CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Darn, must've missed that part...sometimes I wind up reading fast if I'm at work or something. Thanks for pointing it out.
"So what do you think stella"? asked Mac.

"I think it's an aweful long time for a thirteen year old to be away from us". "Maybe we should share this with "H" and Calleigh and see how they feel".

Once they were settled in the living room, Stella and Mac explained the situation.

"Okay, Claire wants to stay in Miami and go too school with "HJr and Marisol". "I'm not to keen on the idea, and either is Stella". "What do you think about it"?, asked Mac.

"Well, I myself, thinks she is much to young too be away from you and Stella for that length of time, it's going to be alot of stress". "Also this is Hjr's last year of High School". "Then more and likely he'll be off to College or University". Though Marisol has another two years", said "H".

"Regardless of the years Handsome, I really don't think it's a good idea at all". "She is way to young, and I know I wouldn't let my child go across state either", said Calleigh.

"I know you're right Calleigh, said Stella, but how do we make Claire understand"?

"One step at a time, we just have to let her know we are not being mean, that we only care about her and her future". "With time and patients she'll understand".

"Okay then it's settled said Mac, "Now when do we tell her, and who"?

"How about to be fair we all talk to her together". "I'll also speak with HJr and see how he felt about the idea, because if he's against it too, then he would most likely be the one who could make her understand", said Calleigh.

"You're right Calleigh", said Mac.

"I'll talk to HJr now and will let you know how he feels in a few minutes", said Calleigh.

"Okay sweetheart, good luck". said "H".

Walking upstairs Calleigh could hear HJr shuffeling things in his room.

"HJr, it's mom, can I come in for a minute"?

"Sure mom, what's up"?

"Listen HJr, do you know anything about Claire wanting to live here in September"?

"No mom, I had no idea", she's never said anything about it too me, maybe that's why she's been so quiet today".

"Well, how do you feel about love, if she did stay with us for the school year"?

"I don't know mom, isn't she just a little young to be away from Uncle and Auntie for that length of time"? Also, I'm really busy this school year with all activities I've got planned, plus the football and baseball teams. "I won't even have time for recreation this year, which means she may become upset, because I don't have time to spend with her", and that kind of stress I don't need".

"How did you get so smart"?

"Well that's easy mom, you and dad, you're 16 years rubbed off, which Is why I will make a great CSI in a few years".

"So you are planning to become one".

"Of course mom, it's in our blood". "Beside's we just like to tease dad, he's an easy target when it comes to us kids".

"You're a demon, but I still love you".

"I love you too mom".

After talking to HJr, Calleigh felt better, as she headed downstairs.

"Well, any luck"? said "H".

"Yes actually, "HJr, doesn't think it's a good idea either". "He say's he has to much going on this year, and no time for recreation ". "He's concerned Claire may become upset if he doesn't spend time with her".

"Alright then, I guess we'll talk to her in the morning".
In the morning HJr had left early to pick up his uniform for baseball. As he walked around the corner, he got jumped by Jason and two of his friends. As strong as HJr was he managed to take them all down but Jason, who pulled out a knife and stabbed HJr through his chest. Jason took off after realizing what he had done leaving HJr fighting for his life. As the Ambulance and Paramedics arrived, HJr had lost alot of blood and was gurggling through his throat. When Eric and Tripp showed up they seen it was HJr.

"Oh christ, I'll call "H" said Tripp, and you go with HJr to the Hospital".

(Phone rings)

"Caine"! said "H".

"Yeah "H", it's Tripp, you need to get too Miami General, HJr has been stabbed in the chest".

"What". "when"?

"Just now, we have two of the boy's who were with this Jason kid, the one that stabbed HJr".

"JASON", that's Marisol's old boyfriend, him and HJr had a confrontation yesterday". "Okay, thanks Tripp".

"Sweetheart, come here now"! "Listen love we need to get too Miami General now, HJr has been stabbed by Jason".

"What"? "NO not HJr, said Calleigh.

"Yes, come on love, Eric is with him".

"Mom, is HJr gonna be okay"?

"Of course he is Marisol", "he will be".

After "H" and Calleigh left for the Hospital, Mac and Stella, tried to keep the kids calm.


"Eric, how is he. how's HJr"? asked Calleigh.

"I'm not sure yet, he's lost alot of blood, and may have punctured a lung, with the gurggling I heard".

"God, how does this happen"? "What the hell is wrong with kids today"?

