figure out what happened with these two.

"Some one needs to tell me, what's going on", said "H".

"Nothing dad, Brad brought me back here, because I didn't want to go home". "I borrowed his clothes after my shower, because the scent of blood was over my clothes and skin", fibbed Marisol.

"Oh"!! "Well that's okay then", said Mac.

"You know"! "You guys need to let go". "I'm twenty years old, why don't you guys go bug Claire, she's younger".

"You never mind about Claire, said "H", she's not the one running around in mens boxers".

While "H" was still scolding the Marisol and Brad for thier behavour, Mac was walking around looking for evidence of naughty behaviour.

"Forget it Uncle Mac, you won't find anything, because nothing happened", said Marisol laughing.

Brad was enjoying himself. He really couldn't fault "H" and Mac for being so protective, he'd be the same if he had a daughter that looked like an Angel.

Getting ready to leave, Mac walked over and kissed Marisol on the cheek. "that's a good girl".

Then looking at Brad, he said......"We know where you live".

After "H" kissed his daughter they left.

"My God "H", this guy is loaded". "Did you see his view"? "Damn I'm in the wrong line of work".

"You and me both, said "H" laughing. "I really like him"!

"I hear you "H", I like him too, and I think he's perfect for our Angel".

"I couldn't agree more, Let's get back to the Lab".


"What was that about"? asked Marisol. "What were they doing here"?

"I seen the killer near our Condo, and I had to call it in".

"He was here"? "What would he be doing here"?

"It's the perfect place to hang out Marisol". "There's no traffic, or people around".

"Did they catch him"?

"No"! he jumped the fence and got away". "So after Eric and Ryan left, I invited them up". "Though I never expected you to be in my boxers", which you look damn hot in by the way".*smiling*

Giggling Marisol put her hands around him and kissed him passionatly on the lips.

"Thank-you for the Roses, I love them".

"You're welcome, now what would you like to do tonight"?

"Stay in make you dinner, and watch another movie".

"Are you sure Marisol"?

"I'm positive Brad". "All I want to do is be with you", and I love to cook".

Brad was so impressed and so in love with Marisol. Any other girl would have wanted to go out the rich doctor, so they could show off their trophy. But all Marisol wanted was his company.

"I can get use to this forever", said Brandon to himself.
:lol: OMG that was funny! I mean H and Mac are CSI's they should be able to put two and teo together. But I love any way! ;)

Please add more!

As "H" and Mac, got into the Hummer, Eric called.

"H", we got him". "We caught him 3 blocks over, he's in custody as we speak".

"Okay Eric, thanks,m for the call". "I'll see you in about 5 minutes".

"What's going on "H"? asked Mac.

"They caught our killer, just about 3 blocks over". "Eric and Frank have him in custody now".

Once "H" and Mac got to the station, they made sure Juan dujuan, was booked and locked up.

"Let's get home "H", I need to see my wife", said Mac.

"I hear you Mac". "I hear you".


Eric had called Calleigh with the news that they had captured Juan Dujuan.

"Okay Eric, I'll call Marisol".

When Calleigh hung up the phone to call Marisol, she walked through the door with Brandon.

"Hey mom"! "How goes it"?

"Hi sweetheart, Hi Brandon". "I thought you were staying in to watch movies"?

"We are mom, I just need to borrow your Southern Fried Chicken recipe".

"Oh"!! "It's in the kitchen". "And before I forget, your Uncle Eric and Frank, caught the Serial killer".

"Really, Oh my , that's so great mom".

After giving her mom a hug, she was just about to head out the door, when her mom called her.


"Yes mom"!

"Shouldn't you take a change of clothes"?

"Great idea mom, thanks".

Once Marisol had everything ready, she kissed her mom again and left.

Meanwhile ......

Mac had just gotten home to Stella.

"Hi love, how are you"?

"Better now you're home". "I was worried there for a bit".

"Come here love", said Mac, as he held her tight. "Let's go to bed".

"I thought you'd never ask".


"H" got home to a waiting Calleigh.

"Hello Sweetheart, how have you been"?

"Good"!.. "It's just going to be you and me tonight".

"Why is that Love"?

