CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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When Mac and Horatio arrived home they found Alexx and the kids sitting in the Living room.

"Alexx"?, said "H", "What are you doing here"? "I was bored and came to visit Calleigh and Stella with the kids". "Well Sheldon is on his way here freaking out". "Why would he be upset"? "Because he found a letter on the table that said.
"We have your family, bring us the information on the Wood's case or your new family dies".
"Who would write that"? said Alexx. "Obviously someone who wanted to make Sheldon think you were kidnapped".

At that moment Sheldon came running in, as he stopped dead in his tracks he seen Alexx sitting on the couch.

"Alexx, he screamed, "Alexx, you're here, running over he embraced her in his arms, as he said, I thought I lost you, and the kids forever. "Oh God Alexx, I thought you wre gone". "Calm down Sheldon, I'm right here safe". "I came to visit Calleigh and Stella for a while", can you release a little so I can breath"? "No Alexx, "I'll never release you, never again, I thought I lost you, before I could tell you I loved you" "What did you say Sheldon"? asked Alexx.

Everyone waited patiently for Sheldon to repeat his words. "I said I love you Alexx", "I love you and our children, and never leave me again without telling me first". "Alexx eyes filled with tears from Sheldon's words. "I love you too Sheldon", and I never meant to scare you". Sheldon embraced Alexx and kissed her passionately infront of everyone. Calleigh and Stella had tears in their eyes too. "Okay, we are all happy for you, Sheldon the letter", said Mac.

Sheldon passed Mac the letter without letting go of Alexx. Calleigh and Stella thought it was so sweet the way he protectivly held her. "Sheldon", yelled Anika, I missed you Sheldon". Sheldon picked up Anika in his arm without letting go of Alexx as she kissed him on his cheek. "Did you have a busy day Sheldon"? asked Anika. "Well love, I had a very scary day". "What was so scary about it"? "I thought I lost some very important family". "Us Sheldon, did you think we had disappeared because we wern't home", said Anika. "You are very, very smart Anika, yes I was very worried about all of you".

"Okay said Mac, this is what Horatio and I have planned for tonight". "We are going to grab Danny and Flack, and head over to the Warehouse for survalence". "Don't look at me like that Stella", said Mac. "We're not going to do anything, just keep watch for now, until we figure out how many are involved". "I've heard that before Mac Taylor". "Listen love, I promise".

Stella knew she could keep complaining, but that wouldn't change anything, Mac would still go. "Please love, try and understand". "I do understand but we have that Taylor/Caine knack of finding trouble". Horatio laughed. "I don't see anything funny handsome, do you"? "No love, of course not". Sheldon, you stay here with everyone and keep them all safe". After "H" and Mac kissed their wives they headed out to pick up Danny and Flack.
When they arrived to pick up Danny, he was having a hard time getting out the door, due to Lindsay being pregnant again and vomiting all the time.

"Jesus Mac, Thank God you're here, she's driving me insane". "God save me from pregnant women". Horatio started laughing, he remembered the second time Calleigh was pregnant she felt the same way, never wanting to be left alone. "Where's Flack"? he's going to meet us a block from the warehouse", said "H". Once they all arrived they split up into pairs, and waited in their cars for the suspects to arrive.

"Damn Flack, we've been here 8 hours and nothing has happened", said Dannny. "I say we go get something to eat and then come back". "Mac would kill us Danny". At that second a Black sedan pulled up to the warehouse. Two Agent's got out, Horatio remembered their faces. "Those are the two from this morning at NYPD", said "H". "I know", said Mac. Shortly after that two more suspects pulled up in black sedans. When Mac seen them come out he was shocked, it was two Officer's from Flack's section. Mac prayed that Flack would keep his cool. "Jesus Danny", that's Officer Treach and Banks". "I see that, what the hell Flack"? Flack wanted to call Mac, but forgot they didn't have radio's due to the F.B.I. possiblely having survalence around the warehouse.

Mac desperatly wanted to take a closer look, but "H" pulled him back. "Forget it Mac, I'm not listening to your wife if you get hurt". "Come on "H", nothing's going to happen". "I said No!, and it's my call, Agent Parks is trusting me not to screw up". "Even if we do, since when do you care about Parks"? "Listen he's playing two sides, and I'm not about to get him killed". "Let's just watch for a while and see what transpires". "Fine", 5 miutes and then we go in", said Mac.