"Try and calm down Calleigh, Jason is in custody, we have him".

"Excuse me Lt. Caine"?

"Yes, how is he doctor"?

"He's very lucky, a little more to the left and he'd not have survived". "He's lost alot of blood and is still having trouble breathing on his own". "So please don't be shocked with how he look's, he just needs a little extra help until his lung heals".

"Thank you Doctor, for everything". said "H".

"You're welcome", don't stay to long".

As they walked into HJr's room, he was awake, but unable to talk".

"Hi Son, how are you "?

"HJr turned his head, as he started to tear up.

"It's okay to cry Son", said "H". "Are you in pain"?

Shakes his head , "NO".

HJr was getting frustrated with the tube, everytime he tried to talk it felt like it was gagging him.

"Okay, son, try not to talk for now, I'll get you some paper and a pen, and you can write".

While "H" went to get some paper and pen, Calleigh called Mac and Stella.

"Hi he's awake, but incapable of speaking right now, he has a punctured left lung, any closer to the left, the doctor said he wouldn't have survived". "They have him hooked up to a ventelator to help him breath". "I'll be home shortly, but I think "H" is staying for the night".

"Did they get Jason"?, asked Stella.

"Yeah they got him in custody", I'll see you soon". "BYE".
Once "H" got back with the paper and pen, HJr was sleeping, holding Calleigh's hand.

"Our you going to stay with him tonight Handsome"?

"Yes, I'll stay love, you need to be with Destinee to feed her, and the kids need one of us home. They are most likely terrified".

Once Caleigh kissed HJr good-bye Eric drove her home.

"Would you like me to come in Calleigh"?

"No that's okay Eric, thanks though".

As soon as Calleigh entered the door, Marisol and the kids came running.

"Mom, how is he, is he okay"? asked Marisol.

"Yes, love he'll be fine, where is Uncle Mac and Aunt Stella"?

"Auntie was really upset, and Uncle Mac made her lay down because of the baby". Then Uncle Mac, had to tend to Claire, because she was freaking out".

"Mom, how bad was HJr hurt"? asked Eric.

"Pretty bad sweetie, but he's going to be fine, Dad stayed with him".

"We called Granpa, he said he was going right to the Hospital", and Hawkes and Alexx are on their way over".

"Okay, thank you guy's for keeping it all together". "I need to sit down for a minute".

"You okay Mom"? asked Marisol..

"I will be love, just give me some time".

Once the kids settled down, they went and played games, while Calleigh finally broke down and cried.

"Calleigh, come here love, said Mac.

Calleigh walked over and allowed Mac to hold her tight while she cried.

"It's okay, Calleigh, let it out, the kids aren't here , so you don''t need to be strong".

Mac kept trying to keep his feelings in check, after almost 16 yrs the flame from that one night in Miami kept creeping in. Mac thought to himself, "Damn them both for that night in the Lab when they were working on the Darius case together".

Calleigh was having trouble with her own needs too, she also remembered that night all to well, including Mac's stamina and kinkiness.

Rubbing her back, he asked her, "You okay now Calleigh"?

"Yeah, thanks Mac".

"Alway's Calleigh, "now how is he"?

"The doctor said he'll be fine in time. He punctured his left lung, and still has the breathing tube in for a while until it heals".

At that moment the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it Mom", said Marisol. "Hi Alexx, hi Hawkes come on in".

Calleigh"! how are you sweetheart, asked Alexx.

"Better thank you, how are you feeling"?

"Never mind me honey, tell me what the doctor said"?

"He said that HJr will be fine with time, he punctured his left lung, and still has the breathing tube, to help him breath".

"Is "H" with him"? asked Alexx.

"Yeah, he'll be staying for the night". said Calleigh.

"They have this Jason character in custody right"?

"Yes, they got him about 20 minute's after the stabbing". "There was three of them, Hjr had taken down the two, and would have handled Jason fine, but he pulled out a knife and stabbed him".

"All this over a punch in the mouth,"? said Hawkes.

"It wasn't just a punch, said Mac proudly, he socked him so hard he knocked out two teeth", which Calleigh and "H", have to pay the dental bill for".

"Jesus calleigh, what have you been teaching the boy"? asked Alexx.

Everyone laughed about the comment, which helped to lighten the atmosphere.
After a nice long visit, Calleigh called "H" to get an update on HJr.

"Hi sweetheart", "How's he feeling"?

