CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Now!!!! I've sent you all your M/S fix. :devil:


"H" decided to stop by the Hospital to see Marisol. He needed her purity to clense the horror he had witnessed. As he got to her room, he seen Dr.Swanson, sitting in the chair looking at his daughter. Walking in he said......

"Dr.Swanson"!! "Is something wrong with Marisol"?

"Oh hello, Lt.Caine". "No I was down the hall checking on one of my patients when I heard her scream out in her nightmare". "I thought it might be a good idea to stay with her for a bit".

"Well that's very Noble of you", "But I'm sure you have more important things you need to do"?

"Actually no". "I was just about to head home for some sleep".

Horatio could tell the good doctor was up to something more. He knew that look, as it was the same look Sam used to have when he looked at his Marisol.

"Anyways, now that you are here, I'll excuse myself".

Just as Brandon was heading out the door, Horatio said.......

"What's your name Son"?

"Brandon Sir, Brandon Swanson". With that said he left the room.

Walking over to Marisol's side , "H" said....... "I think you have a new Hero sweetheart", as he bent down to kiss her, she smiled.


Mac had gotten home and needed to feel his wife's touch badly. Heading upstairs, he stripped off his clothes, his Hanes and got into bed . Turning on his side he deeply inhaled his Stella's beautiful hair. As he closed his eyes he could still see the family hanging from the tree. Needed to forget, he took Stella savagely in his arms and forced opened her mouth, plunging his tongue deeply into her, as he tore at her nightgown until he had her naked . Needing more he loved her over and over until he felt nothing but emptiness in his mind.

It wasn't until he had finished savagely taking his wife, that he realized he had acted like an animal.

"Stella"? "Stella"? "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to hurt you".

"You didn't hurt me Mac, I knew you would need me tonight, Eric had called me with the details". "I'm sorry you had to see that kind of horror".

Moving closer to take his wife in his arms, he held and petted her with gentleness and love.


Marisol had awaken to find her dad sleeping in the chair by her bed.

"Daddy"? said Marisol. "Daddy, why are you here"?

"Hi my Angel", because I needed to see my precious baby".

Getting up "H" climbed in beside his daughter and cuddled up to her warmth.

"I love you Angel". "Daddy loves you so much".

"I know dad". "Tell me what's wrong". "The only time we'd cuddle like this, was when something was bothering you". "So what is it dad"?

Cuddling closer into his daughter's side, he told her of the horror he had witnessed.

"Oh daddy", "I'm sorry, that poor family". "How horrible it must have been for you and Uncle Mac".

"It was Angel, I can still see the bodies aligned in the tree".

Turning in her fathers arms to face him, she told him, it would be okay, as she snuggled herself into his neck and told him the story of how he met her mom. By the time Marisol was finished, Horatio was sound asleep.
Aww that was so sweet of Brandon to stay with Marisol! ;)

I have a questio LMH, is Mari's visions going to come back to help them catch this guy?
Iv'e actually tried to bring them back a few times, but sometimes it's hard for others to understand the meaning for it. I toyed with it hoping it would catch on. Only because I've seen a few shows where Psychics have solved cases, but it would be interesting to find out how many would like to see her visions return.


All my faithful readers, would you like to see Marisol return with her visions. Just let me know in your next post.

And Melty Fan, thank you for your wonderful question.

Keep on Reading. :D

Calleigh was very concerned that "H", hadn't returned home yet. After talking with Mac and Eric the phone rang.

"Hello"!! said Calleigh.

"Hey mom, you okay, you sound upset"? said HJr.

"I can't find your dad, Mac and Eric said he told them he was heading home, but he hasn't shown up yet", "I'm really worried son". "They were all really affected with the horror they seen tonight".

"Wait a minute mom, you said Dad was affected by the horror"?

"That's right son, why"?

"Then he's with Marisol". "He always goes to Marisol, when he can't cope with a case". "She's his purity, always has been". "It's his only connection he has for cleansing his soul from the horror".

"Oh that's right", thank you sweetheart". "I'll call your sister's room". "Night son, I love you".

"I love you too mom".

Once she hung up with HJr, she called Marisol's room.

"Hello"! said Marisol.

"Hi baby", is daddy there with you"?

