CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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I like it. And I find there relationship, which is just starting by the way, very sweet. I really believe Sam sent Brandon to Marisol. :)
After two months of being in the Hospital.......

Marisol was getting released today, as she waited for her dad to pick her up, Brandon came in.

"Well look at you, all ready to leave me and go home".

Marisol and brandon had formed a friendship over the last week. They were both taking things very slow.

"I'm not leaving you Brad, you know where to find me, and you have my number, plus you'll be seeing me again tomorrow for my first graph's".

"So"!! "Would it be okay to call you tonight"? "We could get some coffee".

At that moment "H" was listening at the door, he hadn't seen Marisol smile like that in months. Thinking to himself...."Maybe he'll be good for my Angel", but we'll wait and see".

"Good morning Brandon, hello Angel, are you ready to go"?

Marisol was shocked that her dad had used Brandon's first name, she wasn't aware he even knew it.

"Yeah dad", "Can you grab my box from Sam".

"Sure sweetheart", I'll wait for you outside the door".

As "H" walked back out, he heard Marisol say....

"I'll see you tonight Brad", leaving the room quickly she caught up to her dad and told him, " let's get home".


Mac woke up to silence all around him. Getting up he looked outside and seen his family in the back yard swimming. Once he showered and changed, he headed downstairs to join them.

"Hey dad" , yelled Macster and Arthur together. "You want to join us for a swim"?

"Not right now my boy's, but thanks for the offer", as he bent down to kiss his wife. "Morning sweetheart".

"Good morning". "would you like some breakfast"?

"No thanks love, some coffee would be nice though".

"Sure, you take Austin and I'll get the coffee"

Austin was now 5 and had his dad's gorgeous looks.

"Hello my handsome man", how are you"?

"Good daddy", did you see my piccure I draw ou"?

"Look at that"! "Is that our happy family"?

"Uhhuh!! see there's mommy, ou, aire, macter, artur and me".

Mac tried not to laugh, but his son looked so cute with no front teeth, that he couldn't help but smile.

"It's beautiful son, daddy will hang it up".

Austin got very excited, as he wrapped his arms around his daddy's neck and kissed his cheek".

"ove ou daddy".

"I love you too Son".


Calleigh and the kids, were waiting for their sister to return home.

"How much longer mom"? asked Eric.

"I just spoke with your dad, they are on their way".

Just as Calleigh, finished speaking, they pulled up in the Hummer.

"Arisol, Arisol, yelled Destinee. "You's home", "I missed you Arisol".

"I missed you too Desti", kisses please".

Destinee walked up to give Marisol a kiss, that's when she seen her scar.

"It's okay Desti", it's just a scar from the accident", "Come here".

Destinee continued to walk until she reached Marisol's side, and ever so softly, she kissed her cheek.

"Welcome home Sis", said Eric and Cody.

"thanks, Hi mom, how is everything"?

"Good love, I made your favorite for supper", Lasagna and Chessy Garlic Bread".

"Sounds great mom, but I'm only going to eat a small piece".

"Why sweetheart, you love my Lasagna".

"I know, but Brandon invited me out for coffee tonight".

"Brandon"? "Who's Brandon"?

"Sorry mom, I thought dad told you". "It's Dr.Swanson".

Calleigh looked shocked for the briefest of seconds.

"Oh my"!! "Well good for you love, but aren't you tired, you just got home"?

"A little mom, but I'll be fine". "I have my whole life to sleep".

Smiling to herself, Marisol walked upstairs to change.

"What is going on Handsome"?

"It seems Dr.Swanson, has made an impression on our Marisol", which I think may be a good thing, it's been over two month since Sam's death, she needs to move on".
Hi LMH i've been reading ur new ff and i really like it. The leeter from Sam to Marisol was so sad that i had tears in my eyes. Please keep up the good work :)

Hjr and Claire walked in shortly after Marisol got home.

"Hey Sis, welcome home", said HJr as he snuggled his sister in his arms.

"Hi Claire"! "How are you "? said Marisol.

"Good Mari", "It's great to have you home".

"It's great to be home", but I'm just heading out the door".

"But you just got home Sis". "Where are you going"?

"Just to have coffee with Brad".

"Who's Brad"? asked Marisol.

"Dr.Swanson", my Plastic Surgeon".

Claire's mouth almost fell to the ground. "You're going out with that hot hunk look -a like"?

"It's just for coffee Claire, he's only a friend".

"A friend"!! "If I was you I'd change my mind on that one, he's hot"! said Claire again forgetting that Hjr was beside her.

"Oh reallly, Miss.Taylor", and what would you call me"?

"You, I call you Super Hot", because no one comes close to your sexiness".

Putting his arm around Claire, he said.....

"Thank-you love, you're damn sexy too".


