CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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At the College.....

"Hey sweetheart", called Sam. "How was your exam"?

"I think it went great", how about yours"? "Kisses please".

"Anything for my Lady love", said Sam.

As he embraced Marisol, he looked into her beautiful green eyes and said......

"I love you Marisol, forever". then he kissed her, a soft gentle innocent kiss, the kind of kiss that says, your innocent".

"I love you too Sam". "Where should we go for lunch"?

"How about that little restaurant by the beach". "The Sand Bar".

"Sounds great, I love their fish and chips", said Marisol.

"The Sand Bar it is then, let's go".



"Hey, look Stella, Alexx and the kids are here", called Calleigh.

"Oh my"! "Look how they have grown". "My God, you look damn good Alexx", and where is the Hawkes"?

"He got called in for a hit and run victim". "He'll be here after post".

"So what do you think of the new house"? asked Alexx.

"It's amazing", love the pool, it's a great addition to the house". "I can't wait to have our first bash in a couple days".

"A couple days"? "Do you think you'll be ready by then"? asked Alexx.

"Well that's the thing Alexx", you never have to be prepared for family".

Alexx stared in shock, she never knew Stella and Mac concidered her family.

"Don't look so shocked Alexx". "You married Sheldon, which makes you our family".

"Aww!! said Calleigh as she seen everyone tearing up. "Let's get this house in order".



"As I was saying Mac, this case should be an easy one". "He's a small time drug dealer, who's trying to get connected, but apparently he pissed off the wrong people, and this started a war". "Once we bring this Kelly Drapse down, everything should cool off".

"Interesting, and you need my help for this because"........

"Oh hell Mac, you're going to make me say it, aren't you"?

"Of course"! "I live it "H".

"Fine", "I miss working with you".

Mac laughed, he knew damn well "H" didn't need his help this time. But he also had to admit, he missed "H" too.
Hahahaa that dying thing would be funny. You should do that but then it goes wrong and his hair turns purple or something.... and it's so nice that they miss eachother! :D
(H/C Home)

"Mom"! I'm home" ,called HJr. "Is anyone here"?

When HJr got no response, he figured everyone must be out. Picking up his phone, he called Claire, at her new house.

"Hello"! said Claire.

"Now there is a sexy voice, I haven't heard in a while".

"HJr, is that you"?

"Of course it's me sweetheart", who else would it be"?

"Oh!, "I don't know, maybe my invisable man"?

"Funny love, why don't you come over for a while, and we'll make out".

"Hmmm!!! I don't know", "I'm not 18 till next week". "But I'm game,if you promise to behave".

"I promise", said HJr with his fingers crossed.

"Okay, I'll be right there". "Love you".

"I love you to Claire, hurry".

Now "HJr", and Claire had made a packed, that when she turned 18, they would share their first experience together. They had decided that waiting was over rated, and as long as you loved the other person, it would be okay.


Marisol and Sam were enjoying each others company, when a couple of young punks came up and started trouble. Marisol knew she could take care of the situation no problem, but she wanted to let Sam handle it.

"Hey sexy"! "You is with the wrong guy", you should be with me".

"Marisol and Sam just ignored them, until the one guy kicked the sand in Marisol's face.

"I'm talkin to you HO". "It's rude not to answer".

Getting up Sam and Marisol tried to walk away,but they knew they were going to have too deal with the situation. Just as they were about to turn around,and confront them, Marisol, heard the sound of gun barrel click, Without a thought as to what could have happened, Marisol turned around brought up her leg and dropped kicked the guy to the ground, then turning him over she held him in a cuff like position and told Sam to call her dad.

"Caine"! said "H".

"Yes, Horatio, it's Sam, we need you down at South Beach, west side, Marisol just took down a guy who tried to shoot us".

"Okay son, I'll be right there". "Let's go Mac".


"My daughter, your Niece, just took down a guy with a gun".

