CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Stella and Calleigh had taken Claire home and gotten her into bed.

"Mom, Is dad going to find who did this"?

"Of course love, If anyone can , it would be him and your Uncle "H". "Try and get some rest sweetheart".

"I will mom". said Claire.

"Would you like me to stay with you Claire, asked Marisol.

"No thanks I'll be fine.

After everyone had left, HJr walked in, and without a word climbed into bed with Claire. Placing her in his arms, he held her close. As he bent near her ear, he could here her softly crying.

"It's okay love, I'm here, I'm here". "I love you and I'll protect Claire, Always. HJr held Claire while she slept.

Later that day Mac and "H" went to check on Claire.

"Would you look at that", said Mac. "HJr has my Claire in his arms".

"I see that, I guess in a few years we should have a Wedding"? said "H".

As they both laughed the girls came up behind them.

"What's so funny guy's"?, asked Stella.

"Have a look, said "H".

"Oh my, said Calleigh, Is that a good idea, I'm not ready for Granchildren" *giggle*

"That's not funny Calleigh, said "H".

"Sorry handsome".

At that moment the phone rang.

"Taylor", said Mac. *tlkng* "We'll be right there".

"Let's go "H", Danny and Flack found the weapon, 3 blocks from the crime scene, we need to get to the Lab".

After they left, Calleigh went to feed Destinee, before Eric got back from the Airport with her boy's. While Stella went to lay down, and rest.
"Mom, Dad, we're back from seeing Grandpa", yelled Eric.

"There's my little men, said Calleigh, "How's Grandpa"?

"He say's you need to come home, he misses you, and wants to see our new sister Destinee".

"Well, Grandpa, needs to be patient", before we come home".

"It's quiet Mom, where is Dad, HJr, Marisol and Destinne"?

"Well, Marisol has gone to the store for Aunt Stella, who's pregnant again", HJr is upstairs with Claire because she had a bit of a tragedy, with some friends, and Destinee is sleeping".

"What about Dad"?

"Your dad is with Uncle Mac, trying to figure out who would want to hurt Claire and her friends".

"Hey Calleigh", how you doing"? said Eric.

"Well look at you all tanned up, were you glad to be home"?

"Oh yeah, it was nice to see the gang again, Ryan, Hawkes and Alexx, say hello".

"How's our home, is it still in one piece"?

"Of course, I checked everything and it's all good".

"The boy's didn't give you any trouble"?

"Never, they're great, though your dad is not impressed. He wants you home, he swear's you moved here and just didn't tell him".

*giggle* "he's so dramatic sometimes". "He loved the picture's of Destinee though right"?

"Oh yeah, he was showing them to any one that would look. "He was also very impressed with "H" for delivering her".

As the boy's got settled in again, Mac and "H" came home.

"Dad", called Eric, "Hi Dad", I missed you".

"Well look at my Eric all grown up", as "H" mussed up his hair.

"Come on Dad, I've only been gone two week's". "Grandpa, say's hi", and that you and Mom need to come home soon".

"Any luck on the case Handsome"?

"Nothing yet, how's Claire doing"?

"Okay, still very emotional. "Oh Mac, Stella's laying down, she was worn out".

"Okay, thanks Calleigh. "I ll go see her, right after I go see Claire".

As Mac headed upstairs to see his daughter, "H", filled Eric in on what had hapened.

As Mac walked into Claire's room, HJr was still there reading her Journal.

"What you doing HJr"?

"Oh hey Uncle Mac, claire told me I needed to read her Journal", she said there was something interesting in there".

"Have you found it yet"? asked Mac.

"NO not yet, Just alot of stuff about this guy named Shawn, who kept hitting on her". "She says here.......
Journal, today is April 30th, and Shawn is annoying us again. He just doesn't seem to take no for an answer. I've told him over and over that I love HJr, but he still persists on seeing me. Just like when my friends and went to the mall that one day, and /shawn was there with his two buddies and he tried to attck us. My friends and I ran to the Security desk and told them, but they just said for us kids to stop causing trouble. I didn't tell my dad because he's a cop and he would freak if he knew I was being threatened. Beside's we just figured the guy's were just joking".

"Then it goes in to 2 days later, which is 1 day before the shooting". said HJr.

