CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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After spending the rest of the night searching with no success, Horatio, Eric and Mac headed home.

"God I'm so tired", said "H". "You're not the only one", said Eric. I'll see you all in a few hour's", said Mac.

The first thing Horatio did when he got into his room was check on his daughter.

"Hello Destinee, why aren't you sleeping love"? said "H"

As he picked his daughter up in his arms, and brought her to bed with him and Calleigh..

"You're going to spoil her Handsome", said Calleigh. "I can't help it love, she's so beautiful, just like her mother and sister".

Calleigh turned over to face Destinee and her husband.

"What am I going to do with you handsome"? said Calleigh. "Oh I don't know love, maybe love me forever"? "I already do", said Calleigh.

Horatio got up and put Destinee back in her cradle so he could spend some time with his wife.

"Forget it "H", you know what the doctor said, no intercourse for six weeks".

"I know love, but there are alway's other things I would love to do too you". "You are bad handsome", said Calleigh, as Horatio made good on his words and drove Calleigh insane.

Over in the next room Mac was heading for a shower, he needed to get the smell of bleach off him. As he stepped in the shower Stella came in behind him.

"Mac, are you okay"?

"No Stella I'm so tired of this case", It's obvious my mind hasn't been in it". "It should not have taken this long to realize that Trek was the killer". "God it took Eric to figure it out".

"Don't be so hard on yourself Mac, you can't alway's be the to solve everything, if you did then you wouldn't be human", no one is perfect".

As the water ran over Mac's back Stella soaped his chest and began to wash him.

"I love to touch Mac, your scar on your chest, your handsome shoulders , waist, legs", everything about you get's me so hot Mac", said Stella.

Mac could feel himself responding to Stella's words. Not being able to contain himself any longer he lifted her around his waist and held her captive through the stream of the running shower until they were both completely mindless to the outside world.

Well everyone slept in silence, Trek stood outside watching the Taylor home. thinking to himself, soon he would have his fourth victim.
Once the morning came , Destinee's cries could be heard throughout the house.

"Come here sweetheart, said Calleigh, "Who's a hungry girl", as Destinee started feeding HJr walked in.

"Mom, are you decent, is it okay to come in"? "Just a minute love", Calleigh covered her left side where the baby was feeding. "Okay love, come on in".

"Mom, I need to talk to you"? said HJr.

"What is it love"?

"Is it wrong for me not to want kids"?

Calleigh knew this conversation would come up sooner or later. "No, it's not HJr, you are to young to even be thinking about wanting children".

"I know Mom, but Claire is so angry with me".

"She's young HJr, and thinks like a child, to her everything she says is right", It's like your sister Marisol, everything she says, she's right and we're wrong". "Unfortunately us females are an odd bunch, we like to think we know alot, when 90% of the time we don't", and if she's arguing with you on this, it's because she's waiting for you to make up with her". "Part of the fun of fighting is the making up".

"Thanks Mom", "I love you", said HJr.

"I love you too son".

After HJR left Calleigh changed Destinee and put her back to sleep.

"Handsome, I'm going to grab a shower, can you watch Destinee for me"? "Of course love", said "H".

"While Calleigh was in the shower, Eric and Cody came walking in.

"Dad, can we see Destinee", asked Eric. "Of course son, come on in and see her". "Look at her Dad, she is so tiny".

"I know Eric, you were tiny like that at one time", said "H". "Me too Daddy"? asked Cody. "Yes Cody, you were even tinier then your sister". "Is that because I was early"? asked Cody. "That's right son, you came very early, but look at you know, you're a big boy". "I know Daddy, mommy say's that all the time".

"Mommy say's what all the time"? asked Calleigh as she came out of the washroom.

"That I was small, but now I'm big", said Cody. "That's right love", you were very early".

As they all sat on the bed together Marisol came in.

"Oh family time, I love this, as she jumped on her dad's knee. "thanks love, I didn't need that knee anyways", said "H". "Kisses please Dad", said Marisol. "I'll never miss hearing you say that, laughed "H". "That's because I'm your Angel", whispered Marisol in her Dad's ear.

As everyone was wrestling on the bed Mac walked in.

"Hey Mac", what's up"? said "H". "I was hoping to see Destinee". "Sure come on in join the party", said "H".

Mac walked over to were Destinee lay awake looking around.