"H" and Mac headed over to the Crime Lab, to check what Eric and Ryan had gotten off the shirt. When they got there, both guy's looked like the walking dead.

"Christ", said Mac, have you both been up all night"?

"Yeah"!! said Eric. "We found nothing, not one piece of trace".

"Okay Eric, I want you and Wolfe to go home, eat, change and get some rest".

After they had left, Mac and "H" went over the shirt again, incase Ryan and Eric missed something with their tired eyes.


Stella had taken the her and the kids over to Calleigh's, to watch Marisol leave with her new friend.

"Is he here yet"? whispered Stella.

"Not yet, he should be shortly".

"I can't believe this, she's actually dating again".

"No she's not, he's only a friend". "She still wears Sam's ring", she still watches the video and looks at her memories".

"Yeah! but with time Calleigh, that will end. Eventually, she'll forget the pain of her loss".

"I know you're right". "But it's still hard hearing her cry at night".

Stella embraced Calleigh in a hug and told her, "Give it time, just give it time".


"Oh my God, that's him", paniced Calleigh.

"Calm down, said Stella laughing, "You're acting like a school girl".

"I can't help it, I don't think, I'll ever get use to his looks".

Just than Marisol came down the stairs in a pink sweater and blue jeans.

"Hey sweetheart, you look beautiful".

"Thanks mom, did you let him in"?

"Oh !! "I forgot".

Marisol opened the door and welcomed him in.

"Good evening, Mrs.Caine, said Brandon.

"Good evening, to you too", and it's Calleigh.

"Are you ready Brandon"? asked Marisol.

"Sure, let's go", "I'll see you ladies later, take care".

"You too Brandon", said Calleigh.

Once they had left, Stella asked Calleigh how she thought people would treat Marisol with her scar.

"You think she'll be okay Calleigh"? "There are alot of ignorant people out there"

"I'm not sure, I guess we'll have to wait and see". *sighing*


""H" and Mac, were getting as frusterated as Eric and Ryan.

"I give up Mac, I'm seeing double".

"I know, I'm feeling it too".

"It's obvious we have nothing from HJr's shirt". "Let's take a break, I'll treat you to a coffee at Starbucks", said "H".

Mac laughed, "Checking up on our Angel are we"?

"Of course Mac, It's out job as father and Uncle to make sure she is treated proper".

Both Mac and "H", left the Lab laughing.


Marisol and Brandon arrived at Starbucks, sitting down at the table, Brandon asked Marisol what she would like to drink.

"Hmm!!! "To many choices here, but I love them all, how about you decide this time, and I'll decide next time", said Marisol.

"Okay"!! "You wait here and I'll be right back", said Brandon.

Every woman in Starbucks was staring at Brandon, with lust in their eyes. But when Marisol looked over, Brandon hadn't looked at one of them yet. As Marisol looked around she seen two smart ass girls from the University.

"Oh great, said Marisol", to herself. "here they come".

"Marisol, is that you"? "Oh my, look at your face", said Sandra with disgust. "Is that what happened from the accident". "I can't believe Sam got killed, it must have been aweful, seeing him all sliced up". "I mean we seen it on the news, and it was horrible, the way the car was squashed".

Marisol, wished she could disappear, she wasn't up to memories about how Sam looked. She knew, because before she passed out, she seen his head and face gushing blood. At that moment she could feel tears starting to form, getting up from the table, she ran to head out the door just as Brandon was coming back from ordering their coffee, and like fate, she ran right into his arms.

"I want to go home", "Please Brandon, take me home".

"Okay sweetheart, come on, I'll take you home".

Brandon gave the two girls a huge look of disgust as they walked out the door.

"Marisol"! said Brandon. "Can we talk about it"?

"It's silly, just take me home".

Taking his two fingers he lifted Marisol's face to face him".

"Not until you tell me what happened".

"Those are two girls I know from the University I go to". "They were talking about the accident with Sam, asking questions about how horrible he must have looked, and then I seen the disgust in their faces as they looked at me". "It was just to many memories all at once, I can still see Sam's mutilated face at night when I sleep".

"Listen to me Marisol, you are a very beautiful woman, you are honest, innocent, and loving". "You place family and values above anything else, everything you say or day is from your heart, now I could go on and on, but we'd be here for forever".

Marisol smiled, that beautiful heartwarming smile, that could melt any mans heart.

"Now that's the Marisol, that I know", said Brandon as he kissed her nose. "Come on, we'll hit the drive through and I'll take you for a drive to a beautiful place, where you can look down on Miami".

Once they had their coffee's Brandon took Marisol to his Condo that overlooked all of Miami.

"Oh my"! said Marisol, what floor do you live on"?

"The Penthouse", come on, I'll show you Miami at night".

As they reached his door, Marisol became nervous.

"Umm!! "I don't think I want to be here", said Marisol.

