CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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The Pet store, with all my CSI animals. I love it.

And a little hint Stella and Mac choose an intersting place to give birth. :lol: :lol:
LOL...I like the library a lot but I wish I'd gotten the petstore job I wanted.

You turn the CSIs into animals sometimes :devil: That's why there are so many kids lololol
Hi everyone, just to let you know, yes sometimes it takes me a while to post, my stories are done directly from my head at that moment, they are not pre written. I try to keep everything balanced. There has been a few times I've gotten them mixed and had to go back and re do them. I love all the FB it's great.

Thanks again Linda :lol:

Taylor Clan: Claire- 13yrs, Macster- 9yrs, Arthur 7yrs, Kenya-5yrs

Caine clan: Horatio Jr, (HJr) 15yrs, Marisol- 14yrs, Eric- 8yrs, Cody- 5yrs, Destinee- 1mth

In the midst of good times, there is always evil lurking in some shadows.
It's a shame really, cause for a Graduating young girl who's starting High school, she should only be focused on the happy times.
But sometimes when you're grieving the death of your 5 friends shot in bright daylight as you escape, you have to wonder how long before the killer comes looking for you because he missed.

Welcome to Claire Taylor's world, a thirteen year old girl, who has alot to look forward to in life, until the day her killer comes to call.
Have a seat sit back and enjoy this story of Tragedy, love, hope and forgiveness seen through the eyes of our 13 year old Claire Taylor.
You forgot the baby in Stella's belly lol

You do great for not getting beta'd...I'm that way sometimes but other times it just doesn't work :( Anyway, continue soon.

PS what province you in? Just curious.
Good old Ontario. With my 2 kids, 2 cats, 2 hamster's, 2 fish, and 2 birds. Have you guessed my favorite number yet :lol: :lol:
Stella woke up this morning feeling very nausiated and drained. As she stepped her foot out of bed she could feel the bile rising to her throat. Running into the washrom she threw up all over. Calleigh heard the wretching in the next room and ran in.

Stella, are you okay"? asked calleigh. "Here let me help you".

Calleigh helped Stella get back into bed.

"God I'm so sick, said Stella. "I haven't felt like this since Kenya".

"Stella, by a slight chance, could you be pregnant again"?

"Now there's a possibilty, Mac and I have been trying".

"Well then there is only one thing to do", "Let's go buy a test".

"Sure, sounds great Calleigh, but can we wait till later, when I feel better".

"Of course, I'll see you in a bit", said Calleigh.

Calleigh walked out of the room smiling. As she headed down the stairs she ran into Mac.

"Good morning Mac", "How are you"? asked Calleigh.

"Fine thanks, You're aweful chipper this morning".

"Good news will do that to you", said Calleigh.

"What good New's"? asked Mac.

"You'll see soon Mac, be patient", and Calleigh walked away down the stairs humming "Rock-a-bye-Baby.

"Stella, what's up with Calleigh"? "And why are you still in bed"?

"Calleigh is alway's happy, so nothing is up with her, and I'm still in bed because I'm waiting for you too attack me".

"Well, far be it from me, to pass up on some "Stella time", said Mac.

Mac jumped into bed and grabbed his wife in his arms. But as he tossed her over on top, she turned her head and hurled her cookies all over the carpet. Poor Mac, looked at Stella with a expression of , "What the hell".

"Sorry Mac, forgot to tell you, we are pregnant again. Said Stella with a smile.
This is it till tonight, work, work, work

Overflowing with excitment, Mac forgot about the vmit on the floor and slipped on it, falling on his ass. Laughing so hard he said......

"Jesus, Stella, I never thought I'd be falling on my ass again".

Stella howled, Mac was right, he hadn't fallen on his ass since Macster grew out of his food throwing game. Getting up with vomit and all he picked up his wife and twirled her in his arms.

"Thank-you love, thank you for being my wife, my lover, my children's mother and my best friend".

"Stella said "Your welcome", between her tears.

After Mac had cleaned himself up, he headed downstairs to tell the family.

"Good morning everyone", said Mac.

"Well aren't we chipper this morning", said "H".

"Yes we are", you know why"?

"No why, said "H".

"Stella is pregnant again", said Mac.

"What"? "You dirty dog, you dirty old man, congrat's, this is great Mac, we have enough for two CSI teams, The Miami/NY CSI's live on, and through the family no less. "This is to great, "I love it".

At that moment Stella and Calleigh walked in.

"What is great, what do you love"? said Calleigh.

"Mac and Stella are pregnant again, by God Calleigh we've done it. "We've made to CSI teams, Miami/NY live forever, through our famlies, isn't that amazing"?

"Oh for goodness sakes "H", you better hope the kids feel the same way you do", said Stella.

Horatio's face dropped about two centemeter's.

"I never thought about it that way". "I guess I should speak to the kids then and soon".

