CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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In the morning Horatio went to the Airport th pick up Eric.

""H", how are you"? said Eric. "Good thanks", "How are things in Miami"? "Not bad, Though Ryan doesn't like being in charge. "He never does, It's to much crap to put up with", said "H".

"So what's going on with this case"? "Well it seems Mac has a serial killer who's MO is worse then Terrance Blake's". "You're kidding right"? "No, this one slices symbols on his victims, with the Pentagon, douses them in bleach while still alive, and then he finishes by with a stab through the heart". "Christ "H", said Eric.

Once they got back to the house Marisol was the first one at the door.

"Uncle Eric", you're here, kisses please".

Ever since Marisol was born, she was very close with her Uncle Eric, and no matter how old she got , she loved to tell her Uncle kisses please.

"How are you Mari"? "Good Uncle Eric", I'd say up, but I'm to big for you too lift now". "You're never to big Mari".

Eric picked her up like a sack of potatoes, and threw her over his shoulder.

"Uncle Eric, put me down", said Marisol laughing. "Never Mari", said Eric.

"Hey Uncle Eric, "What's up man"? said HJr. "Nothing's up "HJr, how about with you"? "You and Claire still going strong"? "Of course, I know when to keep someone good". "she's my woman".

Eric had to laugh and wondered if he was like that at 15.

"Hey, Uncle Eric, Marisol has a boyfriend"? "No way, not my Mari". "Yeah Uncle Eric, yeah, Mari has a boyfriend". "Your Dad must be freaking"? "He did at first, but he's fine now". "Who is he"? "His name is Thomas, he's 15 and has been friends with Claire since kindergarden, and he's coming over for dinner tonight".

"Well that's good then, I get to meet him".

At that moment Calleigh came waddling down the stairs.

"Eric, how are you"? "good, Cal, look at you all ready to burst". "I know hard to believe it's only one". "Are you sure"? said Eric. "No, but the Ultrasound is, and the doctor say's only one heartbeat". "Jes Cal", get another opinion", said Eric laughing.

"Okay Eric, you ready"? Mac's waiting for us at the Crime Lab". "Yeap", let's go".

Once they were on their way, Eric asked "H" about Thomas. "H", Who's this Thomas boy"? "Some friend of Claire's that my Angel has taken a liken to". "You got your gun ready"? said Eric laughing. "Alway's Eric, and I even shinned a new bullet just for him".

Eric and "H" laughed all the way NYPD.
When they got to NYPD Eric had a look at the body of the latest victim. "Jesus "H", you wern't kidding, this guy is sick". "Do you have any leads Mac"? asked Eric. "We had plenty of leads and evidence, until the new CSI came along and destroyed two crime scenes with his clumbsiness". "I had to fire him", then it turns out he's the Chief's nephew, well that didn't go over well at all".

"Wait, wait a second". "are you telling me this guy destroyed two crime scenes"? "Yes", why Eric"? asked Mac. "It seems a little funny that someone could destroy more then one crime scene". "This , isn't adding up. "Who was first to arrive"? asked Eric. "The new guy, he was alway's there before any of us arrived", said Mac. "Then think about it", he's at the crime scene, are you sure he's not your killer"? said Eric. "You're kidding right"? the guy doesn't even have a parking ticket , and besides that, he's the Chief's nephew".

"Look I don't care who he is, you need to dig deeper Mac, check back through his family, to his childhood, becasue something here isn't adding up", said Eric.

Mac and "H" looked at each other, "Christ "H", I never thought of that", said Mac. "Either did I". "Okay, I'm going to have Danny check their background, I'll see you both at home". "Thank-you Eric". "No problem "H", now I'm starving can we go get something to eat"? "You bet, let's go".

As Eric and Horatio got in the door, they heard shouting. Running into the room they seen Marisl, Claire, HJr and the other kids standing over Calleigh.

"Dad, you're here, Mom's gone into labour Dad, she say's the baby's coming right now this minute she can feel it down there". "Where is Aunt Stella"? "She had to run to the store". "Eric call the Paramedics, Marisol, Claire, get me some clean towels, now". yelled "H". "Listen to me Calleigh, I need you to breathe, deep slow breath's but don't push". "It hurt's Handsome, I can feel the baby".

