CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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When Eric arrived at the Hospital, HJr was still reading to his sister.

"How is she Hjr"? asked Eric.

"She's the same, no change". "Though I could swear she moved her hand in mine".

"Hmmm, more and likely just nerves", said Eric as he walked to Marisol's bedside.

"I have to take a break Eric, can you watch her for a few minutes".

"Sure HJr, take your time".

After "HJr left the room, Eric took Marisol's hand and started to talk too her.

"Mari, my love, It's Uncle Eric, how you feeling sweetheart"? "Are you warm enough"? "We really miss having you with us", and we hope you come home soon".

As Eric was about to speak again, he could have swore her hand lightly touched his. But once again, when he looked down, it was lifeless.


Calleigh woke up screaming.

"Sweetheart, wake up love, come on Calleigh, wake up".

Jolting awake, Calleigh stared at her husband for the briefest of moments and said.....

"I want my baby Handsome, I want my Mari"?

Grabbing her tightly, he told her.....

"I know my love, I know", said "H".


Back at the Hospital, Sam's parents showed up asking to see Marisol. HJr told them he would take them to her. As they neared her room they cringed...

"Oh my"!! "Poor little lamb, look at her Hun", said Sam's mom. "Hi Marisol, it's Sue, I know you can hear me love". "We need you to come back, everyone needs you back with us. "Please come home Mari".

After a few more minutes Sam's parents left.

"You should get some rest HJr, I can stay with Mari, said Eric.

"No thanks, I'd like to stay with Uncle Eric, I need to finish her book". "We are just getting to her favorite section".

"Okay, I'll stay with you if that's okay".

"Sure Uncle Eric, I think I seen your nurse friend down the hall".

"Which one"? laughed Eric.

"The pretty long legged red head", said HJr.

"Auhh!!! that would be Chariese". "I shall return Hjr".

"Sure you will Uncle Eric", "You're such a player".

Hjr was looking at Marisol when he said that, and he could have swore she smiled.

"Eric"!! called Hjr. "Look at this, tell me it isn't my imagination".

Eric walked over and looked at Marisol, while Hjr said....

"You're such a player Uncle Eric"..

Again, Marisol smiled.

"Did you see that"? she can here us, can't she"? said HJr with excitment.

"I'm not sure, said Eric, but we are going to find out, I'll get Chariese, to come see".

As Eric let the room, Hjr called mom and dad.
"Hi Dad"? "It's "HJr, I think there's been a change, when Uncle Eric and I were teasing about him and the nurses, Marisol smiled".

"What"! "Are you sure Hjr"?

"I'm positive dad, Eric seen it too", he's gone to get his nurse friend, so that we can do it again and she can see for herself, to let the doctor know it did happen".

"Okay Son, "I'll be right there".

"H" didn't want to wake Calleigh and give her false hope, so he called Mac and asked him to come stay with her until he got back.

After Mac agreed, he woke up Stella.

"Sweetheart, there may have been a change in Marisol. "H" needs me to stay with Caleigh and the kids ".

"Okay Mac, you go ahead, I'll see you when you get back". "I love you".

"I love you too, sweetheart, sweet dreams", said Mac.

Once he got to "H"'s place, Mac asked him what had happened.

"Well according to HJr and Eric, when they were teasing about the nurses, Marisol smiled", Hjr said it happened twice".

"You know what"? that's funny. "when I was holding Marisol's hand, I could have swore it moved", said Mac.

"I know, so did Calleigh, she said she was positive something happened with her hand". "I'll call you with an update".

"Oh"! and keep a good eye on Calleigh, she's been waking up screaming".

"Don't worry "H", she'll be fine".


Chariese had come in the room with Eric and as they stood over Marisol's bed, HJr and Eric mentioned the nurses again, and Marisol smiled.

"Did you see that, she smiled, my sister smiled", cried HJr.

Chariese told Eric she would contact the doctor immediatly

Once the nurse left, "H" walked in.

"Dad, dad, you have to watch".

Again Eric and HJr talked about the nurses and again she smiled.

