CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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For the new readers. My stories are not pre written, I do them as I go along, which is why they seem so short, I have all these scenes that play in my head and then I type them out and post them. I'm really happy that everyone is enjoying them.

Thanx, LMH

When "H" arrived at Natalia's, he knocked on the door.

"H"! "What are you doing here"? asked Natalia.

"I came to talk too you and pick up HJr's books". "Can I come in"?

"Sure, come in".

"Natalia, I'd like to know what happened between you and my son"?

Natalia was shocked, she never thought HJr, would tell.

"Nothing serious"! "I fell, he caught me and we just kissed". "We stopped when we realized it was wrong".

"Who realized it was wrong"?

"HJr, we, I mean he, immediatly stopped"

"Listen Natalia", "This is the only warning I'll give you, because I have a feeling that says you wanted this to happen". "I'll let it go for now, but you stay away from my son", and you best pray Calleigh never find out, because she won't be as understanding". "Now give me his books".

"H", I'm really sorry, it just happened.

"It doesn't just happen Natalia", "You are the older adult, you also know he's my son. "So if I was you, I'd let it drop, before I get really angry".

Once "H" got back home, Calleigh asked him.....

"Why do you have HJr's books"?

"He left them at the Library and asked me to pick them up for him".

"That was nice of you Handsome".

"It was wasn't it, said "H as he walked up to his wife, picked her up and carried her upstairs.

"I need some of your sexiness Calleigh, love me sweetheart".

Calleigh wrapped her arms around "H" and plunged her tongue into his mouth, as he inhaled her scent.

"Christ Calleigh"! was "H"s last thought before he tossed his wife on the bed, and loved her through the night.

Later that evening the kids walked home from the show.

"That was totally awesome" , said Sam, as he held Marisol's hand, on the walk home.

"You're telling me"!, "Did you enjoy it Claire"? asked HJr.

"Yeah"!! "It was great, lots of action and romance".

"I'll say"! said HJr as he put his arm around Claire.

Once they got back too the house it was quiet.

"Sam, I'll see you tomorrow", said HJr, as he and Claire went in, to give Marisol and Sam alone time to say goodnight.

"I'm glad we got to spend time together Marisol", "I really missed you, when you left".

"I missed you too Sam". "Kiss me please"!

Sam wrapped his arm around Marisol and kissed her on the cheek. "Goodnight Marisol".

"Night Sam".

After Sam left Marisol said to herself, "Geez, he didn't even try for my lips". "Such a gentleman".
After everyone had settled down for the night, the phone rang.

"Caine"! said "H".

"H" it's Frank, we just had our first murder over at Miami General". "It's a hell of mess too". "WE found one eye hanging out of the socket and the other on the bed". "It looked like someone startled him or something".

"Is Eric there processing already"? asked "H".

"Yeah! "He's here, so is Hawkes from M.E.".

"Okay, you should be fine, Mac and I will be there shortly".

"Mac"! called "H". "Let's go, we have our first murder at Miami General".

"Did he slice out the eyes again"? asked Mac.

"Yes"! "though someone must have startled him, he left one on the bed and the other was hanging out of it's socket".

Once they arrived and headed to the room, "H" noticed a man with glasses intently watching his guys process the body.

"Hey", Sir, Sir, yelled "H", come here".

The guy ran like hell, as Eric, Mac, "H" and Frank ran after him.

"Jesus" , yelled "H", I should have brought HJr, he would have caught him".

"Did you get a good look at him, asked Eric to "H".

"Yeah I did"! "I need to get back too the Lab and see a sketch artist".

Horatio left Eric with Hawkes to process the scene, while he and Mac headed back to Miami-Dade.

Once "H" had finished with the sketch artist, they ran the picture through COTIS and found the suspects name.

"Okay, we've got one Thomas M. Pollor, no prior's, no fixed address", said "H". "Let's get back to the hospital, now we know who we are looking for, he should be easy to find.
HELLO! I have been completely addicted to this story.... it's a lot better then the crappy books I have. SO PLEEEAAAASSEEEE PPPOOOOOOSSSSTTT SSSSOOONN! YAY! :D :D :D :D
Yeah! sometimes I'll post the wrong part , or other times I'll confuse my killers and put them in the opposite story, but thankfully I read them over before posting :lol:

4 hours later.....

"Yeah"! "H", it's really easy to find the suspect, said Eric.

"Are you being flippant Eric"?

"Never "H", said Eric laughing.

"Okay, let's head home". "Tripp"! "You keep the officers looking around the clock and find me at home if anything changes".

"Sure "H", see ya".

Meanwhile..... In some hospital storage room.

"These fu88ing cops are dumb" , said Thomas as he pulled out another disguise. "This one should confuse them" , said Thomas laughing. "Sorry I had to kill you there officer Stan, but that's what you get for being nosey".

Thomas had dressed in a Miami-Dade police uniform, with a moustache and brown contacts.

"Now"! "Let's go find me somemore nurses".

(Back at the house)

It was 7am when "H" and Mac got home, the house was still quiet and everyone still slept. Walking upstairs Mac crawled into bed and reached for his wife.