Just as they were about to move in, the Agent's and Officer's came out, got into their cars and left. "Alright let's go investigate inside the warehouse", said "H". "As they all got to the warehouse they noticed the door was bolted. "Great said Mac, Now what"? "Look up said "H", there's a window". "Who's going to fit through that"? "Flack"!, you're tall and thin get in there and unlock it for us". "Why is it always the thin guy"? said Flack.

Flack started climbing up the side of the warehouse, as he reached the first level, he found the window unlocked, as he crawled through, he could smell ink, really strong ink. Jumping to the bottom, he unlocked the door for "H", Mac and Danny. "Okay be careful guy's", did anyone bring a flashlight"? asked "H". "I have a little penlight", said Danny. As they used his penlight they could see the printing machine's lined up in a row. "Look at this", said Flack. When every one looked they seen mounds and mounds of counterfit money. There must have been thousand and thousands of dollars. "Good God, said "H", they've really been busy".

All of a sudden they heard a car pull up. "Shit, said Danny, where the hell do we hide"? "We split up, you and Flack hide behind the crates on the left, and "H" and I will be on the right", keep your weapons close". As they watched through the crates the two Agents brought someone in bound and gagged. "Christ "H", whispered Mac, that's Agent Parks". "I see that Mac, they must have found out". "Now what, said Mac. "We wait, they have to leave sometime, then we grab Parks, and get the hell out of here".

After they finished beating on Parks, they left. "H" ran out from behind the crates and stood in front of Parks. "Are you okay"? "Jesus Parks how the hell did they know"? asked "H". "I'm not sure, they could have wondered why I was asking so many questions". "are you hurt, is anything broke"? "No I'm fine just a little beat up". "Okay , let's get you out of here". Once they had Parks untied, Danny grabbed a strip of the counterfit money as they left.
"Danny, what the hell are you doing, trying to get us all killed". "No, just taking some evidence, we need proof". "Oh that's great, you think they're not going to know a sheet is missing", said Flack. "DANNY", yelled Mac, what the hell is this"? "Are you insane", you think they won't know we've been there, this is the biggest mistake you've made so far". "Now we are going have to storm the place and everything we worked for is gone". "Because of this, those Agents go free". "We have to hand that sheet in to the F.B.I., think they won't know we took it, you just put all of us in more danger then we were before". "I'm sorry Mac, I wasn't thinking about it that way". "Listen, said Parks, there may be a way around this". "If you give a copy of the video tape, note and the counterfit money to the F.B.I., they'll have to investigate". "Okay let's do that", said "H". "Parks, where would you like us to drop you off"? "At my car would be great, it's parked in front of NYPD".

After they dropped off Parks, Flack and Danny, Horatio and Mac headed home.

"Stella, we're home". "How did it go"? "Not good, Parks got taken, we had to free him, Danny decided to be stupid and grab a sheet of counterfit paper money, and now we have to hand a copy of everything over to the F.B.I.". "Why the F.B.I."? asked Calleigh. "Well that's the only way we can nail the Agent's now". "Well we have supper ready if you're hungry". "I'm starving sweetheart". "Where is Alexx and Sheldon"? In the Den with the kids playing video games". "Horatio, let's get copies of everything before we sit and relax". Once all the copies were complete , Horatio and Mac ate dinner.

Later that night when everyone was in bed, Horatio spent some quality time with hi wife. As he came out of the bathroom, she was standing by the window.

"Sweetheart", you okay"? Walking over Horatio wrapped his arms around Calleigh's waist, inhaling her scent he said, "So beautiful, my Calleigh, I love you so much", as he started kissing little kisses down her neck. Calleigh layed her head back against Horatio's shoulder as his hands stroked, caressed and petted her. He could feel Calleigh shudder. Lifting her into his arms he carried her onto the bed and gentely laid her down. Looking into each others eyes you could see the love shinning through. "Love me Handsome, make me soar with you above the clouds". Horatio wrapped his wife around him and slowly moved until he could feel her body tightening. Then faster and faster until she released calling his name, over and over. "I love you Sweetheart". "I love you too Handsome".
In the morning Mac and Horatio left early to get Washington before noon. As they arrived they asked to speak with the Director of the F.B.I. After they gave him the information and evidence the Director told them they may need to come back and testify at a later date. Just as they finished up the two Agent's walked into the building, seeing "H and Mac they knew something was wrong. Grabbing their guns they started firing at "H" and Mac. Telling everyone to get down, Horatio fired and shot the first Agent straight into the heart, while Mac took out the second one.

A short time later all the counterfit money was brought back to Washington for processing. Mac had arrested Officer Treach and Banks for couterfitting and murder in the first degree.

