CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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When they pulled up in front of Marisol's house, he opened the car door and helped her out.

"So"! "I'll see you in the morning for our first appointment"?

Staring into his eyes, Marisol, was telling him without words that she was falling for him.

"Sure"! "I'll be there", she said smiling.

Leaning up on her tip toes, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him softly on his lips.

"Thank-you for tonight Brad", "It was wonderful".

"It was wasn't it". "I think we should do it again tomorrow night, what do you think"?

*Smiling* I agree, till tomorrow morning and tomorrow night", giggled Marisol.

Kissing her on her lips once more, they both deepened it, just as "H" and Mac pulled up.

"Ah-hum"!!! said "H", "sorry about that", said "H" as they broke the kiss.

"Daddy, quit being silly", "Hi Uncle Mac", kisses please".

After Marisol got her kisses from her dad and Uncle Mac, they slowly walked up to the house.

"Goodnight guy's, see ya soon", said Marisol.

Mac and "H" gave the good doctor one last look of , "Hands off my baby" before they went in the house.

"I'll see you in the morning Brandon", kisses him once more quickly.

"You bet Marisol, pleasent dreams".

"You too", said Marisol.


Once Marisol got in the house, the questions started.

"Just where were you young lady"? asked "H".

"Yeah"!!! Where were you's, copied Mac.

"Brandon took me to Starbucks, but I didn't feel comfortable there, so he took me for a drive".

"A drive to where Angel"? asked "H".

"Just a drive up the hill to look over Miami at night", It was beautiful by the way, so pretty all lit up at night".

As Marisol started walking up the stairs you could hear Mac say.....

"There's no hill that goes up to look over Miami"?

"I know"! "But there is Condo's", said "H" with frustration. "I think we need to keep a better eye on these two".

At that moment Calleigh and Stella walked in and heard their rantings.

"You'll do no such thing, they said at the same time. "You leave your daughter and her new beau alone", said Calleigh.


Marisol looked over at her box of memories from Sam, and taking the ring off her finger, a lone teardrop fell on the diamond.

"I love you Sam, always you'll be in memory and my heart, but I need to move on". "I think you'd like brad if you met him, he has alot of your qualities".

Getting up she placed the tear stained ring in the box, and sealed it forever in her memory, as she walked into her mom and dad's room , and locked it in the family safe.

With tears pouring from her eyes, she turned around and walked out of her parents room.


Brad returned home to his Condo and felt an emptiness, within his place. Never had he had a feeling like that come over him, until he met Marisol and her family. Thinking back to the night he and his parents where driving home from the movies, and the big transport that came towards them, he could still remember his father pushing him out the car door, before the truck slammed into his parents,causing a head on explosion. To think his parents died that way, and he came away with only serious burns to his face and backfrom the flying debris. He wondered to himself how Marisol would react if she seen his back. Though in the back of his mind he really had to thank his fathers best friend for making his face look almost perfect. He knew he was the same person, but underneath that still lay the scars of that night.


Lurking in the shadows of the dark night, the Serial waited for the family to fall asleep. He had never done an 8 family unit before, he knew he was going to have to do these kills quickly.

"NO time for lurking tonight, 2 parents and 6 kids, to be done". "Just do your job and get out", he said to himself. Then laughing out of nowhere, he said.......

"Let's just hope they'll all hang from the tree".


Marisol had just gotten to sleep when the nightmare started. She could literly taste the blood in her mouth, and hear the screams of small children being gutted.

"AAaaaaaaHHhhhhh!!!!!! screamed Marisol as her parents ran into her room.

"Angel"!!! said "H". "what's the matter sweetheart, wake up".

"He's killing them dad, he's killing all of them. I can hear them screaming, make it stop dad, make it stop".

"H" grabbed his daughter in his arms and held her tightly against him. "Shh!!! it's okay love, it's okay, daddy's here".

"Handsome"!! "You don't think"............

"I'm not sure sweetheart, we'll have to wait till she comes out of it too see".

Calleigh and "H" had the feeling that with all the trauma she had been through, it may have some how triggered her hidden ability of ESP, she used to have when she was younger.
Firstly lol poor Brandon and Marisol. I bet Mac and H loved that. lol. Secondly now they are getting some where. With Marisol haveing her visions again, they will be able to catch this guy sooner.

LMH Please add more

Marisol had fallen back to sleep in her dads arms.

"She's sleeping handsome, why don't we wait till morning to talk with her".

"I really think we should talk to her now, while it's fresh in her memory".

"Hasn't she been through enough"? I told you before, I hate this ability she has, and it was all hidden, till that damn accident". "So no, I won't let you disrupt her , you will wait till morning", cried Calleigh.

