CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Once Eric, Mac, "H" and Danny got to the hospital, they spoke with the nurses. All the nurses informed them that they never seen anyone suspicious hanging around.

"Now what Mac"?, asked Danny.

"We search, every room, closet, office, bathroom, patients rooms everywhere until we find this Serial Killer".

"Do you know how many warrents we'll need for that". said Danny.

"Then get them, "NOW"!!! Danny, move it". said Mac.

""H" and Eric were shocked, they hadn't seen Mac act like this in years.

"Mac, you need to calm down, said "H".

Once Danny secured the warrents, they started checking the room. When Mac got to the Janitorial closet he found the door locked. Getting the key from the Nurses desk, he went back to unlock the closet, and found all kinds of Ultrasound Gel, gloves, scalpel.

"What did you find Mac"? asked "H"

"Evidence", "We need to find out who uses this closet". "Danny", you and Eric, process the scene. "H" and I will check wih Maintenance and see who are suspect is".

As Mac and "H" headed to the nurses station, the killer was watching from the desk.

"Damn, now what am I going to do"? "They have all my materials., they'll know who I am, I need to run, leave here, I'll take off to Miami and visit my sister". "Yeah that's it, then I can start killing over there".

The killer packed up his equipment and headed home before going to the Airport.

By the time Mac, "H", Danny and Eric, had got a name and address of the suspect, he had already fled.

"Now What Mac"? said Eric. "How are we going to find him"?

"We check the apartment for clues as to where he is headed", everybody leaves something behind", said Mac.
Uhoh. And again I got my fics confused lol...was thinking "wait it's a she" then "oh duh that's the other one"

Post soon!
I know so did I this morning. "God this is too much, I'm confussing myself :lol: :lol:

As they searched the apartment they found a note pad that had been torn. Eric took a pencil and rubbed it across the paper to reveal what was underneath.

"Mac, "H"! said Eric, "Look at this". " Book Flgiht 104, parting time 0800hrs.

"Are you telling our criminal is leaving NY"? said Mac. "Eric find out where that flight is headed".

Eric called the Airport and found out the flight was headed to Miami.

"Well Eric, said Mac. "What did you find out"?

"Look's like he's headed to Miami". "His flight just left".

"Now what"? said Danny.

"We pack our stuff and head to Miami". "H", call ahead to the girls and tell them to get everything ready, I'll book the flight.

Once they got back to Mac's home, everyone was packed and ready to go.

"What time is our flight"? asked Stella.

"4 O'Clock love, we need to get too the Airport , we are cutting it very close", said Mac.

Once they were all seated on the plane, "H" called ahead to Frank, and informed him about what they had so far on the case. When he was finished he called his father-in-law to let him know they were all on their way home. When they arrived in Miami, HJr, was waiting for them .

"Mom, Dad", HJr said as he kissed them, "It's great to have you home".

"Thanks son, "Where is Eric"?

"He's still with Grandpa at his place, he didn't want to come ". "hey Uncle and Auntie, how are you"?

"We're fine HJr, you keeping busy"?

"I am Sir, to many activities, not enoigh time for leisure", said HJr. "What Claire, no hello"?

Claire looked at HJr for the briefest of seconds, then ran up and kissed him.

"God I miss you HJr", "I love you".

"I love you too, Claire".
Once they were all settled , "H", Mac,Eric and HJr, headed down to Miami-Dade.

"Did you find out anything Frank"? asked "H".

"Yeah"! there was 3 males who flew from NY to Miami". " Michael Trefor, Dennis Banks and Trevor Clamp". "I have Natalia working on the names as we speak".

"Good, we need to close this case", quickly before a murder happens here". "Did you post some Officers at the Hospital".

"Yeah"! We have two on the Maintanance area, two on each floor, and two in the basement area".

"Okay, Frank, keep me posted".

"Dad"! do you need me to do anything"? asked HJr.

"Sure son, you can go see how Natalia is doing on those names".

"Done Dad, see you later.

"HJr, was happy his dad had sent him over to see Natalia. "He had a serious crush on her, ever since he was 15. But now with being 18, the flame still hadn't cooled. "She was just hot, hot, hot.

"Stop it HJr", damn hormones" , he said to himself, remember Claire.

"Natalia" , called HJr.

"Oh my"!! said Natalia. "Damn him for looking so hot", she said to herself. "It has to be the body, look at those Bi-ceps, the height, the build, the hair, the emerald green eyes". "Stop it, stop it".

Natalia, also had a thing for HJr, ever since he helped her on a case while his dad was out of town. She knew what she felt, would more and likely never settle down.

"Hey HJr", no nothing yet, still searching". "How's everything else going"? keeping busy"?

"Yeah"! to busy, I need to find a way to make some quiet time". "It's almost impossible to study for my exams at home, it's so noisy".

"Well, you could always use my place", I'm never home during the day".

"Are you serious, God that would be great".

