CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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After everyone went home, "H" stayed with his son.

"Hjr, how you really feeling son"?

HJr started to tear up, he was in alot of pain, with everything tightening up.

"I'm hurting dad, really bad". "I don't mean to cry".

"It's okay son, you don't have to be strong now, it's just you and I here".

Horatio called for the nurse.

:"What 's the problem love, asked the nurse.

"I'm in alot of pain", said Hjr.

"The nurse checked his chart, and seen he hadn't had anything since this morning.

"Oh my said the nurse, I'll get you something right away".

The nurse came back with some Morphine.

"Okay love, this will make you sleepy, so no running around the room", laughed the nurse.

"Thank-you nurse, said "H".

"You're welcome, and you must be his dad"?

"I am, yes", said "H". "The looks gave it away"?

"That and also, your son speakes very highly about you, you are very lucky to be admired like that".

"I'm the one that's lucky, to have the beautiful family I have".

"Nice, said the nurse. "If you need anything else, call".

"We will, thanks again".

After the nurse left "H" climbed in beside his son, who was fighting sleep.

"Just let it take you son", said "H". as he put his arm around him and held him close, while HJrs tears dropped onto his shirt.

A short time later, HJr feel asleep in his dad's arms.

(Back at the Caine's)

"What would you girls like for supper"? asked Calleigh.

"Can we order out mom, maybe pizza or something"?

"I guess we could do that, stella should I order the wings again, The ones you are crazy over"?

"Oh!! yes please, they are yummy".

Once Calleigh placed the order, the girls picked out a movie.

"Pretty Woman" mom, and then "The Bodyguard" if we have time".

"Sounds good to me". "I'll be back as soon as I put Destinee down".

Once Calleigh returned the girls turned on the movie. As the doorbell rang with the pizza.

"Hello, said Calleigh, there you go, have a good night".

"Thanks, you too".

As they ate pizza and watched the movie, Mac came back from visiting Hawkes.

"Oh no, not girls night"? said Mac as he reached for some pizza.

"Quiet Taylor or we will tie you to the chair and make you watch, said Calleigh.

"Ooohh!!! tie me , tie me,"?

"You are bad Mac", laughed Stella.

"Ewwww!!!!!! kids in the room, gross, to much info", said Marisol.

"WaaaaaWaaaaa!!!!!! I'll be back said Calleigh, Destinee awaits".

Everyone laughed, that has to be the best name you could have chosen", said Mac.
6 weeks later

"H", you ready to go pick up HJr"? asked Eric.

"Yeah"! I'll be right there".

As "H" came down the stairs he had Destinee with him.

"What's going on "H"? asked Eric.

"Calleigh and Stella have plans with the girls, so I'm taking care of Destinee".

"Okay, then let's go", said Eric.

When they got to the Hospital, HJr was talking to a Candy Striper, she was very pretty with blonde hair and blue eyes. "H" and Eric could tell he was enjoying her company.

"What have you been teaching him Eric"? asked "H".

Eric laughed, because there wasn't one nurse there he hadn't hit on.

"Nothing "H", I swear". said Eric.

"Good morning Son, you ready to go"?

"Oh hey dad yeah", this is Cindy, we go to the same High School, she's a senior too".

"It's very nice to meet you Cindy, I'm ..........

"I know who you are Cindy interrupted. "You're Lt. Caine, and you're Eric Delko".

"How did you know who I was Cindy"? asked "H".

"Everyone know's who you are, If it wasn't for you and your team, our streets wouldn't be as safe as they are".

"Why thank-you Cindy, that's a very lovely comment". "Now"! "How do you know Delko"?

"H" knew the answer he was going to get, would have to do with the nurses.

"I know Delko from all the nurses, he's dated almost all them".

Horatio and HJr laughed.

"Very funny "H", said Eric.

"Anyway's I have rounds to do", It was nice to meet you in person Lt.Caine", said Cindy. "HJr, give me a call before summer is over and we'll get together".

As she walked away Eric said.... "Wow, good job HJr, she's a beauty".

"She is that Uncle Eric, but Claire is more beautiful". "Let's go dad".

"H" smiled all the way home, because he realized he had set perfect value's in his son, and nothing could make a father prouder.

When they got home HJr asked where everyone was.

"The girl's are having a Spa day because Grandpa has the boy's".

"Oh!!! So what are us men going to do"?

"Well your sixteen now, how about we go sign you up for Driving Lesson's", said "H"

"Really"! "Awesome Dad, let's go".

After Mac, "H", HJr left the girls came home with their new make overs

"Well that figures say's Calleigh, we come home all pretty and the guy's aren't here". "besides that HJr should be resting".