*3 months Later*
"Come on Calleigh and Stella we're going to be late for the Wedding", said "H". "Okay, we're coming". As they descended the stairs Mac and "H" stood in shock. "Wow, was all they could come out with. "You look gorgeous", said Mac. Stella an Calleigh we're dressed in a flowing beige gown, with matching Diamond Necklaces. Horatio walked up and took his wife's hand in his as Mac followed behind with Stella. As they got out back near the door Horatio and Mac kissed their wives and told them they'd see them in a few minutes.

Once the music started playing, Anika and Jaemal made their way down the aisle, followed by Calleigh and Stella. Once they were up front, "Here comes the Bride" started playing. Walking down the aisle dressed in a beautiful silk wedding gown, came Alexx, her bouquet was made of the tiniest roses, and baby's breath. As she reached Sheldon, they both had tears in their eyes. Sheldon reached his hand to Alexx as she walked the last step. Leaning down Sheldon whispered in her ear "I love you Alexx", Always".
After the priest said the vows, Alexx and Sheldon kissed as cheers rang out through the yard of the Taylor home.

The End
Next on Crossover

We jump ahead 5 years

Taylor clan: Claire 13yrs, Macster 9yrs, Arthur 7yrs and Kenya 5yrs.

Caine clan: Horatio Jr(HJr) 15yrs, Marisol 14yrs, Eric 8yrs and Cody 5yrs.

The Taylor/Caine Clan get together for and Cody's birthday party. During the festivities Horatio recieves a call that Narcisco Cruz, older brother to the desceased Clavo Cruz, has been released from prison. Narcisco Cruz was put away by Horatio, with the help of the Behimuim defence force, for killing young Model Tess on Canadian soil. Horatio and Mac will have to stay one step ahead of Narcisco, as he comes for revenge against Horatio and his family for killing his younger half brother Clavo.

It was a beautiful day in Miami, as Calleigh and Stella were setting up for Cody's 5th birthday party. Everyone would be arriving shortly. Calleigh couldn't beleive she had invited so many friends and family.

"Stella, what time are Danny, Lindsay and the kids arriving"? "Should be here within the hour. "Wonderful, and Sheldon, Alexx and the kids should be here anytime now.

Sheldon had moved from NY after he married Alexx and now worked for the Miami-Dade Crime Lab. Sheldon and Alexx were also pregnant with their first chid together.

"Sweetheart", called "H", the Clowns are here for the party". "Okay, I'll be right there". Once Calleigh had the Clowns set up, she headed back to the kitchen to ice the birthday cake". With everything now complete and ready to go, the guest's started arriving. First to show were Sheldon and Alexx with their kids.

"Oh my", "look at you Alexx, you look like you're ready to burst". "I feel like I already did"? said Alexx. "Hi Sheldon, come on in, all the guys are out back already, with the kids from Cody's Pre-School, Danny and Lindsay should be here shortly". "Sheldon, said "H", it's about time, you got here", said Mac. Sheldon and Mac embraced, he was still upset that Sheldon left NY, but he also understood his decision.

Just as Calleigh was going to close the door, Danny pushed it back open. "Trying to lock me out are you"? "Hi, Danny, where is Lindsay and the kids"? She's coming, she needs a few minutes with Danniel, he's having one of his "I won't go", moods. Danniel was the first of two Messer children. They also had a daughter now named Destinee Jo. "That's fine, everyone's out back, go ahead I'll wait for Lindsay".

"Oh look, if it isn't the Miami man Sheldon Hawkes", said Messer. "Danny the man", how the hell are you"? "Where's Lindsay"? "Did she wise up and leave you"? "very funny Hawkes", "She's outside with Danniel, he's being an Imp today". Once Lindsay finally got Danniel inside, they started the entertainment. The kids were having a great time with the clowns and Calleigh was happy Horatio was taping it all, she loved memories and her goal was to leave the kids memories to share with their future children.
Just as they were getting ready to sing Happy Birthday, the phone rang.

