CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Patient's Mel. I've got like 5 stories going, If I end them to soon, I'll not be able to continue. You wouldn't want that would you? :lol:

Once they got into the Den, "H" found HJr and Eric playing the game system.

"HJr, Eric"?

"What dad, we're busy, not now okay", said HJr.

"Pardon me son, I don't think so".

Horatio walked over and turned off the game system.

"What the heck dad, come on".

"HJr, take your mouth upstairs now, you're grounded till I say otherwise".

"But dad, it's not right, I'm 16 in 3 weeks".

"What's not right, is you not allowing your youngest brother to play". "You're the oldest, you should know better".

"He's to young for Need for Speed dad".

"That's not the point, you could have helped him". "Now go to your room, or whoever's room you are staying in".

"Fine", said HJr as he went up the stairs.

"What is it with these kids today".

"Nothing Handsome, did you ever think it's just you being set in your way's, now you are getting older".

"Listen love, I'm not old , please allow me to prove it too you".

"H" picked up his wife and carried her upstairs into the bedroom, where he showed her exactly how young he was.

"Now"! What do you think about that, Bullet Girl".
*sighing* "I think you are still my favorite Bullet, and I hope you never stop shooting me. *sigh* *giggle*

"Mac, called Stella. Where did Calleigh go"?

"Horatio carried her upstairs, to prove to her he's not old".

"Wow, lucky Calleigh", said Stella. *wink*

"Get that look out of your eye love, the doctor told you no sex until your 2nd trimester".

"But Mac *bats eyes*, We can play".

Looking into his wife's eyes, he could feel the damn heat where it mattered,

Christ Stella, I'll never get enough of you, or that damn come get me look".

And Mac carried her upstairs, to play".
No, 1st trimester is 3month's. This is most likely the time to have a misscarrage.
2nd trimester, the chances become less.
3rd trimester is the last three months.

As you get older the risk becomes greater for misscarrage in your first trimester.

Hope that makes sense :confused: :lol:

In the morning, everyone was ready for another day.

"Dad, said Claire, It's only two day's till Grad, what's going to happen if you don't catch Shawn"?

"Don't worry love, your Uncle "H", Eric nor I will let anything happen to you. "You just go out with HJr and Claire, have some fun today".

"Okay Dad", said Claire.

"Calleigh"! said "H", where are you going sneaking out the door with Destinee"?

"We have a doctor's appointment this morning".

"I thought I was going to take you"?

"I can take us Handsome, you, Mac and Eric work on catching Shawn".

"Are you sure love"?

"Possitve, she said, as she kissed Horatio good-bye.

Once everything was in order, Mac, Eric and "H" headed out for another tiring day.

Okay guy's let's split up, we'll meet back here at 4pm, if anyone here's anything, we call, understood"?

"Yes Mac, now let's go".

As they split up eric took the Shelter's, and as he came across the one that was near were yesterday's event took place, Eric see Shawn sitting in the corner. Eric knew if he called Mac or "H", he could leave before they got there. So Eric decided to capture him his way. He knew Shawn had never seen him, so he crossed the street and approched him.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me". "I seem to be lost". "I'm looking for 12th east ave".

"Oh sure, I'll show you if you like for 5 bucks", said Shawn.

"Well hell, said Eric, you show me I'll give you $10".

"Okay, let's go". said Shawn.

As they walked along the street, they came to an Alleyway, Eric grabbed Shawn, threw him against the wall, checked him for weapon's, found the gun and then called "H" and Mac. As everyone arrived they arrested Shawn and put him in a cruiser.

"Why son, why did you do it"? asked Mac.

"Why, because your daughter is a tease, and a bitch, for three years she teased and led me on, meanwhile made jokes and rude comments behind my back with her friends".

"That's still no reason to shoot them".

"Sure it is, you have to get rid of the tramps and whore's in the world Sir", and believe me there is alot of them, your daughter included".

"Mac tried to crawl in the cruiser and choke him, but "H" stopped him before he could do any damage".
"He's not worth it Mac". "Think of your career".

As they walked away they could hear him saying, I'll be back, and I'll get my revenge Taylor, on you and whole family, you'll see, I'll be out before you know it".