Journal, today is May 3rd and things have gotten alot worse with Shawn and his friends. Shawn threatened to shoot us, if we didn't start being nice to him and his friends. Well we laughed in his face, and this made him really angry. I remember him saying, you and your friends are dead claire. It kind of scared me, but I still don't want to let dad know, if he found out he'd be freaking, besides I can handle Shawn myself.

"That's were it ends Uncle Mac, she's been being threatened", and she didn't let us know".

"It's okay HJr, why don't you take a break, while I talk to Claire please".

"Sure Uncle Mac", Is dad home yet"?

"Yes, and so is Eric and Cody".

HJr headed downstairs to see his brother's, while Mac woke his daughter to question her.

"Sweetheart, wake up love, it's daddy".

"What's the matter dad"? asked Claire.

"I need to talk too you about your Journal".

"How did you.........." "HJr, told you, didn't he"?

"No", I walked in to see you and I caught him reding it, so he had no choice to explain". "Can you tell me who Shawn is and why you didn't tell me he threatened you and your friends"?

"I didn't mean not to tell you dad, I just didn't think he was serious about it". "Now I know I was wrong".

"Could you tell me if it was him that shot you and your friends"?

"I know it was Dad, I know his voice and his evil laugh". "I know because I can tell you the other two boy's were Michael and Dennis".

"That's right love, their parent's have been informed and were shocked to find out that thier boy's killed your friends".

"Did you find Shawn dad"?

"Not yet sweetheart, his mom said he hasn't been home yet". "We'll get him though".

"I hope so dad, he seemed really insane when he came rushing in that cafe". "what if he comes after me while I'm at my Grad".

"That won't happen love, you'll have us all their to protect you".

"I know dad, but I'm still scared". "I keep seeing my friends being shot".

"I don't want you to worry about that, we are all going to help you get over it". "Together as family".

After Mac had finished talking to Claire, he informed "H" and Eric that they needed to find Shawn and soon, before he came back for Claire.

"I spoke with Shawn's parents again, they swear they haven't seen him", I'm not sure where to look now", said Mac.

"I think we should check the Malls, Shelter's, friends, and anywhere else we can think of", said "H".

"Okay well let's get started on that after we have dinner", said Eric.

After dinner Mac, "H" and Eric split up in different area's to find Thomas. As Eric checked the Mall's, he asked young kids if they had seen Thomas hanging around , when he recieved answer's of no's he checked other area's, but still came up empty.

"Meanwhile Horatio wasn't having much luck checking the Shelter's, all his response's were also no's. Not willing to give up, he started asking people on the street, if they seen him.

After talking with ten street people he finally got a reply. "

"Yes Sir", I've seen him hanging out at that empty warehouse down the street, alot of homeless kids hang out there".

"Thank-you, for your help. said "H".

Horatio gave the guy a $10 for his help, even though he knew he would spend on liquor, that was okay, because he had given him a lead.

Mac called Eric and Mac and told them to meet him at the warehouse. Once they all arrived they headed into the warehouse. Never had they seen so many lost and homeless children.

"Jesus, "H", what the hell is wrong with the world today"?

It's not the world Eric, it's the parents don't care", said "H".

"I know, let's start looking", said Eric.

As they walked along, they showed the picture to some of the kids that were willing to co-operate. After going through the whole Warehouse, they had no luck.

"Now what"? said Eric.

"Now we check his friends, if we have no luck, then we stop for the night and start again tomorrow", said Mac.

After 8 more hour's of searching and no leads they headed back to Mac's for some much needed sleep. When they got home, everyone was sleeping.

"I'll see you guy's in the morning, said Eric.

As eric got changed and showered he flopped into the bed, and just as he was closing his eyes he seen a light from someone opening the door.

"Uncle Eric, are you awake"? "It's Marisol".

"Yeah, I'm awake, What's the matter Mari"?

"I'm scared Uncle Eric"?

"Scared"? of what Mari"?

"Claire keeps waking up screaming and it's freaking me out, can I sleep with you please"?

"Sure, Mari, come on"?

As Mari clmbed into bed with Eric, he cuddle her.

"I love you, Uncle Eric, kisses please".

"Alway's for my Mari", "I love you too"

Ever since Marisol was a baby, she and Eric were inseperable, and no matter old she got, they never grew apart. They shared a bond, that even her father couldn't come close too.

After Mac and Horatio had discussed the plans for tomorrow, "H" went to check on his children before heading to bed. As he walked into Claire's room, HJr was in the bed where Marisol should have been. Talking to himself he said ...

