CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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A short time later Mac came downstairs, "You know Claire and HJr are at it again right"? "Yeah she was in there this morning", said "H". "Were you ever like that with Calleigh"? asked Mac. "All the time, still am", said "H". "Yeah, me too". "Listen "H", did you figure out what was wrong with Calleigh"? "Yeah, it will clear up in 9 months". "Are you telling me she's Pregnant". "I guess I am". "by God, "H", still going at 51", I'll change your name to Energizer "H", the bunny that keeps on going and going". "shut up Taylor, as "H" threw a tea towel at his head. "Wow", I'm still in shock", you horney old devil", said Mac.

Claire and HJr came down the stairs, "Morning Dad, morning Uncle Mac". "Good morning, son, would you and Claire like some breakfast"? asked "H" smiling. "No Dad, I'm taking Claire out for breakfast". "I'm afraid not son, not until we all have a family PowWow". "About what Dad"? "It has to do with a case that's come up, and it involves everyone in this house". "But Dad". "No but's, now sit and have some eggs and bacon with the rest of us".

Once everyone was up and enjoying breakfast Horatio went to wake up Calleigh. "Sweetheart", "Come on love, wake up". As Calleigh awoke she gagged and ran into the bathroom. Horatio followed her in and rubbed her back as she bent over the toilet. "It's okay love, I'm here with you, just breath love". Horatio took a washrag with cold water and wiped down her beautiful face. "Better love"? "A little", thanks Handsome". "No thanks needed love, I wish I could take your morning sickness for you". "I'm fine now, shall we head downstairs".

After everyone was together in the Den, Horatio told the kids they were to travel in pairs until Narcisco was captured. "But Dad, what if we want to do something with our friends"? "It is summer time you know"? "I know that HJr, but it doesn't change this issue, you are to stay together whenever you go out". "Is that understood"? "Yes Dad", said HJr.

Marisol wasn't as understanding as her brother. "Listen Dad, that's not right, why should we have to ruin our summer because of some criminal who has it for you". "Excuse me young lady, you don't talk to your father like that", said Calleigh. "Well it's true Mom, this summer is going to suck". "Ever since I've been old enough to understand, we are alway's messed up in one case or another". "Sometimes it feels like we don't even have a life". "Oh don't look at me like that Dad, you've told Mom yourself, that you wish we could be a normal family". "You're right Marisol, I have, but unfortunately we aren't a normal family", but I won't apologize for protecting my family". "Whatever Dad", as Marisol left the Den.
bad girl, bad! I hope she doesn't learn the hard way but knowing you she will.

ROFL energizer bunny *giggle* when's it Mac's turn for a surprise baby? <g>
"Let her go handsome", she's just angry right now". "You know she'll come back, once she's cooled down". "She really has "H"s temperment doesn't she", said Stella. "Yeah, two peas from the same pod". Dad, May we be excused, I'd like to find something to do with "H". "Sure, have fun", said Mac. After the kids left Horatio felt hurt with the way Marisol had talked to him. He knew it wasn't her fault, and he did wish he could give them a normal life, but deep down he knew it would never happen.

"Dad", said Marisol. When "H" turned around he had tears in his eyes. "What is it Angel"? "I'm sorry Dad, I never meant to yell or hurt your feelings like that". "I know Angel, and I wish I could give you all a normal life, but that's never going to hapen". "I know that to Dad". Walking over Marisol embraced her Dad. "I love you Daddy, always". "I know my Angel, I know".

After Marisol and her Dad made up, Horatio went to find Calleigh. "Hi sweetheart", I love you". "I love you too Handsome". "Listen Calleigh, I need to go too the Lab for a bit, I'll be home later". "Sure, you taking Mac with you"? "No, I'm going alone love". "Okay, love you"? Horatio bent down and kissed his unborn daughter or son, and then he kissed Calleigh good-bye.

At the office Horatio opened his drawer and pulled out 6 plane tickets. He had planned for a while to take the kids to Aspen for a ski vacation, but once again his job interfered with his plans. Horatio was contimplating his life when Eric walked in.