"H" got up and told Calleigh that it would be done now, whether she liked it or not.

"Think of the families Calleigh, think if this was someone you knew". "How would you feel than"? "I'm sorry, it's just this case is haunting us, and if Marisol's vision is correct another family has just been torchered".

Calleigh knew "H" was right. But she didn't want to think about it, the only thing she cared about at that moment was her daughters health and sanity.

"Where you going Calleigh"?

"For a walk, anywhere away from you".

After Calleigh left Marisol's room, "H" knew he should go after his wife, but this case took importants over everything. He needed it solved, before another family was torchered.

"Dad"!! said Marisol, you need to go after her", said Marisol.

"Listen sweetheart, it's obvious another family has been torchered and I need you to tell me about it".

Sitting back down on Marisol's bed , she told her dad what she had seen.


Stella had awaken to Mac's screams again, only this time they were earpiercing, causing the three older boys to run into their room.

"Dad, dad, dad", yelled Macster, Arthur and Austin. "Mom", what's wrong with dad"?

"Just a nightmare sweetheart, go back to bed".

"Are you sure mom"? "dad doesn't need anything"?

"No love, please go back to bed".

"Okay, night mom" said the boy's as they headed back to bed".

Taking Mac in her arms, as she wiped down his face with a cold cloth, she said....

"This has to stop Mac". "This is the third night this week". "I think you and "H" should pass this case back to Agent Parks".

"I can't do that love", "I 'm to deeply involved , to quit now".

"Listen Mac, this case is slowly eating away at you", "This has gotten worse then the Darius case".

Mac got up out of the bed, and as much as he didn't mean to loose it with his wife, he did.

"Just stop Stella". "Alway's bringing up the past cases". "I'm tired of you always say, this is worse than...... How would you feel if it was some family member of yours that got gutted, would you want me to quit the case than"? "damn it Stella, why can't you understand", this is who I am, this is what we do, protect the innocent".

Stella was in tears, never in the 20 years of their marriage had Mac ever lost it like this. As she watched Mac dress and leave the house, she called "H".

(Caine home, phone rings)

"Hello"! said "H".

*Crying* "H", I need you're help, please", cried Stella.

"Stella"!! "What's the matter love"?

"Mac and I had a terrible argument, and he stormed off out of the house".

"I'll be right over Stella, hold on till I get there".


Calleigh was standing on her back porch watching the sunrise. She always loved the Miami mornings, the sunrises were so beautiful and romantic. As she was thinking about their argument, she heard footsteps behind her. Turning around their was Mac with tears in his eyes.

"Mac"!! "Are you okay"?

"Without a word, Mac walked up and grabbed Calleigh in a tight embrace as he cried.


"H" had arrived at Stella and Mac's.

"What's going on Stella"? as Stella embraced "H" tightly.

"I've never seen him so angry", said Stella, "This case is killing him".

"I think this case is taking it toll on all of us". "But we may have a break".

"What kind of break"?

"Marisol had a vision earlier, she woke up screaming, said a family was being torchered".

"Oh my"!! "Calleigh must be so upset, she always hated those damn visions".

"She was upset, so much that we argued and she walked out".

"Did you go after her"?

"I wanted to, but it was more important to talk too Marisol, while her memories were fresh".

"Did she tell you anything"?

"No"! she said , she couldn't remember, but that she could still taste the blood from the children that were butchered". "I have nothing to go on right now", I'll have to wait for the call from Miami-Dade police, then take Marisol with us. "Hopefully by being there, it will trigger her memory".

"You are asking alot of her "H", putting her through that kind of scene, do you know how much trauma that is going to cause her, she's not exprienced in our field, this could really hurt her, you should rethink it "H", maybe have her go in after the cleanup".

Thinking about it, he finally realized what Calleigh was trying to tell him. She wasn't saying no to him, she was saying no too the horror of what awaited her in that house.

:eek: :eek:***LMH is going to run and hide from Mel's pitch fork**** :eek: :eek:


Marisol couldn't get back to sleep, so getting up and dressed, she left a note for her mom and dad, that she was going for a drive. She knew exactly where she was going before she got there. Hoping he wouldn't mind being woken up, Marisol rang Brad's buzzer.

"Hello"!! came over the intercom.

"Brad"? "It's Marisol, may come up"?

"Sure"! Brad hit the button to let her in. Unlocking his door, he waited for her by the elevator, in just his jeans, forgetting all about his burned back.

When the elevator door's opened, Marisol ran into his arms.

