CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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"Are you sure, you are okay love"?

"I'm fine Mac, just having some mild cramping".

"Lay on your side love, with your back towards me".

Once Stella turned on side, Mac began to rub her lower back.

"God, that feels like Heaven", Oh! that's the spot Mac, right there".

After 10 minutes of massaging Stella fell asleep. Mac got up and headed back downstairs.

"How is she Mac"? , asked Calleigh.

"I'm not sure", "she says she is fine, but I think she may be in early labour".

"What makes you think that Mac"? asked Calleigh.

"All her pain is directed in her lower back", I massaged her for 10 minutes".

"I'll go check on her in few minutes for you", said Alexx. "That way I can have a look at her".

"Thanks Alexx, I really appriciate that".

"No problem baby", said Alexx.

Once the house had quieted for the night, and Alexx had checked on Stella, Hjr snuck into Claire's room.

"Calire"? "Claire"? called HJr, quietly. "Are you awake"?

"Yes Eric, I'm awake", come on over and get into bed".

"God Claire"! "If our parents ever found out we were sleeping together, we'd be dead", said HJr.

"Don't worry, they're all asleep". "Come hold me, I'm cold".

"COLD"!!! "This is Miami", how the hell can you be cold"?

"I'm cold because you are not beside me", now get over here". *giggling*

Once HJr got into bed in Claire, he held her close".

"Claire, I can't do this much longer".

"Why not"? "What's the matter"?

"HJr, knew he was going to have too show her what he meant, because she thought everything was a joke.

"This is why"? Taking her hand he placed it on his briefs. "Now do you understand"?

"Yes Eric"! "I fully understand", I do take health class you know".

"Well that's why I can't stay". "Lying next to you is driving my hormons insane".

HJr tried to climb out of the bed, but before he could get up , Claire pulled him back down and kissed him deeply. Not being able to help himself, he fell into the kiss.

"God Claire"! "Stop this now", said HJr as he broke the kiss.

"Why "HJr"? "I want this to happen, I need you to love me".

"I do love you Claire, I don't need to sleep with you to prove that".

"But I'm ready HJr, I can feel it everywhere when we kiss or touch".

"You're dangerous Claire", I'll see you in the morning".

"HJr got up and left the room to take a much needed cold shower.

As he opened Claire's door, "H" and Mac were just walking by heading to bed.

"HJr"? "What's going on"? asked "H".

"Nothing Dad, I was just saying goodnight to Claire".

"At 3am son"?

No matter how much he tried he couldn't lie to his dad, as he spoke to himself he said. "damn you dad for giving me your morals".

"I'm sorry dad, Claire and I like to sleep together at night". "It's all innocent, we just like to hold each other".

Mac and "H" looked at each other.

"I'll talk to Claire, said Mac.

"Let's go HJr, your mom's and my room now"!

While Mac and H" were just getting ready to talk to their oldest kids, Stella screamed out.

"MaaaaC!!!!! "Oh, the baby's coming, "NOW"!!!

Mac and everyone else ran into the room just as Stella gave one last push, out slid the baby screaming as Alexx graabed it to clean it's mouth and nose.

"Ewww!!! gross!! said , the younger kids", Mommy, how come it's all slimmy"? asked Cody.

"Great! It looks like all the kids get a lesson in reproduction tonight, said "H".

"Huh!! said Calleigh, what does that mean"?

"I'll explain later love".

"Daddy, looks like you have another boy", nice and healthy too, my guess would be about 8lbs, give or take", said Alexx.

Mac stood there in awe, as Marisol ran to open the door for the Paramedics.
Once Stella and Mac left, everyone was to excited to sleep.

"Well, who wants coffee"? , said Calleigh

"Sounds good to me" , said Alexx.

"Not you "HJr, you and I are going to talk".

"Sure dad, my room or yours"?

"Yours, said "H".
(At the Hospital)

Mac and Stella, were laying beside each other admiring their new son.

"Have you a name for him Mac"?

"Not really, how about you sweetheart", you have some great names".

"Hmm!! I'll really have to think on this", he did come so quickly, practically slid out".

"I've got one then", "How about Austin Alex Taylor"?

"That's nice love, I like that, and if it wasn't for Alexx's quick thinking, our son would have slid out onto the floor".

"So then, said Stella. "Welcome to the world, Austin Alex Taylor".

With that said, Austin let out a healthy cry, as Mac went to phone the family.

(phone rings)

"Hello, said Calleigh.

"Hey Calleigh it's Mac"?

"How is the baby"? "How's Stella"?

"Austin Alex Taylor is fine, and Stella is resting comfortablely".

"Oh! I love that name, Austin Alex", nice, I'll be sure to let everyone know".

"Make sure you let Alexx know the middle name is given for her".

