CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Once Calleigh got off the phone, they all sat down to discuss the case.

"Okay Mac, what's been happening?", asked "H".

"Well, seems we have a new Serial on our hands".

This killer seems to enjoy attacking nurses from the Hospitals, he takes them to empty rooms, slaughter's them and then removes their eyes".

"Only the eye's"? asked "H".

"I know it's weird, we seem to think he's collecting them for something". "What we don't know".

"That's awefully strange Mac, have you any leads yet"? asked Calleigh.

"None yet, we're just getting started on the details, the three nurses were found in the Laundry room of the Hospital". "Hawkes and Danny are there now", said Mac.

"Well, maybe we should head over there too", said "H".

"Sure, Let's go", said Mac.

After they left, the girls discussed their childrens lives.

"Okay, now down to our kids, said Calleigh.

"Shall we stat with Marisol and Claire"? asked Stella.

"Sounds great, Marsiol has a new boyfriend , we haven't met him yet, but we seem to think he may be trouble".

"Why is that, asked Stella.

"For the past two weeks he's kept her out past midnight, and he knows her curfew is at 11pm".

"What has "H" done about it"?

"Nothing yet, he was just about to let Marisol know, we want to meet him". But then you called, needing our help, and here we are".

"Do you think there is real concern"?

"To be honest Stella, I'm not sure". "But my dad should be able to handle it, I hope, I told him to call if she gets out of hand"

"How about Claire"? she seemed very upset when we arrived without HJr".

"Oh!! I know, we hear it everyday, she's still upset we wouldn't let her go to school there, she misses "HJr alot".

"I know, but you know what she doesn't realize, is that HJr is just as miserable, he mopes around when he's home, and listens to the CD Claire bought him at Christmas".

"It's really a shame the other three didn't come with you".

"I know, but HJr really is swamped with work, school, Baseball, Voluteering at the Hospital and part time at Miami-Dade for Frank".

"Wow"! that is alot for a 17 year olds plate", said Stella.

"I know , but he needs all these things for his College/University applications into the Police Force and Bullisitcs Tech".

"Good for him said Stella, he should be very proud of himself".

"Oh he is" , but Stella, "H" is more happier".

"I kind of figured he would be".
Once Mac and "H" got to NYPD, Mac took him too see Sid.

"Well"! "Hello Lt.caine", nice too see you again".

"Thanks Sid", and how is the family"?

"They're great Horatio", and yours"?

"Doing great, HJr is just getting ready for College after this semester".

"Very nice, does he know what he wants to be"?

*smiling* "Yeah! "He wants to be a CSI like his dad".

"Well, you must be very proud".

"I am, it does my heart great, to know the Lab will be carried on by our children".

"Okay, down to buisness, said Sid.

"If you notice, the vicitms have all had their eyes plucked out , I'm talking perfect precission cut at the nerves". "This guy either has a medical degre, e or some other surgical training".

"Are you telling me we may be looking for a doctor"? asked "H".

"Yes"! or maybe even a surgeon" or Plastic Surgeon, any kind of medical doctor that has precission experience with knives".

"This is like a nightmare, less then a year ago we had that Serial Killer who preyed on female students, and now we have a doctor running around plucking out nurses eyes".

"What is it going to be next year"? said Mac.

"Come on Mac, I'll buy you a coffee". said "H".

"You okay Mac"? asked "H" with concern.

"I don't know "H", I think NY is getting to me". "I'm not able to cope as well as I use too", everything is politics and crap".

"Mac if it's bothering you that much there is always Miami", You were offered a job beside me at the Lab".

"I know "H", believe me I've been thinking about Crossing over".

That'd be interesting...I'd miss Danny and Lindsay and the other NY gang though. You'd have to have them pay visits :) (ok I know Hawkes is there already)
Once they got home, Mac headed straight for Austin.

"There's daddy's little boy", "I love you Austin".