"H", are you okay"? "Hmmm! "Yeah, fine Eric, just thinking". "About what"? "Changing my life". "What do you mean changing your life"? "Well, I'm thinking of leaving the crime Lab". "Why"? "Why"? because my children and my wife deserve a normal life", that's why". "You're not making sense "H". "I'm making perfect sense Eric, Calleigh and the kids deserve to be happy, I can't do that here, there is alway's something that gets in the way of our happiness". "I've never heard you talk like this "H", but you sound like you know what you want, so I can't and won't stop you". "Thanks Eric".
awww don't let him leave...well I'm not sure...Miami needs him but his family needs him more...what will he do? lol
*Danger Alert* :eek: the Taylor/Caines go on a Deadly Vacation :eek:

Back at home Marisol had called one of her friends and told them to meet her at the mall. After she changed she around to make sure no one was watching as she ran out the door. She felt really bad for ignoring her father's wishes, but she was bored and HJr and Claire had already left. As she was nearing the mall entrance she seen her friends and waved. Just as she started walking the parking lot, someone grabbed her from behind. Marisol faught and kicked the way she was shown by her Dad and managed to knock the guy to his knees as she bolted all the way home.

"Marisol", what's wrong"? yelled Calleigh as she ran through the door and upstairs. "Marisol , get down here right now", said Calleigh. As Marisol came down the stairs she was in tears. "What's the matter Angel"? "I didn't listen to Dad's rules, and went to the mall, and some guy tried to grab me, but I remembered the moves Dad taught me, and managed to get away". Calleigh picked up the phone and called "H".

"Caine"! "Hey hun it's me, "Listen, Marisol got attacked at the mall". "What"? Is she okay"? "Yeah, she's fine but upset". "I'll be right home". After hanging up the phone, Horatio rushed home to see his daughter. "Marisol"! Are you okay"? "Fine Dad". "Did he hurt you"? "No Dad, he just tried to grab me but I kicked him in the privates and ran". "Okay Angel, do you remember what he looked like"? "He was medium skinned, large nose, about 5"9 or 6ft", dark hair and an accent", but the one thing I remember most, was he said "Damn you Caine, after I kicked him". "Okay angel, you can go".

After Marisol left Horatio told Calleigh, "It was Narcisco". "I know love, what now"? "Listen love, I've been thinking about taking some time off". "Why would you want to do that"? "We need a break from all this, I've had tickets booked for Aspen for two weeks now, I think this is the perfect time to go away". "What about the Taylor's, they are supposed to be here for the month". "I know, I'll talk to Mac tonight and see if they want to come". "Calleigh, I'm doing this for us, we all need a break". "I know, I just wish our...." "I know love so do I".

Once Mac, Stella and the kids got back from the beach, Horatio asked Mac for a few minutes.

"What's the matter "H"? "I was wondering how you feel about Aspen"? "Aspen, I'm not sure, why"? "Well I've had tickets booked, for the kids and Calleigh, and I was thinking, this would be the perfect time to use them, and we want you all to come with us". "Wow, Aspen, Colorado, let me talk it over with Stella first". Calleigh and Stella were listening from the kitchen, "Yes Mac, let's go", said Stella. "Well then I guess we're all going to Aspen".

Well, it loks like the Taylor/Caine Clan are off to Aspen for a much needed vacation. But as we all know, "Where the Clan's go trouble follows". And that put's Narcisco Cruz , right behind them. "Let's just hope Aspen is prepared for the trouble that the Taylor/Caine Clan bring".
As everyone sat down to dinner that night, Horatio and Mac told the family the good news.

"Listen up guy's, said "H", Mac and I have decided, to take you all to Aspen for two weeks". "Get out Dad, No way". "Yeah way son, we leave in the morning". "What"! said Stella, "no one told me anything". "It was a surprise love", said Mac. "Well that's some surprise, we don't even have our ski stuff". "Yes we do", I took the Concord back to New York and picked everything up". "We are set to go". "Awesome, Uncle Mac, wow, this is going to rock", said HJr.

As they all waited at the Airport for their flight, Narcisco was waiting patiently in the shadows.

"How much longer Dad"?, asked Marisol. "The flight should be landing shortly".

"Flight 207 to Aspen, Colorado now boarding on Gate 7" "That's our flight guy's let's go". "As they all boarded the plane and took their seats in First Class, Narcisco was getting comfortable in coach.

"Dad, called Marisol, "HJr won't let me sit beside Claire". "Marisol just come sit with you brother". "But I want to sit with Claire". "Marisol what does Claire want asked Calleigh. Marisol leaned over and asked Claire who she wanted to sit with. "HJr, Marisol". "That's only because you want to kiss him". "Mom, she said, Claire said she wants to sit with HJr so they can kiss". "I did not Marisol", stop telling stories". "Marisol just get over here and buckle up please", said Calleigh. "It's not fair Mom, she never spends time with me anymore it's always HJr." "She was my friend first". "I know love, we'll find you some new friends". "Very funny Mom, remind me to laugh later".

