CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Mac and Stella were getting coffee, while "H" and Calleigh went back to Marisol's room. Sitting down beside her, Calleigh watched the machine's pump and breath life into her daughter lungs as she stroked her hand.

"Angel"! "It's mommy sweetheart", "can you feel me touching you"? "I love you Angel", said Calleigh.

"Sweetheart"! "Daddy is here too, I need you to wake up Angel", daddy needs your kisses please".


Marisol could hear her mom and dad calling her to come home.

"Why can't I wake up"? "Can't anyone see me trying to wake up, Why can't I open my eyes, or say something anything". "Mommy, I can feel you touch me, why can't you feel me"?

Horatio was watching his daughter closely.

"Calleigh, did you see that"?

"See what Handsome"?

"Her eyes", watch the lids of her eyes".

As the watched they could have swore they fluttered.

"Is she okay, is something wrong with her"? "Get the doctor".

As "H" ran down the hall to get the nurse, Marisol went into convulsions.

"Nooo!!!! screamed Calleigh, "H", "H", somethings wrong, help her".

The nurse came running into the room and pushed the emergency call button. "ICU Code Blue, Code Blue", could be heard throughout the Hospital, as all these doctors came running into the room.

"Horatio", "Oh no, please handsome do something, cried Calleigh., please help her God, somebody anybody, don't let my baby die".

Horatio removed Calleigh from the room, while the doctors worked on stabelizing Marisol.

"what the hell happened "H"? asked Mac.

"I'm not sure, she went into convulsions", they are with her now, trying to stablize her". "Listen where is Stella"?

"She's calling Calleigh's dad to update him and see how the kids are".

"Okay, I'm going to go back in, please take Calleigh for me".

As Horatio tried to get Calleigh to let go, she wouldn't.

"Calleigh, please let Mac hold you love, I need to go check on Marisol for us".

Mac reached out his hands and pulled Calleigh gentely away from "H", as Mac turned her she gripped him tightly, so tightly, he could scarcely breathe.

"Shh!!! "It's okay Calleigh, said Mac, as he held her close with tears in his eyes.
When "H" re-entered the room, they were just getting Marisol comfortable.

"How is she doctor"? asked a sadden "H".

"She's stable again, we think the seizure may have been caused by swelling to her brain, we are going to take her down to Neurology in the morning for a scan".

"Thank-you doctor", said "H" as he walked towards his daughters bed.

Stella came back down the hall, and seen Mac with wet eyes, and Calleigh in his arms.

"Mac"!! "What happened"? "What's going on"?

"Marisol took a turn for the worse, "H" is in there now trying to find out what happened".

"Is Calleigh okay, she's not moving Mac".

"I think she's fallen asleep".

"Why don't you take her down to the lounge area, and I'll stay with "H".

"Sure love". Mac picked Calleigh up in his arms, as she tightened her grip Mac could hear her say.......

"Don't let me go"?

"Never Calleigh, said Mac in a whisper. "Never", as he carried her down to the lounge.

As Stella walked in to the room, she seen "H" with his head burried in his daughters hand.

"H"!! called Stella softly.

Looking up, "H" reached out his hand telling Stella without words to take it. Walking over Stella embraced it in hers as she spoke......

"What did the doctor say "H"?

"That she's stable for now, they are going to send her for a scan in the morning".

"H" got up from the chair and turned to face Stella.

"How is Calleigh now"?

"Mac took her down to the lounge, she had fallen asleep in his arms".

"Okay, I think I'm going to make her go home, she needs rest and one of us have to be there for the other kids".

"DO you want me too have Mac take her"? asked Stella.

"Sure that would be fine", said "H".

Stella walked down to the lounge and found Calleigh half awake on Mac's shoulder.

"Calleigh"! "H" would like you to go home and get some rest". "Mac can take you".

"No"!!! "I won't leave my daughter".

Getting up out of Mac's embrace, she walked back down to Marisol's room.