Graduation Day

Standing up on the Podeum in all her glory, Claire Taylor, Valedictorian, read her final words to her classmates as she accepted her diploma. Everyone cheered in happiness and joy for Claire Taylor was now heading off to High School. But little did the Taylor/Caine clan know, that while they spend their summer vacation in Miami, our Claire would not want too go back home, but would rather stay with her Uncle and Aunt to go too school with HJr.

Watch as the story unfolds, as we dig into the live's of the Taylor/Caine Clan, and see whether Claire get's her wish.
As the Clan's landed in Miami, Calleigh's dad was there to meet them.

"Where's that beautiful baby young lady", and my son who delivered her"?

"They're coming dad, he never leaves her side", said Calleigh as she hugged her dad.

"Mac, Stella, little one's., how are ya ll"? he asked.

"Good, Sir, how about yourself"?

"Can't complain Son, thanks for asking".

"There they are"!

"Well let's see her Son, pass her over to grandpa. "Oh my, look at all that red hair, well if she just isn't the perfect thing". "Shame though, she looks like her Dad, and not my beautiful lambchop", he laughed.

"Funny dad", said "H".

After they all got home and settled, Calleigh caught up on life with her dad, while "H" went to Miami-Dade to check on the Lab, Stella went to lay down, Mac went to visit Hawkes and Alexx, and the kids took a swim.

(The Lab)

"H", you're back , said Ryan.

"Yeah, how's everything here"?

"Great, no problem's, everything is running smoothly".

"Good to know Ryan, Good to know". "Now, how much paper work is on my desk"?

"Oh! well, "Look at the time", "auh I'm late, see ya later "H".

"That can't be good", said "H" to himself as he walked into his office and found at least 50 case files awaiting his signature.

"RYAN"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yelled "H" throughout the Lab.


"Oh my God"!!!! "Well if it isn't Mac Taylor, look at you , you look great", said Hawkes. "Where's the family".

"Back at the Caines", Stella's pregnant again, and your new boss delivered his daughter into the world".

"Wow", "you and "H" just give rabbits a bad name , don't you"?

"Very funny Hawkes, where is your new addition"?

"With her mother at the doctor's". "You really do look great Mac, and I do miss NY sometimes.

"Do you ever think of Danny"?

"Think of him, I hear from him almost everyday". "he's supposed to be coming in August with Lindsay and the kids".
"Well then, when they get here we will all have a huge get together", said Mac.

"Sounds great", said Hawkes.

"Hawkes, I'm home, can you come grab Lisa-lee for me please"?

"Sure love, and come see who's here".

"Mac"!!!, how wonderful to see you, how is Stella and the kids"?

"Great, she's pregnant again, and it's great to know we are not the only rabbits".

"HUH"!!! Alexx looked puzzled.

"It's just an outside joke love", said Hawkes, come on and sit down and we'll all catch up".
Once everyone got back to the house, they discussed their events of the day at dinner.

"Well I have some news everyone, said Mac. Hawkes and Alexx are pregnant again".

Calleigh looked in shock, "handsome did you know about this"?

"No love, I had no idea". "Wow".

"They would like us all to get together for a barbecue before we leave, at the end of summer".

"Oh"! that would be nice, said Calleigh.

"Hawkes also said, Danny and Lindsay are coming for a visit in August", said Mac.

"Wow, you're just full of information today"?, said Calleigh laughing.

"Mom, said HJr, may Claire and I go over to Jason's for a while tonight"?

"Sure, what are you guy's and gal's up too tonight"?

"Jason got a couple movies, and his mom said we could all come over and watch them".

"Are you going to Marisol"? asked "H".

"Of course dad, Jason is my boyfriend and I haven't seen him for almost 2 months".

"You behave yourself young lady", you know I have my gun ready".

"DAD"!!! yelled Marisol.

"Stop it handsome, you tease her endlessly every time she goes over there".

"Well she's my little Angel, and I have every right to tease".

"No later then 11pm, okay guy's"?

"Okay mom, see you later".

After the older kids left, Macster, Eric, Cody, Arthur and Kenya, went into the den to play.

Once HJr, Claire and Marisol got over to Jason's, Marisol had the shock of her 15th year of life.

"Hi Jason, called Marisol as she tried to run into Jason's waiting arms, only to find Cindy come out and take his hand.

Using her father's often said words...

"What the hell is this"? Get your hands of my boyfriend Cindy", said Marisol.