"Go ahead Mac, you can pick her up", said Calleigh. Mac took Destinee into his arms and gave her a little kiss on her head, as she mewed. "God Calleigh, Stella's right I miss this, she's so dainty". "I know, she's a beauty said "H".

Just then Stella wondered in. "Oh look Destinee is awake". Walking over Stella watched Mac interact with Destinee. "Stella, whispered Calleigh any luck yet"? "Not yet, but I'm hopeful".

Later that afternoon HJr went to talk with Claire.

"Claire"! said "HJr. Are you okay"? "Do you care"? "Of course I care Claire, I love you", said HJr. "Then why don't you want to have kids"? "Claire you are 13 and I'm 15, I'm just not ready to walk that road with anyone yet". "I hope one day to have kids, but I won't be forced into thinking about it right now". "I know, I'm really sorry HJr, it's just I love you alot". "I love you too Claire, but lets be patient for a few years".

Once they made up, they all headed to the mall for some arcade.
When they got to the Mall, Trek was hot on thier trail. He had followed the kids, and was waiting for his chance to grab one of the girls.

"Come on Claire said HJr, just one game of Space Invaders and then we'll do lunch", said HJr.

"Fine, HJr, but you play with Thomas I need to sit down, come on Marisol", said Claire.

As the girls were sitting down, Marisol had the feeling they were being watched.

"Claire"! said Marisol.

"What is it Mari"?

"Don't turn around, but their is some guy staring at us", said Mari.

"Where"? asked Claire.

"Over by the door", "I'm going to call my dad", said Mari.

Flipping up her cell phone, Marisol called her Dad.

"Hello"!, said "H"

"Daddy", It's Marisol".

"What's the matter love, you sound upset"?

"I think we were followed to the Mall Dad".

"what makes you think that Mari"?

"because he is watching Claire and I right this minute".

"Where is your brother and Thomas"?

"They're playing Video games".

"Listen Mari, I want you and Clair to stand with your brother and Thomas and Mac and I will be right there".

"Okay Dad, but hurry".

"I will Angel, I will".

After "H" got off the phone he went to find Mac.

"Mac let's go, now", said "H".

"What's the matter"?

"Marisol just called, she say's they were followed to the mall and that the guy is still there watching them".

"Well let's go then", said Mac.

Once they got to the Mall, they headed over to the Arcade.

"Kids, called "H", are you all okay"?

"Yes Dad, we are fine, thanks for coming", said Mari.

"Alway's love, were is he"?

"He was over there Dad, but now he's gone". "You need to find , before he hurts someone", said HJr.

"WE will HJr, let's get you kids home".

Once they left the Mall., Trek had grabbed his next vicitm, a young teenage girl.
Draw a Pentagon, 5 pointed star, mark the symbol's, then stab her in the heart". The killer repeated this over and over as the prostitute screamed in pain with the bleach burning through her skin. After repeating his chant 5 times he stabbed her in the heart, then all that could be heard was silence along with the stentch of bleach and blood.

Just one more to go, and you become our newest member, said the voices in his head.

(phone rings)

"Taylor"! said Mac. "Mac we have another DB female, "I'll be right there Danny". "Let's go "H", we have another one". "Now it's only 9pm, isn't he killing a little to early"?

"He's getting impatient, more likely because he couldn't grab one of our girls, and he needed something to end the craving", said Eric.

As they all arrived on the crime scene, they were shocked.

"My God", said Eric, she can't be no more then 13 years old", sick sadistic bastard".

Horatio couldn't look, he knew that could have been Marisol or Claire he was looking at".

"Come on you idiot's cover her up, and use a new body bag, said "H".

"H", you okay"? asked Eric.

"Never Eric, that could have been Marisol or Claire".

"Yeah "H", but it wasn't", said Eric.

"That's not the point , some mother and father have just lost their child".

Eric knew Horatio was right, that it could have been Marisol or Claire. As Eric thought to himself, he said, "Look's like I'll be following the kids alot when they go out".

"Eric, you okay"? , asked Mac. "I will be Mac, as soon as I catch this sadisitc bastard.

And catch him , he would, because an angry killer, is the kind of killer that makes mistakes.

Once they got back to Mac's place, Eric grabbed a shower because he needed to feel clean, Mac went to love Stella, so he could forget, and Horatio went to see his Destinee, so that he could remember what happiness was about.

As Mac walked into the bedroom, Stella was reading a book.

"What are you reading love"? asked Mac.

"Kiss and Kill", said Stella.

"Great said Mac to himself , just what I need, another murder".