As the plane was in flight, Calleigh took a turn for the worst. "What's the Matter love"? "I need to get up, I'm going to be sick". Horatio followed Calleigh to the washroom, "Are you okay love"? "No, I'm sick, God I hate this, it's all your fault you know"? "Listen sweetheart, if you want to blame me that's fine", just let me help you". Once Horatio walked Calleigh back to her seat, he asked the Steward for a cold cloth and some water. Horatio placed the cloth on her head as he rubbed her tummy with the other. Mac looked on in pain. He could remember how much Stella suffered through her pregnancy's.

As the plane landed Calleigh felt a little better. "Mom, are you feeling okay now"? asked HJr. "Yes, thank-you HJr. "Okay I've rented the Mini bus, let's get you to the Hotel so you can rest", said "H". "DAD"! yelled Marisol. "What was that scream about young lady"? "That guy is here, look over there by the washrooms". When "H" turned around, he couldn't see anyone in sight. "Where, sweetheart"? "He's gone now, I swear Dad he was there". "H", you think he followed us"? said Mac. "That's a possibility". "Jesus, even on vacation we can't get a break", said Mac.
Mac and Horatio knew they would have to keep their eyes open now, that Narcisco had followed them. Once all the kids were settled in their ajoined rooms, Horatio helped Calleigh get ready for bed.

"Come on love, come here". Calleigh walked over to the bed and fell into "H"s arms as he embraced her. "Lay straight love, on your back". Calleigh knew what "H" was going to do, and she loved every minute of this. Once she was laying straight, he took the palm of his hand, and rubbed her tummy in small circles, as he lowered his head to talk to their unborn child. "Listen little one, this is Daddy talking, you need to give Mommy a rest, just sleep for now love, feel Daddy caress you to sleep, I love you liltle one", and then "H" kissed her tummy. When he looked up Calleigh was sound asleep with tears in her eyes. Horatio kissed his wife's tears and got out of bed being careful not to wake her.

Over in the next rooms Horatio went to check on HJr and Marisol. "How's it going you two"? "Good Dad, how's Mom"? "She's sleeping son". "Dad, why does Mom always get so sick when she's pregnant"? asked Marisol. "I'm not sure love, ask your Mom later". Horatio wasn't ready to talk to his daughter about female problem. "Dad, "why do Marisol and I have to share a room"? "because son, Mac and I feel, you and Claire need some apart time". "Why"? "Well, sometimes it's good, to find things to do seperate as well as together". "You have to remember, you're young son, and have your whole life ahead of you to be together".

(The Taylor's rooms)

"Stella, did you talk to Claire yet about her and HJr spending some time apart"? "Not yet Mac, I will though". "Macster, my son, what are you up too there"? "Nothing Dad, just putting my things away but the drawer got stuck". "Did you get it okay"? "Yeah, thanks Dad". "MOM", yelled Claire, how come I have to share a room with Macster and Arthur"? "Because we need your help keeping an eye on them love". "Yeah, like that's fair". "Listen Claire Bear, said Mac, You and your Mom need to have a talk", I'm going to take the boy's and leave you two alone". "See you later love", as he kissed Stella and Kenya good-bye.

"Mom what's going on"? asked Claire. "Claire we've all had a discussion on you and HJr, and the amount of time you two spend together". "We feel it's best if you two take a break, not a whole vacation break, just a little breathing space, which is why HJr is sharing his room with Marisol". "That's not right Mom, we love each other". "Listen sweetheart, no one is saying you don't, but you are both very young, and need some time apart to explore different avenues". "If it turns out that you two stay together forever, then that's wonderful too, but give it a chance to be apart a bit, I know Marisol misses you alot". "Okay Mom, I'll try it". "that's all your father and I can ask for".

"Hey Mac", "How did it go"? "I'm not sure, Stella's talking to her now". "How about on your end"? "Okay, I think, It's hard to tell with HJr". "Well let's take Eric, Cody, Macster and Arthur down to the play area". Once they had left, HJr went to see Claire. (knock on door) "Claire, are you there"? "Yeah", HJr, I'm here". "God, I miss you already". "me to HJr". "What are we going to do"? "Sneak away when we get the chance", we will alway's meet here", I'll beep you on your beeper, when I'm here, and you do the same". "If we answer, that means we will both be there, if not then we know the other isn't showing up". "Sounds good to me HJr", now give me a kiss before we leave". HJr kissed Claire on the cheek before they parted.

As they left Narcisco was listening, he knew he could have his choice of HJr or this Claire girl, but he wanted Marisol, because what better way to destroy "H", then by taking away his only daughter.