Brandon knew she was a virgin and innocent, but he also knew if he didn't get her to trust him soon, she never would.

"Listen Marisol, I'm not going to try anything with you", "I'm not in the habit of bringing any women to my place, you are the first". "So I'm asking you to trust me, like I trust you".

Knowing he was right, she followed him in to his place. "Wow", was all she could think to herself. He had leather furniture, beautifully carpeted floors, earth tone colored walls with matching wallpaper, a huge fireplace, and a huge collection of DVD's to go with his Big Screen Tv.

"come on Marisol, you have to see this".

As she walked out on the balcony, she could see all of Miami lit up.

"Oh my", this is beautiful". "Look at how everything lights up". "You must love this view", said Marisol.

Brandon looked at her and said......

"I think I prefer the view I'm looking at right now".

Marisol looked into his passionate eyes, and as he moved in closer towards her lips, she closed her eyes, and allowed Brandon to take her to a place of warmth and love.

"So beautiful, he whispered into her mouth as he kissed her more deeply.

Never had either of them felt such passion ignite, not even with Sam, did she have this fire and flame. Brandon knew she was as terrified as he was, so he softly stopped the kiss and just held her in his arms, until they both stopped shaking.
Okay!!! :lol: I may be able to squeeze in one more post before I head off to work with animals. If I can't get out the next post before that, then I'll post it as soon as I get home.

Keep Reading :D :D :D


"H" and Mac had just arrived at Starbucks, looking around they couldn't see Marisol or Brandon anywhere.

"Where do you think they are "H", I don't like this". "We don't know him well enough yet", said Mac.

"I'm not sure, but here comes HJr and Claire, maybe they know.

"HJr, have you seen your sister"?

"Hi daddy", said Claire as she hugged her father tight.

"Hi Claire bear, have you seen Marisol"?

"We haven't seen anyone tonight yet, but I see Sandra from the University, Marisol goes to".

"How do you know Sandra"? asked HJr.

"Marisol talks about how rude and nasty she is to everyone".

As they all walked over towards Sandra, "H" said.....

"Excuse me"! "Could you tell me if you've seen Marisol tonight"?

"Yeah"!! She was here earlier with that Brad Pitt wannabe".

"How to you know he's not the real one"? asked HJr

"Oh come on now"!!! "Do you really think Brad Pitt would go out with someone like her".

Mac and "H" were getting pissed with her nasty attitude.

"Listen, just tell me if you know where my daughter went"?

"I told you before, she left with what's his name", all because I asked her how terrible it must have been to see Sam in that car". "I mean God"!! "It's not as if I asked her about her hidious scar".

That did it, HJr couldn't contain his temper, "Now you listen to me, you little prissy ass witch". "That's my sister you're talking about, let me just tell you, this is one time I wish I was a girl, because I'm two seconds from hauling you out of that chair".

"You may not be a girl HJr, but I am, With that said, Claire hauled off and puched her in the nose.

"Auhh!! that's my new nose, look what you've done it, said Sandra as she ran out of Starbucks.

"Holy Cow", said Mac. "You know how a while back you had to pay for that kids teeth HJr knocked out".

"Yeah! it cost me like 1400 dollars to replace them".

"Well how much do you think it will cost for a new nose"? asked Mac.

They all started laughing at the same time.

"You may not have to pay for it al Uncle Mac".

"Why not Son"? still laughing.

"Well, Marisol's new man is a plastic surgeon, maybe we can pay him to make it deformed".

The laughing stopped.

"What"!!! "Did I say something wrong"?

" No"!!! Just where the hell did the new man, take our Marisol, said Mac.


Brandon and Marisol were sitting in his Living Room talking about his plans for her face. Taking his Laptop, he pulled up her file and showed her her before picture, as she looked at it she teared up again.

"It's okay Marisol, this is before, when I'm finished, this is what you'll look like".

Looking at it, Marisol could see nothing, no scar, no marks, just her face as it was before the accident.

"Thank-you", cried Marisol.

"Now thanks needed beautiful". "Like I told you before, you are already beautiful, scar's don't make you who you are, your heart does". "But if you're not comfortable with your scar, I will fix it". "Now on that note"!! "I should get you home, before your dad and Uncle Mac hunt me down".

Marisol giggled, "So you know all about them"?

"After two months, with the both of them hounding me about your care, "yeah". they are both very protective of you". "I can tell your Uncle holds you very close to his heart, such bonding between two families truely amazes me". "You have alot of love around you, which is another reason you have a beautiful soul".

With that said, Brandon and Marisol, walked towards the elevator, and as the doors opened, Marisol slipped her hand in his.
Can I just say...You go Claire Girl! :eek: Awsome, awsome post LMH! :cool:

Please, pretty please, *begging on bended knee here*, add more.
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