CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Nice start :) *wonders if we'll eventually have one of the older girls turn up pregnant...that'd be fun for the two with the crush (look out for the parents lol)
What's going on Mac"?, asked "H". "I think we have a Cult Serial Killer in NY". "What"? "You're kidding right"? "I'm afraid not". "This morning at the underpass, a 23yr old female was tortured, with the Pentagon and Symbolic symbol's all over her body, before he stabbed her through the heart". "Christ Mac", any evidence"? I'm not sure, I'm heading down to the Crime Lab now to check". "Well then let's go". Mac was feeling relief that "H" was there with him, because this was one case, Mac didn't wish to handle alone. Besides he wanted "H"s feedback on the new guy Peter trek. Just something about that guy, made Mac feel uncomfortable.

When Mac and "H" got to the Crime lab, Danny was working trace with the new guy.

"Danny, what do you have"? "Blood smeared pattern on the vic's shirt, a few prints around the soil, which the new guy is working on". "That's about it". "Oh, Sid is waiting for you downstairs". "Thanks Danny". "Who's this new guy"? asked "H". "I'm not sure, don't know to much about him yet, though he does give me a weird vibe". "Hmm, Let's go meet him then". "When they got down to the print lab, they could smell a hint of smoke. "What the hell is burining in here, said Mac. "I'm sorry Det. Taylor", the prints got destroyed, my arm hit the burner there and must have turned it on". "How would that ruin the prints"? "I had them sitting on there". "I'm really sorry Det. Taylor".

Mac picked up his phone and paged Danny. "Messer"! "Danny it's Mac, go back to the crime scene and gather up more prints from that soil". "You're kidding right Mac"? "No, I'm not Messer, just do it". "That's going to be impossible Mac". "That new guy stepped all over the crime scene". "What the hell", fine Danny". "You", Mac said pointing at Trek, "One more screw up and you're fired". "Do you understand"? "Yes Sir". Mac left the Lab with "H" hot on is tail. "I'm telling you "H", something with that guy just doesn't fit". "I hear you Mac, have you looked into his background"? "Not yet, that's what I'm about to do now".

As Mac and "H" checked in to Trek's background, he could find nothing on him.

"He's clean "H", nothing, It just doesn't make sense, something about him bother's me". "Well the only thing you can do is keep an eye on him". I'll let Danny and Flack know too, let's go see Sid". "What have you got Sid"? "Not alot Mac, the body has been cleaned with bleach, this girl must have really suffered, you've got a sick one out there, pouring bleach on her body after slicing it up, goes beyond anything I've ever seen, and I've seen alot". "So what you're telling me, is we have nothing"? "I'm sorry Mac, but yeah, at this time we have nothing".

Once Mac and "H", finished at the Lab they headed home. "Stella, we're home", said Mac. "How was your day"? asked Stella. "Not good, the new guy really bother's me, just something about him say's eerie". "He destroyed evidence, by being clumsy, if I could fire him I would, but we are so short staffed with Hawkes gone and Lindsey still on Maternity leave". "It will work out Mac, give him some time, he must be nervous as hell, especially if he heard all those stories about you". "What stories"? asked Mac. "I'm just kidding love, come and relax". "Stella, where is Calleigh"? She's in the Kitchen baking away". "She's supposed to be off her feet". "I know, but she's impossible to keep down". "I know", said "H".

Sweetheart, what are you doing up"? asked "H". "I felt like baking today"? "You know you are supposed to be resting". "I know Handsome, but I'm unsettled today, so I need to bake". "Okay, where are the kids"? "Hjr and Marisol, went to the Mall with Claire", they'll be back at supper" and the little ones are playing in the Den". Horatio walked over and kissed his wife's neck, "When you are done there, you will rest". "I promise Handsome", said Calleigh.

