CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Now can they go make up with each other? hehe. Mac and H should thoroughly punish them for being naughty :devil:

After Mac left for home, Calleigh found the note from Marisol. She knew if her father found out he'd become upset, so Calleigh put the note in the bottom of the garbage.

"There you go Angel", said Calleigh to herself, you just enjoy your life, because tomorrow, your father will take you back into your nightmare".


Marisol, had awaken to a cool draft across her back, turning to cuddle into Brandon's heat, she noticed he was sleeping on the opposite side with his scars facing her. Marisol, softly traced her finger's across the scared skin, as he sighed into the Miami night. Being a little more bolder she kissed his shoulder and he jolted up out of bed.

"Woa!!!! said Marisol. "You okay Brad"?

"Yeah! I'm fine Marisol". Laying back down he faced her with his back to the door.

"Why do you hide your scars from me"? asked Marisol innocently.

"Because most women find them ugly". "They don't understand it's a reminder of an incident that happened in my life".

Taking her hand, Marisol touched his face and asked him to tell her the story.

Meanwhile .....

Mac returned home to find his wife sound asleep on the couch. Picking her up, he carried her upstairs in his arms. Laying her down he said.....

"I love you Stella, and I'm very sorry for taking my anger out on you".

Bending down to kiss her, she awoke.

"Mac"!! "I'm sorry".

"Sorry for what love"? "I'm the one that's sorry". "I took all my anger out on you, and you didn't deserve that".
With that said, Mac softly kissed her heated lips. As she opened her mouth to respond, he seductively twirled his tongue around hers, listening to her purrs and sighs. Needing more of her air to survive, he took thier deeper, into their souls, as his hand seductively moved down to her inner thighs. Moaning deeper into his mouth, Mac plunged his tongue to silence her cries. Breaking the kiss he said........

"Stella"! "I need more, let me love you". As he caressed his tongue down her body, across her breasts, down lower to her tummy, and lower still intil he reached his desire that caused her to cry out into the Miami early morning air. When he was sure she was ready to be loved, he mounted himself atop her, and began to move in a rythmn as old as time.

A short time later, Mac held her tight , and filled her heart with appologizes , over and over, until he felt she understood.


Horatio had returned home, to find Calleigh sitting outside with a coffee on the patio.

"Sweetheart"! said "H", standing to the side looking at his beautiful wife.

"Hey handsome", "Where have you been"?

"I had to help Stella out, Mac's having a pretty hard time with the case".

"Well y'all must have missed each other, he was just here, talking with me about the case too".

"Listen Sweetheart"! "I'm really sorry for trying to force Marisol into talking last night about what she seen, but this case is killing all of us and needs to be solved soon".

"I know handsome, why don't you get some rest".

"I will love, but first I need to see Marisol, to appologize".

*Thinking quickly* "Oh"! "She's already left to meet up with Brandon, before her appointment today".

"Now why would she do that, she knew I wanted to go with her".

"I think this is one thing she wanted to do alone".

"Well than I'll go meet her at her appointment".

*Thinking quick again* Calleigh got up out of her chair and threw herself into "H"'s arms.

"Make love to me in the Miami waters handsome, Like we used to do".

"H" picked up his wife, carried her to the water and loved her over the Miami Sunrise.

When they had had their fill of each other, "H" carried her back to the house where he loved her twice more, forgetting all about Marisol and her appointment.


Brandon got Marisol settled in his arms, before he told her his story.

"It was October 17th 2006, I'll never forget that date, as long as I breathe". My parents and I were coming home from seeing a movie and as we were driving, a transport lost control, my parents knew right away it would be to late to avoid it, So my father opened the passanger door, and pushed me out, just as the transport hit causing the car to explode and my parents to die".

Marisol didn't dare say a word, she realized so many people say sorry to people for tragedy's all the time, not realizing it often hurts the victim more". Instead she took her hand and linked it to his for encouragement to continue.

"I was left by the side of the road with burns on my back, shoulders and face". "When I got to the Hospital, my dads friend was the Plastic Surgeon, who repaired my face". "I asked him to leave the scars on my back and shoulders as memory to how my father saved me that night".

