CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Okay girls, It took me leaving the computer three times, due to crying as writting this section, So please read it all the way through, It's very heart felt. So make sure you have Kleenex. :(

Once the doctor left, Horario finally got his daughter to calm down.

"It's okay my Angel", "Listen sweetheart, daddy needs to tell you about Sam". "Do you understand Marisol"?

Marisol shook her head yes, to let her father know she understood.

"Okay, do you remember being ran off the road"?


"Okay, well when that happened, your car went over the side and rolled". "When we found you and Sam, the car was upside down, with you and Sam inside". "Your Uncle Mac managed to pull out Sam, but he wasn't wearing his seatbelt sweetheart, do you understand".

*NODS* , *Tears*, *SOBS*

"Sweetheart, Sam didn't make it, he died at the scene". "I'm sorry love", said "H" with tears in his eyes.

As Marisol looked around at her family, not one of them had dry eyes. "Why daddy"? "Why Sam, and not me", "he was my world dad, this isn't fair, "I have no future, without Sam, nothing" matters".

Then out of nowhere, from calm to anger, Marisol yelled....

Over and over Marsiol kept screaming GET OUT", until all of them left, but her dad".

"Sweetheart please, I know you're angry, but we are your family".

"Just get out dad, before I say something I'll regret".

Turning over, Marisol looked at her ring and cried into her pillow.

"H", how is she now"? asked Mac.

"She's very angry, to angry to listen to any of us right now". "I think we should take shifts with her, and just keep forcing her to understand". "I have to check in to the Lab this morning, HJr you best get over to the Acadamy, it's been two weeks since you've been there".

"But I want to stay dad, please she's my sister".

"I know that Son, but how is she going to feel if you fail the Acadamy, it will be one more thing she'll blame herself for".

"Fine dad, I'll drop the kids by Grandpa's, and let him know Mari is awake".

"Okay, thank you Son, that leaves, you three, who wants the first shift"?

Mac, Stella, and Calleigh, looked at each other.

"I'll take the first shift Handsome". "She's our daughter", said Calleigh looking over at Mac.

"Okay then, I'll take the second shift, said Mac. "She's going to be fine "H", we'll all help her understand".

Once everyone left, calleigh walked back in and seen her daughter, looking out the window into space.

"Angel, it's mommy love", "can we talk for a bit"?

Nothing, not so much as a nod or word.

"Okay than, how about I just sit here with you", said Calleigh sitting down. "Listen love, Sam's parents stopped by to see you, and they hope you get better soon". "They also gave me a letter and a wrapped up box for you, it seems Sam wrote it, before the accident". "His mom said, he gave it to them the day he got engaged to you". "He also told them, you were to be given it, only if something happened to him". "I haven't open it yet, but if it's okay with you , I'd like to read it with you". "Can I do that Mari"?

She shook her head yes.

Calleigh started to read......

"My beautiful Marisol", If you're reading this letter, then I know I'm no longer alive". "But I need to leave you something special, so you can always remember how much I did love you".
"Remember the day we walked along the rocks and you stubbed your toe, on that stone that walked in your path", well I kept it for you,

Calleigh removed the rock from the box, and looked at it, she started to giggle. Handing it to Marisol, she looked at it and seen a angry face, with red hair and big googly eye's". On the back of the rock it read........"Oww, you hurt me". Marisol couldn't help but smile, as she held the rock close. Continuing with the letter.......

"So that you could remember how it pissed you off, and how I took off your sandle and kissed your pretty toe". "God Mari, I loved your expression that day". "Anyways, moving on we come to the day, I picked you up at school, and took you out for lunch at McDonalds, because it was all I had money for at that time". "I remember their expression when I ordered us Happy Meals, the look that said, "Are you insane", and I told them, "No, we are in love". "Look inside the box, sweetheart and see what I kept.

As Calleigh stopped the letter again, she took a laminated bitten french fry out of the box and handed it to Marisol, as she continued reading..

"That's right sweetheart, that last French fry you couldn't finish". "I had it laminated for a reminder of the times you stuck beside me, even though I was broke". "I hope you're enjoying this so far love, I have one more special memory for you". "It was the night of the Fireworks, when we got engaged, Look in the box and see".