(At the Mall)

"Marisol, HJr. , this is Thomas he's my friend from school". "Hello", said Thomas. Poor Marisol was dumbstruck, she never seen any guy look so Handsome as Thomas. Thomas was having the same reaction as Marisol. "HJr, said Claire, I think they're in love"? "You may be right". "Listen guy's, how about we go play some video games"? said Thomas. "Sound's great said HJr. As they all headed over to the Arcade, Claire and HJr, held hands. "So Marisol what do you like to do"? asked Thomas. "Watch movies, play video games, dance, and any kind of sports". "Wow, said Thomas, you must keep really busy at school". "Yeah, I love after school activities". "Maybe tomorrow we can all take in a show"?, "sounds great to me", said Marisol. "I'll have to check with my parent's first", said Marisol. "That's cool, here's my number, give me a call". "I will Thomas". As they entered the Arcade, Thomas took Marisol's hand as she smiled shyly.

"Oh my God", said Claire, "look at the time", we need to get home now". As they were leaving the Mall, Thomas kissed Marisol on the cheek. "Don't forget to call me later"? "I won't Thomas". After Thomas went home, Claire asked Marisol what she thought of Thomas.

"So what do you think Mari"? asked Claire. "He's very cute", I like him". "Yeah"!, if Dad finds out you let a boy kiss you, he'll ground you for life". Marisol knew HJr was right, "So how am I going to see him tomorrow"? asked Marisol. "Don't worry Mari, we'll all go to the show tomorrow, that way Uncle "H" won't be suspicious". "Thanks Claire".
"You guy's are late, said Calleigh. "What have you been doing"? "Nothing Mom, we lost track of time, sorry", said Marisol. "Get in the kitchen and eat", said Calleigh. "Mom, said Claire. "What is it love"? "can HJr, Marisol and I go to a show tomorrow"? asked Claire. "You have to ask your Aunt Calleigh, Claire", said Stella. "Where did she go Mom"? "Most likely upstairs to lay down". "You'll have to wait till later to ask her", said Stella. "Claire, what are we going to do, I told Thomas I'd call him at 7pm"? "I'm not sure Mari"?, if I wake up your Mom, we'll all be grounded". "I know"? said Marisol.

Meanwhile at the Underpass, the Killer was torchering his next prostitute.

"Draw a Pentagon, 5 pointed star, mark the symbol's, then stab her in the heart". The killer repeated this over and over as the prostitute screamed in pain with the bleach burning through her skin. After repeating his chant 5 times he stabbed her in the heart, then all that could be heard was silence along with the stentch of bleach and blood.

Back at the Lab Danny couldn't find the new guy anywhere. It was now 10pm and Danny was ready to leave for home, Danny called Mac to let him know the new guy had pulled a disappearing act.

"Mac, it's Danny"? "What is it Danny"? it's 10pm". "The new guy pulled a disappearing act Mac, I can't find him anywhere". "What the hell is wrong with this guy, he's fired, I'll let him know in the morning". "Okay, night Mac"? "Night Danny".

It was 4am when Mac recieved the call,

"Taylor"! "Mac it's Flack, we have another body, at the west underpass this time". "I'll be there as soon as I can Flack". Mac went and woke up Horatio. "H", said Mac. "What is it Mac"? "We've got another DB female". "Okay, give me 5 minutes". Once they were dressed and ready to go, they stopped to pick up Danny. "I can't believe this Mac, Flack said in the same place but different underpass"? "That's right Danny".

As they arrived, they could see the new guy standing there.

"Trek"! yelled Mac, "Pack up and go, you're fired". "My team does not disappear during working hour's. I gave you a second chance and you blew it, "NOW GO", yelled Mac. Trek packed up his kit, and gave Mac a look that said, "You'll get yours", as he left.

"Danny, gather as much evidence as you can". "That's not going to anything Mac". "Why is that Danny"? "Everything's been compromised again". "God Damn it, said Mac. "What does it take to get good help". "Never mind that said "H", how did he get here before anyone else"?

As they all headed back to the Lab, they tried to figure out how Trek knew.

"Did you check with Flack Mac"? maybe he told him". "No, I'll do that now", said Mac. "Flack, it's Mac, did you let Trek know about the DB"? "Yeah Mac, he was at NYPD when the call came in, he was visiting his friends in P.D." "he has friends in P.D."? "Yeah he was a cop Mac, before he became CSI". "Why couldn't I find any of that on his file"? " Because you were looking at Senior, instead of Junior". "Are you telling me, his father works for CSI too"? "No Mac, he use to, he's retired now".