"That's our girl "H", "Got to love her", "We taught her well".

"That we did Mac, that we did".

When they got to the beach, Marisol was laying on top of the guy, while tons of people stood and watched.

"Okay Ramboette", you can let him up now", said Mac.

"Uncle Mac, yelled Marisol, as she jumped up into his arms. "Kisses please".

"Always for my Rambo girl". "You must be Sam"!

"I am yes, and you're Uncle Mac, Mari talks about you all the time, she loves you very much". "It's very nice to meet you, though it would have been nice,under different circumstances".

"I think I can agree to that, and it's nice to meet you too". said Mac.

"Let's go Mac, I need to get this guy to Miami-Dade".

"See you later Angel, good job, said dad

"Thanks dad, love you both".

"We love you too sweetheart". "God what a girl".

"You said Mac, you said it".

"Hey sweetheart"! "You made it".

"Of course, did you think, I wouldn't"?

Instead of HJr giving a response, he grabbed Claire and kissed her passionately and deeply.

"HJr" whispered Claire, "I want you now". "I don't want to wait".

"Shh!! "We need to wait love, until we are sure we are alone".

"Then the least you can do is play", said Claire.

"That I can do", said HJr as he took his hand and slid it down to Claires inner thighs.

"Hiss" "Oh Christ"! said Claire as she could feel herself flutter and melt.

At that moment Marisol and Sam walked in.

"HJr, you're lucky I'm not dad or Uncle Mac, they'd kill you both".

"I know sis, don't tell", said HJr.

"Well dah!!! "DO you think I'd do that too you"?

"No"! "But you would use it for something to bargin with".

"You are so smart Big brother".

"Hey Sam, what's new and exciting"? asked HJr.

"What's new", nothing, what's exciting is your sister in action". "God she turned me on but bad today".

"Oh really"!!! "Do tell", said HJr.

"Well we were on the beach, and these two idiots came up and hit on Marisol, while we were eating lunch". "One of them threw sand in her face, so we got up too leave, and they followed". "But your sister heard the sound of the gun, and dropped kicked the guy, tackled him, and threw him down, until your dad and Uncle got there".

"Good for you sis", I think we will both make great CSI's", said HJr.


"H" was booking the two guys, when one of them said.......

"that your daughter that took me down"?

"I don't know", "Ryan"! "Take these idiots to booking".

"Listen man, when we get outta here, we get your daughter and torture her".

"Is that a threat"? asked "H".

"That's a fu**en promise man, "You'll see".

"Ryan add threatening to the assult and attempted murder".

"You got it "H", said Ryan.


Stella, Calleigh and Alexx had just finished last minute touches on the house when "H" and Mac walked in.

"Wow"! said Mac, "This place is gorgeous"! "Great job finding it "H".

"NO problem, but Calleigh picked it out". "she loves house hunting".

"Anyways love, said "H", I have some news for you , concerning our daughter Marisol".

"I heard already", "She took down a purp with a gun".

"How did you know"?

"Come on "H", when your a CSI's daughter, everyone knows".

"Hmm!! interesting", said "H". "Did you also know he threatened to torture her when he gets out"?

"No"! "That I wasn't aware of". "Though she'll handle it, she's a tough cookie".

"You got that right, said "H" proudly.

HJr, Marisol, Claire and Sam, decided to make plans for the evening.

"So what do you think about another movie", said Claire.

"I don't think I could handle another movie, we just went last night before you got here", said Marisol.

"I know said HJr, "We'll pack a late supper and head down to the beach for that fireworks display they are having tonight" said Sam.

Sam had an alterior motive for wanting Marisol down there tonight. He was going to propose to her, he had talked the guy into firing up a huge heart shape firecracker at the end of the show.

"Fireworks"!! "Sounds amazing, I love fireworks, works for me, how about you guys"? said Marisol.

"Sounds awesome with us", said Claire.