"Did you see that dad"? "She smiled".

"Yes Son, but please try not to get too excited, until the doctor checks her".

Meanwhile ...

Calleigh had another nightmare. As Mac heard her screaming, he ran up the stairs and grabbed her in his arms.

"Shh!!! "Calleigh, Calleigh, wake up love". "Come on Calleigh wake up", called Mac.

Calleigh finally awoke in a cold sweat, she was soaked right through her nightgown.

"Auh Calleigh"! "Come on love, we have got to get you out of that nightgown".

As Mac got her another gown, he helped her remove the old one and put on the dry one.

"There you go sweetheart, Lay back down Calleigh", coaxed Mac.

"Where is Horatio, Mac"?

"He had to go back to the Hospital, to see Marisol".

"Is she okay, has something changed"?

"No sweetheart, he just needs to make sure, she is okay for you".

Mac couldn't believe he had just lied. But to hell with it, he didn't want her anymore upset then she already was.

"Try and go back to sleep Calleigh, I'll be right here if you need me".

As Mac sat in the chair across from her bed, he heard her softly crying again. Knowing he didn't want to get into the bed, but had no choice, he laid down beside and took her into his arms.

The doctor had entered Marisol's room.

"Good evening everyone, the nurse tells me there has been a change"?

"Yes, it seems Marisol is responding to certain sections of our conversations".

The doctor asked them to once again show him an example. So as Eric and HJr started again about the nurses, she smiled.

"Hmm!! interresting". "Nurse, please call down to Ultrasound and x-ray to see if they have an opening for a scan".

"On my way doctor", said Chariese.


Mac was toying with Calleigh's hair while she slept.

"God, why do you keep putting us in these situations"? asked Mac to himself. Before he slipped off to lala land.

Dreaming back to that night in the Lab, he could remember the scents and strokes of the magic they shared. The tightness and feel of Calleigh still remained on his mind, after 19 years. Jolting himself awake, he knew he had to leave that damn bed now.

"Mac"!!! "Where are you going"? asked Calleigh.

"I just need to use the washroom Calleigh, go back to sleep".


The doctor had the orderly take Marisol down to Ultrasound and x-ray, while "H" and the gang waited for her return.

"Come on dad, how long do we have to wait"?

"Calm down Son, the longer it takes usually means better results".

At tht moment they brought Marisol back inot her room.

"Okay than" , said the doctor. "From looking at her scan, it appears there is activity within her brain waves, also her swelling has gone down". "The most I can tell you at this time is , her progress looks promising".

"Thank-you doctor, said "H" with tears in his eyes".

"I'll go call Mac" , said Eric.

After Eric left, HJr and "H" walked up to Marisol's bed and held her hands.

"We know you can hear us Mari", said "HJr. "You come home soon, okay Sis, come home soon".


(phone rings)

"Hello"!, said Mac.

"Mac, it's Eric, they just a scan on Marisol, and it showed her brainwaves were responding , and her swelling has gone down". "They say it looks promising".

"Okay, thanks Eric, I'll wake Calleigh and let her know".

"Calleigh"!! called Mac, wake up love".

"What is it Mac"?

"There has been a change in Marisol's condition". "It seems they did a scan and it showed active activity in her brain".

"Oh my God, that's wonderful news", said Calleigh as she held Mac tight in a hug. "Our Angel is going to be fine".

Calleigh ran into the kids room and woke them up. "Listen kids your sister is doing better, she's still not awake but she is responding through facial expressions".

"Oh that's wonderful mom, can we go see her today"?

"Of course we can, but for now try and go back too sleep".

"H" was just coming in the door, when Calleigh and Mac walked out of the kids room.

"How is she Handsome"? asked Calleigh.

"She's the same love, but at least she is responding to certain things". "HJr, is going to stay till we get there in the morning". "I have Eric coming by about 8am to take Destinee to school".


HJr continued reading to Marisol, while Uncle Eric, was hanging out with Cheriese, who was on break.

"Come on Cherry love", you know, you're my special nurse".

