CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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When Marisol and Sam got to her place for lunch no one was home.

"I guess it's just you and I Sam". "What would you like for lunch"?

"Anything is fine sweetheart"., "Is there anything left from last night"?

"Yup"!! "There is chicken salad, egg salad, fried chicken, potato salad, etc....."

While Marisol wasn't paying attention, Sam walked up and embraced her from behind.

"I'll take anything love", "You decide".

Marisol turned in his arms and looked into his eyes, as she kissed him.

"Mmm!!! "Now that's dessert", said Marisol.

"I'll say, the only thing missing is the whip cream", said Sam.

"Funny my handsome man". "Let's eat".

While they were eating HJr came home.

"Hey Mari, hey Sam"! "what's up"?

"Shouldn't you be at the Acadamy"? asked Marisol.

"We got let go early". "Listen, dad is allowing Claire and I to get married as soon as I graduate the Acadamy".

"Oh really"! "He told you this without the talk"?

"What talk"? "He mentioned talking about it tonight", with Auntie and Uncle".

"Dum,dum,dum,dum,dum......". "Bad move big brother".

"What the hell you talking about Marisol"? asked HJr.

"Depends"! "How much is my information worth to you"?

"If you're asking to be paid, it must be good".

"Oh it is"!! "Trust me, the talk is the end of the road for those who can't handle reality".

"Fine sis", $30 bucks".

"Are you nuts it's worth twice that". "I'll give you break, $50 bucks and you let me borrow your car two weeks from this saturday".

"Deal"!! "Under one condition", if the information sucks, I don't pay".

"I'm in for that", just get your $50 bucks ready big brother", because as Uncle Mac would say".....

"You're about to learn Caine style".


Mac and "H" headed out to pick up Stella, Calleigh and the kids.

"Is everyone ready to go"? asked Mac.

"Yeah"!! but why do we have to go over to Alexx's and Sheldon's"?

"Well Macster"!! "It's because we need to talk too HJr and Claire about their relationship".

"Well it's about time", said Macster. "They're always running around kissing and touching", "It's so gross".

Horatio and the others laughed.

"It would be gross to you son, but in a few years, you'll like it". "You'll see", said Mac.
Midnight Tiptoe? okay...there that desperate and HJr almost did it with snake lady! they better take it slow, but i dont see that happening

"Okay Marisol , now spill it".

"Fine big brother", "be prepared for dad and mom to say......
1. How are you going to support her?
2. Where are you going to live?
3. How are you going to pay for your rent, your house, your food, your bills?.
4. How are you going to support a baby and have time to continue on with your education.?
5. How are you going to pay for a sitter, doctor's bills, medication, dental, etc...

And then he'll go into this huge speech about how life isn't easy, and society can be cruel, think about it, how many companies will hire a teenage girl for full time employment. THink about it HJr, there goes your Bullistic's Course, your 3rd year Police Foundation Certificate, everything will be pushed back HJr, is that what you want , to be a father at 20 years old".

Hjr stared at his sister in shock, never had he heard her talk like that.

"Now do you understand, this is how mom and dad will make you understand". "Not to be mean, but just to teach you the reality of life". "Christ HJr, you're my brother and I love you, but as much as you don't want to hear it, you are making a mistake".

"Then what should I do sis"? "I want to be able to make love to Claire".

"The best thing you can do HJr, is bargain with them, tell them if they want you and Claire to wait , then they need to allow you and Claire some breathing space, to make your own decisions". "Believe me, they'll accept it easier, then you saying you want to get married".

"I'll try that Sis"! "Thanks for being there for me".

"Always you're my big brother", and I love you".

"Here is your $50 bucks".

Getting up, Marisol hugged her brother and told him....."the info is free big brother", as she kissed his cheek.

"Let's go Sam, beofre the tempers flare". "I love you Hjr".

"I love you too Sis", see ya".

Just as Marisol and Sam were leaving the Caine/Taylor's arrived.

"Hi guy's, buy guy's, love ya's , kisses".