"Must be with Eric again".

"H", was never jealous of the relationship Eric had with his daughter, because he understood how much pain he had suffered after losing Marisol, just like he had, until he found Calleigh to help him live again. As he opened Eric's door, there was Marisol cuddled up in Eric's arms. Walking over he covered them up and gave his daughter a kiss.

"I love you Angel".

"I love you too Daddy".

After leaving Eric's room, he went to check on Eric and Cody. He found both of them sound asleep. After giving them thier kisses, he went to cuddle with his wife. When he walked in thier bedroom, she was still up feeding Destinee.

"Their's my precious ladies", said "H".

Horatio walked up and kissed Calleigh upon her lips.

"I missed you love"?

"I missed you too Handsome".

As they looked down at Destinee, she was smiling.

"Look Handsome , she know's your voice".

Horatio called "Destinee"again, and sure enough she smiled. "daddy love's you Destinee", the baby smiled again.


Mac went in to check on Claire, he wasn't surprised to find HJr in Marisol's bed near his daughter.

Walking over Mac sat down and thought to himself, "Why doesn't she trust me enough to tell me what's going on in her life". "Where did I loose her"? After giving her kiss on the head, Claire whispered, "I Love you Dad", as he walked out of her room.

"Hi Mac, any luck tonight"? asked Stella.
When Mac turned to answer Stella, she seen the tears in his eye's.

"Mac"? said Stella, "What's wrong"?

"Where did I go wrong love, where did I mess up with Claire"?

"What are you talking about, you never messed up her life". "Mac where is this coming from"?

"I don't know Stella, she doesn't talk to me about anything anymore, she can't even trust me enough to tell me about this Shawn character". "I could have most likely prevented it from ever happening".

"You can't think like that Mac, you don't know what was going through this boy's mind".

"I know love, but it still doesn't make it any easier knowing she doesn't trust me".

"She does trust you Mac, she's just growing up, and thinks she know's best". "It's just part of the lifecycle, wanting to be adult, even though she's still a child". "The best thing we can do is be there for her, when she decides she needs us".

At that moment everyone heard the scream, AHhhhhhhhhhh! Mac ran out of the room into Claire's.
"Sweetheart, sweetheart", wake up love it's daddy"? "Come on Claire wake up".

Claire woke up, and grabbed her Dad in her arms.

"I'm sorry Daddy, *sob*, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, *sob*, I'm sorry, so sorry, I love you. *sob*, daddy".

Mac held his daughter tight while she cried and cried in his arms.

"Come on HJr, said his dad, let's go back to your own room son".

Once Claire had stopped crying, Mac laid her back down and climbed into bed beside her.

"I love you Daddy, I never meant to hurt you dad".

"I know sweetheart, and I understand". "Try and sleep now Claire Bear", I'll stay with you love".

"Okay dad, never leave me alone dad".

"Never Claire Bear, I'll alway's be here even when you feel you no longer need me, I'll be here".

Later in the morning Stella got up and noticed Mac wasn't in bed. Walking into Claire's room she found them cuddled together.

"That's the way it should be, Daddy and his little girl", said Stella to herself with tears in her eyes.

"Oh God! I'm going to be sick again".

Running to the washroom, Stella threw up with a smile on her face, because she knew Mac and Claire were going to be fine.
In the morning, Mac, Horatio, and Eric knew time was running out. There was only 3 day's before Claire's grad, and they had promised her his capture.

"I can't disapoint my Claire bear, said Mac. "We need to find this kid".

"We will Mac". "Just give it some time, we just started yesterday", said "H".

"I know, it's just so difficult to wait", said Mac.

Once they were done discussing they headed out again to find Shawn. The first place they went was back to the Warehouse. Once again, no sucess.

"Jesus "H", this is crazy, we're never gonna find this guy"?

"We will, Mac", "This isn't like you, what has you so hyped"?

"Claire", last night she told me she trusted me to find this guy, I just don't want to disapoint my little girl again".

"Mac, you need to stop taking this on yourself, and you need to remember if she had of told you sooner, we would have had his kid already". "Now she has all this guilt, which so easily could have prevented".

After searching another six hour's, they knew it wasn't going to be today, they found the kid. So they headed back to Mac's. When they walked in the door no one was home.

"Where is everyone"? asked Eric.