Marisol could feel the tears stinging her eyes, as she moved herself closer to Brandon and kissed him with passion, as their tears blended in each others mouths. When they broke the kiss Brandon said........

"I really love you Marisol, it must be fate that brought us together, because I swore, I was destine to spend my life alone".

Marisol looked deeply into his eyes and said....."I think I'm fallen for you too Brandon".

Kissing her one last time, Brandon told Marisol to get up, so he take her over to the Clinic for her apointment.

"can't we just do it hear Brandon"?

"Silly Marisol, I need a sterile office and equipment". "Besides you'll get to see where I work".

As they upped and dressed Marisol could definatly see herself married to Dr.Brandon Swanson.
Okay guy's heads up.... "There will be only one post in the morning. "I have to go work till 6pm Canadian time. But I promise you will love the triple post I have for you in the morning. :D :D :cool: :D

"H" recieved the call from Eric just shortly after 8am. Calling Mac he informed him to meet him there at the Crime Scene. Once they arrived, there were officer's throwing up, "H", Mac, Eric and Ryan couldn't believe what they were seeing. Ryan had to leave, while Eric being stronger, managed out only a gag.

"Christ "H", said Eric, I'll take the inside with Ryan".

"You'll need rubber boots Eric, there is blood and remains all over the place", you'll also find two of the children hanging from the tree in the back".

"Sick freak", said Eric.

As they walked into the house they could smell the blood in their nasal passages.

"This damn scent isn't going to leave us for weeks", said Ryan.

"Smarten up Ryan, and start processing, there are alot of bodies around, just pick one and get started".


Marisol and Brandon, seen the police and Paramedics all over the street.

"What's going on"? asked Brandon.

"I'm thinking it's my dad's and Uncle Mac's crime scene". "We need to get over there".

"Marisol, I don't think they'll let us through".

"They will". "excuse me I'm Marisol Caine, daughter of Horatio Caine, I'm here to help process, and this is Dr.Swanson".

After Macisol showed the officer her I.D. he let her go through.

"See how easy that was"., said Marisol.

As they pulled up, all the bodies had already been moved into the house.

"Marisol"!! "What are you doing here sweetheart"? asked Uncle Mac.

"Where's my dad"?

"How did you get in here Marisol"? asked Mac.

"I'll explain later, where is dad"?

"He's in the house". "Marisol don't you dare go in there". "Marisol"!!!!!!! yelled Mac.

As her and Brandon entered the house, they gagged.

"Oh my Lord", said Marisol in tears, as she seen the six children gutted on the floor.

"Marisol"! "What are you doing here love"? you shouldn't be here".

Poor Brandon looked like he was about to pass out, he'd seen horror before but never like this.

"I'm okay Sir", said Brandon.

As Marisol got closer to the bodies that aligned the bedroom, she closed her eyes and allowed her mind to flow.

"What's she doing Sir"? asked Brandon.

"Just call me "H" son". "H" will do for now".

Brandon smiled, he took that to mean "H" had accepted him in his daughters life.

"She's clearing her mind Brad, allowing herself to channel through and see what happened here".

Brandon, had never seen anything like it, Marisol looked completely relaxed.

As they waited for Marisol to come back, they continued with the crime scene.

Has she ever done this before"?

"Just twice", the first time was when her and Claire were kidnapped by Stewert Otis". "she channeled into Eric to let us know where they were". The second time she saved Lindsay Monroe, when she was kidnapped".

Just as they finished talking Marisol screamed in terror, as she clutched at her stomach, and started choking.

"What the hell, she's choking ", said Brandon. Running over Brandon, shook her awake.

"Marisol"!!! "Marisol"!! wake-up".

As she awoke she started inhaling for air.

"Just breath sweetheart, just breath deep".

"He's here Dad, he's somewhere close, somewhere near the crime scene, I can sense him".

"H" informed the officers to look around outside, as he told Eric to start taking pictures of the crowds.

"Lots of picture's Eric, click everybody"

"You got it "H", said Eric as he went outside.