"Mom, said Claire, summer vacation is almost over, and you still haven't told me whether or not I can stay here and go too school".

"Oh, that's right", We will all talk about it after supper tonight", Okay Claire".

"Sure mom".
Glad he's home safe :) More soon!

ETA: There should be a scene where H either gets HJr his own SoJs or where H passes on his. lol "I now give you the sacred Sunglasses of Justice, my son...You must only use their powers for good..." Sorry, I did that once in the ship thread and couldn't resist repeating it
I'll be sure to do that when he graduates. :lol:

That night after dinner, Claire, HJr, "H", Calleigh, Stella, Mac all sat around to discuss Claire's schooling.

"Okay, Claire, said Mac. "At this time your mom and I don't think it's a good idea for this to happen". "We feel you are to young to be away from us so long".

"But dad"!!!!!! "That's not fair, I should be allowed to make my choice's".

"Claire bear, you are only going to be 14 and that's to young to be away from us".

"I'm not understanding Dad, "Don't you trust Uncle and Auntie"?

"Of course I do love, but we all feel this is to big of a leap for you and for us".

"What about you HJr, how do you feel about this"? asked Claire.

"Listen Claire, I love you so much, but I also feel it's not a good time". "I'm going to be so busy this year, with all my school work, sports and activities", I won't even have time to spend with you". "Everything will be work, school, bed".

"I can't believe this HJr, even you don't this".

"Claire I'd love nothing more then to have you here, but it's just not the right time, I just have to much on my plate this year".

"Whatever, thanks for the back-up".

"You're acting very childish Claire, said HJr, "I'm not doing this to hurt you".

"Of course not HJr, "I understand , now if you will excuse me".

Claire got up and left the room".

"I'm sorry dad, Uncle Mac, this should have never even been brought up". "I really had no clue she wanted to be here".

"I know HJr, it's not your fault, she's trying to grow up, way too quickly".

"I have an idea, said Calleigh, "What about if she comes here on holiday's, excluding christmas because we are always together anyway, and stay's with us".

"That's an idea, said Mac, "Let's go talk to her about that Stella".

Once everything was discussed with Claire, she was okay with the arrangements they had made.

4 months later

"Hawkes and Alexx had their second child named Sheldon Stephan Hawkes Jr.

Marisol had found a new love, and Claire and HJr were still going strong.

The Taylor's and Caines reunited for Christmas, Stella had about two weeks to go before she gave birth. That is until Mac and "H", would have to save Eric's life before Johnny Nixon, Delko's old Dealer gets out and decides to extract revenge on Eric.
All this and more on the next Crossover
It was three weeks before Christmas and the Taylor's would be arriving soon. The Caine house was full of visitor's and Eric had decided to stay with "H" and Calleigh instead of going home.

"Eric"! said Calleigh, we've prepared the one of he guest room's for you beside HJr's room".

"Thanks Calleigh for allowing me to stay here over christmas, I just didn't feel like going home".

"No thanks needed Eric, you are family and you always have a home here".

"Thanks Calleigh", said Eric as he embraced her.

"Mom, yelled Claire. "Can you grab Destinee, she keeps trying to grab the ornaments", said Cody.

"I'll be right there Cody".

Destinee had just turned 8 months and was crawling her way into everything within her reach.

"I'll grab her Calleigh", said Eric.

"Thanks Eric, "God she's a handful".

(knock, knock)

"Calleigh"!!! said Stella, as she embraced her in a big hug.

"Oh my God Stella, look at you all ready to burst".

"Tell me about it, I feel like the Good Year Blimp". *laughing*

"Where is HJr, I know he was excited about picking you guy's up in his new car".

"He's out their with Claire and Mac, showing him all his new toy's".

"Hi Arthur, Macster, Kenya, go on in , Eric, and Cody have been waiting for you".

"Calleigh my love", don't you look beautiful", said Mac.

"Yeah, whatever Mac, "No"!!! you can't have the new car".

"But Calleigh, you know how much I love the red sports".

"Yeah", and so did Handsome's pocket book". "Maybe if you ask him he'll let you drive it".

"Ooohh!!! "Where is the old man"? said Mac laughing.

"He's at Miami-Dade, closing a case, he should be home anytime".

"A case this time of day"?

"Yeah! some small time drug dealer named Johnny Nixxon get's released, and "H" wants to make sure he stay's away from Eric".

"Eric"!! "Why"? asked Mac.

"Oh it goes way back , needless to stay, Eric had to put him away, with "H"s help".