"Yeah right Eric"!!! "Carol told me the other day, you said she was your special nurse, and Roxanne said the same thing, as did Marie, Nancy and Sue, who I believe you took the Fireworks display last week". "By the way, she said you made her see GOD, whatever that means".

Eric smirked, he knew that it meant his Cuban slong. "Listen Cherry, give me a chance to prove it too you, just one kiss, please"!!!!!!

Chariese gave in, "Fine Eric, but I'm still not going out with you, but I'll give you the kiss I owe you".

Eric wrapped her in his arms and moved towards her mouth, as he got within an inch away, he said.....

"Open for me Cherry".

As she opened, and Eric kissed her she melted into him, never in her life had she felt such heat from one kiss, from any guy. Her last logical thought was.....

"Eric Delko, certainly knew how to make a girl melt".

Once Eric broke the kiss, he looked at Chariese's eyes and seen the passion.

"So"!!! "I'll pick you up friday at eight"?

"Uhhuh!!!! was all Chariese could get out.


Mac got home, and crawled back into bed, he was so tired.

"How is she Mac"? asked Stella half asleep.

"She's showing active activity in her brainwave patterns". "It looks hopeful".

"That's wonderful, who's with her now"?

"HJr and Eric", said Mac yawning.

"Are we all going to head over in the morning"? asked Stella.

"You and "H" are with Calleigh, I'll be there later, I really need some sleep love".

"Okay than, "I love you Mac".

"I love you too Stella".
In the morning "H" had the kids up and ready to go.

"I don't want to go too school daddy, I see Arisol too". "Please daddy, said Destinee in tears.

"Okay love, go get ready, I'll call the Center".

At that moment Eric walked in. "Morning "H".

"Oh hey Eric", "It's okay, Destinee doesn't want to go too school, she wants to see Marisol with us".

"Okay, that's not a problem, Why don't I take Eric and Cody, that way you'll only have Destinee"?

"Sure, that would be great Eric, thanks".

Once Eric and the boys left, "H" waited for Stella and the kids to show up.


Mac was still sound asleep, when Stella awoke, after kissing him on the lips ,and whispering she loved him, she heading downstairs and got the kids all ready to go.

"Let's go guy's", said Stella quietly. "Don't wake daddy".

"Why mama, said Austin, Is daddy tired"?

"Yes sweetheart, daddy is very tired".

Once they were all in the car, Stella headed over to "H"s and Calleigh's.


HJr had fallen asleep holding Marisol's hand, when a slight movement woke him. Looking at Marisol's hand, he could see the fingers softly bend.

"Marisol", said HJr as he looked up.

"Nothing, she was still in her Coma.

"Come on Mari, I know you are trying to awake", try harder Sis, I miss you".

Again HJr felt her hand grip his, and this time when he looked up he seen a tear drop down her cheek. After wiping it away, he sat back down and began to read again.

A short time later, "H", Calleigh , Stella and the kids walked in.

"Arisol'!!!! yelled Destinee, as she ran up to the bed. "Arisol", wake up Arisol, I made you somtin, see".

"Daddy, how come she not wake up, I talken to her".

"Well sweetheart, your sister is having a very long nap". "She'll wake up soon".

"But how come her face look like that"? and where is Sam mommy"?

While everyone was listening to Destinee, no one seen Marisol crying.

"Well sweetheart, said "H" once again. "that's kind of a long story", one daddy will explain to you later".

Running back to the bed, Destinee yelled...... "Daddy, why is Marisol crying"?

Everyone walked up towards the bed and seen tears coming from Marisol's eyes.

"Angel"!! said "H", can you hear us"? "Squeeze my hand if you can hear us".

Nothing, no response, no movement nothing.

"Get the doctor HJr, I want her rechecked now".

"When the doctor came in, he looked over Marisol, as he looked into her eyes, he seen no pupil movement.

"Mr&Mrs,Caine, I know how frusterating this is for you both and your family, but sometimes Coma patients do draw tears, but not from pain or hurt". "I'm not saying she can't hear you, I'm just saying she's not crying in pain". "I'll send the nurse in to clean her up".

