CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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"You're right she has", said Eric.
"Okay, let's get back to this case". "Agent Parks said they have no photo available on this killer, but he has a huge scar across his right cheek that goes all the way down to his neck". "So he shouldn't be to hard to find".

"How many killing's has he done so far"? asked Eric.

"Well", "Three in Mexico, that Agent Parks knows of". "All families, with children".

"Christ, why is it Parks alway's give you the Psycho's, asked Mac.

"I think it's because, he knows we can catch them".


Calleigh and Marisol were playing gin rummy, when a young doctor came in.

"excuse me"! "Are you Marisol Caine"?

Marisol looked up and she couldn't believe her eyes, he looked like Brad Pitt.

"Yes, I'm Marisol".

"Well hello"! "I'm Dr. Swanson, and I'm here to take some pictures of your beautiful face, so we can start your graph's in a few days". "Though why they want to touch such beauty is beyond me", he said smiling.

Marisol almost melted into a puddle a goo, looking over at her mom who hadn't removed her eyes from him yet, she said....

"Earth to mom, helloo"!!!

"Huhh!!! "Oh sorry baby, what"? "Aren't you a little young to be a plastic surgeon"? said Calleigh, who still wasn't able to think straight.

Dr.Swanson, tried not to laugh, he often had that effect on women. "Which was why he stayed single". "He was waiting until the right Angel came along". "One that loved him, and not what he had". "I asure you Mrs.Caine, your daughter is safe in my capable hands".

Calleigh thought to herself, "No daughter's are safe in your hands". Then out of nowhere Calleigh giggled, because she knew when "H" seen this handsome hunk who would be working on his Angel, he'd go into protective mode.

"Mom"!! "What is so funny"? "Will you pay attention"?

"Sorry sweetheart", please continue Doctor".

"I'm just going to take a few pictures, and then I'll need to feel the texture of your skin, but I assure you Miss.Caine, that my hands are warm", he said with a huge smile.

As good looking as he was, Marisol didn't feel comfortable with any man touching her face. So just as he was ready to touch, she turned away.

"Hey"!! said the doctor, as he took his hand and turned her face towards him. "It's okay Marisol, I'm not here to judge you, I'm here to help you".

With tears in her eyes, Marisol allowed the doctor to take her picture. Once he was done, he took his thumb and wiped her tears. Looking at her he said....

"You'll be okay Marisol", "I promise", then getting up he left the room.

Little did any of them know, that Marisol had just met her future husband.
"Oh my love", did you see him", smiled Calleigh. "Your dad is going to go into protective mode when he meets him".

Marisol giggled. "I know mom, I can't wait", said Marisol. "I've never seen such a likeness to Brad Pitt, he could be his double".

"I know, I'm still melting".

At that moment Stella and Claire came running into the room.

"Oh my God"!!! "Auntie Calleigh, we just seen Brad Pitt in the hallway", yelled Claire excitedly.

"It's not Brad Pitt, said Marisol laughing, It's my Plastic Surgeon".

"Get out"!! "God Mari, you are so lucky, I'd love that touching me", said Claire.

"That's enough of that young lady", said Stella. "I can't wait to see "H"s reaction to him, he going to go nuts". "A man like that touching his baby".

"I know, we can't wait either", said Calleigh.


"H", Mac and Eric, were going over the case file when Ryan came running in.

"H", said Ryan out of breath, we have a murder, one mother, two children, gutted with there intestines and hanging from the tree outside their home".

"Calm down Ryan, you're not making sense". I take it you've been there already"?

"Yes, it's a mess "H", I've never seen anything like it since that Butcher that cut up the Elderly".

"Okay, Ryan stay here, Eric you and Mac come with me".

As they all arrived at the scene, people were staring in shock. Horatio yelled.....

"Get these people away from the Crime Scene now". "Christ"!! "This is a bloody mess", Eric help me spread out this tarp for Alex".

As they got it spread, they helped Alexx remove the bodies from the tree.

"God Horatio", "This is just meaningless", said Alexx.

"I know, try and stay strong Alexx, we need you".

Once the bodies were removed from the scene, Eric Mac and "H" searched inside the home for evidence, trace and prints.


HJr had just arrived at the Hospital to see his sister, when he bumped into a nasty looking guy with a huge scar down the right side of his face and neck.

"Sorry about man"! said "HJr.

The man just kept on walking, not saying a word. "Weird"!!! said Hjr.

"Hey mom, sis, Auntie and sweetheart, how are you all"?

"Well you're in a good mood Son", said Calleigh.

"I know, I just found out, I'll be graduating with Honor's from the Acadamy".

Getting up, Calleigh hugged her son, who was like a giant tree to her. "I'm so proud of you son, that's wonderful". "Your dad will be exstatic".

"Exstatic about what sweetheart", as he walked in the door with Mac and Eric.