"Great just what we need, that Taylor/Caine Curse coming back".

Calleigh started laughing because everytime something happened they were always together, so they started calling it the Taylor/Caine Curse.

"I'm sure there won't be a problem, but just in case, "H" is warning him".
lol at the blimp comment :) Wait until Destinee is like one and a half or two and Mac's baby is crawling around...that'll be even more fun lol
(Knock, knock)

"Hey Hawkes"!! said Mac, Merry Christmas", how the hell are you"?

"Great Mac". "Oh my Stella, look at you all glowing in motherhood beauty".

"Awww!! thanks Sheldon, where is Alexx"?

"She had one more DB to process, and then she's on her way".

"Hey Sheldon, said Calleigh, where is Alexx"?

"She's processing one more body, and then she'll be here".

"Oh, okay"! "Come here Sheldon Jr". "My God he is so beautiful", said Calleigh. "You kids can go into the den, everyone is in there".

"MOM!!!!!!!! yelled Cody, "Destinee is pulling things off the tree again".

"Okay Cody, I',m coming". "Any one want a child"? said Calleigh laughing. "I really named her wrong, I should have called her Disaster instead of Destinee".

"Come on mom"!! Put her to bed or something, she's annoying".

"I remember someone else, being just as annoying a few years back".

"Sorry Mom". "It's just she won't leave anything alone".

"That's because she's curious, and this is her first christmas".

Calleigh took Destinee away from the tree and sat her in her playpen.

"There, now everyone should be fine, I need to go get the cookies decorated".

"Can we help Mom"? "Yeah, me too Auntie".

"Sure, let's go".

As the kids and Calleigh started the cookies, "H" and Alexx came home.

"Hey there's the man", said Mac. "It's about time, I seen your new toy in the front drive way", how about we go for a spin and pick up mine".

"Yeah, dream on Mac". "That just about broke my pocket book".

"I bet"!! "So let's go". "Come on Sheldon, Eric, let's go".

After the men had left, the girls caught up on old times.
As they were driving down the Miami shores, they stopped to grab something to drink. Walking into the store Eric seen Johnny sitting across the street staring at him.

"H"! said Eric. "Isn't that Johnny across the street"?

When "H" and Mac looked over they couldn't see anyone.

"Were Eric"? asked "H".

"Never mind, I must be seeing things", said Eric.

After they left the store and headed back home, Eric seen him again.

"There "H", in that grey car".

I see him, said "H", let's get you guy's back to the house and I'll go have another visit with Johnny".

Once "H" got them back to the house, he called Frank and told him to bring in Johnny.


"Johnny"! said "H", "What di I tell you today about bothering my CSI Delko"?

"Eh! I'm not doin nothin wrong man", you have no right to drag me in here".

"Oh! but that's were you're wrong son", I have every right while you're in Miami". "So I'll warn you one last time, "Stay away from my CSI", or else you'll deal with me".

"Is that a threat, officer"? asked Johnny.

Turning to the side, "H" slipped on his sunnies and turned his head and said..

"That's a promise" , as he walked out of the room.

As he walked down the hall he asked Frank to keep a couple officers on his tail at all times. After Frank agreed, "H" headed back home.

"Oh! Frank, before I forget", are you stopping by later for the party"?

"Yeah! I'll be there", give me an hour".

Back at the house everyone had arrived, including Danny and Lindsay with their son.

"Hey guy's, Merry Christmas ya'll", said Calleigh.

"You too, said Danny. "Hey, Hawkes man, how goes it"?

"Well look here, is the new Messer addition"?

"That it is, and where is yours"?

"Up having a nap, Calleigh set up a beautiful area for the babies with cribs and all".

"Come on Lindsay, let's get you upstairs and settled".

"Are you sure this isn't to much trouble"? "We could stay with Hawkes and Alexx".

"That would be kinda hard Lindsay".

"Why is that"?

"Well over christmas I love to have everyone together in the home, family is very important". "So Alexx and Sheldon are staying here too".

"Wow, you have a house full", said Lindsay smiling.

"Alway's, we have my dad, "H", Mac, Eric, Ryan,Hawkes,Flack, Danny, Stella, Alexx, the you, all 12 kids plus one on the way, and Frank is stopping by later".

Lindsay laughed in shock, so many people in one home truely amazed her. She could just imagine how many turkey's they would have to cook.
Yeah! there is Stella and Calleigh's 9 kids, Alexx's 3 is makes 12 kids in total plus one on the way :lol: :lol: :lol:

By the time "H" got home, all the younger kids were in bed.