Calleigh looked in and took out a video tape. "Give me a minute sweetheart, said Calleigh, I'll see if we can set up a VCR for a few minutes".

As Calleigh left the room, Marisol turned over and looked at the rock and the French fry, as she cried. "Sam"!! "I miss you, so much, I'm sorry you had to die".

About five minutes later, Calleigh and a nurse walked in with a VCR. Once it was hooked up to the TV, Calleigh put in the tape. As they watched there was Sam, talking ....

"Hello"! my beautiful Marisol, this is the day, I'll ask you to be my wife". "I can honestly say I'm so excited, I know you'll say yes, because you love me as much as I love you, but look at me shaking, and I haven't even asked you yet". "Can you imagine Mari, the wonderful times we'll share walking along the Beach with our children and 3 dogs". "That's right 3 dogs, because I know how much you love them". "I can see our children Mari, all of them as beautiful as their mother". "I love you so much Mari, you are my world, my life, my Universe". "Now"!! as you keep watching our friend Tom is going to be filming the rest, as I can't do two things at once".

As Marisol and Calleigh watched, they seen the Fireworks explode and Sam down on one knee proposing to Marisol. When Calleigh looked over, Marisol was in tears.

"Do you want me to turn it off love"?

Marisol shook her head no, as she continued to watch and feel her heart break. Once it was finished Calleigh finished with the last part of the letter.

"Isn't it amazing Marisol, we have something to look back on together". "Well that's about it for gifts, my one and only true love", hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed watching you watch it from Heaven". "Remember Marisol, I don't want to see tears, only smiles, from your beautiful face". "I also expect you to keep living your life and graduate with Honor's". "You have to do it for us Mari, I need to know you survived my death". "I don't want to have to watch you being sad, or upset". "You hold yourself together, with the help of your loving family, you'll get through it, I promise you".

Love forever, Your Sam.

Calleigh could hear the sobs coming from Marisol, as she got up and held her daughter tight, while she cried.
A short time later, Marisol had fallen asleep. While she was out Calleigh placed her pet rock, her french fry and the letter beside her on the table. Watching her baby sleep, with tears still glistening on her lids, she prayed silently for God to help her daughter stay strong. Just as she re-opened her eyes "H" was standing there looking at her.

"Hey Handsome", said Calleigh. "I thought Mac was taking the next shift".

"He was love, but I wanted to be near my baby Angel, how is she"?

"I'm not really sure , I gave her the box and letter from Sam, I can honestly tell you, there are some great memories in there, we watched it together".

Horatio looked on the table and seen the rock and french fry. "I take it those are part of the memory".

"They are, along with the Video he did". "You'd have to read the letter to understand".

"H" walked over and read the letter, as he got half way through , he had to stop. Calleigh gripped his hand for support, as he continued reading. When he was done, he put down the letter and held Calleigh tightly in his arms.

"I never realized how strong their relationship was, or how much they truely loved each other till now". "It's going to take alot of time, for our Angel to accept his death". "Why don't you go grab some lunch sweetheart, I'll stay with Marisol now".

After Calleigh left, "H" put down the bars and climbed in bed beside his daughter, as he went to put his arm around her, she spoke.....

"Sam"!, "I love you".

"Shh!!! It's okay Angel, go back to sleep, it's daddy holding you love".

Marisol turned and cuddled under her daddy's neck, like she use to do when she was little.

"I'm miss him so much daddy". "It feels like someone ripped out my heart, I'm in so much pain".

"I know Angel", "But I promise, we will help you survive and move on".

"I hope so daddy, because right now, I feel so lost".

Two hours later Calleigh came back into the room and found them both cuddled up and sound asleep. She had not seen them bond like that since Sam came into Mari's life". Deep down she knew "H" was happy to have his Angel back in his arms. Taking the blanket from the bottom, of the bed, she covered them up, and sat down to watch them sleep.


HJr had picked up Claire after his training, so he could spend some time with her.

"hey sweetheart, you ready to go"? asked HJr.

"Yeah"! "So where are we going"?

"To celebrate your belated birthday". "I've booked a very special place for us".

