CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Just as Calleigh was packing up the snacks the doorbell rang.

"Hey"!! "How goes it Calleigh", said Hawkes. "Wre're here barring gifts".

"Oh nice"! "Chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles", the kids will be bouncing tonight", said Calleigh.

"Well that's why we al spend the night here, so they can run amuck".

*laughing* "Come on in you guys, the kids are in the back waiting impatiently to go".

"Hey, Hey, Hey, Sheldon is in the place", "How goes it "H"?

"Sheldon"! "Good, anything new"?

"Na"!! "Quiet day for once", said Sheldon.

(phone rings)

"Hello"! said "H".

"H",! It's Eric, I need to talk to you before I head over".

"Go ahead Eric, what is it, you sound serious"?

"We had a problem with Butch", "I almost thumped him through a wall". "He threatened to rape and torture Marisol when he gets out". "Ryan and Tripp were there as witness, but his Lawyer is planning to get him off, saying he was abused while in custody".

"Well Eric, let's not worry about it tonight". "We will handle it in the morning".

"Okay "H", I'll see you in a bit". "By the way I'm bringing Lisa the nurse".

"Why am I not surprised", said "H". "See you soon".

Just as "H" hung up the phone, Mac and the gang showed up. Right away Mac could tell something was wrong,

"H", said Mac. "Is everything okay"?

"Yeah"!! "Well at least it will be by morning".

"Come on "H", what is it"?

"Eric got into a confrontation with Butch, because he threatened to torture and rape Marisol". "So Eric threw him against the wall". "Now his Lawyer is claiming abuse".

"Great"!! "Well at least you know he won't get off". "he may not get as long of a sentence, but he'll still serve some time".

"I know, but now the Department is going to be investigated again".

"Don't worry about it "H", try as they might, your lab is and always will be clean".

"I know, you're right". "Let's go enjoy ourselves for tonight", said "H".


Eric went to pick up Lisa from the Hospital, when he ran into Natalia.

"Eric"! "what are you doing here"?

"I'm picking up my date for the Fireworks display tonight".

"Oh!! said Natalia. "Well I won't keep you than, have fun".

After Natalia left, Eric breathed a sigh of relief, He knew she still hadn't gotten over their relationship.

"Hi Lisa"!! said Eric, you look very beautiful tonight".

"Thanks Eric, I'm glad you called". "I thought I'd have to go it alone".

"I'd never let that happen", I'm always here for my girls", I mean my girl". *shit* said Eric to himself.

"That's okay Eric, us nurses love talking about you all the time". "We know you're a player, but we still like you, for your stamina and fun times".

"Well I'm glad", "Shall we go"?

Once they had arrived back at "H"s, everyone headed for the beach.
As they were all watching the Fireworks, HJr covered him and Claire up with one of the blankets. Taking his hand he caressed her between her thighs.

"HJr, whispered Claire, "Not here", dad will kill us".

"Shhh!! they are busy watching the fire works".

Claire decided to lay back and allow HJr to take her away from reality, as she reached back and caressed him through his pants.

Marisol happened to look over and told them to stop being stupid. At that moment "H" and Mac turned around to look at what was going on.

"What's the matter Marisol"? asked "H".

"Nothing dad, "HJr is kicking me in the back".

"Listen guys, stop aggrivating each other, you're adults, behave like one".

Just as they were nearing the end of the fireworks, Sam got up on one knee, and faced Marisol, as everyone watched and waited.

"Marisol"! said Sam.

"Yeah Sam"?

"Look up in the sky sweetheart".

As Marisol looked up she seen a huge sparkle of red take form into a heart.

"Oh my"!!! "That's beautiful, did you do that for me"? said Marisol with tears in her eyes.

"I did love". "Marisol, I have one question to ask you".

"What is it"? said Marisol crying from the beautiful heart.

"Marisol", "Will you marry me"? Sam pulled out a huge diamond ring, and held it out towards Marisol.

"Looking into his eyes, she said , Sam, you know how important my Career is to me, if you're willing to wait till I'm finished, I'd love to marry you".

"I'll wait till forever for you Marisol, as Sam placed the ring on Marisol's finger, everyone sighed and the girls cried.

"Kiss him"!!! yelled Destinee. "Kiss him Aerisol".

Kiss they did, infront of the kids, infront of mom and dad, and in front of Uncle & Auntie.

"Well "H", there goes our little girl" , said Eric and Mac together.

"Not yet, she's still mine for a couple more years".

"Don't worry daddy", I'll always be your little Angel".

After the sighing and crying was done, everyone headed back to the house for warm drinks and family conversations.


Tripp had his hands full with Butch's Lawyer, who finally showed up after 8 hours of waiting.

"You must be Frank Tripp", "I'd like to see my client please".

"Visiting hours are over, you'll have to come back in the morning". "You know the rules here Councellor".

"Fine, Det.Tripp". "I'll be here at 7am sharp, have my client ready for me".

Once the Councellor left, Tripp called "H".