"He is mom, he's sound asleep in my arms, he said he had a horrible night".

"Then you know about the murders".

"Yeah! dad told me all about them". "He's really bad this time mom", "This is really starting to haunt him".

"I know sweetheart". "when he wakes, send him okay, sweetheart"?

"I will mom, I love you". "I love you too Marisol".


Stella woke up to a soaking wet bed and a scream from Mac.

"MAC"!!!! "Wake -up, "What's the matter"? "Look at you, you are soaking wet".

Mac had huge teardrops in his eyes, So much horror love, God that poor family", I can still smell the blood".

Stella took Mac into her arms, and held him tight.

"It's going to be okay Mac, we'll get through it together", said Stella with tears in her eyes.

Stella was very concerned, that last time Mac was this bad, was when he and "H" worked on the Darius case together. Doing the only thing she knew would help him forget, she made slow passionate love to him, until all was forgotten, except her undying love.


It was almost 6am when the killer was in his ran down Motel, waiting to make his next kill.

"Gotta love Miami, he said to himself", such easy targets".

As he laughed, a cruel insane tortureous laugh, he sharpened his knives.
I know, I try my best to keep it as real as possible, But sometimes I get carried away into another world, lol. I love these four character's very much. Writting about them is so much fun especially with Calleigh and Stella in the mix. The chemistry between Mac/Stella and H/C is truely amazing and heart felt.

Back at the Lab, Alexx and Hawkes were looking over the bodies of the victims.

"This isn't right, said Alexx, poor babies, it just breaks my heart".

"I know sweetheart, let's just get this post done, so we can get home to our kids".

As Alex was looking at the mother's fingernails, she seen what looked like skin.

"Hey hun"! "Come have a look at this". "what does this look like to you"?

"Looks like skin, let's get it scraped and up to trace".

Just as Hawkes was heading up to trace, he ran into a frusterated Eric.

"Delko", yelled Hawkes, I have something for you". "We found some skin under the mothers fingernails".

"You mean we have a break"?

"I'm not sure about that, until you test the skin".

"Okay, thanks Hawkes, I'll see ya".

Eric ran back up to the trace. "Valera", I need you to process this skin for me", ASAP, everything else gets pushed back but this case".

"You can't authorize Eric, only "H" can".

"Don't worry, I'll take the heat for it, just do it now".

"Okay", "I'll page you".

"That's okay, I'll wait".


Horatio woke up still in his daughter's arms.

"Hi daddy", mommy said to send you home".

"Looking at the time on his watch , he jumped out of the bed, kissed his daughter and told her he'd see her later".

After he left Marisol looked down at her engagement ring, she knew she would have to eventually remove it, but for now she liked it exactly where it was.

"Good morning, Marisol", said Dr.Swanson. "Has your dad left already"?

"Yes he has", "You just missed him".

"Is it okay to have another look at your scars"?

"Sure, just be gentle", giggled Marisol.

The doctor looked into her eyes and said , "I will", "I promise".

Marisol felt a flutter in her tummy, as the good doctor intently stared into her soul.

As he touched her face, she couldn't help but feel the heat of his hand. Being to much feeling to soon, she pulled her face away from him.

"Hey"!! "Marisol, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, please let me check your scars".

"Turning to face him, she said.....

"It's not that I mind you touching my face, I just don't like the feeling I'm feeling when you do".

"I don't understand Marisol", "what feeling"?

It was at times like this she hated her parents for bringing her up not to lie.

"The feeling I get in my stomach, when you touch or stare at me intently".

*smiling* "And here I thought I was the only one feeling it".

Marisol looked at Brandon and smiled back.

"What's your real name", asked Marisol innocently.

"Brandon, my name is Brandon James Swanson".
Awww LMH, that's so sweet! Marisol has feelings for Brandon. You know I wouldn't surprized if Sam placed Brandon and Marisol together! ;)

Please add more!
No, it's just the name I chose for the character. Marisol only knew him as Dr.Swanson. So being intersted, she just asked him his first name. the same with "H", he could tell he was intersted in his daughter, so he asked his name. But as for significance in the name ,no , but in the character yes, He's just going to be the new man in Marisol's life. :D
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