CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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This is my only post till 6:30 Canadian Time. I have to work. :)

Once Alexx and Sheldon went back to bed, Calleigh got rid of the packaging the undies were in.

"I'm sorry Handsome", how do you feel now"?

"A little better, though my lips feel like they're on fire".

"Awww!!! my poor Handsome man". "I'm so sorry".

"It's not your fault love, you didn't know I'd have a reaction to them". "Come here, and let me hold you love".

Calleigh cuddled in "H"s arms and started to giggle.

"Are you giggling sweetheart"?

"No, Handsome, just trying to get comfy". *giggle*

"Sweetheart, you're not going to mention this to anyone are you"?

*giggle* "Of course not Handsome", I'd never do that". *giggle*

"Something tells me I should prepare myself for morning", said "H".

"That's not nessesary, I won't say anything". "I swear".

"Listen love, if you do, I'll tell everyone about that time you and your fr........ *covers"H"s mouth*

"I promise", I won't say anything, now go to sleep".

In the morning, Calleigh was already downstairs making breakfast with Marisol and Claire.

"Thatks for all your help girls, I really appriciate it".

"No problem Mom, we have alot of people to feed the next few days".

"That's for sure", though it's great having family friends around".

"H", was just coming down the stairs when he ran into Alexx.

"That don't look to bad this morning baby, just a little swelling left", now come here and I'll give you another shot and that should do it".

Once Alexx gave him the shot he went to check for himself.

"Not to bad, at least I don't look like Donald this morning", "H" said to himself.

It actually wasn't to bad, you could still notice some swelling, and alot of the redness, but "H" wasn't worried because at least he didn't look like Donald Duck anymore.
Once Calleigh and the girls had breakfast ready they ran upstairs to wake everyone up. Alexx was first to come into the kitchen.

"How does he look this morning Alexx"? asked Calleigh.

"Not to bad, he still has some redness, and some of the swelling is gone".

"Good, I thought for sure he'd , still be playing Donald", laughed Calleigh.

"Who'd be playing Donald asked Stella, come on let me in on the joke, what did I miss?

"Can you promise not to tell", said Calleigh to Stella.

"Of course I can, now what happened"?

"You remember those edible mint panties you told me to buy for "H"?

:"Yeah! what about them"?

"Well, "H" had an allergic reaction to them, and last night he looked liked Donald Duck", with all the swelling".

"How is he now"? asked Stella.

"Still somewhat swollen, and very , very red".

"Oh I can't wait to see this". *giggling*

"NO, Stella, you can't laugh or say anything, or he'll know I told you".

"I promise I won't say nothing".

At that moment everyone else came wandering down for breakfast. Once everyone was sitting down eating "H" walked in. Well that was it for Stella, she just couldn't contain herself and burst out laughing.

Haahahahhaa!!!!!! "Oh my God, Poor "H", look at you, Oh *giggle, giggle*. laughed Stella.

"Thanks alot Calleigh, It's good to know, I can count on you".

"Oh stop baby, said Alexx, she didn't tell, she overheard Calleigh and I talking".

"What are you guys talking about asked Mac.

"Never mind said "H" as he turned to face Mac.

"Christ "H", what the hell happened to your lips , you like you're wearing lipstick"?

"What, no I don't"? "Most of the swelling and redness is gone".

"I'm sorry "H", you like so funny, *laughing*, "I'm sorry Pal that is to comical". said Mac. "What the hell happened"?

"H" got really angry and said, "My wife and your wife decided to buy those God damn edible undies, and I had a damn reaction to them".

"Stella", you were part of this"?

"No", I just mentioned to Calleigh about how much you like them and, *giggle*. we thought she should, *giggle*, try them with "H".

All of a sudden Marisol yelled out, "KIDS IN THE ROOM", "EWWWWWW".

""Sorry, said Calleigh. "Handsome, what do you want to eat"?

"Just some coffee", thanks. "Stop staring Mac, before I plow you".

*laughing* God "H", I'm sorry", I can't help it, you like your lips got sucked by a vacumn". *howling*

Everyone started laughing with Mac's crack.

"I'm going to work said "H", I'll be home late", looking at everyone he said "Not a word"! as he stormed out of the house.

"Hold up "H", I need a ride", said Eric.

After "H" left, everyone didn't know what to say, until Lindsay said....

"Do you think he's pissed"? and everyone started laughing all over again.

Once Eric and "H" got the Lab, Ryan came running up to "H" and upon seeing his lips, stared in shock.

"What the hell "H", you look like......

"Never mind what I look like, what do you need"?

"Johnny Nixxon, is here with his lawyer, he's filing a complaint against you and Eric for having him followed".

"Well then, let's go see Johnny, said "H".

As they walked towards the room, Ryan asked Eric what happened to "H".

"What the hell happened to "H", asked Ryan.

"Edible panties, said Eric, *smirking*

Ryan laughed and laughed. "Oh my God", that's to funny".

"H" turned around and said, "Anymore laughing Ryan and you're fired", said "H".

"You must be Johnny's lawyer"? what can I do for you"? said "H".

"You can stay away from my client for starters". "I've already filed a complaint".

"Well, it's like this, said "H", "When Johnny stops following my CSI Delko around, I'll stop following him around".

"It doesn't work that way, said the Lawyer. "I've been hired to protect my client".

"It's obvious Sir, that Johnny didn't tell you everything"?

"What's that supposed to mean, Lt.Caine"?

"Well, Delko put a bond on Nixxon yesterday morning before his release, for him to stay 50 feet away from my CSI Delko".

"Is this true Johnny"? asked his Lawyer.

"Yes, but, it's just.......

"Then I'm sorry Mr.Nixxon, I can't represent you on any complaint made to this department, as the Lawyer got up and left.