Stella and Calleigh came walking in as Mac was talking to Austin.

"Mac"! "Is everything okay"? asked Stella.

"I'm just not sure anymore love".

"Come on Calleigh, let's leave them alone".

Horatio took Calleigh upstairs, so Mac and Stella could have some time.

"What's going on Handsome"? "I've never seen Mac look so defeated".

"He's having a difficult time with this new case, and with all the politics, I think he's had enough". "We were talking about him making the move to Miami".

"Are you serious"? "You realize if that was to happen, Miami would never be in danger". "The two of you and our son would make that whole place impregnable".

"I know that love, and it would be great to have the families together again, for good this time".

"Wow, I must say I'm very shocked and happy at the same time".

"Just don't get too excited love, it hasen't happened yet".

Calleigh thought to herself..... "May be not, but I have a feeling it will".

"What's going on Mac"? asked Stella.

"I'm not sure sweetheart", I think I've had enough of NY and all the politics".

"What are you saying Mac"? "You want to quit your job"?

"No love, I've been thinking about crossing over".

"Are you talking about that job at Miami-Dade with "H" ?

"Yes Stella", "I'm concidering it". "But I have alot to think about, and it needs to be okay with you".

"Mac"! "I'll do whatever you decide", "I love you, and would follow you to hell if I had too".

"Thanks love", "It means the world, to know you are behind my decision when I make it".

"Alway's Mac, alway's and forever".
It must have been 4am when Mac recieved the call

"Taylor"! said Mac.

"Mac, it's Danny, we have another dead nurse this one in O.R. #1. Same MO,"

"Okay Danny, I'll be right there".

Walking into "H"'s room, he woke him up.

""H", come on, we have another DB at NY General".

"You're kidding right"?

"No"! "Danny said they have the same MO, as the first victims".

Once they arrived on scene, Danny was waiting for them.

"Hey "H", how you doing"?

"Good, thanks Danny".

When they got into the O.R. the nurse could hasve been no more than 22 years old.

"Mac"! said Flack.

"What is it Flack"?

"Look up, at the O.R. light please".

When Mac , "H" and Danny looked up they seen the eyes glued to the light.

"Oh God"!! "What the hell is this", said Danny.

"H" and Mac were shocked with what they were seeing.

"Okay", said Danny , we are not only dealing with a Serial, we're also dealing with a nut case".

"It's almost as if he saying "Look what I see", he most likely is disturbed", said "H".

"Just wonderful, said Mac. "Get this body over Sid please, and no other stops along the way guys, straight there, if you get another call from 911, ignore it, I'll take the heat for it".

After the haulers agreed, they took the body straight to Sid at NYPD.
"Sid, called Mac, anything on the body"?

"No"!, but I found something interesting on the stuff used to stick the nurses eyes".

"I'ts not glue, it's actually Ultrasound gel mixed with a liquid adhesive, like they use to seal some wounds with". "Very interesting , it bonds like a super glue, I've never seen anything like it". "I sent it up to trace".

"Okay, thanks Sid", "I'll check back later".

"When they got upstairs, Danny chased them down.

"Mac, the adhesive is a base that can be found in shoe repair stores, they sell it to customers to glue their soles on with ".

"Okay Danny, check the stores that carry that adhesive, and see if they keep a list of all their clients".

"You got it Mac.

"Oh"! and Danny"? call me at home if you find out anything".

"I will Mac, see ya".

Meanwhile in Miami........

"Marisol"! "You are late young lady". "You were to be home here at 11pm".

"I'm sorry Grandpa, we lost track of the time".

"Sorry won't do it this time Marisol, you're grounded until further notice".

"Aww!! come on Grandpa, that's not fair".

"What isn't fair young lady, is you trying to take advantage of your Grandpa". "No young girl should be running around Miami at night with any guy".

"Fine, Grandpa, I'm sorry". "I'll take the punishment".