"Yeah" "H", it's Tripp". "Butch's Councellor just left, I managed to have him wait till morning". "You need to be here before 7am".

"Okay, thanks Frank, I'll see you then".

Later that evening......

Once the house had settled down for the night, HJr snuck out of his room.

"HJR"!!! said Sam. "What are you up too"?

"Just a little Midnight Tiptoe" with Claire".

"One of these day's, you two are going to get caught". "see you in the morning pal".

"You bet ya" , said HJr as he left.

When he got to Marisol's room, HJr woke up Claire and took her downstairs.

"HJr"! "Are you clearly insane"? "Christ our parents will kill us, if we get caught".

"Shhh!! "Stop worrying Claire", "everyone is in bed".

Just as they laid down on the couch getting hot and heavy, "H" and Mac walked in from out back.

"What the hell is this"? "Claire Taylor"! "Upstairs now young lady, into our room", I said now".

"You stay "HJr, you and I need to talk about this". "Just what the hell are you thinking"?

Upstairs Marisol could hear Claire crying.

"Do you want to tell us what you and HJr were up too down there"?

"Nothing dad, we were just kissing", nothing serious". "chill out", yelled Claire in tears.

"You listen to me young lady, you are only 17 years old, and far to young to Tip toe at night". "Now I want to know, if you and HJr are sexually active, and don't even think about lying to me".

"No dad, we are not sexually active, we just wanted some alone time". "Aren't you gonna help here mom"?

"Not this time love, you're dad and I are very concerned". "This is twice now, you and HJr have been caught doing the Midnight Tiptoe". "This can't keep happening Claire".

Meanwhile downstairs......

"What the hell are you thinking HJr", didn't I teach you anything". "She is only 17 years and way to young for what you were thinking of doing".

"We wern't gonna do that dad, we were just kissing for Christ sakes".

"Listen my son", you can watch that mouth of yours right now". "I can't believe this HJr, not of you". "I know you know better".

"Come on dad, you let Marisol get engaged, but I can't kiss Claire".

"Your sister isn't the one doing the Midnight Tiptoe, you and Claire are". "Look HJr", all I'm saying is keep your kissing to Daytime Tiptoes instead". "This doesn't look right, you two sneaking off at night".

"I know dad", and I understand your rules". "I'll see you in the morning".

Once HJr headed upstairs Mac came down.

"What do you think "H"?

"I think we need to expect a Wedding very soon". "I have a feeling you'll be marching down with Claire, before I walk Marisol".

"You know what"? "I think you may be right"., said Mac.
Like that huh!!! Post may be a little late today. Please be patient, Thanks again for all the wonderful feedback :)
In the morning silence could be heard inside the house, Hjr knew everyone knew about him and Clare last night, due to Mac's yelling.

"We'll see you later dad", said Marisol, I have my last exam this morning".

"Okay love, good luck".

"Thanks dad"! "Are you ready Sam"?

"Yeah"!! I'm coming, thanks for the wonderful evening Mr & Mrs. Caine".

"Stop that now"!! said Calleigh. "You can call us by our names Sam".

"Okay, thanks again, see you all later". "HJr you want dropped off at the Acadamy"? I know how much you hate taking your car over there"

"Thanks Man"!! "But I'll pass this time, I feel the need to drive".

"Later than", said Sam.


"H" and Mac had shown up at Miami-Dade just as Butch's Lawyer arrived.

"I take you are Lt.Caine"?

"That's right, and you would be"..... putting on his shades. "Butch's attorny Mr.Weis".

"Is my client ready in the Innterogation room"?

"Well I'm not sure", shall we go find out".

Once they got in Tripp informed "H" that everything was ready.

"I'd like some time with my client alone please", give us a few minutes".

"Frank"!! Take Mr.Weis to see his client please".

"You got it "H", "This way".

"You must be Butch Freid "? said the Attorny.

"That's right"! and it's about time you got here".

"Do you want to tell me what happened".

"Look man, all you need to do is get me out of here". "I threatened a girl with a gun". "Just happened to be the Lt's daughter". "I'm being snowballed man", "Now get me out of here".

"That's not going to be possible, two witness from the Crime Lab, claim they heard you threaten to rape and torture one Marisol Caine".

"Big deal"!!! "It's just talk", are you going to get me out of here or not".

"Listen"!! there is no way they will give you a free pass, your best bet would be to plead guilty and take the time". "At the most you'll get 3 years".

"Come on man"!!! "I ain't got that kinda time to sit here".

"I'm sorry , there is nothing more I can do, take the plea, because if you go in front of the Judge and plead not guilty, you'll get more time than 3 years".

"What the f**ck good are you then, get the f**ck out of my sight".

the Lawyer informed Lt.Caine that his client has pleaded guilty. But "H" and Mac, were not happy about that. They knew he'd get out sooner then 3 years.

"What do you think "H"? asked Mac.

"I think Marisol's nightmare is just begining". "We'll need to keep alot of eyes on her, when Butch gets out".

"Don't worry "H", with all of us around, she'll be fine".