"A little better Calleigh, he's still sleeping, but that's because the doctor gave him something for the pain".

"How is Destinee and the kids"?

"They're all okay, I sent them all home with my dad, except for Destinee of course, because I need to feed her". "I miss you love".

"I miss you too sweetheart", I'll see you in the morning okay"?

"Okay, goodnight".

"Was that "H", asked Mac.

"Yeah, he say's "HJr is doing a little better". "I'm going to head up to bed, I'll see you in the morning Mac".

Just as Calleigh headed up, Stella was coming down.

"You okat Calleigh"? asked Stella.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think some sleep will help". "It's hard the first few day's to get use too this Miami weather again".

After Calleigh left Stella asked where the kids were.

"Honey where are all the kids"?

"Calleigh's dad took them all for the night".

"Oh my"! "He's a brave soul, 8 kids running around, but I guess Marisol and Claire will help him".

"So what do you want to do, since we are all alone"? asked Stella.

Mac looked at Stella with that look that screamed "SEX"!!!!!!

"No Mac", not tonight, I still haven't recovered from massage last night, 90% of those area's are still very sensitive". said Stella laughing.

"Okay love, let's go watch a movie, and I'll massage the tummy for our baby".

Stella looked at Mac and knew, they would be doing more then the movie.

In the morning Calleigh packed up Destinee and went to the Hospital to see HJr.

"Hi Handsome, how is he"?

"Not to bad love, a little restless, they said they would try and remove the tube today".

"Hi Destinee love, come here to Daddy".

As "H" took his daughter, Calleigh walked over to see HJr.

"Hey Handsome, how you feeling love"?

HJr grabbed the paper and pen and told his mom, he was feeling a little better and that he loved her.

"I love you too Son", said Calleigh.

At that moment the doctor came in.

"Good morning Mr. & Mrs.Caine", "HJr, you ready to try and remove that annoying tube"?

"HJr shook his head yes. As the doctor slid up the tube, he told HJr to take a deep breath and hold it. As soon as the tube came out, Hjr, started to gasp.

"Listen to me Hjr, I need you to slow down and take big deep breath's, that's it son, nice slow and deep".

The nurse gave Hjr a small nose tube, to help him breath a little easier.

"There we go HJr, how does it feel now"?

"A little better, but it hurts to breath deep".

"It will for a while until your lung fully heals". "I'll come by and check on you later".

"Thank-you doctor", said Calleigh.

"You're welcome, he's a strong boy".
Calleigh and "H" stayed with "HJr" for most of the day.

"Okay son, your mom and I are going to go home", Uncle Eric is coming to stay with you".

*whispering* "Okay Dad, I love you both".

"We love you too son".

Just as they were heading out the door, "H" told Eric no nurses tonight".

"Behave yourself Eric", said "H".

"I alway's do, don't I "HJr"?

Now HJr still remembered the last time Eric stayed with him, when he was in the hospital and he knew damn well that Eric would be out in the hall most of the night".

Once Calleigh and "H" were on their to her dad's , "H" asked Calleigh if she remembered that tree from thie first day out. Giggling she replied?

"Of course I do, How could I forget". "You and I made love in the Hummer".

"That's right love", let's pull over".

""H" pulled the Hummer behind their tree and pulled Calleigh towards him.

"What if the baby wakes up", said Calleigh in a breathless whisper.

"As long as you don't scream love, she'll be fine".

"I don't scream", said Calleigh. "Do I"?

"All the time love, that's one of the things I love about you, is your little pet sounds you make when we are making love".

Pulling Calleigh onto his lap, he showed her just how much he made her scream, and through all the noise Destinee slept soundly.

After 40 minutes of Hummer fun, sex, and Calleigh's covered screams , they dressed and went to get the kids.

"Hey Dad"! "How are the kids"? asked "H".

"They are great son", and how is my HJr"?

"He's much better, they removed the tube yesterday". "Eric stayed with him last night".

"Good to here, Hello my Lambchop"!

"Hi Daddy", said Calleigh.

"Mom, mom, mom, Auntie, Uncle".

All the kids came running.

"Are you taking us home now Dad"? , asked Eric and Cody at the same time.

"Yes my son's"! "Is that okay"?

"Well, I guess so said Eric, but it's fun being with Grandpa, he tells the funniest stories about mom when she was little".

"Dad"!!!! what are you telling them"?