"3 days young lady, you go too school and come right home". "If you don't show up, I'm calling your mom and telling her to book you a ticket to NY".

"WHAT"!!! "Come on Grandpa".

"I'm serious Marisol, No more antics".
(Phone rings)

"Hello"! said the childs voice on the phone.

"Eric baby, is that you", asked Calleigh to her son.

"Mom"!!! how are you, I miss you alot you know".

"I miss you guy's too". "How is everything there"?

"Good, HJr is hardly home due to his activities, Marisol has been getting in trouble with Grandpa again". "He says she will put him into an early grave, if she don't stop being late every night".

"Oh really"! "Let me talk to Grandpa Eric".

"Okay mom"! "GRANDPA", yelled Eric, it's mom".

"Thank you son". "Lambchop is that you"?

"Hi daddy"! "How is everything"?

"Oh fine, just fine". "How about over their, everything good"?

"It's great dad, though "H" is having a really hard time with this case, that him and Mac have been working on".

"He'll figure it out Lambchop", you'll see".

"I know Dad, "Where is Marisol"? "I'd like to tallk too her".

"She's not home right now".

"But I thought she was grounded"? "Did you let her go out"?

"No Lambchop, she took off out the window, when I sent her too her room".

"Oh really"!! "I'll let you go for now dad, I'm going to have Eric find her, and bring her to NY".

After Calleigh got off the phone with her dad, she called Eric.

"Hello"! "Delko here".

"Eric, it's Calleigh". "I need you to go find Marisol for me, and bring her to NY".

"What, it's 12:30am Calleigh, shouldn't she be in bed"?

"I know, she's out with that guy again, this is going stop". "I want you to find her and then bring her too me".

"Okay Cal"! "We'll be on the next flight".

Eric spent the next 30 minutes looking for Marisol, he finally found her at the Beach with a bunch of kids.

"Marisol"! yelled Eric, "Let's go right now, young lady".

"I'll see you later handsome, as Marisol kissed him in front of Eric.

"I said "NOW"!! "Right now Mari".

"Fine , I'm coming". "God Uncle Eric calm down". "What are you doing here anyway"?

"Your mom sent me, I'm to take you too NY".

"No"!! "No, "No, NO", yelled Marisol.

"That's it Mari", Eric picked her up, and tossed her into the Hummer, and drove straight to the Airport.

"God damn it Uncle Eric, stop it". "I need my clothes and everything".

"I have it all right here Mari". "This isn't like you, when we get on the plane, you are going to tell me why, you're acting like a little brat".

"Listen Uncle Eric, I'm sixteen now, you can't call me little anymore".

"What happened to my Mari", "No more, kisses Uncle Eric". "Where did it all go Mari"?

"No where, "God Uncle Eric, leave it be".

"Never Mari, I'll never let it go, you are my girl, whether you like it or not, I'll never stop caring about you".

After they were seated on the plane, Marisol pretended to sleep.

"I know you're awake Mari", "So you can stop snoring".

*giggle* "I'm sorry Uncle Eric, if I hurt your feelings, I didn't mean too".

"I know Mari". "But your mom is really upset and angry, and I can only imagine your fathers temper right now, when your mom tells him why you're in NY".

"Oh God, I forgot about that, I'm scared Uncle Eric, dads gonna be pissed".


"Hey love, we're home, said Mac.

"Hi sweetheart, said Stella, how's the case going"?

"Very eerie, is the only way to describe it".

"Sorry to interrupt Mac, "Handsome I need to see you for minute, please".

"Sure love", what's the problem".

"Eric is bringing Marisol to NY as we speak".

"Why, did something happen love"?

"Dad, couldn't handle her, she's been staying out past curfew, and not listening".

"What is going on with her Calleigh, she used to be so respectful and caring".

"I know love, I think alot of it has to do with her new boyfriend".

"When do they arrive"? asked "H".

"Their flight in is at 8:15 am, said Calleigh.