"Hey"!! "what's the matter Marisol"?

Shyly she said...... "I just need you Brad", "I need you to hold me tight".

Still holding her in his arm, he walked her into his home and sat her down.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now, love"?

"It's a long story", "are you sure I'm not keeping you up".

"No"!! "Please go on".

"When I was a little girl, I used to have visions, kinda ESP like". "I could see things, bad things happening to people and family". "They all of a sudden stopped when I reached 12 years". "But tonight I had another one", a real bad one". "I witnessed a family being butchered by that Killer we have loose in Miami".

"You're talking about that guy, that hangs his victims from trees"?

"Yes". "It was very real and I could hear the children screaming as they were being killed, I can still taste the blood in my mouth, it was horrible, I always hated these visions and now they're back". "It was so aweful", said Marisol her voice cracking with pain.

"Ah!!! Marisol, I'm so sorry, for all the pain you're feeling, as Brad got up to get her a kleenex.

That's when she seen his back. All of a sudden her fear and sadness disappeared knowing the pain he must had suffered himself. Saying in her mind.......

"No wonder he understand everything so well, he's lived some kind of horror".

Marisol didn't mention anything about his back, she figured when he was ready he'd tell her his story.

"It's going to be okay Marisol, you'll get through it". "I'm always going to be here if you need me".

Looking into his eyes, Marisol wanted that need now, she needed to feel love, instead of horror and suffering. So taking the initiative, she kissed him passionetly on the mouth, falling deeper into it, she could feel a strange sensation in the pit of her tummy, something warm and magical. Poor Brad wasn't sure what to do about the situation, he knew she was pure, but he had never had a virgin in his bed or his life.

He had always had women, who would close their eyes and pretend not see his back, but he could tell by their expressions that they were disgusted. Not sure how to handle the situation he broke the kiss.

"Hey Marisol"!! "WE need to stop love, please".

"I don't want to stop Brad, I need to feel love, I need to be touched, please, just take me, love me, keep me forever", said Marisol with tears.

Knowing there was no way he could do it, because he had fallen in love with her and wanted to wait, he picked her up in his arms and took her into his room. Laying her upon his black silken sheets, he leaned over her and told her.....

"Listen Marisol, I've fallen in love you, I'm not sure how it happened so quickly but it did". "I can promise you , I will make love to you", but not until we are married". "I cannot allow it to happen sooner, you are to pure and innocent and in alot of pain right now". "If we did this, we would both feel guilty in the morning". "What I can give you right now, at this minute is my undying love, and comfort". Laying down beside her, he took her into arms and just held her, as her tears heated his cool skin.


Mac was squeezing the life out of Calleigh.

"Mac!, come on Mac, what is it"?

"I can't stop these bloody nightmares, I can't close my eyes, I'm terrified Calleigh, I never wanted to admit it, but I'm terrified".

"Shh!!! "It will be okay Mac, we will all get through this as family". "Remember Taylor/Caine Clan forever". "We will pull you and "H" through this case", I promise".

Looking once again into each others eyes, everything came rushing back again.

"Mac"! whispered Calleigh,

As he moved in closer towards her, just a breath away he whispered..... "These memories of that one night are never going to go away are they"?

*quiet whisper* "It's our job to make them stay burried Mac", said Calleigh. "It would only hurt everone around us, if they came to the surface".

Knowing Calleigh was right, he kissed her cheek, and walked with her back to the house.


Now that Horatio had figured out what Calleigh meant, he asked Stella, if she was going to be okay".

"How about you Stella", "Can you get through this case with Mac okay"?

*tears* "I don't know, he was so angry with me, I had never seen him like that". "he's in alot of pain".

Horatio took his thumb and wiped away Stella's tear.

"Shh!!! It's going to be okay Stella, said "H" looking in her eyes. "I'm here for you Stella, always".

They say throughout life one night of passion can keep a flame lit forever. As "H" looked deeper into Stella and her into him, their feelings of NY that one night, came rushing back also.

*quiet whisper* Horatio"!! said Stella as she closed her eyes, to absorb more of his touch. "this can't happen again, we need to stop".

"I know love, I know", said "H" as he headed towards the door.
Aww I feel sorry for these guys. They love each other so much. But I agree with natty, I'm glad they kept their pants on. Please add more LMH! ;)
Thanks for the FB guys. Just to fill you all in from page #1. In my stories my main character's never die and they never cross the line into adultery. Though in the begining of my story they all shared something, before they tied the knots. Which is why I brought them all together as a tight knitt family. This way I have my two favorite shows, and couples together in loving, heartwarming, adventurerous stories :cool: :D
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