"Nothing bad my little Lambchop, not to worry".

Calleigh knew her dad was nortorious for telling stories about her.

"Let's go guy's, I need to check in at Miami-Dade".

"Auh!!! come on dad, can't we please stay another night"?

"I'm going to come home dad, said Marisol, "I'd like to go see HJr today".

"We can do that", said "H". "Okay, everyone who's coming home, lets go".

Once Calleigh and "H" left her dad's, with Marisol and Claire, he dropped them all off at home and went into Miami-dade.
When they got in the door Stella was just waking up.

"Hello sleepyhead", said Calleigh. "How you feeling today"?

"So tired Calleigh"! "I don't ever remember being this drained with the other four".

"Yeah"! "I felt the same way with Destinee, it's terrible getting old", laughed Calleigh.

"How about you sit, and I'll make you a nice country breakfast with lots of fresh fruit".

"Aww! Thank-you that would be wonderful".

"Mom, called Marisol, What time is dad picking us up to go see HJr"?

"I'm not sure love, whenever he's done at the Crime Lab".

At that moment a rock came flying through the window, missing Calleigh by a hairs inch.

"What the hell is this"? asked Calleigh.

"You're all evil, I will get you"? read Calleigh.

"I'll call Mac and "H", said Stella.

Once Mac, "H", and Eric got home, they looked over the rock and told Eric to get it back to the Lab for prints.

"Do you think it's from Jason's family"? asked Calleigh.

"I'm not sure", but we are going to find out". "Let's go Mac".

After they left Calleigh and the girls cleaned up the glass from thier front window.

(Jason's Home)

"Who is it"?, called a small voice.

"Miami-Dade Police Dept", open up please".

The door was opened by a child.

"Is your mommy or daddy home"? asked "H".

"Daddy's here", Daaaady!! "It's the Policemens".

As Jason's dad came to the door, he had the smell of Alchol all over him.

"What the hell do you want now"?

"I'm here about an incident that happened this morning, at the home of Lt.Caine".

"Oh yeah! well whatever he got is nothing compared to what should have been done".

Horatio took off his sunnies and looked into the guy's eyes.

"You sir, are treading on thin ground, I'm Lt.Caine and it was my son, your son stabbed".

"So you're Caine"! "Well here's some for you too".

As the father brought up his fist to punch "H", he missed by a mile and "H" took him down and arrested him. Just as they were loading him into the car a young girl came walking up the driveway.

"What are you doing to my dad"? yelled the girl.

"Come here child", said "H".

As the girl approached "H" seen the black paint on her finger's.

"Are you the young lady who threw the rock through my window"?

The girl looked at H" and started crying.

"I'm sorry, so sorry"! "But you took my brother away".

"I did yes", but only because he hurt someone very badly with a knife sweetheart".

"Eric"! called "H". "Take her and her little brother down to the station and get in touch with family services".

"You got it "H", said Eric.
Calleigh, Stella, and the girls headed over to the Hospital to see "HJr"

"Hjr, yelled Marisol, "I love you Hjr, I'm so sorry you got hurt, this is so my fault".

"Stop that Mari"! "It's not your fault, you couldn't have known he'd be so stupid".

"I know, but I hate seeing you like this".

"I'm fine Mari", "I love you little sister", please don't blame yourself".

After Hjr and Marisol embraced Claire walked over and climbed right in beside Hjr as she smacked a kiss on him in front of everyone.

"I love you Hjr, I'm glad you're okay".

"I love you too Claire", always".

Just then the doctor walked in.

"Well good afternoon, look at all the visitor's you have today HJr".

"I know, this is only part of our Taylor/Caine Clan".

"You mean there is more of you"?

"Yep"!! "There are 9 of us kids and one Aunt Stella has on the way will make 10".

"Wow, that's a very large family indeed".

"Yes it is doctor said HJr, and we are all going to be CSI's just like our parents, only we'll be unstoppable".

"HJr should have checked who was walking in, because "H" heard it all.

"Well I'll be sure to keep on extra staff, for all the patients you'll be sending my way", laughed the doctor.

"My son, is it true, you want to be like us, the next CSI's"?

"Of course dad, why do you think I keep myself in such active shape". "It's always been my dream to be just like you".

Horatio had tears in his eyes, out of anything his son could have said, he said to be just like him.

"Thank-you son, this is the proudest day of my life".

"Well said Calleigh, here is to the next generation of CSI's".
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