Mac yanked the book out of Stella's hands and pushed her down on the bed.

"I need you Stella, right now, love me". Mac tore off her nightgown, and forced her open, with no fore play, he pushed into her and loved her until he forgot everything that he had seen tonight, and as he spew into her, her egg released to meet and reproduce once again in splendor, in purity, and in love.

"Hi Destinee, said "H", as he picked her up in his arms. Caleigh looked at "H" and could see misty tears in his eye's.

"Handsome, come here". "What happened"?

"It was horrible Calleigh, he killed a 13 year old girl", God it was aweful, I can still see her tiny body torched with Symbol's". "I'm going to be haunted the rest of my life with this", said "H".

Destinee started crying, because she could feel her Daddy's pain and anguish.

"Give her to me Handsome, she can feel that you're upset", said Calleigh.

"No love, I need to hold her, and keep her close", she's pure, and that's what I need Calleigh innocence, so much horror".

Horatio climbed onto the bed with destinee and put his free arm around Calleigh, while he wept, for the innocent soul that had been taken from this world to early.

"Shhh!, It's okay Handsome, let it out".

Calleigh knew how upset he would be, with loving him for years, the only thing he couldn't overcome, was innocent children being hurt or killed. Shhh!, just let it out, I'm here".
In the morning the kids were heading to the mall, as Eric was following close behind.

"Hi Thomas", said Marisol, as she kissed him on the mouth.

"Eric looked like he was ready to hurt someone, he just couldn't get use to seeing his Mari, kiss a boy.

"what do you guy's want to do today"? asked Claire. "I know said HJr, how about we head over to Central Park and neck"?

Marisol and Claire looked at each and shrugged their shoulders, "Sure sounds like fun", said Claire. "Then let's go, we'll pick up some burger's to take with us", said HJr.

As HJr and Thomas, went to get the burger's from Harvey's, Claire and Marisol seen that same man again.

"Look Claire, he's here again, said Marisol. "You're right, now what should we do"? "I'll call dad, said Marisol". "Oh no, I forgot my phone at home", said Marisol. "Where is yours Claire"? "My batteries dead, so I left it at home too". "This is great, if we move he'll follow us, but if we stay here, we have to watch him watch us, and it's eerie the way he is staring", said Claire.

At that moment the boy's walked back over.

"What's the matter Claire"? asked HJr. "that guy is back and he's watching us". "Mari, did you call dad"? "No HJr, I forgot my phone at home", what are we going to do"? "Listen said Thomas, he can't follow all of us", so you and Claire go one way, and Mari and I will go the other", and we'll meet at the Park". "Okay", said HJr.

As Eric watched them, he wasn't sure what they were doing, and how was he supposed to follow both of them. Just as he was getting ready to call "H" and Mac, he seen Trek following Marisol and Thomas. As he caught up, he stayed in the shadow's waiting for Trek to make his move.

Once the kids met up at the Park, Trek was watching from the tree's.

"Look HJr, their he is again, said Marisol. "In about 5 minutes I'm going to go over their and kick his ass". "Don't do that said Claire, Dad and Uncle "H" said he's very dangerous", said Claire. "I think we could do it HJr, said Thomas, I'll help". "Please, said Marisol, don't, I have one of my really bad feelings coming on, please guy's let it go", cried Mari. "Don't worry Marisol, I'll be right back I promise", said Thomas.

Marisol knew in her heart that she was never going to see Thomas again.

As HJr and Thomas ran towards Trek, so did Eric.

"HJr, Thomas", stop, yelled Eric. "STOP", he yelled again.

Just as Thomas got there first, Trek stabbed him in the chest wih his knife as he took off into the woods. Marisol's screams could be heard throughout the park.

"Thomas, Thomas, Noonnnoooo!, please Thomas said Marisol, as she held his stab wound while he bled through her fingers. "Thomas, please hold on", please.

"Mari, move, "Mari, move"? said Eric. As Eric felt for a pulse he knew it was too late, Thomas had already died. "I'm sorry Mari", said Eric, he's gone Angel".

HJr and looked on in shock, as Eric took off his jacket and covered Thomas's face. A few minutes later "H" and Mac showed up on scene.

"Angel", come here Angel", said "H" to Marisol. She ran into her Dad's arms covered in blood, as Horatio held her while she cried little tears all over his chest. "I'm sorry Angel, so Sorry". "He's gone Dad, I knew it was going to happen, Uncle Eric tried to stop them from going, but it was too late". "Okay sweetheart, Shhhh!".