Once they had gotten all the kids into bed, "H" went to check on Calleigh. "How you feeling now sweetheart"? "Much better Handsome", I'm really sorry for what I said on the plane". "That's okay love, it's bound to happen again, and after four children I'm immuned to it". Calleigh laughed, "I guess you would be, let's just hope we have a girl this time, three boys is enough". "I agree love, 100%", said "H".

Over in the next room Stella had just gotten Kenya down for the night. "So what are our plans for tomorrow"? "I think we are all going skiing". "That will be fun, concidering Macster and Arthur haven't been on a pair of ski's". "I know love, either has Eric". I'm going to grab a shower Mac, I'll see you in a bit".

"Mac thought to himself, shower, sounds good". Heading to the bathroom he put on a ski mask and pulled back the shower curtain to scare Stella, but she wasn't there. "FREEZE", she had done it again, "God Stella, how do you know what I'm up too"? "shut up you bad robber, or I'll shoot you where you stand". "Now, get in", get in now"! Mac tried to take off the mask before he got in, but Stella wouldn't let him. "Leave it on, I said leave it on". Once in the shower she told Mac to "Spread em", hands against the shower wall". Once Stella had him where she wanted him, she attacked him until he screamed "Uncle".

In the morning everyone got up to go skiing. "Let's go guy's the slopes await", said "H". "Coming Dad", "just grabbing my Ski's". "Okay, we are all ready", let's go drop off Cody and Kenya at the Daycare centre and hit the slopes". As they reached the top of slope, HJr started to change his mind. "Dad, I don't think I'm ready for this", said HJr. "Sure you are son, you know how to ski, and I'll be right behind you". Marisol was watching and she figured if HJr was scared, then how the hell was she going to feel, when she got up there.

Once they were all positioned on the top slope, Calleigh thought to herself, "Good God, one of them are going to hurt themselves". "Look Eric, Look Arthur and Macster, watch Daddy and Mommy. Down the hill they came all of them together, Calleigh was proud of Marisol and Hjr, thay were doing awesome, as everyone landed at the bottom, the little ones clapped and cheered. "Wow, that was perfect guy's , Marisol and HJr, you looked amazing", said Calleigh.

After they had finished skiing they all sat down to lunch. "What would everyone like"? asked "H". "Cheeseburger's and fries all around", yelled the kids. "I'll be right back, said Marisol, I need to go to the washroom". "Claire go with her please". "Okay Dad". As they went to the washroom Marisol told Claire she was sorry for telling on her. "I know Marisol, it's my fault too, I never meant not to spend time with you". "It's just, I love your brother". "I know, Claire".

While Claire was washing her hands, someone came up behind her and knocked her out cold. When Marisol came out of the bathroom she screamed, as Narcisco grabbed her and took her out the window. Horatio and Mac heard the screaming, and ran into the bathroom, they seen Claire laying on the floor out cold. "Claire, Claire, yelled Mac. "Dad"? "Oww! my head hurts". "Where is Marisol"? I don't know, someone knocked me out". "Horatio seen the opened window, and looked out, he could see a set of footprints, and drag marks in the snow. "He's got her, He's got Marisol".
"What do you mean he has Marisol"? yelled Calleigh. "he's taken her, Come on Mac, we may be able to follow them". "Take Claire Stella", said Mac. As Mac and Horatio followed the footprint's they heard Marisol Yell again, "Dad", help me dad".

When Horatio and Mac looked up, Narcisco had Marisol hanging half way up from the Ski-lift. "One more step Caine, and I'll let her fall". "Don't do it"! said "H", "I'm telling you Narcisco, don't do it". "You killed my half brother Caine, an Eye for an Eye". "Listen Narcisco, this won't bring Clavo back". "You think I don't know that Caine", It will bring me some peace though". "Listen "H", said Mac, he's only got her about 12 feet above the ground", it's all snowpacked", she won't get seriously injured". "Please Narcisco, bring her back". "Never Caine an Eye for an Eye", with that said, he let go of Marisol as she came smashing down to the ground.

Mac took out his gun and fired at Narcisco, killing him. "Marisol, called "H", Marisol, it's Daddy, answer me sweetheart". Marisol was laying face down in the snow, not moving. "Let me see her "H", as Mac turned her over he could see blood coming from her mouth. "She's breathing "H", she'a breathing, that's a good sign".

The Paramedics pulled up in thier Ski-doo's and checked on Marisol. "Rescue 1 this is Rescue 2 we need an Airlift for a 13 year old female, who was dropped from a ski-lift"". "Non responsive, possible internal injuries, and head trauma". As the AirRescue arrived Marisol started to seizure. "Let's go now", "One of you can come with her". "You go love, I'll meet you there", said Calleigh. Once they were Airlifted Mac took Calleigh to the Hospital.