Claire knew she had looked forward to this day, but now it had come, she was scared.

"Are you sure, you wouldn't want to wait till Marisol is alot better and out of the Hospital"?

"Of course not love, I've been looking forward to this, haven't you"?

HJr knew he owed his sister big time for this one. For she had told him how to handle Claire and have her change her mind on her own.

"You know I have, but I think we should wait for a while, your sister really needs you right now".

"But so do you, sweetheart", said HJr.

"I know", "But your sister needs you more". "Why don't we just go out for lunch or something and then we'll go see Marisol".

"If you're sure sweetheart", okay, we can do that".

HJr, was happy with his decision to wait, because he now knew how quickly things could change, and that love, could be taken from your life when you least expect it.


Mac and Stella were at home waiting patiently to hear from HJr about their decision. As they were pacing together the phone rang.

"HJr"!!! "Is that you, Son", asked Mac.

"Yeah"!! "It's me Uncle Mac, you'll be happy to know it worked". "She kinda got freaked when I told her I had everything worked out". "So we are going for lunch and then over to see Marisol".

"Okay son"!! "You have fun, and we'll see you both later".

"Well, come on Taylor, spill it", said Stella.

Mac pretended to look disapointed..

"It didn't work love, she went through with it, we've lost our baby".

"What"!!! "Come on Mac, you're kidding right"? "Right"?

Mac loved the look on Stella's face, and knew he would pay dearly for teasing her, but it was worth it.

"Mac Taylor", "You're in for it now, you little Devil, if I catch you, Mr.Jolly will be hurting big time".

Mac ran through the hall of their Miami home and out the back door , to the pool, where he waited until Stella, grabbed him. Picking her up, he tossed them both in the pool.

"AUHHH"!! screamed Stella, that's cold Taylor,said Stella.

"Well come here then love, I'll warm you up, and then I'll Smex you".

"And Smex her up he did, as Mac taught Stella how to breathe under water during Smex Time.
HJr and Claire arrived at the Hospital at the same time as Mac and Stella.

"Hey dad, hey mom", said Claire.

"Hello, my Claire bear", said her dad. "Did you have a great belated birthday"? asked Mac.

"It was nice dad, thanks for asking".

"You're welcome, how does it fel to be a woman now"? asked her mom.

"Mom"!!!! "Can we not talk about that please".

"Sure love", let's go see Mari".

As they walked into the room, they seen Horatio and Marisol sound asleep in each others arms. Mac looked saddened, as he seen them cuddle.

"Poor Angel, said Mac. "How is she Calleigh"?

"Not to good, she's hurting really bad".

"Did you give her the stuff from Sam's parents"?

"Yeah"!! "We actually spent time reading it together", then we watched the video he left her".

As much as Mac wanted to ask more, he knew now wasn't the time. HJr however, asked .....

"Hey mom, what's with the pet rock and french fry"?

"Shh!!! said Calleigh, you'll wake them up".

"Too late, said "H", I'm already awake".

As he sat up, he laid Marisol's head back on the pillow. Getting up, he stretched his legs and asked what time it was.

"It's three in the afternoon", said Stella.

"Hmm"!! "I must have been tired". Looking over to make sure Marisol was still asleep he said....

"She's going to need alot more support than I thought, she say's her heart feels like it's been torn out and she feels empty inside".

"Don't worry dad, said HJr, we will all get her through this".

Embracing his son, "H" said....."I know HJr, I know".

Later that evening, Mac took the next shift, Stella and Horatio went to pick up the kids and Calleigh went to the Cafe to get something to eat. Just as Mac was about to drift off, Marisol screamed "SAM"!!!!! Jumping out of the chair, Mac ran over to the bed, and grabbed Marisol tightly in his arms.

"It's okay sweetheart", "You're okay". "We are all here for you", said Mac.

"It hurts Uncle Mac, I'm so alone".

"No you're not love, I'm here with you right now, and mom is downstairs".

Coming closer to sit on the bed, Mac dried her tears, softly with a cloth avoiding the scar over her brow and head.

"Uncle Mac"! *sob*

"Yes sweetheart"?