"Are you okay love"? asked "H".

"No dad"! "I'm not okay, I'll never be okay for a long time". "If you just had one picture in your head of what I witnessed, you wouldn't be okay either".

"I'm sorry sweetheart". "I wasn't going to bring you till after the clean-up".

"I know dad", it's my fault too, I lied to the Officers to get in here".

"Lied how sweetheart"?

"I showed them that fake I.D. card you made me when I was younger, and I said Brad was the doctor here for the bodies, and he let us in".

"Sneaky little imp", said "H". "I believe you two have an appointment to get too".

Kissing her dad and Uncle Mac on the cheek they left.

"How hurt do you think she is "H"? asked Eric.

"Very hurt, I could see her hiding her fear and tears , but it was there, just in the corner of her eyes". "Brandon will help her through it".

"By the way "H", who is Brandon"? asked Eric.

" Marisol's Plastic Surgeon, the one she just left with".

Eric wondered to himself...... "Just what did I miss"?


Brandon helped Marisol back into the car.

"Brandon"! said Marisol.

He could see the terror and pain in her eyes. "Yes Marisol"?

"Take me home please".

As Brandon was about to take the turnoff on Marisol's street, she said......

"No Brandon". "Take me home, to your home", with that said Marisol collapsed.

Brandon was in tears, as he held Marisol's head in his lap as she slept all the way home. Once he parked the car, he picked up Marisol and carried her upstairs. As he had her resting in his bed, he heard her whisper......"I love you Brandon".

Bending down, he kissed her lips, and said into her ear......."I love you too Marisol".

Leaving the room, he called Mrs.Caine, just to make her aware of what had happened.

(Phone rings)

"Hello"!! said Calleigh.

"Hi, Mrs.Caine"? "It's Brandon".

"Hey Brandon, how are you"?

"I'm fine, You are aware Marisol stayed here last night"?

"Of couse I am, she left me a note".

"Well, we didn't get a chance to do her grafts today".

"Why not"? what happened"?

"We were on our way there, when Marisol seen the crime scene "H" was working at, and she asked me to stop". "Needless to say she...........

"Don't tell me she went in"? "I told "H" not to let her in". "How is my baby, is she okay"?

"Calm down Mrs.Caine, she's sleeping right now".

"Please call me Calleigh", I suppose she seen it all, right"?

"She did, yes". "So much in fact, that she told "H", that the killer was somewhere in the crowd".

"But she's okay now, right"? asked Calleigh.

"Trust me Calleigh, she's in good hands".

Calleigh giggled. "I'm sure she is". "I'll talk to you later Brad".

After hanging up, Calleigh realized "H" must trust the good doctor, because only those close to him or his team, can get away with calling him "H".


Eric had snapped picture's of everyone, that was standing on or near the crime scene.

"Ok "H", "I'm going to get these back to the Lab".

"Thanks Eric, call me with the results".

"I will "H", he shouldn't be hard to miss with that scar".

"Alexx"! "Have you got all the bodies ready to go"?

"There all wrapped up, and ready to be brought out".

"Okay, Frank, send in a couple of your seasoned Officer's to help with the bodies, please".

After the bodies had been removed, and the house was sealed with crime tape. "H" headed home to Calleigh.


Marisol was still sound asleep, as Brandon walked in to check on her. No matter how many times he looked, he knew he would never get use to her beauty. She looked just like an Angel, with her innocence and her loving nature. brandon wished his parents were still alive to meet her, he knew they'd love her.

Leaving out the door again, Brandon heard Marisol call his name.


"What is it love"? "Do you need something"?

"yes I do"! Stretching pout her hand, she said.... "You"! "I need you".

Brandon walked over and sat down beside her. Tapping on the pillow, he knew Marisol was telling him to lay down. When they were laying side to side, Marisol brought up her hand and took her finger, to trace the outside of his lips. Enjoying the feelings floating in her tummy, she traced his lips again, as she put her finger o have a third go, he kissed the tip, sending fire through her thighs. She moaned.