Once the doctor left, everyone disagreed with his diagnosis.
When the nurse came in, she cleaned off Marisol's face with warm cloth, checked her pressure, then left.

"What do you think dad"? asked Hjr.

"I think, your sister has alot of grief, hidden inside, and may already know Sam is gone".

As "H" watched closely, he seen her left hand move again. Looking closer he seen her engagement ring was missing.

"Calleigh", "Do you know where Marisol's ring is"?

"Yeah"!! "It's around my neck", "why"?

"Can I have it please", asked "H".

Once Calleigh handed him the ring, "H" put it back on Marisol's wedding finger.

"There you go my Angel, it's back where it belongs".

As they all looked at Marisol's face, she looked happier some how.

"'Isn't that strange, remarked Stella, it looks like she's happy".

"You're right, how strange, how peaceful she now looks", said Calleigh.


Mac woke up , had a shower, and headed downstairs.

"Claire Bear"? "Why aren't you at the Hospital"? asked Mac.

"I don't want to see her like that", I can't do it dad, she looks, she looks....."

"What Claire, just say it".

"She looks disfigured", I can't see her like that dad, please don't make me go back there".

"Claire, I would never make you do something you don't want to do". "But I want you to remember something". "If it was you in that bed disfigured, do you think Marisol, would be there for you"?
"Just think about it Claire-bear, while I make some coffee".

Deep down Claire knew damn well that Marisol would be there, no matter what she looked like. So swallowing her fears, Claire went upstairs to change, before going with her dad.


Everyone headed downstairs to the Cafe for lunch.

"Mom, I think I'll stay with Marisol".

"I'd really like you to come with us sweetheart", we'll only be a couple minutes.

HJr knew his mom would make him go, so he decided his sister would be okay.

As they neared the elevators, Mac and Claire got off.

"Hey Mac, said Stella, how you feeling now"?

"Much better thanks".

"We're just going down to get some lunch, you want to come"?

:"No thanks, I just had breakfast".

"I do mom, can I go dad"? asked Claire hoping he'd say yes, so she wouldn't have to see Marisol yet.

"Go ahead Claire, but then you get back up here".

"I will dad, I promise", said Claire.

When Mac entered Marisol's room, he walked right over to the bed, leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"Morning sweetheart, I missed you last night", said Mac as he held her hand.

Bringing it up to his face, he kissed the palm, as he felt her fingers tighten around his hand.

"I know sweetheart", I can feel you trying to wake up, I just wish I knew ,what to do too help you".

Pulling down the bars on her bed, he sat on the edge, leaned in and hugged her tight as he said....

"I'm hear sweetheart", "I know you feel me hold you, I love you my Marisol", Mac said as he cried into her neck. "Please come home to us Mari, please".

As Mac sobbed he felt someone stroke his hair, raising his head he seen Marisol look into his eyes, blue, met , blue, as she tried to speak.

Sitting up Mac called for the nurse, who came running into the room.

"She's awake yelled Mac, get the doctor, she's awake".

Still looking at each other, Marisol tried to speak again, but nothing came out.

"Shhh!!! It's okay love, just relax, I'm hear".

"Sam"!!! Mac heard in a bare whisper.

"It's okay Marisol, try not to talk right now", said Mac still holding her hand.

Just as the doctor came into the room, Marisol yelled,

"SAM"!!!!!, "Sam, "Sam, "SAM!!!"

"Okay Marisol, calm down said the doctor, It's okay , just breathe Marisol".

Horatio and everyone else could hear the scream coming from the room, running in they seen Marisol awake, and yelling Sam's name.

"Christ Mac, when did she wake up"? asked "H".

"Just a few minutes ago", and she's been screaming for Sam".

The doctor couldn't get Marisol to calm down, so he told the nurse to bring a sedative. As he went to inject Marisol, "H" knocked it out of the doctor's hand.

"No"!! "No more damn drugs, you leave her awake, I need to explain to her.
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