"Well that was short and sweet, said "H", I've lost my Angel".

"Hold it young lady"? "I need you take Destinee and Austin, over to Granpa's please".

"Sure mom, okay let's go guys".

"Kisses daddy", said Destinee.

"H" plastered little kisses all over her face as they left.


Butch's brother had come for a visit, at the jail.

"Hey bro"!! "What's going down"? asked Butch.

"Not alot man, been watchen that fu**en Ho", "God she's somethin, isn't she"?

"Damn right"! "That's 100% virgin", I can feel it, all over her". "Shit I need to get the fu** outta here".

"Don't worry Bro, I'm watching her good".

"Don't fu** with her, she's mine man". "You'll ruin everything". "She's tough man, to tough for you".

:"I know Bro, no worrires", "I won't go near her".

"Tell mama, not to worry, that I'm fine".

"I will Butch, see ya".

Once Darren had left his brother, he said to himself....... "Why should I have to wait three years to have her, I'll take her now, f**k what my brother says".
Lots of suspense.... :p work today, this is the only post till tonight 8or9pm Canadian :D


Everyone was seated in the Living room, for the big meeting.

"Okay Son, why don't you start"? said "H".

"There is nothing to start dad", Claire and I have discussed our lives in more detail". "We'd be willing to wait for marriage , but we need you all to be understanding, about Claire and I wanting to sleep together". "We've talked about it alot and have taken all nessesary measure's of protection".

"Well that's alot to think about son". "Sleeping together is a major step".

"We know that dad, we are trying to be mature and upfront with all of you". "Claire and I are ready for that next step".

"H" looked over at Mac, Stella and Calleigh for their help, but all he got was shrugs.

"Alright son, you and Claire think you're ready, then we'll accept". "But you must take all precautions, and it's not to be until Claire turns 18, are we understood"?

"Yes dad". "I promise", and thank-you for listening and understanding".

"You're welcome", "Just don't disappoint us Son".

"I won't dad", I promise".

After the kids left, Horatio, Mac, Stella, Calleigh all laughed.

"Well, it looks like you owe your Marisol $200, for betting her, she wouldn't be able to talk them out of it", said Calleigh.

"What are you laughing at Mac", you owe her $200 too", said "H".

"Oh", that's right". "Oh well, she deserves it". "She's one smart cookie". "It's great that she got Calleigh's brains", said Mac laughing.

"Screw you Taylor", said "H" laughing.


Marisol and Sam had just dropped Destinee and Austin off at her grandfathers.

"Where to sweetheart"? asked Sam.

"Hmm!!! "Good question", what do you feel like doing"?

"We could go back to my flat, and finish painting the walls".

"That sounds like fun", though let's grab a Pizza, my treat, thanks to Uncle Mac and dad".

As they were driving pass Miami Shores, Marisol realized they were being followed.

"Sam, slow down, just a little".

"Why, what's the matter Mari"?

"I think we are being followed". "Just keep driving at an even pace".

"Who do you think it is"?

"I'm not sure", said Marisol as she called her dad.

"Hi dad, it's Mari", "I need your help".

"What's the matter Sweetheart"?

"I think we are being followed dad". "We are on Miami Shores Rd, Oh God, Nooooo!!!


"Mari"? "Mari answer me Angel"?

"H" hung up the phone and yelled for Mac.

"What's the matter Handsome"? said Calleigh.

"I think Marisol and Sam just crashed there car". "Let's go Mac, I'll call rescue on the way".

Calleigh and Stella, stood in shock.

"Come on Calleigh", said Stella, we'll take my car".

Once everyone got there, they seen the car turned upside down.

"Mari"?, "Mari", called "H".

As ""H looked in the car, he could see Marisol's broken body.

"Oh God, not Marisol, please Lord, not my baby".

While "H" was trying to get Marisol to wake up, Mac had already pulled Sam from the car.

"Oh God "H", this isn't good". "Sam's dead".