Brandon knew she was getting excited and didn't understand what the tingles meant yet, but he loved the innocence, and the expressions in her face as her eyes turned blue as ice. Wanting more Marisol took his hand and put it on her cheek, hoping he would caress her face. Giving her innocent play, he traced her outline of her lips, as she closed her eyes. Caressing his hand further along, he stroked across her cheek to her ear until his fingers were intwined in her hair. Pulling her closer, ever so slowly, he kissed her beautful nose, followed by her cheek and than to her lips, as he trace the outside with his tongue. Marisol purred and sighed. Taking her a little deeper into foreplay he caressed her back as his hand slid to caress her bum in little tickles, she squeezed against the sensation she felt between her thighs.

Brandon was only giving her clothes on clothes foreplay, just so she could get used to his touch of introducing her to the art of making love. Kissing her deeper, he put his hand between her thighs and she came, Uhhh!! not understanding the sensation, Brad explained it to her.

"It's okay sweetheart", It's just an orgasm".

Oh Marisol knew exactly what it was, she had just never felt one before.

"Just relax now Marisol, I'm here, try and sleep".

Still having the warm sensation between her thighs, she couldn't help but think, sex with Brandon was going to be beautiful. As Marisol fell asleep, Brandon was still caressing her hair.

Eric and Ryan were processing the pictures.

"Do you see anything yet"? asked Eric.

"Nothing yet", said Ryan.

"He has to be here somewhere, Marisol said he was there".

"Well we have two more rolls to do, maybe he's on one of them", said Ryan.


Brandon knew he had to get to the Clinic. He had two patients after Marisol. Leaving her a note he let her sleep.

Once he got to work, two young girls were waiting patiently.

"Dr.Swanson", said his seceretary. "Marisol Caine, did not show for her appointment".

"I know Sars, that's fine, she already reschedualed".

"Jennifer, if you'd like to follow me, we'll get that dressing off you're nose", said Brandon.

Jennifer had lost part of her nose, when she was bit by her dog during playtime.

Once Brandon was done with his two patients, he stopped by the florest and picked up 5 dozen baby roses for Marisol. On the card he wrote, "Memories of our morning", Love Brandon. As he got out of his car, he seen a man resembling the killer. He remembered him from the scar "H" had told him he had.

Getting back in his car, he called Miami-Dade crime lab, and asked them to put him through to Lt.Caine. Once Brandon found out he was at home, he called him there.

"Hello"! said "H".

"Horatio, It's Brandon". "I need your help".

"Is every thing okay son"? "Is it Marisol"?

"No "H", I think I see your killer, he's right beside my Condo Building, just sitting there".

"Okay Son, stay where you are". "Don't attempt to apprehend him".

"I won't "H", said Brandon.

After "H" hung up with Brandon he called Mac.

"Listen Mac, we need to get to Brandon's building, he just called and thinks he sees the killer".

"Okay "H", I'm on my way, I'll meet you there".

Calling Miami-Dade, he informed Eric and Ryan, to get over too.


Marisol awoke to the silence of the Condo. Getting up she looked around, and found the note, it read....

"My dearest Marisol".

"You have a wonderful sleep. I had to run into work for two patients, couldn't bring myself to wake you up, when you were sleeping so beautifully. I'll be home around 2 pm. Just make yourself at home and I'll see you soon.

"Love always Brandon".

Feeling comfortable, Marisol decided to take a shower. Knowing she didn't have any other clothes with her, she borrowed one of Brad's baseball shirts and a pair of his boxers. When she was finished, she got herself a cold drink and turned on the TV.


"H", Mac, Eric and Ryan had shown up on site and headed over to Brandon.

"he's right over there", said Brandon pointing towards the building.

"That's him alright said "H". "Eric you and Ryan take a side and Mac and I will take the front".

As they moved into place, the killer sniffed the air. Whether it was sixth sense or just luck, he knew the cops were there. Getting up , he made a run for it, jumping over the fence before Eric and Ryan could grab him. After firing three rounds each he got away.

"Sorry "H", he knew we were there", said Eric.

"I know Eric, It's okay, we'll get him , we'll get him".

Horatio put out an all point bulletin.
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