CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Later that evening as Eric was wandering the halls looking for nurses, he seen a suspicious male heading into the lounge. As he followed he pulled his gun just incase it was the killer.

As he walked in he seen the suspect looking in the nurses locker rooms.

"H"! said Eric on the radio, quietly. "I've got a suspect in the 3rd floor nurses Lounge".

"We'll be right there Eric". "Wait a minute, what are you doing on the third floor"?

Eric knew he had to think fast, "Ive been following this guy, now get up here".

After hanging up the phone Eric walked in and said "FREEZE"! The suspect turned around and tried to attack Eric, but Eric was faster and shot him through the heart.

"Eric"!, "Eric"!, called "H". "Are you okay"?

"Fine "H", in here".

When "H" and Mac, entered they seen the suspect laying on the ground dead.

"Did you check him Eric"? "Any I.D."?

"No"! "NO I.D. or wallet, think it's our guy"?

Horatio walked up with the photo. After comparing difference, "H" informed Tripp they had him. Once they had all the paper work done. "H" and Mac headed home to their famlies.

"So Mac", have you decided what you plan on doing"?

"Yeah"! Do you know any good houses for sale around here".

"You're staying", said "H" with shock.

"No, I'm going home, but it would be nice to have a place here for emergencies".

"Does that mean we'll be seeing alot more of you"? said "H".

"I guess it does". "Besides in a few years our Claire and HJr will be getting married".

"God help us then". "I can here it now". said "H".

"You're telling me, Claire likes to be pampered and spoiled, I don't think she'll be able to handle HJr away so often".

"Well then , I guess we better keep the spare bedrooms empty incase one of them leaves the other". *laughing*.

Next on Crossover

We jump ahead 3 years

Caine Clan: HJr-20yrs, Marisol-19 years, Eric-13 years, Cody-10 years, Destinee-5 yrs

Taylor Clan: Claire-18 years, Macster-14 years, Arthur-12 years, Kenya-10 yrs, Austin-5

HJR and Claire share their first time together at her 18th birthday party. Marisol and her boyfriend become engaged. Mac and Stella return to Miami, too help "H" with his new case as they set up their new home away from home.
OOOHHH LLAAA LAAAA I can't wait to see what happens next. :D
And Eric really needs to back off the nurses. That player! :lol: But then again the nurses do like him... ;) Hehehee
Just ignore me. Sometimes I don't know what I'm talking about.
That_girl, we'll have to wait and see :eek:, they haven't slept together yet :lol:

It was a hot Miami night as Marisol, HJr and Sam headed out to the all night party at their friends place.

"Hey guys"! "I'm so glad you came". "Come on in".

As they entered they could see all the alchol aligned on the table.

"HJr"! said Marisol, "I don't like this", "It doesn't seem right".

"I know sis, I feel the same way". "Why don't we go".

Turning around they headed out the door and went to a movie instead. After the movie ended they headed home.

"Night Sam, I'll see ya tomorrow at school", said HJr.

"Sure, night". "Marisol, I have something to ask you".

"What is it Sam"? "Is something wrong"?

"No"! "I just wondered how you felt about us". "Like where do you see us in the future"?

"Hopefully as Husband and Wife", with a few children once my Career is set and I have a wonderful job".

"Could you see yourself engaged before you finish school"?

"I never really thought about it Sam". "I always wanted a career, before I became serious with love". "I guess I could concider it, as long the person understood, it would be a very long engagement with no Hanky Panky".

Sam laughed, the one thing he loved about Marisol was her purity, and he knew she was worth the wait. "That's funny".

"Why all the questions Sam"?

"Oh! it's for a questionare we have at College".

"Awesome". "Anyways I should get in, I have a College exam in the morning".

Being only 5ft2 like her mother, Marisol raised up on her toes and kissed Sam passionately.

"Goodnight Sam", "I love you".

"I love you too Marisol", see you in the morning".

"Morning mom, said Marisol. "What time does Uncle Mac And Aunt Stella get in to help dad with his case"?

"I think it's 11am love, then Stella and I will be fixing up their new house".

"That will be fun for you and Auntie". "It's nice the way you old girls do things together", said Marisol giggling.

"Very funny Mari, you'll age one day you know"?