"Calleigh, it's going to be okay, she's strong Calleigh". "I know Mac, but she looked really bad". "Sometimes things seem bad, but there not". "I hope you're right Mac". "I am Calleigh, I have to be". When they got to the Hospital, "H" was standing outside the Trauma Room. "Calleigh", called "H" as he embraced her in his arms. "She's bad Calleigh, really bad". "Shh! It will be okay Handsome", Shhh!".

"Excuse me", Mr & Mrs Caine"? "Yes"? "Your daughter is going to be fine, it looked worse then it was". "She has no broken bones or internal injuries, the bleeding from the nose was caused from her falling on her face". "As for the seizure's, they also came from the shock of the fall". "All in all, she is one lucky young girl". You can take her home in the morning". "Thank-you doctor", said "H". "You're welcome".

"Well "H", it's all over now, think we can enjoy the next two weeks in peace"? "I hope so, you don't have any enimies out here, do you Mac"? "No", "You"? "Nope, I think we are in the clear". " Well then let's start our vacation".

Once Marisol was released from the Hospital, The Taylor/Caine Clan enjoyed the rest of their vacation. But as we know they must return to reality once more and face the next challenge that comes along.
The End.......

Next on Crossover

Mac and Horatio are together again as they chase down a Cult Serial Killer who draws symbol's on Prostitute's, before stabbing them. And Marisol finds her first crush in New York when she meets Claire's friend Thomas who's 15 .
This is the only post till tonight, work,work,work, :(

*Mel hoped you liked your new PM shower scene* :devil:

Enjoy the start of the new story :p

It was a quiet night in New York as he kneeled at the underpass, with the prostitute he had paid for. He could feel the pleasure of killer coming on. As he had her tied with black ribbon's, laying naked on the cold ground, as he drew the Pentagon on her chest with little symbol's all around. He knew what he was doing, The voices had shown him the proper way, to bring them female souls. Laughing now, as he bathed himself in her blood, as she lay taking her last breath, he took his knife and plunged it deep into her soul. Looking upon her symbolic body he chanted, I will kill, I will hunt , I will torture another one. Over and over into the night, he kept his chant alive, and then when morning came he disappeared.

"What do we have Mac", asked Danny. "Female, 23yrs, tortured, with symbolic gestures on her body, could be cult". "Good God Mac"! "What are we dealing with here"? "My guess, a Cult Serial Killer".

(phone rings) "Taylor"! "Mac it's Stella I'm heading to the Airport to pick up the Caine Clan, I'll call you when they're settled", said Stella. "Okay love , thanks", said Mac. Caine Clan was coming down to celebrate Claire's Grade 8 Graduation. "Okay Danny I want to process everything", At that moment the new CSI guy showed up to take Hawkes place. "Danny, this is Peter Trek, he's new to our Crime team, show him the ropes and then get this scene processed". "You got it Mac".

As Mac headed home he thought to himself, "Here we go again, that damn Taylor/Caine curse". Mac and Horatio truely did believe they were cursed, from the first case they worked on together. They had gotten very close during a rough time "H" was going through, and they became like brother's, always there for each other with no questions asked. Mac knew he'd need "H"'s help with this one, and was glad he was coming down.

Once home, he got changed, and started some lunch for the troop's. He knew they'd be hungry when they got here. "We're here, yelled Marisol. "Uncle Mac, we're here". "I can hear you love, look at you getting so big". "Come on Uncle Mac, it's only been 2 months since Aspen", said Marisol. "Where is your Dad"? "Helping Mom out of the car, she's really fat now, and has trouble getting up and down". "I see said Mac, well we will have to help her pop that baby out then, won't we"? "You're funny Uncle Mac". "I try love", and where is HJr"? "He's off kissing with Claire". "I think they are going to get married one day, said Marisol. "Thanks for the info kiddo". "No problem Uncle Mac".

At that moment Calleigh and "H" waddled through the door. "Hello sweetheart", said Mac, as he walked over and kissed her cheek. "How you feeling love"? asked Mac. "Fat"! said Calleigh. "No, not you, you are glowing with that beautiful life inside you". "Okay Taylor, your kissing ass, what do you want"? asked Calleigh. "Just to borrow "H" for a while". "Not again", said Calleigh. "I'm sorry love, please". "Fine Mac, just keep him alive", said Calleigh. As Stella got everyone settled, Mac and "H" went to discuss the case.
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