"H" looked at Johnny, and said.

"You have 5 seconds to remove yourself from this building, then I'm arresting you for being within 50 feet".

"This isn't over", said Johnny as he left.
"What do you think "H", asked Eric, "Should I be worried"?

"I'm not sure Eric, but I do this much, as long as I'm alive and breathing, I will protect you".

"Thanks "H", "I'm really touched to hear that".

"Alway's Eric, Alway's. "Now let's go see your sister and my wife's grave".

As the left Miami-Dade together, Johnny was following behind .

When Eric and "H" got to Marisol's grave, they both placed a single rose in her little vase that sat atop her stone.

"I still miss her "H", it's hard to believe she's been gone for 16 years".

"I know Eric, I still remember her smile", said "H" as he caressed her etched stone with his fingers.

"We should go Eric, and we'll come back on Christmas Day".

"I know "H", "I still can't believe how beautiful Calleigh keeps her site".

"I can Eric, that's one of the many things I love about her, her giving nature".

As Eric and "H" got back to the Hummer, the tires were flat.

"Well"! said "H", It looks like Johnny has been here".

"I'll call for a tow", said Eric.

While they waited, "H" called Calleigh and told her he and Eric would be late, due to the flat tires. Once they were picked up , "H" told the guy to drop them off at Miami-Dade Crime Lab.

"Hey "H", Eric"! what are you guy's doing back here"? asked Natalia.

"Our tires were flatened, so we had to get a tow and pick up another Hummer", said Eric.

"Okay, I'll see you guys in two weeks, I'm heading home for Christmas".

"great, have fun Natalia", said Eric.

Once they had the Hummer, they headed home.

"Dad"! called Marisol, your lips look better". "Kisses please Uncle Eric".

Eric said to Marisol, "I'll never tire of hearing it Mari" , as he kissed her face.

"Hi sweetheart", said Calleigh. "Oh! you look much better Handsome". "You can kiss me now if you want", she said teasing.

"I'll kiss you alright, said "H". Grabbing Calleigh in his arms, he picked her up and bit her smack dab on her butt".

"Oww!!! "You demon", you devil"!! yelled Calleigh.

"Payback for this morning love", said "H" laughing. "Now give me those beautiful lips".

As "H" passionately kissed Calleigh, Marisol and Uncle Eric made uckie faces, and left the room.
ROFL...Especially the last line :D

H must now kill whatshisname...he has damaged the sacred Hummer of Justice! lol
Once everything had settled for the night, Mac, "H" stayed up to discuss what to do about Johnny Nixxon. while Eric headed home with HJr to check on his apartment.

"Hey Uncle Eric, how come this guy hates you so much"?

"It goes back a long way, back to when Marisol was alive". "You remember how we discussed she had Cancer"?

"Yeah, I remember that".

"While she was in alot of pain, so I had to buy her weed to medicate her pain". While the one day Johnny got arrested and he brought up my name and told your dad and Frank that I bought drugs from him". "Needless to say he got put away, and for some reason he has it in for me".

"Are you worried Uncle Eric"?

"NO"! "I have your dad and the team behind me, so I don't worry to much".

"You have me too Uncle Eric"?

"I know that HJr, and that makes me feel even more safe".

It was understandable to HJr why Eric felt safe around him, he had already completed 3 consecutive levels of Black Belts in Karate, Jujitsu, Taek-won-do and Kick boxing. Also going to the gun range with his mom every chance he got would make the meanest criminal feel safe. Then there was his looks, every expression, look, stare, anger, temper, reeked of his father, along with 6ft2 height , toned body and two battle scares from being stabbed and shot.

Once they arrived at Eric's apartment, everything looked to be secure in place.

"Everything looks good Uncle Eric, and I see the two officers from the window".

"Okay HJr, lets get back".

As they were driving down the road, they seen a car speeding towards them.

"Stop Uncle Eric, pull over and just stop, we'll see what he does".

"Hjr and Eric pullled over to the side of the road, as the other car just sat there behind them. Picking up his phone, HJr called Miami-Dade Police Dept to send out a unit. Once the car heard the unit approaching, he sped off.

"Did you get the plate number"? asked HJr.

"No, he took off to fast", said Eric.

After they had explained everything to the officers they headed home.

"Dad"! yelled HJr. "We ran into that Nixxon character again". "He tried to run us off the road".

"We know, Frank already called us when he heard from Officer Williams".

"What are we going to do about this idiot Dad, we need to catch him before christmas which is in two days".

"I know son, we'll get him don't worry".
With everyone settled down watching movies, "H" went in search of his wife.

After looking for what seemed an eternity, he found her in the Laundry room. Sneaking up behind her he grabbed her and she almost screamed, but "H" covered her mouth.

"Shhh!!! listen love, don't say a word", spread em, I need to search you".

Calleigh felt flutters between her legs and he hadn't even started yet.

"Easy love", I just need to explore you for weapons, stay still".

"Handsome, please", she whispered.

"Horatio could see Calleigh was more then ready, as he removed her panties, he leaned her over the machine and gave her what she begged for, his love.

Just as they were re dressing HJr came downstairs and seen the tail end of their play.

"Oh for God sakes you guys, isn't 5 of us enough, grow up before I put you both on Wild Kingdom".

"You know HJr", I think I liked it better when you kids were younger".

"Why is that dad"?

"Because, you never talked back".

Calleigh laughed, as HJr and "H" headed upstairs to watch what was left of the movie.

While everyone was watching the movie, Stella began to have cramps.

"Stella"? "You okay love"? you like you're in pain", said Mac.

"I'm fine Mac, just a few cramps Mac". "They'll pass". "I think I'll go up and get ready for bed though".

"Okay love, "I'll come with you".

After they excused themselves from company, Mac and Stella went to bed.
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