"Stella", Mac whispered in her ear. "Stella, wake up love, I have something for you".

"C'mon Mac, not now, I'm tired".

Tired or not Mac was determined to make love to his wife, Taking his hand he slowly caressed it up her thigh pushing up her nightgown to expose her creamy tanned skin.

"Mac"! *whispering* , Stop, "Hiss", as Stella moaned and dug her nails into the pillow from Mac stroking her heat.

Turning her over Mac pulled Stella on top of him and looked into her eyes.

"What's the matter love"? "You look hot", are you hot love"? "Is there something I can give you, to cool you off".

Stella looked into Mac and said, "I'll never cool off from loving you, you will always and forever set me on fire".

That did it, Mac flipped Stella onto her side, and drove her forward in heart wretching screams, until she layed motionless in his arms.

"Stella"! "You okay love".

"Alway's Mac", said Stella as she curled closer to his heat.
yehh more, lol. I can't believe I have read 12 pages of this! then again I can't believe you hae been able to write 12 pages!
Meanwhile at the Hospital........

"Come on Cindy, give me 5 minutes of your time and I'll change your mind", said Eric.

"Forget it Delko", "I've heard all about your little escapades here with several of the nurses".

"Lies Cindy, all lies", swore Eric.

"What ever you say Eric, I have to go back too work".

"Come on Cindy, just say you'll call".

"Sure Eric, I'll call, when pig's fly". "See ya".

"Damn, Eric, serves you right". Eric said to himself.

At thayt moment Sherry walked by.

"Sherry my love, It's your Delko", how have you been"?

"Eric"! Wow, I haven't seen you since HJr was last here".

"I know, I've missed you Sherry", come on I have something to show you".

"Yeah right Eric, the last time you showed me something, I was still hearing Cuban love songs in my head a week later".

"ERIC"!!!! yelled Tripp.

"Shit"!!! said Eric. "What is it Tripp"?

"Stop hitting on the nurses and keep searching".

"I don't hit on the nurses Tripp", I was just asking this lovely nurse some questions".

"Yeah right"! and I'm the Pope".

"See you later Sherry" , whispered Eric in her ear as he walked away.

Little did Eric know, this would be the last time he'd see Sherry alive.
As Sherry was heading down to the locker area, she was grabbed from behind and dragged into the closet.

Squeezing her tightly, the killer chocked her until she laid lifeless in his arms, then taking his scalpel he dug out her eyes and stuck them on the outside of the door. A short time later a Nurse walked by and screamed.

"Oh my God"!! "Help, some one come quick".

As Eric and Tripp ran down to the floor, they seen a set of eyes glued on a door. When they opened it , Eric gasped in horror.

"Sherry"! "Good God Tripp, I was talking to her not more then 5 minutes ago".

"I know Eric, call "H", said Tripp.

Once a tired "H" and Mac arrived , they asked what had happened.

"I'm not sure "H" , said Eric. "He must have been watching me, I was talking to Sherry, not more then 5 minutes before she was killed".

"Eric"! "What do you mean you were talking to her"? "Have you been hitting on the nurses again"?

"No "H", I was just talking to Sherry, we met the last time HJr was in here".

Horatio didn't question Eric any further, he'd have a talk with him later in private.

"Okay, have you talked to the nurses yet, maybe one of them seen someone suspicious hanging around"?

"Not yet", said Tripp. "We just heard the scream and came right here".

"Okay, Eric I want you to talk too the nurses on this floor, and see if any of them know anything".
"Are you sure that's a good idea to put Eric on that task"? said Frank.

"Eric"! "behave yourself, said "H".

"I will "H", you can count on that".

"Yeah right"! said Tripp to himself.

As Eric questioned the nurses, one named Sue said she noticed a police officer with a brown moustache, good looks, hanging around the station earlier.

Eric headed back to "H" with the information.

"Hey "H"! "One nurse named Sue, said she remembered seeing a police officer hanging around the nurses station earlier, she said he had brown moustache, and fairly nice looking".

"Tripp, do you have any officers matching that description"? asked "H".

"Hmm!!, let me check who's on call here today". "No", and to be exact, I have one officer missing". "Stan Kortcher, hasn't been seen since last night".

"Okay, Eric, you take 6 officers and have them search the lower level, Tripp and I will take the others and search here". "call in as soon as you find Officer Kortcher".

"You got it "H". said Eric.

As they started searching Tripp and "H" were first to come across Stan.

"Christ "H"! said Tripp. "Look what the hell he did to him". "This bastard is dead, when we catch him".

"Calm down Tripp", We'll fine him, you can count on that".

With all the killing going on, the nurses were starting to panic.

"Excuse me"! "I'm Dr. Philt", "Look you need to get this under control, I have nurses leaving patients unattended because they are scared of being attacked". "I have patients who are becoming very nervous with all these officers here".

"I'm very sorry for causing you and this Hospital needless concern. "But we have a killer on the loose in this Hospital, so you'll just have to adjust to us being here". "Now if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to work on", said "H".

The doctor walked away angerly.
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