"Well, the boys are with Dad, Hjr is out with Claire for the night, and Marisol is staying at Brandon's".

"Why do I get the feeling we are going to loose our two oldest children"?

"Maybe because it's already happened".

Taking his wife in his arms, he said........

"At least we still have three".

"That's true love, I don't think Eric, Cody or Destinee, will be leaving for at least another 5 or 6 years".
The End......

Next on crossover......
Double wedding time , as the two Caine kids and one Taylor, tie the knot . Also, "H" and Mac have to stop a Firestarter from burning down abandoned buildings.
Mac, Stella, Macster, Arthur, Kenya and Ausitn, were packed up and ready to go back to NY. They decided Claire could stay and watch their Miami home. Mac and Stella knew Calleigh would keep a good eye on her and their home. As "H" was headed back with Mac, to help him solve a case, that demanded his immediate attention.

It seemed some Pyromaniac was setting fires to abandoned Warehouse's where the homless often slept. So far there was a total of 30 homless people burned alive needlessly in NY and Mac knew he needed this case solved quickly before any one else died.

"claire"!! called Stella. "We're leaving now sweetheart".

"Okay mom". As Claire ran down the stairs, she embraced her mom and dad, in hugs and kisses. "You'll be back soon right"? asked Claire.

"Of course love. "With your dad and Uncle "H" on the case, we'll be back before you know we've gone".

Once they had left to pick up "H", Claire knew she would have to prove to her mom and dad, that she was responsible enough, to care for thier Miami home.


"Sweetheart"! "Were is my overcoat"?

"It's in the closet handsome, were you put it the last time you got home from NY".

Walking into the room, Calleigh pulled it from the closet.

"there you go handsome".

Grabbing his wife in his arms, he said.....

"You'll miss me right love"?

"More than you'll ever know", said Calleigh with tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry love, I'll be back before you know I've gone".

Taking his thumb he wiped her tears from her face. He knew he would love to make love too her one more time, but he also knew Mac would be there any minute to pick him up.

(Doorbell rings)

"Hey Uncle Mac, said Eric, come on in". "Dad"!!!! "Uncle Mac is here".

"Thanks son, I'll be right down".

Giving his wife, one last kiss, he walked down the stairs without looking back.

"Where's Calleigh"? asked Mac.

"She's upstairs".

"Are you sure, she doesn't want to come".

"I'm sure, she said she needs to be here for HJr and Marisol, incase they get into trouble".

Mac laughed, he knew the oldest ones were getting close to marriage.

"Maybe by the time we get back, we'll have a wedding", laughed Mac.

Putting on his sunnies, "H" said ... "You never know Mac. "You never know".

With tears still in her eyes, Calleigh watched from the window as "H" disappeared into the Miami sunset.

"Mommy"! said Destinee. "Are you okay, mommy"?

"Hey Desti", yeah mommy will be fine".

"You missing daddy already"?

"Yes love, I'm missing your daddy".

"Me too mommy" , said Destinee with tears in her little eyes.

Marisol was still in bed, when Brad came in with a beautiful breakfast in bed for her. Putting down the tray, he leaned over Marisol until he was beside her ear. Whispering he said....

"My beautiful Marisol", whispered Brad as he softly kissed her ear.

"Mmm!! sighed Marisol. As she opened her eyes, she seen Brad looking into her . Pulling him towards her she put her lips on his, whisper, "I love you Brad", into his mouth, as he whispered back...."I love you too Marisol". Joinging their lips together, they kissed in burning passion, such passion in fact that they both got carried away.

Hotter and heavier, they went into each other, as Brad branded her with his heated hand on her breast. Marisol purred, into his mouth.

"Brad"!!!'' I want to feel more, I want you to love me", please".

Brad knew he was fighting a loosing battle with Marisol, but he also knew he was the one with the control.. Breaking the kiss, he sat up and said....

"Look Marisol, I made you breakfast in bed love".

"All this for me"? said Marisol still in her passionate state.

"Of course my love, I will always pamper and love you".

As Marisol opened the jar, that held the jam, she found a small box inside, instead of jam. Opening it up, there was a diamond engagement ring, with an inscription that read..... "To my only love" .