"He's not your boyfriend antmore Marisol, he's mine now". "that's what happens when you go away for 2 months".

"You bastard Jason, you couldn't have told me on the phone, you coward".

"I'm sorry Marisol, I tried but you wouldn't let me get a word in".

"That's because I was excited to see you", and you could have told me when you wrote me back, instead of leading me to still believe we were together".

"I'm sorry Marisol".

Walking up Marisol slapped his face and left. HJr stared in shock for the briefest of seconds, and then out of nowhere took his fist and knocked Jason on his ass.

"That's for lying to my sister, you son of a bitch".

When Marisol got home she ran upstairs and slammed her door.

"What the hell is that about , said "H" to Mac, Stella and Calleigh.

"I'm not sure", said Calleigh.

At that moment HJr walked in, holding his fist which had a small cut on one knuckle.

"HJr"!! What happened to your sister and your knuckle"? asked Calleigh.

"That bastard Jason was screwing around on my sister, so I hulled off and smashed my fist in his mouth after Marisol slapped him".

"Oh my"!! Poor Marisol, said Calleigh. "I'll go talk to her".

"No love, I'll do it", said "H".

"Good for you Son, said Mac with gusto, good for you".

"Mac Taylor, never you mind", said Stella.

"Come "H", I'll get you some ice for that knuckle", said Mac.

"Uncle Mac, you called me "H"? Why"?

"Because you earned it Son, sticking up for your sister like that, and that expression you are now wearing is your dad's, you could be his twin".

Calleigh and Stella could hear Mac encouraging HJr all the way too the kitchen.

"Was it as good as HJr said Claire", asked Stella.

"No way mom, It was better, he's so hot", said Claire.
"Angel"! can daddy come in please"?

Horatio could hear her crying from outside the door. As he opened it, his heart broke in two, his little Angel had torn all her picture's of her and Jason, along with the poster's and Cd's he gave her.

"Angel, look at me please"?

"what is it dad, what do you want"?

"I want you to talk too me, please Marisol I'm here for you sweetheart".

"It hurt's to much dad, he broke my heart". "I'm so alone now".

"You're not alone love, you have your family and your brother who loves you alot".

"Hjr, no he don't dad".

"I beg to differ young lady, after you left, your brother socked Jason in the mouth, he came home with a split knuckle to prove it".

"He did that for me"?

"Yes he did, because that's what a brother does for his sister".

"It still hurt's dad, the way he did it was so imature", he could have told me sooner", before I walked over there and made a fool of myself".

"Marisol, boy's are imature, and unfortanetly we don't alway's think about what we do, we just do it". "I know it seems hard and you're hurt, but you will forget and move on". "Trust me Angel", when the right one comes along you'll know".

"How "? how would I know"?

"Because you won't be able to think, or focus on anything, you'll feel shy and unsure, then there is the butterflies in you tummy, but most of all you'll feel it in the kiss, it will be the type of kiss that knocks you on your knees and stops your breath".

:"Did you feel this with Mom"?

"Well", umm! I felt more then that Marisol, but it took me a long time to realize what my heart knew, It took your Mom almost drowning, before I realized I loved her beyond Heaven and earth".

"You are so Poetic Dad", I hope I find someone just like you, I love you".

"I love you too Angel", alway's and forever, my little girl".

Marisol hugged her Dad tightly in her arms, because she knew she would meet someone new , soon.

After Horatio went downstairs, Hjr walked in to see if his sister was okay.

"Mari"! "can I come in"?

"Sure "HJr", said Marisol.

As he walked in he seen broken Cd's and picture's all over the place.

"How you feeling Mari"? "I'm really sorry he hurt you like that". "I wish I'd hurt him more".

*giggling* "Daddy told me you slugged him good".

"I did Mari, he cheated on you, and your my sister, and no one cheats on my sister and get's away with it".

Marisol seen her brother's knuckle all swollen and sore.

"Does it hurt HJr"? asked Mari.

"Just a little Mari". "What's more important is are you gonna be okay"?

"Yes HJr, I'll be fine".

Marisol and HJr hugged each other tight.

"Now Mari, how about you and I clean up".

"That would be nice "HJ", said Marisol.

(Back down stairs)

"How is she Handsome"?

"She's fine love, HJr is with her now".