"Horatio", whispered Calleigh. "How is she"?

"She's the same love, why don't go home and get some rest".

"No"!! "I said I'm staying", "I'm not leaving her "H", so stop asking", said Calleigh as she sat down in the chair.

Horatio Knew there was no way Calleigh would leave.

"Okay love, you stay than, and I'll go home and talk to the kids". "Then HJr will be back at 11pm".

Calleigh didn't say anything, as "H" walked out the door. "H" knew she was seriously hurting, because she would never ignore him on purpose.

"Okay"!!, "Mac, Stella, I'm going to go pick up the kids from my father in law, Calleigh is going to stay".

"I'll go with you '"H", Mac will you stay with Calleigh"?

"Sure love, you guys go ahead, I'll bring her home at 11pm when HJr gets here".

"Thanks Mac", I really appriciate this".

"It's what family does "H", we take care of each other".

After "H" and Stella had left, Mac walked into the room and heard Calleigh crying onto Marisol.

"Mari"!!! "It's mommy Angel, I'm here beside you", please baby, won't you come home"? *sob****

Mac walked over and touched Calleigh's shoulder, turning around she got up and embraced herself in Mac's arms.

"I know Calleigh, I know how you're hurting". "Shh!!! Come on Calleigh calm down, you have to be strong for Marisol".

Looking up into Mac's eyes Calleigh said, "How can I be strong, when this is our baby that's on her death bed".

"Shhh!!! "I know Calleigh, please calm down, she'll wake up".

Calleigh embraced herself back into Mac's arms.


HJr and Claire were laying down on the couch together, holding each other for support.

"Hjr"! "Love me now please". "It's only one week till my birhtday".

"I can't Claire, I made a promise to our parents, not till you turned 18, I won't go back on that".

"Why not HJr, What difference does it make"?

"The difference is , you're in pain now, your thought's are on Marisol, I will not use sex as an excuse, to help you forget your pain".

"God HJr, sometimes you make me scream, and hate you".

"Now that's just anger talking", said HJr.

At that moment Stella and "H" walked in.

:"Dad"!! "How is she"?

"She's taken a turn for the worse Son, your mom and Uncle Mac are staying with her till you get there at 11pm".

"God dad, she's not going to die, is she"? said HJr as he broke down and finally cried.

"H" ran over and embraced his Son in his arms, Shh!! It's okay HJr., come on Son, stay strong".

All the kids were watching , they all knew Marisol may not make it".

"Daddy"!! said Destinee. "Where is Aerisol"?

That did it, "H" could no longer hold back, all it took was his little girls words to break him, falling on his knees, he sobbed in earnest, as Destinee walked over and held her dad.
Hey devoted readers. This is my only post till about 7pm Canadian time, work,work,work. Once again thanks for the awsome feedbacks.

*My Poke-a-Hontis, NO pitchfork****** :devil: :lol:


Mac and Calleigh were still holding each other as they watched their Angel sleep, when HJr walked in.

"Hey mom", "Hey Uncle Mac". "How is she"?

"Not to good hun, Is it 11pm already"?

"Yeah, you should really try and get some rest". "I'll stay with Marisol now".

"I don't know if I can leave"? I don't want to leave"?

"Come on Calleigh, you need some rest, think about what Marisol would want".

Deep down Calleigh knew Mac was right, but she still didn't want to leave.

"Please mom, go home and get some rest", said HJr.

Knowing she had no choice, Calleigh bent down, and kissed her cheek.

"I love you Angel", said Calleigh.

When she was done, Mac bent down took her hand and whispered in Marisol's ear..

"I love you my Angel, please come home soon".

It was at that moment he felt the squeeze of his hand, just a light squeeze. But as he looked down her hand was lifeless once again.

"Must have been my imagination", said Mac to himself.

After they were headed home, Calleigh asked Mac to stop the car, because she was going to be ill.

As she ran out of the car, she vomited on the side of the road. Mac knew her nerves were acting up again, causing her to be sick.