"As long as I turn out as beautiful as you I'll be very happy mom".

"Nice save sis"! said Cody.

"Well if it isn't my favorite little brother".

"Yeah right sis"! "Yesterday it was Eric and today it's me", said Cody.

"What's you Cody"? asked Eric.

"Nothing"! "Just Marisol being an adult again".

"Mommy, mommy"! "Come here", yelled Destinee.

"What is it Destie"? said Marisol.

"I told you not to call me that, Aerosol", sassed Destinee. "I want mommy, not you".

"What is it love"?

"I need my shoe tied, pease". "I love you mommy", said Destinee as she stuck her tongue out at Marisol.

"I seen that Destinee", said Calleigh.

"Sorry mommy", sorry Aerosol".

"Mom, how long before she says my name properly"?

"I'm not sure Mari, when she's ready I guess". "We must be patient".

At that moment Horatio came down the stairs.

"Morning dad, said Marisol. "Kisses please".

"H" always loved the way his little Angel graced him with kisses.

"I love you dad", "see you tonight".

"Wait Angel", where are you going so early"?

"I have an 915am exam". "Sam is picking me up".

"Okay, good luck Angel".

"Thanks daddy, by mom", say hi to Auntie and Uncle for me".

"I will love, make sure Sam drives careful".

"Alway's mom, always". As Marisol left out the door putting on her shades.

"God, she reminds me of you Handsome". "Especially with those damn shades".

"I love you to sweetheart", said "H" as he kissed his lovely wife.
Calleigh was at the Airport waiting for the Taylor Clan to arrive.

"Calleigh"!!!! yelled Stella, look at you", God you look great".

"As do you, Stella, where are the troops"?

"They should be coming as we speak".

"Calleigh, love, called Mac, how are you "?

"I'm great Mac, but look at you, don't you ever age"?

"Of course I do love, I just hide it well", said Mac.

"Auntie Calleigh", called Claire, Macster, Arthur and Austin.

"Look at you guy's all grown up". "Shall we get your bags, and get you settled in your new home away from home", asked Calleigh.

"Sounds wonderful, I'm so tired from the trip", said Stella.

Once they were on their way, Mac asked Calleigh what kind of case he was working on.

"As far as I know, it's a small time criminal, with ties to a small drug lord". "It's a very easy case, I think "H" just misses you, that's why he asked you over".

"Aunt Calleigh, Is HJr home"?

"No love, he's off with his Police Acadamy buddies, for training today". "He should be home tonight".

"God Calleigh, it's hard to believe he'll be a Rookie next year". "Where does the time go"?

"I know, I swear I went to sleep and woke up one morning in another time".

"Calleigh"! said Mac, you can just drop me off at Miami-Dade, I'll surprise the "H"man with my presence".

"Sure, no problem Mac, have fun".

After dropping off Mac, Calleigh, Stella and the kids headed over to her new place.


"H" was yelling at Ryan for screwing up on a case.

"Hey, no yelling in the hall", said Mac.

"Well I'll be damned, Is that you Taylor, Christ look at you, you're old"! said "H" laughing.

"You need to talk, looks like you've added a few new gray's", teased Mac.

"I know, Calleigh loves it". "Ryan you're excused, I'll talk to you later".

After Ryan left, "H" and Mac sat down to discuss their new case.


Calleigh , Stella, and the kids pulled up into their new home.

"Oh my Calleigh, it's beautiful from here". "I've only seen the pictures you sent". "This is all ours"?

"Yes it is", you and Mac are now the proud owners of your own Miami Shores home".

"Wow mom"! "This is awesome, look at the yard and the pool", said Macster.

Once they got inside, Caleigh had a surprise for them. "Her and Horatio had fully decorated the house with nutro colors and furniture. Stella took one look and was in tears.

"You did this Calleigh"? asked Stella.

"Yeah"! The kids, H and I thought you would like this as a house warming gift".

"I love it Calleigh, It's absolutely beautiful", "thank-you".

"You are very welcome, and to celebrate your new home, Alexx and I are putting together a BBQ for everyone tonight".

"Oh! this is so wonderful, I love you guy's so much".

"We love you too Stella, said Calleigh.
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