Horatio lifted up her skirt and could see the baby's head through her panties. "H" knew he had no choice, he had to remove them and deliver the baby himself. Once he had the towel's positioned in place, he told Calleigh to push.

"Okay love, push", keep pushing, Marisol watched in amazement as she seen the little head coming out. "Oh my God Mom, I can see it, I can see it's head". "HJr and Claire were off to the side, listening and waiting. "Okay love, deep hard push and hold it, hold it, hold it, and all at once a beautiful little girl slid out screaming her welcome into the world. "It's a girl love, a beautiful little girl". Horatio left the cord for the hospital to take care of, and as he wrapped his beautiful baby in towles the Paramedics arrived.

"Oh Dad, that was so amazing, said Marisol in tears. "You delivered your own child Dad, you, by yourself". "H" was in tears as he hugged his Angel and HJr. "You guy's stay here with Uncle Eric until Aunt Stella comes back, I'm going with your Mom". "Okay Dad", bye".

"Did you see that Uncle Eric, Dad delivered our sister". "I know Mari", I seen". "HJr, are you okay"? , asked Eric. "Sure Uncle Eric, fine". Eric could tell "HJr" was terrified. "It's okay HJr, said Eric. "Kind of freaky seeing it first hand, isn''t it". "Yeah, it's nothing like the films they show us in Health class". "I guess not", said Eric laughing
You never know Mel :lol:

At that moment Aunt Stella came in the door.

"Aunt Stella" , yelled Marisol, Dad had to deliver Mom's baby, she had a girl, we have a sister". "Calm down Marisol", "Say that again". "Mom went into labour, and Dad had to deliver the baby", I have a new sister". "Eric"? said Stella.

"H and I just got in the door, when Calleigh was in labour, we called for the Paramedic's but the baby decided she didn't want to wait. "So Horatio, had to deliver his daughter", he did a great job too". "Wow, and I missed it"? said Stella. "Claire, are you okay"? "Sure Mom, but I'm never having a baby". "Why not love". "It's to messy and Aunt Calleigh screamed to much".

Stella laughed. "You'll change your mind when you're older", "I bet it was quite an experience for you all, how bout some lunch", said Stella. As they all settled down to lunch, Mac came home.

"Stella, where are you love"? "Right hear Mac".

As Stella walked over Mac kissed her smack dab on the lips.

"What was that for"? "That was because I love you, now where is "H" and Eric"? "Eric is in the kitchen having lunch, and "H" is at the hospitl with Calleigh and their new baby girl". "WHAT", said Mac. "When"? "According to Marisol, "H" and Eric came home, and the kids told them Calleigh was in labour, but before the Paramedic's could get here, "H" had to deliver his daughter". "Are you telling me "H" brought his baby into this world"? "Yeah, he did", said Stella. "Well I'll be damned".

(At the Hospital)

Once Caleigh was settled in her room, they brought in their baby.

"Here you go Mr & Mrs. Caine". "Thank-you nurse", said "H" as he took his daughter from the nurse.

Walking over, he laid beside Calleigh on the bed with their daughter sandwiched between them. "She's beautiful, isn't she Handsome"? "As beautiful as her mother and our other children". "God Calleigh look at her, 10 little toes and fingers, bright red hair, and that little pout just like her mother has". "You did a wonderful job Handsome", bringing our daughter into the world like that".

Horatio's eye's teared up again, because he knew this little girl would hold a special place in his heart, right next to Marisol and he thanked God for all the blessing's he had given him over the last few years. He alway's dreamed of one or two kids but never to be blessed with 5, It was truely a miracle to him that he had been given so much love.

"What shall we name her"?, said "H". "How about , "Destinee Lynn Caine", said Calleigh. "I like that love, "Welcome to the world Destinee Lynn", at that moment Destinee let out a little mew in her daddies arms. "Listen sweetheart, I'm going to head home and meet this Thomas that Marisol is interested in". "I'll be back a little later". "Okay Handsome, bring the kids with you". "I will love".
After passing Calleigh the baby Horatio kissed his wife and daughter and headed back to Mac's to meet this Thomas.

"Hey Dad, how's Mom, asked Marisol. "She's great love, and wants to see you and the other kids tonight". "But Dad, Thomas is coming for supper". "I know love, we will be seeing your Mom after supper". "Sure Dad, said Marisol.