Getting out of the car, Mac held her hair back while she vomited.

"You okay love"? "Come on , I'll get you cleaned up".

Once Mac had her back in the car, he helped her remove her blouse, as he grabbed her one of his black t-shirts. Mac couldn't help but realize how beautiful Calleigh still was after 19 years. He knew he would never forget that night in the Lab, and what they had shared together.

"Here love, let me help you put it on".

"Thanks" , said Calleigh crying again.

Pulling her close, Mac held her while he drove with one hand on the stearing wheel.

"I still love you Calleigh", said Mac in a soft whisper.

"I know Mac, I know ", said Calleigh as she fell asleep.


"H" and Stella had gotten all the kids settled into bed and were relaxing on the couch.

"You okay Horatio"? asked Stella.

"Yes and No"! "I think I'm more numb, and hurt, and I keep having visions of killing those two idiots at Miami-Dade".

"It's okay to have them, as long as you don't act upon them".

"I know", though at times I wish I could break the Code of Ethics".

"We all do Horatio, but what makes us great CSI's is our ability not to give in to those thoughts".

"I know you're right", thanks for the talk Stella.

"H" got up and walked over to Stella and embraced her in his arms. Memories came flooding back, from all those years ago, as Horatio whispered.....

"I think, I now remember why we don't touch anymore".

"I know what you mean H", said Stella.

Sometimes in the most stressful or emotional moments, things happen and as they looked at each other eyes, it brought back NY memories, that had been kept hidden away.
Once Mac got to the house, Calleigh was sound asleep, picking her up, he carried into the house.

"H", called Mac. "We're home".

As "H" and Stella came out of the Living room, Calleigh was just waking up.

"I'll take her Mac", "Thanks for bringing her home".

"You're welcome". How are you love"? said Mac to Stella.

"I'm fine Mac, how was Marisol when you left"?

"The same, still no change", said Mac as he held Stella in his arms.


"H" was trying to coax Calleigh into bed.

"Come on sweetheart, you need to rest". "Please lay down love".

*Crying* "I'm not tired, I just want Marisol to come home".
"H" sat down on the bed with Calleigh in his arms, as he rocked her back and forth.

"Shh"!!!! "Quiet now love, try and sleep, said "H" while rocking.

It must have been about twenty minutes later, Calleigh was sound asleep. "H" got up and laid Calleigh in the bed while he covered her. Kissing her cheek, he said .....

"Sleep peaceful sweetheart", "I love you".


At the Hospital, HJr was sitting beside Mari, reading her one of her favorite books. He knew she could hear him reading, even though she wasn't awake. Putting down the book, HJr reached for her hand and held it tight.

Marisol, I need you to listen to me", "I know you are in there, and you feel trapped, but you're not, all you have to do is remember how much we all love and need you and you'll find your way back". "Do you hear me Mari, you will find your way back".

At that moment HJr swore he felt his sisters hand move against his, looking down he seen how lifeless it was.

"Must be my imagination", said "HJr.

Sitting back down, he began to read again.


Tripp had just finished booking Darren on one count of murder and one count of attempted murder.

"You're gone for a long time Darren, tell your brother, we say hello", said Eric.

After they lead Darren away, Eric told Tripp, he was going to head over to the Hospital to see Mari.


Stella and Mac had just gotten home and put their children to bed.

"Come on Macster, you need to sleep son", said Mac.

"I can't dad, not until I know Mari will be okay".

"I'll tell you what son, you go to sleep and if anything changes I'll wake you up".

"You promise dad"?

"I promise Son, now try and sleep".

Once Mac got back downstairs, he walked up to his wife and held her tightly against him.

"You okay Mac"? asked Stella.

"No, but I'll be alright, it just seems like a few minutes ago we were all laughing and then tragedy striked". "How can something like this happen to someone so pure".

"I don't know Mac, but we will all survive this, we have to for Marisol".
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