"This is insane", I'm getting really pissed here". "How does a guy get hired as a CSI without an interview from the Chief". "Because Mac, Trek is the nephew of the Chief, and Trek's father is his brother", said Flack. "You didn't do something you shouldn't have, did you Mac"? "Yes, I fired him, he destroyed two crime scenes, and evidence". "Are you sure that was a good idea"? said Flack. "Yes, Flack, I do, and the Chief will understand, when I tell him what his nephew did". "Okay Mac, if you need me call". "I will Flack", bye".
Once Mac and Horatio got back home they both went back to bed and crashed.

"Handsome", everything okay"?, asked Calleigh. "Yes and no love, don't worry about it, go back to sleep". Calleigh knew he wasn't okay, and did her best to turn on her side to face him. "Look at me Handsome", what's bothering you"? "Remember Terrance, the guy who butchered the elderly women"? "Yes", what about it"? "This guy is twice as twisted as Terrance was, he slices his prostitutes with symbols, and then he pours bleach on them while they are still alive, before he pierces them in the heart". "It was horrific Calleigh, I can only imagine the agony she must have suffered".

Calleigh knew their was only one way to get Horatio to forget, looking into his eye's she told him "Love me Handsome".

"Calleigh I don't want to hurt the baby, the doctor told you the baby is possitioned for birth". "It's okay love, I know you'll be gentle". And Gentle he was as he carefully possitioned his wife on top, and stroked her ever so softly until they both remained lost in each others souls, where no pain or anguish could interfere.

Meanwhile Mac had stood over Stella, looking at her, years of marrige hadn't reeked havoic on her body, she was as gorgeous as the day he married her.

Climbing into bed he possitioned himself into her spoon, as he began to caress her neck in kisses, while his hand wandered down her thigh. Slowly waking up to his touch, Stella opened herself to his gentle strokes. "I Love you stella, more then life". "I know Mac, as I do you". That was all he needed to hear, and the passion took over.

In the morning , the kids got up and made their own breakfast, so they could get out to the Mall. "Claire, did you ask my Mom yet"? "NO, she's still sleeping".

Just then "H" came down the stairs. "Uncle "H"! said Claire. "What is itClaire"? "Can Marisol and HJr go to the show with me and my friend this afternoon"? "Sure, that's fine as long as you are home by 6pm no later, HJr, Marisol". Mom told me you were late yesterday". "We will be Dad. After "H" gave the kids some spending money they left.

Over at the Mall they met up with Thomas.

"Hi Marisol", said Thomas as he kissed her on the cheek, and held her hand through the mall. "What show would you like to see"? "Anything is fine, I like all movies", said Marisol. "Okay, how about "The Mask"? "Sounds great, let's go".

When they got to the theater Claire sat beside HJr. and Marisol sat beside Thomas as they ate popcorn and shared soda's. Just as the movie started Thomas put his arm over Marisol and pulled her close.

"Are you comfortable Marisol"? "Yeah, thanks Thomas". As the movie was playing Thomas decided to try and blow in Marisol's ear. "Stop Thomas, I'm trying to watch the movie", said Marisol. "Come on Marisol, quit being so innocent, you know you like me". "Yes I do Thomas, but not enough to let you blow in my ear". "SHhhh! said Claire. "Can you two be quiet and Thomas, behave yourself".

After the movie they headed into the Mall to get something to eat. Looking at the time, Marisol said,

"My God HJr, we did it again, it's six thirty", Dad's going to kill us". "Ah Hell", I'm sorry Thomas we have to go, said Claire. Marisol kissed Thomas on the lips just as Horatio walked down the Mall.

"Marisol"!, "Marisol, said Claire, it's your Dad, stop kissing him". Too late, Horatio had seen Marisol kissing Thomas. "Marisol Caine"! get over here NOW", yelled "H". "I'm sorry we're late Dad", the movie ran late". "We will talk about it at home, let's go".