Marisol wasn't very happy, she was hoping to spend some time with Thomas after supper, but that wasn't going to happen now.

"Well there is the proud father, I hear you had a new experience today", said Mac. "It was that, though it was amazing, and something that I'll carry with me the rest of my life". "I'll bet it was", said Mac. "So what did you name my niece"? "We named her Destinee Lynn". "I like that said Mac, as embraced "H" in a hug.

At that moment the doorbell rang.

"Thomas is here, said Marisol, he's here Dad". "Calm down love, and let him in". "Hi Thomas said Marisol, how are you"? "Good", "Hey Mac how's it going"? "Good Thomas, how's your Mom"? "She's good", say's hi". "Hey Thomas, said Claire, let's go in the Den and play a video game", said HJr. "Hold it"! said "H". "I'd like to meet Thomas first please". "Sure, sorry Dad". "Hello Sir, I'm Thomas". He brought up his hand to shake with "H". "It's nice to meet you, you can call me "H". "So what would you like to be when you're an Adult"? asked "H". "Well Sir, I'm hoping to be a CSI like Mac, It would be great to work with him some day". "Very good goal Son, good luck with that", said "H".

As the kids went into the Den, Horatio and Mac laughed. Never had they seen a boy so afraid of meeting "H". "The kids must have told stories about you, that kid was terrified". "I know", said "H".
aww so cute
I wonder how Eric will react if Thomas does something stupid to Marisol:confused:
that serial killer reminds me of Charles Manson because he also killed people because supposedly voices told him to(learned that from my english teacher;))
Once they had started dinner everyone was silent except for Cody and Kenya, who were talking to each other.

"So tell me Thomas, what do you like to do for fun"? asked "H". "Well Sir, sometimes go to Movies, the Arcade, playing baseball, swimming, running, and other outside activities". "Do you date alot"? asked "H". "DAD", said Marisol. "What Angel, I'm only asking a question". "Actually Sir, your daughter is only the second girl I've dated". "I don't have alot of free time, and with baseball starting up again in another month, I'll be busy".

"H" started to relax a bit, knowing that he was going to be busy during the summer, meant he wouldn't have time for his daughter.

"How do you have time for girl's if you keep yourself so busy"? "That's the problem Sir, I have to squeeze myself in between activities and school". "Uncle "H", how about you tell everyone about how you delivered Destinee", said Claire.

Claire could tell Thomas was getting uncomfortable, and thought it might help if she could get Uncle "H", to talk about the new baby. The problem was Horatio knew exactly what Claire was up too. But "H" decided maybe he should give the kid a chance, he didn't seem to bad for a 15 year old boy.

"Claire as much as I would love to talk about Destinee, it's getting late and your Aunt Calleigh wants the kids to see their new sister". "Marisol, if you could get ready that would be great".

Getting up from the table, Marisol told Thomas she would call him later. Poor Thomas wanted to kiss Marisol good-bye but "H" was watching them. As Marisol walked Thomas to the door, she gave him a kiss not caring that her Dad watched.

"See you tomorrow Thomas", "I'll call you when I get back". "Okay Marisol", "thanks for dinner Mr.& Mrs. Taylor". "You are very welcome Thomas, say hi to your Mom for me", said Stella. "I will", bye".

After Thomas left Marisol asked her Dad what he thought about Thomas.

"He seems okay Angel", "Now let's go see Destinee".

Once at the Hospital, Stella was the first one to hold Destinee.

"God I miss this Mac", "Look at how tiny she is", so beautiful". "Forget it Stella, 4 is enough", said Mac. "How can you not Mac, just hold her", said Stella.

Mac took Destinee in his arms and held her.

"Look at her Mac, she's absolutely gorgeous". "That she is Stella, but the answer is still no", said Mac. "Fine, you grinch", said Stella.

"Auh! "Come on Dad, it would be nice to have a sister", said Claire. "Listen Claire, I'm feeling to old to bring another Taylor into our world". "Seriously Dad, they do have Viagra now you know, it boosts your sexual drive". "Claire, said Stella, where the hell did that come from", asked Stella. "TV Mom", it's not a secret you know".

Everyone laughed except for Mac.

"Well I'm glad you all find humor in this situation", and the answer is still no, No more Taylor's".