"That your son, is going to graduate the Acadamy with honors".

"Well I'll be damned", "I knew you could do it son", said "H" squeezing the life out of his son.

"Good job HJr, said Mac. "Now you can help us with this new case", said Mac laughing.

"What new case dad"?

"Well, it seems we have a Serial killer ,who has fled from Mexico to here". "He torture's families and hangs them by their intestines in trees".

"Christ dad, sounds like something out of that movie, "Scream"

"I know, but this guy is real life, not a character".

"any idea what he looks like" , asked HJr.

"Not really, though Agent Parks said we couldn't miss him". "He has a huge scar from the right side of his cheek all the way down to his neck".

HJr stood in shock.

"What's the matter Son"? asked "H".

"I think I ran into your Serial Killer".

"What do you mean Son"?

"When I was coming in, someone matching his description, bumped me in the shoulder".

"Eric"! said "H", go get your kit". "HJr, don't move anymore".

"Are you thinking he may have left trace, said Mac.

"I'm hoping so, I'm hoping he at least left something".

When Eric got back up with the kit, he told HJr to take off his shirt.

"Okay, Uncle Eric, No drooling ladies" and no jealousy from you men", laughed HJr.

"Such arrogance" , said Marisol. Though she had to admit, he had awesome bi-ceps and a very broad chest, of course being 6ft1 didn't hurt either.

Once he had the shirt off, Eric bagged it, I'll get it over to the Lab "H".

"Thanks Eric", said "H".

"Hey"!!!! yelled HJr, how about a shirt or something"?

"Sorry my dear brother, but anything we have would never fit your huge toned body", giggled Marisol.

"Funny Mari", "I guess you're getting better, you've got that warped humor back", sighed HJr.

At that moment Dr.Swanson walked back in. "No ladies, I'm not Brad Pitt" , he laughed.

"Holy Hanna"!! said HJr, you may not be him, but you could be him".

"Well thank-you, I hear that compliment quite a bit".

"Anyways Marisol, I've checked the photo's and the structure's of you tissue mass, and it seems I should be able to leave you looking like your old self". "Not that you needed help for that beautiful face in the first place".

"H" had that look that said, "Who the hell are you to compliment my daughter on her looks". "Excuse me, I'm Horatio Caine, Lt. Horatio Caine", and you are"?

"Daddy stop it", that's my Plastic Surgeon". "Don't let him bother you, he's just a huge teddy bear".

"Yeah", but with giant claws, said "H".

"Alrighty then". "He walked over and took one last look at Marisol's face, and when he touched it this time she didn't flinch". "Beautiful", so damn beautiful he said again looking straight at Marisol's eyes. "Okay, Marisol I will see you in two weeks for our first appointment".

"H" watched the way he touched his daughter, as he thought to himself. "You'll be seeing me too buddy", count on it".

"Horatio Caine"!! said Calleigh, wipe that evil look off your face right now".

"Sorry love, but I don't like the way he looks at my baby girl".

"It's her Plastic Surgeon, not her boyfriend", laughed Calleigh.
PM Rrated Kitchen Scene: H/C


Eric and Ryan were working on the shirt.

"Anything Eric"? asked Ryan.

"Nothing", "I don't get it, "HJr said he bumped him". "Let's recheck it again, this time fiber by fiber, even if it takes us all night, we need to find something".


With Marisol feeling better, she forced everyone to go home.

"Are you sure love, you don't want any of us to stay"?

"No guy's", beside's mom and dad, the other kids have hardly seen you both since I've been in here". "You need to be home with them".

"Okay than sweetheart, said "H". "Did you want to head back to the Lab Mac"?

"Dad"!!! "I just ordered you to go home, not to work". "HJr, make sure daddy gets home okay".

"You got it Sis". "Let's go daddy", laughed HJr.

As everyone started to leave, Marisol shouted, "KISSES PLEASE"!!!!

"Now that's our girl" , said Mac and "H" together.

With everyone gone, Marisol decided to read her letter and watch her movie of Sam again. As she got to the scene with the proposal, Dr.Swanson was watching. He knew it was wrong, and he really should have let her know he was there, but something told him not to disturb her. He had seen her ring on her finger and thought she was engaged, for they hadn't told him that her Fiance was the one killed in the crash.

A few minutes later he heard her softly crying and as much as he felt the need to go over and hold her, he knew it wasn't his place. Turning around, as he left, he said to himself, "I'll come back and check her face later".

Two hours later Dr.Swanson came back and found Marisol sleeping. Seeing the letter on the floor he picked it up and read it....

"My beautiful Marisol", If you're reading this letter, then I know I'm no longer alive". "But I need to leave you something special, so you can always remember how much I did love you".
"Remember the day we walked along the rocks and you stubbed your toe, on that stone that walked in your path", well I kept it for you.