"I hope you're right Mac, I hope you're right".
Once everyone had left, HJr spoke with Claire before he left for the Acadamy.

"Claire"! "You okay sweetheart"? asked HJr.

"Yeah"! "How are we ever going to make love", "I need you so bad HJr, but I'm also scared of our family's finding out".

"Listen love", "Your birthday is next week, I'm planning a huge party for you , which means the adults won't be around". "I promise you Claire, we will make love that night, and as soon as I'm out of the Acadamy next month, we will be married".

"Promise "HJr"? asked Claire.

"I promise sweetheart", "We will be husband and wife". "I love you Claire", "I've always loved you from our childhood to now, always and forever, you will be Mrs.Claire Caine Jr".

"I love you too HJr", more than life".

Hjr kissed Claire and headed off to the Acadamy.


"H", Calleigh, Mac and Stella, were discussing Claire and HJr's little Midnight Tiptoe.

"What are we going to do with those two"? asked Stella.

"I'm not sure love", said Mac. "I know they have definate plans for marriage once HJr is done the Acadamy".

"God"!! "I believe Claire let that slip last night, she still seems so young to be a bride", said Stella.

"I know that love, but you have to remember, they've been together as a couple for 7 years, plus they grew up together".

"I know Mac, how do you feel about all this Calleigh"? asked Stella.

"I think they are both very smart and very level headed, plus you can see how in love they are", "Maybe marriage would be best, at least that would end the Midnight Tiptoe".

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, so we've all decided", said Mac.

"That we have Mac, that we have".


Marisol and Sam had arrived at the College as all her friends ran up to see her ring.

"Oh my God"!!! "Look at that thing, It takes up half your finger". "You lucky girl".

"Excuse me while I interrupt", said Sam. "I'll see you after your exam love, good luck".

"Thanks Sam" , said Marisol as she kissed him in front of her friends.

"Awww!!! they all said, that's so sweet". "I hope we find someone like Sam, to keep us happy forever", said Sue.

As they headed in for their exam, Marisol was being watched by someone.

"Soon Ho"!!! "Soon as he gets out, you will pay for what you did to my brother". "It will be tastey to tear you apart".

HJr couldn't keep his attention focused on the training he was doing today.

"CAINE"!!!!! yelled the Sergeant. "Pay attention Caine, what is your problem today, Cadet"?

"I'm sorry Sir"! "I'm having a few problems, I can't keep my mind focused on anything".

"HJr, you are one of the best Cadets I have ever had the pleasure to train". "If you're having that muh trouble concentrating, you may be dismissed".

"Thank-you Sir", "I'll see you tomorrow".

After HJr showered and changed, he went to see his dad, because he knew the Sergeant would let "H" know, he left early.

"Hey dad"!! called HJr.

"Well hello son"! "What brings you here"? "Shouldn't you be in training"?

"I know dad, I couldn't focus, so Sergeant let me go early".

"Why couldn't you concentrate son"?

"I guess it's because of last night". "I'm really sorry dad, but I love Claire, and we need each other".

"I understand that son". "Which is why your Uncle, Aunt, mother and I discussed it this morning". "You and Claire are more then welcome to get married, when you finish your training".

"We can"!!! "You won't stop us"?

"Our intention was never to stop you and Claire". "It was our intention to help you both slow down".

"Thanks dad"!!! "This is wonderful". "I can't wait to tell Claire".

"Before you do that son, there are some things you need to know about living together as husband and wife". "So you will wait till tonight and Claire, you and us parents, will discuss it together". "Understood"?

"Understood dad", and thanks".

After HJr left , "H" laughed, because he knew, after they found out all the things they would need for a happy life, they'd change their minds.


Marisol had finished her exam, and was waiting for Sam to come out of class.

"There's my girl", said Sam, as he kissed Marisol.

"Hey handsome", "How'd you do"? asked Marisol.

"Good I think", "How about you"?

"I can honestly say, I passed". "It was open book", said Marisol laughing.

"Should we go get some lunch sweetheart"? asked Sam.

"How about we go home for lunch"? said Marisol.

"Sounds good to me love, I'll get the car".


Stella and Calleigh were unpacking the final few boxes at the new house.

"Look at this place now", said Calleigh. "It looks so different".

"I know, it actually has life in it", "God"! I can feel the positive energy ", said Stella.

"How about we take a break and sit outside with the kids", said Stella.

"Sounds like a plan to me", said Calleigh.

As they sat and watched the kids swim, the phone rang.

"Hello"! said Stella.

"Hello sweetie, is my lovely wife there"?

"Of course she is, hold on a sec okay"? "Cal, it's "H".

"Hey handsome"! "what's up"?

"Our son was just here", "I have everything set up for tonight", you guy's have the "What we need list" ready for the kids"?

"We do, Stella and I worked on it this morning, between unpacking".

"That's perfect then love, we'll see you tonight". "I love you".

"I love you too handsome", bye".

"Is everything ready to go"? asked Stella.

"Yup"!!! "Should be very entertaining", said Calleigh, as she laughed.
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