"Come on guy's leave it be, Uncle Mac doesn"t want anymore, then good for him", said HJr. "Since when do you agree with your Uncle Mac", said Claire. "Since I seen that horror today". "I will never go through that again", said HJr. "Really, said Claire. "What if I want kids one day"? asked Claire. "Claire we have our whole life ahead of us, you are only 13 years old and I'm 15, believe me I will not even think about it at this time". "What ever HJr", said Claire.

Silence filled the room as everyone had realized HJr and Claire had their first fight.

A few hour's later everyone but Horatio headed home. He decided to stay a bit longer with Calleigh and the baby. while Calleigh slept, "H" walked the room with Destinee in his arms.

"Who's daddies little, little girl, It must be you my little destinee". "Daddy loves you sweetheart". As "H" bent his head to kiss Destinee she balled her hand into a little fist as it rested on "H"s heart. Sitting in the Rocking chair, Horatio began to hum and rock his daughter. Calleigh watched with tears in her eyes as she found it so endearing the way "H" loved all his children. As "H" started humming the second verse, Destinee let out a scream and turned her head into "H"s chest as she opened her mouth.

"Hold on their love, I'll have to pass you to mommy for what you want".

"H" got up and walked the baby over to Calleigh's waiting arms as she removed her right side of the nightgown to feed the baby. As soon as she latched on, "H" watched in amazement as the baby suckled with her little fist resting on her mommies heart. After the feeding was done, "H" laid Destinee in her little bed and kissed his wife goodnight.

"I'll be here in the morning to pick you and Destinee up love". "Okay Handsome", "I love you". "I love you too sweetheart".
LOL at the Viagra thing...and how much you wanna bet the way Mac and Stella go at it, another kid'll happen anyway *g*
Once Horatio got home he seen Stella and Mac watching a movie.

"I'm going to bed guy's, goodnight, said "H".

"Night, said Stella and Mac together.

Once the movie was over, Mac got up to head up too bed.

"You going somewhere Stud"? asked Stella.

"Yeah, to bed love, night". Mac laughed as he headed out of the Den.

It took all of 5 seconds for Stella to tackle him to the carpet. "You're not going anywhere Stud", Lady Stella requires your services tonight". "Listen Lady Stella, Mac is ready for beddie bye".

Turning over to face his Dominatrix wife, he couldn't help but get hard.

"That's right Big Boy, you know what Mama likes". "Damn you Stella", you drive me insane, as he took her on the floor like a beast , he smothered her screams with his mouth upon hers.

Once he was done he layed on Stella's back and whispered, "I Love you and I hope I gave you our baby".

Turning over Stella looked at him with passionate tears. Thank-you Mac for loving me enough to give us this gift". Mac picked his wife up and carried her to bed

About four hours later Mac got to go too bed.
ROFL naughty naughty :devil: I still can't shake the notion something bad will happen but at least they always win in the end :)
In the morning Horatio went to pick up Calleigh before the kids got up. He knew Calleigh was going to be surprised as he and the kids went out and bought a brand new Cradle for their Destinee.

Entering the Hospital, he once again thought to himself how lucky he was.

"Morning Sweetheart, are you ready"? "Yes Handsome", said Calleigh. "There is my little girl", "Daddy loves you sweetheart". Destinee opened her eyes and let out a little yawn. "H" couldn't help but smile, that pout spoke of Calleigh.

"Good morning Mrs.Caine, are you all ready to go"? said the nurse. "Yes thank-you". "Just a couple rules for you Calleigh, No high stressed activities and no intercourse for 6 weeks", said the nurse". "Okay, thank-you".

Once they got in the door Horatio took Calleigh and his daughter upstairs to rest. When Calleigh walked in she seen the beautiful hand crafted cradle with pink sheets and bumper pads.

"Oh my God "H", it's beautiful, I love it", said Calleigh. "The kids and I bought it for Destinee yesterday".

Once "H" had Calleigh settled in bed and Destinee beside her in the cradle, Marisol came in.

"Welcome home Mom", I missed you", said Marisol. "I missed you too love and thank-you for the lovely gift". "You're welcome Mom".

"Dad is it okay if I go see Thomas today for a while"? "Sure Angel, but no being late this time, I want you back here by supper time", said "H". "I promise Dad, I won't let you down again". "I know Angel".