"Did you see the package and letter Sam left me"?

"Yes I seen it sitting on the table". "why love"?

"Could you read it to me again"?

"Sure love, but wouldn't you rather read it yourself"?

"No, it has more understanding when someone else reads it".

Mac started to read Marisol the letter. After getting part way through, he popped in the video again, as they watched it together. When they were finished, Mac said....

"That was beautiful Mari"! "You can see how much he loves you".

"I know Uncle Mac, that's why it hurts so much". *crying*

Mac held Marisol while she cried in his arms. "Shh!!! "I promise Angel it will get better".

Calleigh walked in with the doctor.

"Okay Marisol, I'd like to have a look under your dressing, we need to make sure everything is healing".

Mac held one hand, while Calleigh held the other. As the doctor removed the bandage, Calleigh and Mac tried their best not to show their feelings. But they could see the gash started above her left eyebrow, and went from there all the way to the center of her head.

Marisol was becoming frusterated and asked her mom for a mirror, so she could see.

"Mom, pass me the mirror please, I need to see for myself".

"Listen sweetheart, you are still very swollen, why don't you wait til the swelling goes down a little more".

"I said I want a mirror now"!!! said Marisol getting angry.

At that moment HJr and Claire walked in, Hjr did great hidding his feelings, Claire on the other hand couldn't handle it, she gasped.

"Oh Mari"!! said Claire in tears.

"HJr, get her out of here please", said Mac.

Marisol lost it, "Give me a God damn mirror right now"!! "I said now".

Calleigh knew they had no choice, and as she passed Marisol the mirror she prepared herself for the screams.
They didn't come, not one scream, not one complaint, not one grossed out look.

"Thank-you mom, for allowing me to see my face".

"Do you want to talk about it sweetheart"? asked Calleigh.

"No mom, said Marisol in tears. "I'm very tired, I'd like to sleep now please".

As Calleigh and Mac got ready to leave , Marisol said...

"Uncle Mac, please stay for a moment".

"I'll meet you out there in a minute love". He whispered to Calleigh.

As he walked back over to the bed, he sat down. "What is it love"?

"You know Uncle Mac, it really doesn't matter what my face looks like, because I have my life". "But I don't want people or my family staring or saying their sorry". "Do you understand Uncle Mac"?

"I do love, but we are your family, you have to understand there is going to be some painful reactions, especially from Destinee and Austin".

"I understand that, but I could tell mom and Claire were upset with the way I look, and I don't want them to feel sad, so I need you to help them all adjust".

"What are you asking me to do Mari"?

"Prepare them, let them know, it's still me, and not to treat or act differently around me". "You understand, you've seen worse when you were a Marine". "You can help then cope".

"Okay sweetheart", "I can do that".

Sitting up Marisol looked into his eyes, and said "I love you ", as she kissed his cheek.

Mac started to tear up.

"I'm really tired Uncle Mac". "Thanks for always being here". "I love you".

"I love you to Mari". As Mac left the room, he tried to think the best way to tell everyone, Marisol's wishes".


Horatio had his hands full with a new case he was working on. He had been informed that a new violent preditor was on the loose in Miami. Horatio was told by Special Agent Parks, that this animal had fled Mexico, into Miami. He also informed "H", that he liked to hang his victims from tree branches, by their Intestines. After "H" got off the phone with Agent Parks, he called the Hospital to have Mac and Eric return to the Lab for briefing.

"Hey "H", said Eric, what's going on"?

"Seems we have a new Preditor in Miami, he like to hang his victims by their Intestines".

"You're kidding right"? asked Eric.

"I'm afraid I'm not Eric, Agent Parks informed me this Animal fled from Mexico, into our Miami". "By the way Mac, how is Marisol"?

"The doctor removed her bandages, she looks very swollen and disfigured right now". "But we had a very long talk, and she's very concerned that you'll all treat her diffrently". "She already noticed Claire's reaction, and even Calleigh's expression of sadness".

"So what you're saying, is she would like us to be strong, and not show our feelings of hurt".

"That's right, she has a very keen sense, and has picked up on the sadness already".

"Well then, we will have to do that for her then, she's had more than enough sadness".
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