Once the kids got in from the Mall, Mac sat them down to tell them the good news.

"Kids, I want you to listen please", said Mac.

"What is it Dad"? asked Claire, "I need to get back to the Mall and pick out my dress with my girlfriends".

"Well, my impatient daughter", said Mac. Your Mom and I are having another baby".

"WHAT", "WHAT', no way, yelled Claire. "Oh my God, I can't beleive it". Yelled Claire.

"Well believe it, because it's true", said Mac.

Getting up off the sofa, Claire ran over to her Mom and hugged her tight.

"This is amazing Mom, I can't believe it, just when I thought you and Dad were to old to even do the nasty, you prove me wrong".

Mac and Stella looked at each other in shock, "Excuse me young lady"? said Mac.

"Oh! don't be such a prude Dad, I know all about it from Health Class".

"I'm telling you Stella, I'll never get use to these kids, the language, or the and knowledge they have".
haha lol Mac fell on his ass again!!!:lol::lol::lol:
yea and my parents having sex is ewww to the max!!*puts on yucky face*
Once all the excitment had settled down, Claire left for the Mall to meet her girlfriends.

After they were finished shopping, Claire and her friends stopped for lunch at the little Cafe on the corner.

As they were enjoying their coke's, 3 young boy's came in and walked up to the girl's table. "Claire Taylor"?

When Claire looked up they knew they had her.

"Without a word they pulled out guns and shot at them.

Claire ducked before the bullet could hit her and had no choice but to pull her dead friend on top of her. She knew it was the only way to make them think she was dead.

As the 3 boy's ran out the cops were waiting and shot 2 of the suspect's leaving the third one to escape.

After the Officer's had secured the scene, Mac, Danny and Flack walked in to process.

Mac was unaware that the witness was his daughter.

"Claire"? said Mac. "Claire bear, what happened sweetheart"?

Claire just sat there in shock, "Get me the Paramedic's "NOW", yelled Mac.

When the Paramedic's arrived they assesed Claire and told Mac she was in shock and that they would be taking her to NY General.

Mac called Stella, to let her know what had happened.

"Danny, Flack"? you two process everything, see if they have survellence and get it back to the Lab, I'm going with Claire".

"Okay Mac, call us when you know anything".

"I will Danny".

"My God said Flack, Did you see the terror in her eyes"?

"I've seen that before, she's going to need alot of help to get over this one", said Flack.

"You got that right, said Danny. "Let's get this done and go see Claire".
Once Claire had arrived at the Hospital, the rest of the Taylor's and Caines were already there.

"Oh God, Not my baby, Claire bear, answer mommy sweetheart"?

"Stellla, calm down love, She'll be fine, she's just in shock", "Listen love, stop, or you're going to stress out the baby", said Mac.

Mac held Stella tight as he asked HJr, to get some water. When he got back, he told his Uncle Mac that he should have went with her.

"I knew I should have went, said HJr.
"Listen HJr. she would not have allowed you too, she told you it was just her and her girlfriends going".

"I know, but who would want to shoot them"?, asked HJr.

"I'm not sure HJr., we'll find that out when she comes out of her shock".

Det. Taylor's"? asked the doctor.

"Yes doctor"? said Mac.

"Your daughter is resting, she's still in shock and not saying anything". "She's in room 306, if you'd like to see her", but please don't stay to long".

"Thank-you doctor"?

As they arrived in Claire's room she was just staring into space.

"Claire, Claire"? called Stella. "It's mommy sweetheart"?, "Claire bear".

"This isn't good Mac, said "H", "She should be out of it by now"?

"I know, I'm not sure how to snap her out of it, said Mac.

"I have an Idea if you're willing to try it"? said "H"

"What is it"? asked Mac.

"You need to shake her out of it, remind her of what happened today".

"I can't do that "H", said Mac.

At that moment Flack and Danny walked in. "How is she Mac"? asked Flack.

"Good, but how many times have I told you not to wear your gun in"? said Mac.

Flack pulled out his gun in front of Claire, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! screamed Claire.

"Mommy, Mommy", yelled Claire.

"I'm here sweetheart, mommy's here".

Mac knew now that she was awake, he had to question her, before she forgot, what happened.

"Claire bear", can you tell Daddy what happened"?

Between crying she told her Dad what she knew.

"3 boy's, not sure who they are, came up and asked for me by name, *sobsob* When I looked up they knew who I was and started shooting. I had to pull Christie over top of me, or I would have died too".

"I know love, then what"?

"Then everything went black", and now I'm here and my friends are dead". *sob,sob*

Who the hell do you think is after Claire"? asked "H".

"I'm not sure", "When does Eric come back from Miami with Eric and Cody"?

"They should be back tonight".

"Okay, I think we should find out who these two boy's that were shot were, and then try to figure out who the hell would want to hurt my daughter".
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