"Okay then, I'll see you tonight Mari", "I'll pick you up about 8:00 Oclock".

"Sounds great Sam, I love you".

"I love you too, Mari". Sam kissed her as he left out the door, to go pick up her ring from the Jeweler's.

Meanwhile at the Taylor's new home, "H" and Calleigh were just getting ready to head home.

"We'll see you tonight guy's for the Fireworks at the Beach". "I'll bring the food, you guys bring the drinks", said Calleigh.

"Sounds great, we'll see you then, said Stella.

After they had left Mac and Stella decided to join the kids for a swim.

(Driving Home)

"Handsome"! "How serious do you think this guy is about getting revenge on Marisol"?

"I'm not sure Calleigh, he seemed to show no fear", and that's the worst kind of criminal". "though we won't have to worry too much right now, he's gone for the next 2 years".

"That's good to know". "I have a feeling Sam is going to be joining our family", said Calleigh.

"What do you mean love"?

"Well, I spoke with Alexx today and she seen Sam buying a ring from the Jewelers". According to Alexx, it was at least a half of karat".

"Wow"!! That's a huge rock, for our little girl".

"Handsome I just told you , he wants to propose to our daughter".

"I know that love". "I'm quite happy about it, he's an amazing young man with a good head on his shoulder".

"That's a change, I thought for sure you'd be screaming about anyone marrying your little Angel".

"Normally I would, but Sam has been Marisol for 4 years now", they are solid sweetheart". "I know he'll love her forever, just like I love you".

"Aww!! That's sweet ,my handsome man".

"Of course it is my love, that's why you married me remember".

"Yeah right"!!! It was actually your sexy stance and those damn glasses that drove me forward to marry you".

*laughing** "Sure it was love, how about we park and have some fun, before we head home".

"Our favorite tree Handsome"?

"Is there any other place, with so much meaning"?

"Of course not, lead the way, my handsome devil".

After 2 hours of hot steamy sex, "H" and Calleigh headed home.
"We're home guy's, yelled "H", where is everybody"?

"We're out back dad, come on out".

"What's this swimming without dad"?

"Of course not, It's swimming without parents".

"Ever the saucy girl", aren't you Marisol.

"Never dad, I love you, kisses please"?

"H" walked up and gave his daughtera kiss.

"Me too Daddy", yelled Destinee. "Kisses please".

"H" picked up his Destinee and kissed her pretty little face.

"Daddy"! "We watch the fireworks tonight"? asked Destinee.

"Of course love, We are going to take a blanket, some snacks and Auntie and Uncle".

"YeaH!!!! screamed Destinne, I see Austin mommy".

"Of course sweetie, Austin, Kenya, Arthur, Macster, Claire, all of them will be here".



"Come on Butch", said Ryan, down to booking now".

"Fug you a$$hole, you just wait till my lawyer gets here, he'll fix you".

"Listen you little punk", said Tripp. "You'll do as your told ,and move to holding, you can wait for your lawyer there".

"That little bitch is dead, when I get released from this pig hole". "I'll slice her up good", after I rape her of course". "I could smell virgin on her", she'll be right for fu**ing".

That did it, Eric was walking by and threw Butch against the wall.

"You go anywhere near my niece, and I'll fu**en kill you , understand". "Now get him out of here , he's stinking up the place".

Tripp and Ryan pulled him all the way down to booking.


"Stella, do you know where that black t-shirt is"? "The one that say's "To sexy for my Wife".

"Shit"!!! said Stella to herself because she had thrown that shirt out weeks ago.

"No I don't hun"! "Maybe we left it at our NY home".

"Well that's just great, you know how much I love that shirt".

"And you know, how much I hate it", said Stella to herself.

"Mom"!! yelled Claire, can I borrow your pretty powder blue sweater"? asked Claire.

"Of course Claire, it's in my closet".

"Thanks mom", I'll be ready in a second".

Once everyone was ready, they headed over to the Caine's.
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