"Is HJr and Claire going with you"?

"No, they are still fighting about HJr not wanting kids". "Okay, you have cell phone charged and on", asked Calleigh. "Alway's Mom, Always". "You sound more and more like your dad everyday". "I know", kisses please", said Marisol.

Once Marisol left "H" told Calleigh to rest, while he went caught up on the case with Mac.

"Hey Mac", said "H". "Hey, is Calleigh all settled in with the baby"? "Yeah". "Any news yet"? "Not yet and it's been quiet for two days now, hopefully that's a good sign", said Mac.

Just at that moment the phone rang.

"Mac it's Danny". "What is it Danny"? "Seems we have a witness to the second murdered prostitute, she came forward this morning". "Is she there now"? asked Mac. "Yeah she's with the sketch artist".

"Okay Danny, keep her there, until we get there". "I will Mac".

As Horatio and Mac got to NYPD, the witness and Danny were waiting in Mac's office.

"Mac this is Cindy , she 's the witness to our second murder victim". "Cindy can you tell me what you seen"? asked Mac. "A man, maybe in his 50s, greyish hair, nice suit, he spoke of money". "I seen him pick up the woman, but wasn't quick enough to get the plate number". "That's okay, said Mac. "Do you remember anything else"? "Not really, he only had the window rolled down enough to see the prostitute". "Okay, thanks for coming in Cindy, I'll call you if we need you again". "Sure".

After Cindy left, Mac asked Danny for the sketch

"Where is the sketch"? asked Mac. "I'll get it", said Danny.

As Danny went to get the sketch it was gone. "Lily, where did you put the sketch you did for Mac"? "It's on the table Danny", said Lily. "It's gone, someone took it", said Danny.

Danny took off down the hall to tell Mac someone had taken the sketch. Just as he entered Mac's office they heard a car hit something.

Running outside, Mac and Danny seen Cindy laying on the ground dead.

"What the hell happened"? said Mac. "I'm sorry Det.Taylor", looks like a Hit and Run", said an Officer. "Did anyone get a plate"? "No", the car had no plates", said the Officer.

"Mac, this is getting really eerie, said Danny. "Why is that", said Mac. "Well just before Cindy got hit the sketch went missing from the Interrogation room".

"Are you telling me we have nothing again"?

Later that night after two day's of peace

"Draw a Pentagon, 5 pointed star, mark the symbol's, then stab her in the heart". The killer repeated this over and over as the prostitute screamed in pain with the bleach burning through her skin. After repeating his chant 5 times he stabbed her in the heart, then all that could be heard was silence along with the stentch of bleach and blood.

"Good Job, Just two more to go, and you recieve your place in our cult" said the voice in his head

(phone rings)

"Mac", said Danny. "we have a third body". "This time at the North underpass".

"I thought we had those underpasses under survelence", said Mac.

"We did , but car 64 got a call out and no one sent another car to that underpass", said Danny.

Okay I'll be right there".

"Horatio, wake up", we have another DB", said Mac.

"Okay, I'll go wake Eric, and meet you downstairs".

As Horatio woke up Eric and informed him, Eric asked if they had located Trek.

"No not yet Eric, he's still missing", said "H". "Okay give me five to get dressed and I'll be right down".

Once they were on there way Eric couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

Arriving on scene, the first thing they noticed was the victim was not a prostitute this time.

"What the hell is going on around here, said Mac. "She's no prostitute".

"I know said Danny, either he's evolving or he had no choice because the prostitutes have been informed to watch each other".

"Look said Eric, he's getting sloppy I found what looks like skin under her fingernails".

"Eric , you run that to the Lab with Danny, "H" and I will stay with the body".

After Eric and Danny left, Mac and "H" looked around the crime scene.

"Listen "H", he's killed 3 victims already, and all on different sides of the underpass". "He's also drawing Symbolic gesture's on their bodies and a Pentagon".

"What if he's making a huge one, think about it, North, East, South, West and in the center of the underpass is that grassy area, and if I'm not mistaken, I believe that used to be what was called Cult Central".

Just as Mac and "H", thought about it the cell phone rang.


"Mac it's Eric, we have a match it's your new guy Trek", he's your serial killer".

"Thanks Eric, now all we need to do is find him".
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