"God "H", I'm telling you your soon has one hell of a hook", said Mac.

"I know, he's going to make a great CSI one day".

"Listen "H", enough of the CSI, you still haven't asked the kids what they want to do", said Stella.

"I will, Stella, don't worry about it, we will have 10 kids in total between us, I'm sure at least 5 of them will be CSI"s", said "H".

HJr, Marisol, and Claire, were listening in the hall.

"What do you think guy's, should we tell them that we've already decided to become CSI's"?

"No way HJr, said Marisol, let's have some fun with them, Let's pretend we want to be something else everytime they bring it up".

"Cool Idea sis, let's work it after dinner", said HJr. "You in Claire"?

"Of course "H", always by your side, forever".

With that said, Claire kissed "H", and then they went to yank their parents chains.
haha lol Eric is a great thinker!
Poor Marisol:( HJr is a great bro! i waish i had an older brother like him
im waiting to see how the parents will react to their career choices!:lol:
During dinner, Horatio asked the kids what they'd , like to be when they grew up.

"Marisol, wouldn't you like to be a CSI when you're older"?

"No", I think I'd like to be a doctor", and take care of people".

"What about you HJr"?

"I think a Lawyer dad, that way I get protect people who aren't guilty.

"Give it up "H", Stella, it just isn't going to happen".

"Claire"? how bout you love, you want to be like your Dad and Uncle right"?

"No, not really", I'd like to be a Fireman or woman".

"What is the matter with you kids"? CSI's are great, we solve all the crimes, if it wasn't for our hard work with the evidence, bad people would be on the streets".

"Well I'm sorry dad, it's just not for us".

"Why don't you just think about it for now, and we'll talk later".

"Sure dad, we can do that", said Marisol.

After dinner the kids took off to the Mall, which left the adults alone, becuse Eric, Cody, Arthur, Kenya and Macster, went to see their granfather for the night.

"So what do you guy's want to do tonight", asked Calleigh.

"We could play a romantic movie, said Stella, or how about some Porno", laughed Stella.

As soon as she mentioned that "H" and Mac woke up".

"I thought you guy's would like that one",

"You're a little tease love, Do you need me to spank you"? said Mac.

"Oooooh!!!! promise, promise, said Stella.

"Come on Calleigh let's go play Cribbage or something".

After they left the guy's put on Need for Speed and started playing.

About 11pm the kids walked in from the Mall.

"Hey dad we're home, said Marisol.

"Did you have fun"?

"Yeah we played some games did some shopping , met some friends and came home".

"What did you buy"? asked "H".

"I got some new jeans and two new shirts for school, and HJr bought new pants and a couple Rock shirts". said Marisol.

"How about you Claire asked Mac.

"Just some jeans dad".

"Is something wrong Claire"? asked Mac.

"Can I talk to you and Mom for a minute dad".

"Sure love, I'll get her".

Once Mac left Horatio asked her if she was okay.

"Claire what is it love"? asked Uncle "H".

"I want to stay with you and Aunt Calleigh and come to school here".

"Well sweetheart, that's alot to think about love, I think you should explain to your mom and dad first and then if they say yes, we'll talk about it , okay"?

"Sure Uncle "H", said Claire.

At that moment Stella and MAc walked back in the room.

"Come on kids , said Mac. "Lets go get something to eat".

"But I'm full dad, I'm not at all hungry".

"Now HJr, let's go".

"Okay Claire, what is it love, asked Mac.

"I would like to know if I can stay with Uncle "H" and Aunt Calleigh to go too school here in September with Marisol and Eric".

"that's quite a question love, I'm not sure I'd like that idea. "That's like 90% of the year away from us and your brothers".

"I know that Dad, but I'd really like to stay here, could you at least think about for a while before you say no"?

"Sure Claire, We can do that, but no promises and as it stands right now, the answer is no". "But we'll think about it, okay"?

"Okay Dad". "Thanks for listening".

"Alway's sweetheart, you're my Claire Bear and I love you".
Interesting...I'm not sure if I want her to stay or not. HJr is also interesting considering your earlier remark about him eventually becoming a CSI anyway
The kids over heard "H" talking about him wanting them to be CSI's, "YES", they have already decided too, but before they tell thier dad, they want to tease him for a while. So, They are not going to let him know till later. :lol:
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