Marisol had tears in her eyes, as she looked at Brad, he said.......

"Marisol , will you marry me"?

"Yes brad", "I will marry you".

Lifting her out of the bed, knocking over the breakfast tray, he swung her around the room.

"Put me down Brad", giggled Marisol.


HJr was in the jewelery store making the final payment on Claire's engagement ring.

"Here you go young man". "You must have one beautiful bride"?

"I do sir, I do", said HJr as he left the store.

*New York*

When they landed in New York Danny was waiting for them.

"Mac"!! yelled Danny. "It's great to have you home". "H", how ya doing"?

"Good thanks".

Once they dropped Stella and the kids off at home, they headed to NYPD.

Mac wished he could go back to Miami, never had he seen so many files needing his attention.

"Christ, said "H", and I thought it was bad, the last time I got home to Miami", said "H" as he realized the files were three times the size of his.

"Okay Danny, fill us in please".

"So far, we've had two Warehouse fires, in the distirct that houses the Homeless". "We've found no evidence of how the fires are started yet, and according to the Fire Dept. It may be a while before they even figure it out" . "The debris alone will take weeks".

"Okay Danny thanks". "Once the FireDept is done , I want you and Hawkes on the Warehouse".

"You got it Mac", said Danny.


Brandon and Marisol headed home to her place, to give her mom and dad the good news.

"Hey mom, I'm home".

"Hi sweetheart"! "How are you"? "Hi Brandon".

"I'm great mom" , said Marisol flashing her hand.

"Oh my, look at that, are you to finally engaged"?

"We are mom, and we are setting up for a summer wedding". "Where's dad"?

"He had to go to NY, with your Uncle Mac and Aunt Stella". "He'll be back in a few days".

"Where's everyone else mom"?

"The boy's are at hockey practice, and Destinee, is at the beach with Uncle Eric".

"Something smells really good, you're baking again, which means you are upset that dad is gone".

"I'm fine love, don't worry", said Calleigh with tears again.

Awwee!!!! "Come on Mom, it's okay, you can help me plan for our wedding". "With Brandon, not having family, we can all work together", it will be fun mom".

"I'd love to sweetheart, and welcome to the family Brandon".

"Thank you Calleigh", said Brandon.

"You can call me mom". "Just don't give me any grndchildren until you are married".

"That I can promise you Cal......Mom".

HJr had arrived at Claire's.

"Hi sweetheart, said Hjr.

"Hello you sexy beast, come in", giggled Claire.

Once Hjr got in, he picked up Claire and carried her to the sofa whee he sat her down.

"What is it HJr, said Claire, you look aweful serious"?

"I have something I need to ask you". "Really ask you".

"What is it HJr"?

Pulling the ring out of his pocket, he got down on one knee and said......

"Claire, my love, my world, my hope, my dream, will you marry me"?

Claire was in tears, she knew this day would come, when "HJr became a CSI in Bullistics. She remembered him coming home ,and telling his mom and dad, that they had given him his mom's position on the CSI team. "H" cried, because he now had his son beside him, and he knew, there would be someone with his understanding to take over the Lab one day.

"Yes Horatio jr", "I'll marry you".

HJr and Claire, headed to Hjr's to tell his mom the good news.

"Hey mom, I'm home", yelled HJr.

"Hey there's my older sexy brother", said Marisol as she kissed his cheek.

"hey baby sis, how are you"? "hey brandon"?

"Hi HJr, did you here are good news"?

"No what good news"?

"We are getting married"? yelled Marisol, showing her ring.

"Oh my God"!!! said Claire, so are we".

"What"!! "Get out, are you serious"?

"Does this look serious enough"?

"Ahhh!! "Look at that, very nice", "It kind of looks like mine".

Just at the moment Calleigh walked in from the kitchen.

"Now this is what I like to see, my oldest children in one room".

"Tell her HJr, tell her", said Marisol excitedly.

"Mom, Claire and I are getting married".

"Oh my"!!!! said Calleigh in shock, are you telling me we have a double wedding"?

"I guess we are mom, I guess we are".

"Well then, which one of you are going to tell your dad's".

"They looked at each other, as if to say "Not me"!!!!
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