"Christ, said "H", Mac help me with Marisol , she's stuck on something".

Just at that moment the Paramedic's and rescue arrived on scene.

"What do we have"? asked the Paramedic.

"Two victims, one male DB, and one female still trapped inside", said Mac.

As the Fire Dept worked on the car, to remove Marisol, Tripp showed up on scene.

"H"! "I think there is something you need to see".

"What Tripp"? "Not now, my daughter is trapped in the car and Sam is dead".

"I understand that, but we caught the guy, we have him in the Cruiser".

"Well then, why didn't you say so".

As they walked towards the Cruiser, "H" recongnized him right away.

"I should have known, it would be you". "Like brother, like brother", said "H". "Well, now your brother gets to have some company, and if my daughter dies, I'll see you get the death penalty".

As "H" got back down to the crash site, he grabbed Calleigh in his arms.

"Shh!!! It's going to be okay love, they'll get her out".

"Dad, Dad, yelled HJr, as he ran down to the site. "How is she dad"? "Where is Sam"?

"Sam died son", he didn't make it". "Your sister is still trapped inside".

"Oh my God dad", "Marisol is going to be heartbroken, when she finds out".

"Daddy, cried Claire, is Marisol going to be okay"?

"We're not sure love, they are still trying to get her out".

At that moment Rescue yelled, "We got her", "We got her out, but she's.........
"Not breathing, get me the paddles".

As they worked on Marisol, Calleigh burried her face in her husbands chest.

"We can't loose her, please God, let her be okay", "Horatio, tell me she's going to be okay".

"Shh!!! "Quiet love, they're working on her", "It will be alright".

Mac, Stella and Claire all walked over and embraced the Caines in one huge hug. Then together as a family they all started to pray.

Dear Lord, Please hear our prayer, as we ask you to send Marisol back to our world". "She still has alot to do here Lord, that she hasn't completed yet", she has yet to become a bride, a wife, or a mother". "She is also needed to keep our family strong", she holds us all together Lord, please"!! hear our pleads and return her to us".

"We got a pulse"!!!! yelled the Paramedic. "Let's get her loaded into the Ambulance". "Which one of you are going with her"?

"I am"!! yelled "H". "I'll meet you guys there".

After the Ambulance sped away, Mac, HJr, and Eric, took care of Sam's body with Alexx.

"Poor baby"! "Hasen't even begun his life with Marisol, and now he's gone". "God! help us all to be strong for Marisol, as she will need us".

"Alexx"? said Eric. "What did he die from"? "I'm sure Marisol will want to know".

"Well sugar", he has crushed bones, in both legs, broken rib cage, punctured lung and possible spleen, multipule crushed bones in his skull". "I take it he wasn't wearing his seatbelt"?

"No he wasn't" , said Mac. "Who's going to inform his family"?

"Tripp is doing it now", said Eric.


"H" and Calleigh waited patiently for the Trauma Team to give them some news.

"God "H", she flatlined twice, on the way here", didn't they tell you anything"?

"I'm sorry love, they were more concerned with Marisol, then to tell me what was happening".

At that moment the rest of the families showed up.

"Any news yet"? asked Mac.

"Nothing yet, it's been 3 hours already", said "H".

"Sometimes that's a good sign", at least we know if they are still working on her, she's alive", said Mac.


Tripp showed up at Sam's home. As he spoke with the parents, they were very distrought, that their son had been killed.

"How is Marisol doing"? asked Sam's mom.

"Not good, they're still working on her". "She's been in the O.R. for almost 4 hours now".

"Is she going to make it"? "Oh neveer mind, you don't know that yet". "Can we see our son please"?

"Sure, he's down at Miami-Dade Crime Lab, with Alexx our Cororner".


Back at the Hospital, they were still waiting for information about Marisol's condition.

"Come on Dad, How long does it friggen take"?

"Calm down HJr, just calm down, said "H" as he was still holding his crying wife.

After 5 hours had gone by, the Trauma Surgeon arrived to speak with them.