Silence could be heard in the car all the way home because the Taylor/Caine kids knew they were in for it now.
I can only hope he understands lol. And they shouldn't yell at the kids for kissing, only for being late. That part is bad.
:(Don't worry it alway's work out. Afterall she's Daddy's little girl. :D

I try to make the character's as real life as possible and with Marisol being "H"s only daughter, I could understand him being upset that his daughter kissed a boy :eek:. That's his little girl. :lol:

*Keep the FB coming, It really helps*
*nod* I also got in a slight mixup; it's the other one who has the crush on Claire...those two are a cute pair though they're young yet.
omg why is Horatio exagerating on Marisol because she kissed a boy?
but like you said she is daddy's little and only girl
i wonder what Calleigh will say?:confused:
Once they got home Marisol stormed upstairs to Claire's room.

"Horatio, what's going on"? asked Calleigh. "I told the kids to be home by six, that's twice now they've been late". "Also your daughter was kissing a boy, a boy Calleigh, our 14 year old daughter kissing a boy".

Calleigh looked shocked for the briefest of seconds.

"HJr, who is this boy"? asked Calleigh. "He's a friend of Claire's, his name is Thomas and he's 15". "Claire how well do you know him"? "Very well Aunt Calleigh, I've been going to school with him since kindergarden, he's one of my best friends". "Okay, thank-you Claire".

"Handsome, I'll go talk to Marisol".

"Marisol, sweetheart, it's Mom, can I come in"? "Sure Mom". "Do you want to tell me what happened"? "The movie ran late, and Dad came into the Mall looking for us, and seen me kissing Claire's friend Thomas". "Marisol, I don't think Dad meant to yell at you". "It's just you are his little girl, and no matter how old you get he is always going to think of you as his little Angel". "I know Mom, it was just embarassing". "Listen love, if this boy really like's you, he'll understand". "I know Mom". Marisol sat up and hugged her Mother in her arms.

*Knock, knock*

"Marisol it's Daddy, can we talk"? "Sure Dad, come in". Horatio looked at his daughter's tear stained face. "Marisol, you are such a Angel, you look so much like your Mom", said "H". "I know Dad, you tell me that all the time". "Listen Angel, I'm sorry I yelled at you in the Mall, It was just a shock to see you kissing a boy". "You are my little Angel, and I guess, I just don't want you to grow up so quickly". "Dad no matter how big I get I'll alway's be your little Angel, "I love you Dad". "I love you too Angel".

After father and daughter made up, they arranged for Thomas to come too dinner.

*Later that evening at the South Side Underpass*

"Draw a Pentagon, 5 pointed star, mark the symbol's, then stab her in the heart". The killer repeated this over and over as the prostitute screamed in pain with the bleach burning through her skin. After repeating his chant 5 times he stabbed her in the heart, then all that could be heard was silence along with the stentch of bleach and blood.

"Just three more to go, and you get your place in our Cult", the voices said to him.

*Phone Rings* "Taylor"! "Mac, it's Danny". "Not again"? "Sorry Mac, this time it's at the South Underpass". "We'll be right there". "H", "H", wake up". "What is it Mac"? "We have another body". "Not again, okay I'll be right out".

Once they were on their way, "H" and Mac prepared themselves for the stench of bleach and blood. When they arrived they noticed this Prostitute was more brutally tortured then the other two.

"Christ", said "H", he really torchered this one". As "H" bent down to check her she opened her eyes. Horatio jumped back, "get me a Medic, she's alive". "What"? said Danny. "She's alive, she opened her eyes", "Where the hell is the Medic"? "They're coming "H", said Danny. Mac and Horatio watched the Medic's prep her for the ride to NY General. "I need all her belonging's, nothing get's thrown out". "We will be right behind you", said Mac. "Danny keep processing, and then meet us at the Hospital". "You got it Mac".

Once they arrived at the Hospital, the Doctor was waiting for them.

"Are you Det.Taylor"? asked the Doctor. "Yes, I am", said Mac. "I'm sorry to inform you that the victim has died", we couldn't save her". "Okay, thank-you Doctor", said Mac. "Now what "H"? "Now we get her thing's , we have Danny process her and I'll call Eric to come over and help".

As "H" left to call Eric, Danny showed up.

"How is she Mac"? asked Danny. "She didn't make it". "Listen I need you to process her and take everything back to the Lab, "H" is calling Eric over to help us". "How long before he get's here"? "Should be here by morning", said Mac. "Okay Mac", said Danny.
Uhoh that was bad :( But I'm glad they made up. *Has suspicions about that Trek guy* One spelling correction, it's tortured.
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