"I'll be there to pick them up".

"Hey "H"! "Do you think we can talk Eric into staying, to help with this case"?

"I'm sure he'd stay, I'll ask him when I pick them up".
More soon!

Sometimes teenagers conflict me...I do know they often think with emotions rather than heads but I don't think people give them enough credit sometimes either. (Though with Mari's family being so involved with crimelab and police I can see why they'd want her home on time)
This is the only post today.

By the time "H" got to the Airport, Marisol and Eric were waiting in the terminal.

"Daddy"! yelled Marisol as she ran to him. "I love you dad".

"I love you too Angel", but you and I are going to have a very long talk".

"Sure Dad, if you think it's nessesary".

"It is, believe me". "Eric, how are things at the Lab"?

"Very quiet", you could hear a pin drop".

"How would you like to stay and help us with this case".

"Sure"! "What's it about"?

"I'll explain it to you later, or have Mac fill you in, while I talk to my little Angel".

Marisol wasn't freaking out like she thought she would, in fact her dad seem almost mellow.

"Let's see, if dad is fine, then mom must be pissed", Marisol said to herself. "Great", "I think I'd rather deal with dad", again to herself.

Once they got to the house, Marisol ran up and hugged her mom.

"Mom"! I missed you so much". "You look great, hey Auntie and Uncle how are you"?

"We're good Marisol", said Mac and Stella.

"Let's go young lady", said "H".

As they walked upstairs Calleigh could have swore she seen Marisol shiver.

"Have a seat Angel". "Now from the begining", please".

"His name is Sam, and he's 17 years. Blonde hair, blue eyes, scar over his right chin, due to falling off a bike when he was younger, no father, just a mom and two brothers, age 12 & 10. "He goes to school, and likes to hang out at the beach". "He's never been in trouble, has good grades".

"Angel, if this is all true, why would he keep you out pass your curfew"?

"He doesn't dad, he wants to bring me home, but I tell him "NO", I don't want too go yet".

"Why Angel"! why do you like to push your curfew"?

"I don't like to push it dad, It's just all my other friends get to stay out till 12 midnight, and I feel stupid having to leave at 11pm".

"Listen Angel"! "I know you think we are tough on you, but we're not". "We just know what Miami is like at night, and 11pm is more then adiquit for a curfew". "I'm afraid until you learn to follow our rules, you'll be grounded to the house when we get home".

"Come on dad, being here is punishment enough".

"How do you figure, young lady"?

"Because, while all my friends are partying and playing", "I'm stuck here being bored".

"You have Claire to hang out with".

"It's not the same dad". "She has her friends, and we have kind of grown apart, we don't even like the same things anymore".

"Look Angel, I'm afraid you're just going to have too find something". "Maybe you can help your mom, with Cody and Destinee".

"This is great", summer vacation and I'm stuck in NY", said Marisol as she headed downstairs away from her dad.

At that moment Claire came in with her friends, Karen and Sue.

"Mari"!! yelled Claire. "Oh my God"!!! "You're here, I've missed you so much". "These are my friends Karen and Sue". "You guy's this is my best friend and family Marisol".

"Hello Marisol", Claire has told us stories about you, it's nice to meet you".

"Thanks, you too", said Claire.

"Mom, can we go upstairs for a while", asked Claire.

"Sure, but keep it down, Austin and Destinee are sleeping".

"We will mom". "Come on Mari"?

"Oh, no thanks, I'm going to help mom by taking Cody to the park".

"The park, oh that's a good idea, Mom want me to take Kenya"?

"Sure if you'd like". said Stella.

"Great"! said Marisol to herself, "So much for being alone".

After left for the park, Mac, "H" and Eric sat down to talk about the case.
I wonder what the real curfew is...where I grew up they had to be in by like 1030 by the town's laws...he should find out what the laws are.

Got work today? I was wondering what made you so late lol
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