"I'm not sure, this is weird"? said Mac

When they walked into the kitchen they found a note.

"Mac, "H", Eric, gone to the movies, with all the kids, see you tonight.
"P.S. Horatio, pick up Destinee from the sitter next door". Love Calleigh.

"Well I'll be right back, need to grab my Destinee".

Once Horatio picked up Destinee from next door, he put her down for her nap.

"Okay said "H", who's brave enough to help me cook"?

"Come on guy's, I promise something simple".

"Fine, said Eric", but it better be easy".

"It is easy, now come on".

Yeah right, esay took like 4hour's to prepare.

"Eric"! what are you doing"? I told you you have to season the steak before putting them in the oven", said Horatio.

"I did, see"! "Christ "H", I told you this was a dumb idea".

"H" walked over, just go mash the potatoes Eric".

"Listen "H", you're not Mr Cuisine", said Eric.

"I don't care, anyone can spice a steak Eric", even Cody could do it".

"Eric was getting pissed off.

"One more word "H", and you'll be cooking with no teeth.

"Is that a threat Eric"?

Mac was howling, he had never seen "H" and Eric argue.

"No that's a promise".

"Okay, moving on said Mac, can we get these done before the wives and kids get home"?
Once everyone returned from the movies, they could smell the delicious food.

"Guy's we're home, called Stella.

As the guy's walked out of the kitchen Marisol ran up to her dad and said, " kisses please" Horatio alway's looked forward to this part, Marisol had never outgrown her "Kisses please", phase, and he hoped she never would.

"Kisses Uncle Eric", said Mari.

"Alway's for my Mari", and Eric kissed her happily on the cheek.

"Uncle Mac"......

"I know, kisses please, right"? and he gave Marisol a kiss.

"Hi sweetheart, how you feeling today"? asked Mac to Claire.

"Good dad, something smells yummy".

"That would be Uncle "H"s steak's, said Mac.

"Dad, yelled Eric, "Did you put those little onion's on them"?

"Of course I did, I know how much you like them".

"Aww! come on Dad, you know how much I hate those stinking onion's", said Cody.

"Well then son, you can pick them off".

As everyone sat down to dinner the phone rang.

"Mac, it's Danny", he's been spotted at the Arcade", Flack and I are headed down there now".

"Okay, we'll meet you there".

After hanging up the phone Mac, Horatio and Eric took off to the Arcade. When they got there the police were everywhere.

"Anything Danny"? asked Mac.

"Nothing yet Mac, their searching the mall now".

Mac waited patiently to hear some kind of response from NYPD.

"All Clear", came the call in. "Suspect not on scene", all clear".

"Don't worry Mac, we'll get him", said Danny.

"Yeah"? "Let's just hope it's before he get's Claire"

Once everything had settled down with the Mall scene, Mac, "H" and Eric, went their seperate way's to check the area's again. Just as Horatio was rounding the corner, he noticed a kid that looked liked Shawn.

"Excuse me son", said "H" as he caught up to the boy.
As the boy turned around to look, he seen Claire's Uncle and ran.

"Mac it's H", I've got Shawn on the run, he should just be heading your way, right about now.

Just as Shawn rounded the corner he seen Mac coming towards him. He darted across the street and jumped over a fence, leaving Mac and "H" behind.

"Christ Mac, said "H" out of breath, we almost had him".

"Yeah, I know, said Mac as out of breath as "H". "I think we've been seriously slacking off, I'm so out of shape".

"You"? you're not the only one". said "H".

Eric finally caught up with them.

"What the hell is wrong with you two"? asked Eric.

"We almost had him, he got away over that fence", said "H".

"I don't think we're going to find him now, we'll have to check tomorrow". "Let's go home, I need to relax".

Eric laughed, "God help me from turning old".

"What was that Eric"? asked Mac,

"I said, "Let's go home".

When they got in the door, Calleigh had coffee ready.

"Rough night guy's"?

"Yeah, we almost had him love, but he got away".

"How did he get away from you, are you losing it my Handsome man"?

"I'm not loosing anything". "Who told you"?

"Told me what Handsome"?

"Never mind", said "H".

Calleigh winked over at Eric, he had told her what had happened.

"Dad, yelled Cody.

"what is it Cody"?

"HJr won't let me play, video's with them".

"Come on Cody, let's go see what your brother is up too".
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