"Hey dad, said "HJR. "It's about time you got back".

"I know, damn that Johnny character and his games".

"H" and HJr had become very close, and "H" would talk to his son about his cases from time to time.

"Do you think he'll try and hurt Uncle Eric"?

"It's a possibility son, we'll have to keep a good eye on him". "I have two officers following Johnny for now".

"Hey Handsome it's about time you got home", said Calleigh as she kissed him.

"Hi sweetheart", has everyone settled in"?

"Yeah, the babies are asleep, the older kids are playing video games, and Marisol isn't home yet from Peter's".

"She's cutting it close, it's almost 10pm".

"I know that Handsome", she also know's if she is late once more she's grounded for 2 weeks".

"If she's not home by 10pm dad, I'll go to Peter's and get her".

"Thank-you son, that would be great".

At that moment Marisol walked in the door.

"You're cutting it close young lady, 2 more minutes".

"Relax dad, I'm home on time". "Is everyone here"?

"Almost, except for Tripp, he hasn't shown up yet".

"He shouldn't be to much longer love, he just had to arrange for a couple of Uniforms to follow Johnny".

(Knock, knock)

"Hey Frank, said Calleigh, Merry christmas".

"You too Calleigh", HJr, how you doing"?

"Great, thanks Frank, come on in, everyones here".

As they all sat around talking bout old times, Johnny had evaded the cops and was heading to Delko's place, to ramsack it".

As Johnny got near Delko's apartment, he seen the officer's sitting in the squad car. Knowing there was nothing he could do tonight, he went to the bar and drank, while trying to score some drugs.

With the Caine house in silence for the night, Calleigh had a new sexy elf outfit, she was going to put on for "H" tonight.

The little outfit barely covered her bottom area, and the panties were fully edible, green mint to be exact. After she was ready she hid in the closet until "H" came out of the bathroom.

"Calleigh , called "H" from the washroom, I need you to bring me another towel please". "Calleigh"? "Calleigh", "For goodness sakes where the hel........... "SALUTE", "ALL AT ATTENTION".

"Hey Handsome"! said Calleigh, standing there in her little elf outfit

Looking down, Calleigh smiled, she knew damn well that was the right choice, and so did Mr. Kong.

"Good God Calleigh"!, "I smell mint"?

As he did his best to walk, as he neared her he started to smell her all over.

"Mmmm!!! "Oh my Calleigh", .

Poor Calleigh was wishing he'd hurry and attack, because Stella had been right, the damn panties did melt if left on to long.

"Screw this"!!!! said Calleigh.

And she tore away "H"s towel and attacked him.

"Christ Calleigh, slow down love, oh yeah, that's the, God help me ,CALLEIGH!!!!!!!!!!!

"SHhhh!!! you'll wake the house".

"H" had finally regained his senses and picked Calleigh up and leaned her against the dresser, were he melted the panties clean of her.

Later that night, "H" woke up and his lips felt funny. Heading into the bathroom, he checked his lips and found them Swollen and red.

"Calleigh"!!! "H" screamed, come here".

As she went into the bathroom , she seen "H"s lips all swollen and red.

"What the hell happened"?

"I don't know, they burn like hell". "Go get Alexx and Sheldon".

Once Alexx and Sheldon arrived, they tried not to laugh, poor "H" had looked like Donald Duck, his lips were that swollen.

"Oh, poor baby, what did you eat"? asked Alexx.

"Nothing Alexx", I just got up".

""H", said Sheldon, that's a severe allergic reaction to something". "You must have eaten something"?

"H" wasn't about to tell them he had eaten the panties off Calleigh, so Calleigh told it for him.

"Alexx", said Calleigh. "He may have been allergic to the ediible mint panties I bought for a surprise".

Hawkes eyes were bugged out, as if to say, lucky man "H".

"That will do it baby, said Alexx. "Hawkes stop gawking and go the car and get my kit, I have Epinephrine in their, I'll give him a shot now, and one later".

As Hawkes went down to the car, Calleigh tried not to laugh.

"It's not funny Calleigh, I look like Donald Duck for Christ sakes".

"Don't worry baby, said Alexx, most of the swelling will be gone by morning". "Poor boy, no more edible panties, okay"?

"Alexx, said "H", please keep this quiet".

"Of course baby, I wouldn't tell", as she stuck him with the needle.

"H" thought he was in the clear, but little did he not know, Calleigh would say something to Stella about those damn undies.
HAHAHAHAHA lol this is just to funny!!
i can imagine H with swollen lips and its just to hilarious!:lol::p
thats what happens when you play naughty!:devil:
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