"I will Mac, when do you all get to come home"?

"I'll be home shortly". Stella and the baby will be in the morning".

"Okay, bye", said Calleigh.


"Okay son, from the begining please".

"It's all innocent dad, we just like to sleep beside each other at night, it's comforting".

"Well if that's the case son, then why were you coming out"?

"Come on dad"! "It doesn't matter".

"It does son, she's just turning 15".

"I know that dad, I would never make love to her, give me some credit".

"Listen HJr, I give you all the credit you need, I know that you would never do anything, but I also need to know why you left her room at 3am".

"Damn it dad, this is embarrassing"! said Hjr.

"There is nothing to be embarressed about son, I love you and you should be able to talk too me about anything".

"I got excited dad, Claire kissed me passionately and I got excited", so I told her I needed to leave". "Okay"!

"Okay son, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable", "I'm just concerned because you are both young and I remember myself at your age". "I love you, son", and thank you for telling me".

"I love you too, dad, and if it's okay, I could really use that shower".

"Sure son, you go ahead", but for the time being , no more sleeping in Claire's room".

"Trust me dad, that won't be a problem".

Horatio sighed and said to himself, "Good Luck Mac", as he walked downstairs to get some coffee.
When Mac got in at 5am the adults, Hjr and Claire were still up.

"Congrats daddy, said "H", as he hugged Mac.

"How's it feel to be a dad again"? asked Alexx.

"Great Alexx., thank-you so much for helping with the baby".

"Anytime Mac, and thank-you for the Middle name".

"You are forever welcome Alexx". "Now if you will all excuse me for a few minutes". "Claire bear"! upstairs please, now".

"But dad"! "Can't this wait till morning"?

"No"! "Please Claire, let's go".

As they headed upstairs, HJr looked towards his dad for support, walking over "H" embraced his son and told him, "she'll be fine".

"Claire, could you tell me why "H" was coming out of your room at 3am"?

"We were just laying together dad, we always do at night". "It's very comforting".

"Comfort is a Teddy Bear Claire, or another stuffed animal, not a man".

"He's not a man dad", "He's a teenager".

"I'm not in the mood for your sauciness young lady". "Now"! I want the truth". "Are you and Hjr, sexually active"?

"NO"!!!! "God dad, this is not appropriate, with you".

"You listen to me young lady", "you are my daughter, your life belongs to me, until you are 20". "You will listen, and you will follow my rules , do you understand me Claire".

"Yes dad, okay, I'm sorry, I'll never do it again", yelled Claire in tears.

Mac felt like a first rate heel. He hated being hard on his daughter, but her and Kenya were the only female he had been given, and he wasn't about to see her make a mistake.

"Come here my Claire bear", "I'm sorry I yelled at you, but I just don't want you both to do something you'll regret".

"I know dad, "I'm sorry too, I love you".

"I love you too, my baby". "Always you'll be my Little Claire Bear".
At least he didn't stay angry. Where are H and C? I didn't see anything about them doing it. *is confused* lol Mac and Stella are that way too.
Hey Mel, I think she's talking about the Laundry room scene :lol:

The excitment with a kids was at an all time high, because tonight was Christmas eve. Mac was heading to the Hospital to pick up Stella and Austin. While Calleigh, Alexx, and the girls were doing last minute baking and preparing the turkey's for overnight cooking.

"Uncle Eric, where are you going asked HJr.

"I have to go check on my place", want to come"?

"Sure, "DAD"!! "I'm going with Uncle Eric to his place".

"Okay son, see you later".

As Eric and HJr were driving down the road, they got rammed not once but twice, as there car sped out and hit a pole.

Eric was out cold, HJr was stunned but awake as he seen Johnny coming towards them with a gun.

HJr reached into the glove compartment for his dad's gun. Just as Johnny got up to Eric and cocked the gun, HJr fired and shot the gun out of Johnny hand.

Then getting out of the car, he tackled Johnny to the ground, and held him there while he called his dad. When "H" and Tripp arrived, they found HJr, sitting on Johnny's chest. Once they had Johnny in custody, HJr checked on Eric.

"Uncle Eric"! "Uncle Eric answer me".

"Eric was just starting to come around , "ahh!!! damn my head". "What the hell happened"?

"Johnny rammed us, and then when you were passed out, he tried to shoot you, so I shot him first, and tackled him, until dad and the police got here". "Are you okay Uncle Eric"?

"I'm fine HJr, thatnk-you".

"No thanks needed Uncle Eric, it's what family does".

"HJr"! yelled Tripp.

"What is it Tripp"?

"Can you hurry up and get finished school, so you can come join us, Christ you're your father's son alright".

"Son"! How about we all go home, and have some Christmas fun now that Johnny is no longer a problem".