"H", said Mac, take Marisol and the kids home, I'll go over and let Thomas's Mom know what has happened".

"When they got in the door, Calleigh and Stella seen Marisol covered in blood.

"What happened Marisol, asked Calleigh, "He's gone Mom, Thomas is gone". Calleigh held her daughter tight in her arms. "What happened Handsome"? "Your son and Thomas tried to protect the girls and Thomas was stabbed by Trek". "Oh God, Marisol, I'm so sorry love", said Calleigh. "It was aweful Mom, I could see it, but I was frozen and couldn't move". "Shh! love, it's called shock sweetheart". "I'm going to take her upstairs, and have her relax a bit".

After Calleigh took Marisol upstairs, Horatio asked HJr and Claire to tell him what happened from the begining.
After HJr and Claire told "H" what happened, he went upstairs to check on his Angel. As he got near the door, he couldn't hear anything. Upon opening it she was sound asleep on the bed. Walking over Horatio crawled in beside her like he used to do when she was little. Marisol knew her Dad was there and rolled over and tucked her head under her daddy's chin. Horatio, took his hand and held her close.

"How you feeling Angel"? "Okay Dad, I'm really sad that he's gone, he was my first boyfriend". "I know Angel". "Your brother and Claire told me what happened, and you need to know it's not your fault". "I know that dad, Uncle Eric tried to stop them". "But they wouldn't listen". "I know Angel and your brother has been told not to try anything like that again", it's to dangerous".

Marisol and "H" laid together for the longest time and when Calleigh walked in she found them both sound asleep. Covering them up she left the room.

"How is she"? asked Stella, when Calleigh got downstairs. "She's sleeping in her Daddy's arms", said Calleigh. "Do you think she'll be okay"? "Yes", I do actually, her father will help her get through it".

At that moment Mac and Eric walked through the door.

"How is Marisol"? asked Mac. "She's upstairs sleeping in her father's arms", said Calleigh. "How did Thomas's parents take it"? asked Stella. "Not good, they were very understanding, when I told them Thomas saved Marisol and Claire". "When's the funeral", asked Stella. "There isn't one, said Mac. "They want him cremated". "Okay, said Stella.

"Eric"? said Calleigh. "Are you okay"? "I will be Calleigh, don't worry about me". "We need to worry about Marisol".

Later that evening Calleigh went to wake up Marisol and "H".

"Handsome, Marisol", come on guy's wake up", Stella has supper ready". "Okay Mom". "H", wake up Handsome", called Calleigh. "What is it love"? "Stella has supper ready for us". "Okay love, I'll be right down". As "H" got out of the bed Marisol told her Dad thank-you for staying with her. "You're welcome love, now let's get something to eat".

As everyone was eating dinner the phone rang.

"Taylor"! "Mac it's Danny, we've located Trek, he's at the Mall, we have him covered on all side's, thought you and "H", might want to be here before we arrest him". "We'll be right there Danny", said Mac.

"Come "H", Eric, let's go, we got a call out. Mac didn't want to let them know until they were outside, due to Marisol still being upset.

"They've got him "H", at the Mall, we need to get there, before the arrest and before the Chief show's up".

As they got to the Mall, the Chief was already there and they had made the arrest.

"Listen said Mac, "Trek goes with Danny and Flack", and we'll follow behind", said Mac. "Chief you can meet us at the station". "Det. Taylor, I should be the one to take my Nephew in". "Sorry Chief that isn't going to happen, he's family and his case will be handled by an outsider". "We will see you at the station".

Back at the station Trek had been booked for 5 homicide's and was given 5 life sentence's with no parole. Marisol was slowly getting back to normal and putting Thomas's death behind her. Stella still wasn't aware she was pregnant again yet, so her and Mac were still trying. Everything was finally back to normal, until.........

Claire's Graduation Day , and the death of 5 female student's shot at gun point during the daytime hour's. But that's the next story....
You are killing me, :eek: I'm working on all sort's of new things and will continue with first chapter either late tonight or in the morning :). Also if I do post Thursday it will only be one or two posts at the most, as I have to work with the animals tomorrow, :D Canadian time. Thanks for the FB, will post as soon as Ican :lol:
oooh what kind of work is that? I'm a big animal lover :D

The preview looks good :) *wonders...what happens if Stella has twins...how will Mac survive the pregnancy? rofl*
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