"So that you could remember how it pissed you off, and how I took off your sandle and kissed your pretty toe". "God Mari, I loved your expression that day". "Anyways, moving on we come to the day, I picked you up at school, and took you out for lunch at McDonalds, because it was all I had money for at that time". "I remember their expression when I ordered us Happy Meals, the look that said, "Are you insane", and I told them, "No, we are in love". "Look inside the box, sweetheart and see what is inside.

"That's right sweetheart, that last French fry you couldn't finish". "I had it laminated for a reminder of the times you stuck beside me, even though I was broke". "I hope you're enjoying this so far love, I have one more special memory for you". "It was the night of the Fireworks, when we got engaged, Look in the box and see".

After he finished the letter he understood the video tape better. Thinking to himself he said.....

"So real girls do exist", and I thought all was lost".

Reaching down Brandon (Dr.Swanson) touched her tear stained cheeks, as he said..... "So beautiful Marisol, how could any man not fall for you".

Whether it was just a reaction, or instinct, Marisol leaned in to his touch.

"Good night Marisol", he said as he left her room.


Eric and Ryan were getting frusterated, there wasn't one part of that shirt they hadn't tested.

"Christ Eric, we need to stop man, I can't see anymore".

"Fine Ryan, if you want to go, but I'm doing the last of the fibers".

"Listen Eric, all I'm saying is take a break, give your eyes a rest, we'll come back later and look at it again".

Eric knew Ryan was right, so putting down the scope, they went for a break.


"H" and Calleigh finally had some alone time together, and as she was starting dinner, he came up and grinded his thighs against her.

"Handsome"!!! "Stop that, I'm cooking here".

"You got that right love, you're more then cooking", you're sizzling".

"Come on, what if the kids come in"?

"HJr is out with Claire and Eric and Eric and Cody took Destinee to the park". "So it's just you and I", as he ran his hand up her thigh.

Calleigh couldn't help but lean into him, it had been weeks, since they found the time to touch each other. As he moved her beautiful hair from her neck, he gave her little butterfly kisses, as she wrapped her arms around him from behind.

As she held his neck, he took his hands around the front of her and caressed her breast as she moaned and squeezed her bum against his thighs.

"Let's go love, said "H" as he picked her up and carried her to their room, where they spent the next few hours making up for lost time.

The stalker was on to his next victims. He chose a family of four. Waiting till they were all in bed, he climbed through there opened window.

"Miami people are stupid, always they leave their windows opened at night", said the stalker.

Once he was in the house, he quietly made his way upstairs to the bedrooms. Seeing the childrens room, he decided to start there first. With this complete, he went into the parents room, sliced open their stomach's and pulled their intestines outside of their body. Carrying them downstairs, and outside one at a time, he hung them from a tree.

"There, now I'm done for another night", and as he faded into the dark, no one had seen a thing.


It was 4am when Horatio got the call about the family of four that had been killed. Picking up the phone he called Mac....

"Hello"! said a sleepy Mac.

"Mac, it's "H", we have another crime scene, family of four". "I'm on my way to pick you up, be ready".

Once Mac hung up the phone, he dressed and waited downstairs for "H". Once they were on their way to the crime scene, Mac informed Ryan and Eric.

Everyone arrived at the same time, including Alexx and Sheldon.

"Hey Mac, nice to have you again in Miami", though I wish it was under different circumstances".

"You and me both Sheldon". "Any idea on the time of death"? asked Mac.

"Let's see", said Sheldon. "According to the liver temp, time of death was about 1am".

After they had processed and taken the evedence back to Miami-Dade, Mac and "H" headed home to their families.


Marisol was having another dream of that horrible night.

Dr.Swanson was checking on one of his burn patients, when he heard the earpiercing scream coming from Marisol's room. Running down the hall, he told the nurse it was okay that he'd check on his patient. When he got into the room, Marisol was clawing at her sheets, screaming, help me, help me, get me out, Saaaaaaaam!!!!!!!

"Marisol, said Dr.Swanson. "Marisol, wake up". "Wake -up".

Marisol awoke and not thinking logically threw her arms around Brandon and held him tight.

"Shh!! "Listen Marisol, it was just a dream, you're safe and sound, I have you". "Shh!! "Come on Marisol, I'm right here with you, I know you can feel me".

Marisol loosened her grip, but still did not let go of Brandon.

"It was aweful, cried Marisol. "I was so scared and Sam was bleeding everywhere". "I couldn't breathe". "Oh Sam, I'm so sorry he died".

Brandon just held on to her, and didn't let go, until Marisol was ready to break the hold herself.

A short time later Marisol must have fallen back to sleep on Brandon's shoulder. So leaning her back on her pillows, he covered her up and just sat in the chair while she slept.

"You may not know me yet Marisol, but you will".

Brandon realized what he wanted the moment he seen her, but it wasn't until she cried in his arms, that he figured out, he was already in love with her.
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