"Sounds great dad". At that moment, HJr's next move would live in "H"s mind forever, HJr grabbed his dad's sunnies turned to the side, looked at his dad, and as he put the glasses on his eyes he said.....
"When you're in Miami, We Never Close", and walked away to the car.

Tripp, Eric and "H", laughed and said, Like father , Like son". "The tourch is passed", said "H". "This is the proudest day of my life".

Once they all got back to the house , Stella and the new addition to the Taylor clan was already there.
Coming out of the kitchen, Calleigh brought Champagne and raising their glasses they said ,

Merry Christmas Everyone",

The End.

Next on Crossover the Series
Granpa gets all the older Caine kids, while "H", Calleigh, Cody, and Destinee, head to NY to help Mac and Stella with a new Serial Killer. We'll juggle back and forth from Miami to NY and see how Granpa does with his grandchildren underfoot. Especially with Marisol's new boyfriend who seems to like keeping out Marisol past her curfew.
Hiya Mel, :) yeah, "HJr and Claire are still together. It's Marisol that gets the new boyfriend. :)

It was two weeks later, and the start of a New Year, when Horatio got the call from Mac to go over too NY and help him with a new Serial Killer.

"Do you guy's have everything to take to Grandpa's"?, asked Calleigh.

"Yeah"! "Everything is ready to go, can we leave now"?

Marisol was overexcited because she didn't have to go NY. She didn't want to be away from her new boyfriend.
Calleigh was still very skeptical about leaving her father with HJr, Marisol and Eric, she wasn't sure if he'd be able to handle it.

"Come on Handsome, we're going to be late for our flight".

"I'm coming love, I just need one more thing".

"You wouldn't need anything if you had of packed last night, like I told you too".

"I had a case love, you should have packed for me".

"Dream on Caine", "I'm not your keeper, I'm your wife".

Coming down the stairs "H" said.... "Yes you are, and you are the most beautiul wife in my world".

"Flatterer"! said Calleigh, as she kissed her husband good morning.

"Alrigh then"!, said "H", "Let's get into the Hummer and head to Grandpa's".

Once they dropped off the three oldest children at Granpa's, "H", Calleigh, Cody and Destinee headed for the Airport.


"Hey you guy's", yelled Stella. "It's about time you got here, we missed you guy's so much, said Stella.

"I hear you said Calleigh, it's been boring without you guy's with us". "Maybe on of our families should concider moving either to NY or to Miami", laughed Calleigh.

"Not a bad idea", said Stella.

"That was a joke", said Calleigh as she embraced Stella with warmth.

"Darn"! said Stella, "While I tried".

"That you did" , said Calleigh.

"Okay troops, let's get you settled. All aboard the Taylor express", said Mac.

"Uncle Mac, you're funny, said Cody".

"Thanks, kiddo", said Mac.
Cody is the 4th child of H/C.


Caine children:
Horatio Jr (HJr), Marisol, Eric, Cody, Destinee

Taylor children
Claire, Mac Jr (Macster), Arthur, Kenya, Austin

Once they got to the house things with Claire got out of hand.

"Hi Auntie & Uncle, where is HJr"?

"He stayed at home with Marisol and Eric, he's very busy right now, and hasn't the time to take a break".

"Well he could have told me he wasn't coming", this isn't right".

"Excuse me young lady", said Stella. "You have no right to be angry with anyone, and did you ever think the reason he didn't tell you, is because of the way you're acting now".

"Whatever mom, I don't even know why we bother being together, we hardly talk anymore".

"Listen Claire", said Calleigh. "I know HJr loves you alot, and he wanted to be here, but he has so much going on, he doesn't even have time, to find sleep most nights". "I can promise you , he is not doing it on purpose to hurt you".

"I know Aunt Calleigh, it's just frusterating".

"Well, when it's that frusterating, that's when you know it's love", said Calleigh.

After they had gotten Claire settled down, Calleigh went to call her dad.

"Hey dad"! "How is everything there"?

"It's just wonderful Lambchop", "How's NY"?

"Cold", alway's damp and cold". "Listen I forgot to tell you about Marisol's curfew".

"Oh yes"! she told me already, 11:30pm on a school night".

"Excuse me, said Calleigh. "No dad, 11pm on a school night, not a minute later".

"Now why would she tell me 11:30"?

"So she can spend extra time with her new boyfriend".

"Oh! that's not good then, is it"? "Don't worry Lambchop, I'll correct it".

"Listen dad, if she gets out of hand you call me". "Most of all don't let her push you into something".

"I won't Lambchop". "So what kind of case do you have"?

"I'm about to find out, Mac's just getting ready to fill us in".

"Okay Lambchop, you call me later then".
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