"YesDoctor"? said "H".

"I'm DR. Drissole, I'd like to inform you that we have repaired most of your daughters injuries". "I need to let you know that her spine is swollen , also her gash above her eye and the one top of her head required over 75 sutures, she will have major scaring. "Our main concern is with her head injury , we won't know for sure how much damage she has done to either, until she wakes. "she is unconscious and may remain in her Coma for days, or even weeks".

"Can we see her, doctor"?

"You can, but please be prepared, she doesn't look like your daughter right now, due to all the swelling on her face".

"Thank- you doctor", said "H".
I'm a bit relaxed 'cause you don't kill chars...also noted that scarring on top of the head is better than some other places 'cause hair will cover it.
As "H" and Calleigh entered the ICU, they seen Marisol's face, and Calleigh cried.

"Oh Horatio, look at our little Angel" , said Calleigh as she walked up and took her daughters hand in hers. "Marisol, I know you can hear me Angel", said Calleigh. "You need to fight love, you need to come back to us". "Do you hear me Angel", you need to come back".

Calleigh kissed her daughter on the side of her lips, due to all the swelling on her face, she didn't want to hurt her, crying again Horatio took his wife in his arms as he walked her out of the room. Once he had her settled with Stella and Mac, Horatio went back in with HJr.

"Marisol"! "You listen to me, you fight Mari, I need you, I need you to come back to us, please Mari, don't leave me alone with dad and mom, laughed HJr, you have to come and help me and Claire not get caught", teased HJr.

After spending another 5 minutes with his sister, he walked back out and told Claire that Uncle "H" was waiting for her. As Claire walked in and took one look at Marisol, she ran back out in tears.

"I can't do it dad, I can't look at her, that's not the Marisol we know". "I'm sorry" cried Claire, as she held her dad.

"It's okay sweetheart". "HJr take her home, help her relax".

"Sure". "Dad, before I go, I'll be back at 11pm to sit with Marisol, while you and mom have a break, okay".

"That sounds great son", thank you".

Once "HJr, left with Claire, Mac and Stella went in to see Marisol.

"Oh Mac, look at her, Hey swwetheart, it's Auntie Stella, I know you can hear me, *sob* I need you to wake up love, we all need you to come home". *Crying*

"Shh!! It's okay love, you go back out, I'll stay with her till "H" comes back".

After Stella left , Mac looked at Marisol's face closer. He knew by one look that she would take years to heal again. He also knew from experience, that if she did come out of it, she'd need alot of help from them, not only for her Sam, but also because of the huge scare that covered the whole left side of her eye and head.

"Marisol"! called Uncle Mac. "You listen to me now", you will do more than fight this Marisol, you will survive, because you are a Caine, and Caine's don't give up". "So no more laying around Kiddo, wake up and get out of that bed soon". "I love you Marisol, I know you hear me, I love you".

At that moment Eric walked in, and taking one look at Marisol, he broke.

"Mari", my Mari", cried Eric. As Eric neared the bed, he seen her swollen face as tears streamed down his eyes. "Look at her Mac, how is she going to survive this"?

"Stop this Eric, Marisol doesn't need to hear that, she will wake up, she's a Caine and Caine children don't give up". "They are fighters".


HJr had gotten home with Claire.

"Are you okay sweetheart"?

"No HJr, I'll never be okay". "Did you see your sisters face"? "How will she live through that"?

"Claire, most of that is swelling, it will go down with time". "Also, Mari will live, because she is a fighter, she's not the type of person to let a few scars bother her".

"Aren't you even worried, that you could be wrong"?

"Listen Claire, I'm more worried how Mari is going to handle Sam dying". "The two of them had that kind of love, our parents have". "The type of love that holds the soul and never lets go". Scars and swelling go away to a point over time, a broken heart takes a lifetime to heal with true love".

"I'm sorry HJr, I know you're right, it's just hard for me to see her like that".

Taking Claire in his arms, he told her, "I know love, I know".
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