"Sure"! let me get you a spare key". "There you go, happy studying",

"Thanks Natalia"! HJr bent down and hugged her beofre he left.

"Christ"!, said Natalia to herself, that's too hot, I need some air".

Natalia walked outside to get some fresh air and cool off.
thanks again, I hope you read it from the start, it is quite funny, with some agnst and lots of sexual moments between them all. :lol: :lol:
Once HJr left Natalia, he informed his father, she hadn't found anything yet.

"Dad"? "Nat said she hasen't found anything out yet", "So if it's okay, I'd like to go get my books and head out to study".

"Out"! "can't you study at home son"?

"No dad, to much noise", a friend gave me his key, to use his place while he's away".

"Okay son, I'll see you later". "Bye".

When HJr arrived home everyone was outside.

"Mom"? called HJr. "I'm heading out to study, I'll be back later".

"Out"? "Where son"?

HJr thought to himself, "Like father , like mother". "Just to a friends place", he's away and gave me permission to use his place".

"Okay, I'll see you later son".

"Wait"!! "HJr, called Claire. "Would you like me to come with you"?

"No thanks love, I really need to study this final exam, it's a tough one".

"You sure"? "I don't mind".

"No, you stay love, I'll be back soon". HJr kissed Claire good-bye as he left to study.

Once HJr, got to Natalia's place, he got down to studying. Just as he was finished 3 hours later , Natalia came home.

"Hey"! "I didn't think you'd be here today"? said Natalia.

"Yeah! just finished actually, thanks again Natalia", it's so quiet here".

"Anytime HJr, are you hungry"?

"Auh!! not really". "I should be going".

"Oh come on, stay for a snack".

"Okay, but then I have to go".

Natalia made HJr a sandwich, with chips and a coke. Just as Natalia was placing it down, she tripped, as she fell HJr, caught her in his arms. That did it, one look in each others eyes and sparks flew.

"Oh christ"! said HJr, this shouldn't be happening". "I've got CLai..........

Before he could finish his sentence, Natalia kissed him, a deep tongue throbbing kiss. HJr's last thought was, ohoh!!!!
"Oh my God"! said Natalia in her mind while she was kissing HJr. " For someone with no experience he sure as hell can kiss".

Deeper they fell into each other as HJr, became more brave and wrapped his hands around Natalia's ass. She moaned, loudly into his mouth, as they both lost control. Taking his hands, he lifted off Natalia's blouse and her bra, as he rubbed and caressed her breasts.
Natelia brought up her hands, and pulled at HJr's hair for more. Without breaking the kiss, HJr carried Natalia, too her bedroom, where they fell into each other, ripping and shredding off what was left of their clothes. Just as HJr was ready to mount her, he realized, "What the hell am I doing"?

"Natalia, I need to stop", stop Natalia".

HJr pulled himself away from her embrace.

"I'm sorry Natalia, I can't do this too Claire". "Please understand", and HJr quickly dressed and left Natalia's place, leaving his books behind.

"Oh, Oh"!!!!!!! TBC
As "HJr, arrived home and entered the house he was greeted by Claire.

"Hey HJr, where are your books"?

"Oh!! "I left them at the library". "I'll get them in the morning".

"Okay, Listen how would you like to go with us too the show tonight"?

"Who's all going"?

"Your sister, her boyfriend and you and I".

"Sure Claire, that would be great", give me a few minutes".

HJr ran upstairs to change and hopefully find his dad, because he needed to talk.

"Mom"! "Where is dad"? asked HJr.

"He's in his room, changing, WHY"?

"Nothing mom, it's just a man thing".

"Oky, then, not to long though, Marisol and Claire said the movie starts at eight".

"Dad"!! called HJr, I need to talk to you, know please".

"What's the matter son"? :"You seem upset".

"I am, I made a huge mistake dad, please don't be angry with me".

"HJr, what mistake"? "Come here and sit". "Now tell me from the begining".

"Natalia, gave me her key to her house too study", because it's too noisy here". "Well, she came home early", and, and , and........."

"What son"? "Finish it".

"We kind of got hot and heavy".

"H" looked at his son in shock, "HJr, please tell me you didn't sleep with her".

"No dad, I didn't". "But we came very close, then I remembered Claire, and paniced and left".

"Christ HJr, your half your senior".

"I know dad", it just happened".

"Who initiated it"?

HJr just looked at his dad, he knew it was Natalia , but if he told his dad that, he wasn't sure what would happen to her.

"I did dad", "I initiated it". "She fell and I caught her and it just happened".

"I'll talk with Natalia in the morning, I'm glad you came to me with this HJr, it was very mature of you". "Even more mature that you told her no".

"Thanks Dad, but there is one more problem".

"What's that HJr"?

"I ran out so fast I forgot my books".

"Don't worry about that, I'll get them". "You go with Claire to the show, have fun".

"Okay, dad". "Thanks again for the talk".

"Anytime son, have fun".

After HJr and the girls left for the show, "H" went and payed a visit to Natalia.
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