"Hello", said "H". "Horatio it's Frank", I have some bad news for you. "What's the matter Frank"? "Narcisco Cruz has been released from Prison". "What"? "When"? "two hour's ago, and he was none to happy too tell me to give you a message". "What message is that Frank"? "An eye for an Eye", that's all he said. "He must be talking about Clavo". "Okay Frank, I'll handle it from here", thanks". "Horatio", "What's the matter"?, asked Mac. "It seems Narcisco Cruz has been released from prison, and he's vowed revenge for killing his brother Clavo". "Are you going to tell calleigh"? "Not at this moment", I'll wait till after the party". "Don't worry "H", we'll get him". "I know Mac, "I know".
That sounds bad...anxious to see where it goes. *is glad that at least little Mac is finally long past the food issues given his age lolol*
aww cool there all grown up!
does Eric Sr. have a girlfriend or something?
cuz i dont think that he could be a bachelor for that long:(
great start!:)
rofl t_g...How about the SOs of Mac's kids? I'd have the "meet the parents" part 'cause he'd tell me he'd have to hurt me if anything bad happened <G> And he could do it too, in like three seconds flat. And then there's Stella...

But then Horatio'd be the same way rofl. Can't you see him saying "Oh, and another warning...they don't call Calliegh "bullet girl" for nothing. And I know where to hide the body so no one will ever find it" hehehe
Okay, guy's this is it till tonight, work,work,work :D

"Dad, yelled HJr, can Marisol and I go to the mall"? Michael called and wants us to meet him there". "What did your Mom say about leaving your brother's party"? She said if it's okay with you then we can go". "Sure, go ahead", said "H". "Uncle Mac, can I take Claire with us"? "Sure, but no getting into trouble". "Never" , said HJr.

Mac and Horatio knew, that the only reason Marisol was invited was so Claire could go. HJr. had just realized girls were cool, and he had a major crush on Claire, she had her mother's gorgeous looks and a rough attitude, things HJr found he liked in a girl. Mac and "H" were still trying to figure out if Claire knew HJr. like her.

"What do you think "H", a Wedding in a few years"? "You never know Mac, you never know". Laughing they headed back to the party. Later in the evening the party had come down to family now, everyone catching up on old times and new adventures. "Calleigh, wonderful job you and Stella did with the party". "I should have you both come do Danniel's this year". "That sound like fun", "maybe we will". "Calleigh, yelled "H". "Yes Handsome"? "The guy's and I are going in to catch up. "Okay, we'll be in shortly".

Horatio wasn't sure where to start, "Okay, everyone remembers Clavo Cruz from a few years back, right"? "He's the one you had to kill", said Danny. "That was during the time Jr. came after me for killing his father". "That's right". "Well he's been released from prison and is vowing revenge on myself and my family". "This means all of you are in danger". " Jesus "H", just when we thought our lives had settled down, now this", said Hawkes. "You sound like my wife", said Danny. "Okay enough guy's". "Danny when are you leaving with Lindsay"?, asked Mac. "Not for a couple day's, we'll be staying with Hawkes and Alexx". "Okay, let's let this drop for tonight, and we'll all get together tomorrow and discuss this in further detail". "Shhh! Here come the girls", said Danny. "What's up guy's, we're making coffee want some, asked Stella. "Sure we'll be right there".

As everyone was enjoying their coffee HJr, Claire and Marisol came in from the mall. "Did you have fun", asked Calleigh. "It was alright, though HJr. wouldn't leave Claire alone, he kept tickling her and trying to hold her hand", said Marisol. "Oh really", said Mac, "and did she let him"? "Uncle Mac", yelled HJr. Mac let it drop, as his daughter was turning red in the face. "Oh! before I forget Dad, some guy outside said to give this to you". "Where is he now, son"? "Gone, he left after he handed me the letter". "Okay, thanks, son". "Come on Claire let's go watch a movie", said HJr. "Behave yourselves", yelled Mac.

"Did I miss something"? asked Lindsay. "Not at all Lindsay, said Calleigh. "HJr. and Claire are exploring their feelings for each other". "Wow, I had no idea". "Either did we till today, with a little investigating, we found they've been writting and phoning each other quite a bit". "Do we have a Taylor/Caine wedding coming up", asked Danny. Horatio and Mac looked at Danny with daggeres in their eyes, and at the exact same time they said, Over my dead body". "Wow, said Danny, this should be interesting". "All we're saying Danny is that they are to young right now, to even concider that road", when we think they're ready, we'll allow them to decide". "If you think so", said Danny. "What's that supposed to mean Messer"? "He's 15, they're watching a movie in the Den sitting beside each other, I guarantee you they're holding hands". Horatio and Mac got up and peeked around the corner into the Den, and sure enough they were holding hands and laughing at the movie. "Shit", they said at the same time.

Horatio almost forgot about the letter. As he opened it to read it said,

Caine: You killed my brother, now it's my turn to take one of your's, An EYE for an EYE Caine. "be seeing you all soon. Cruz
What is it Handsome"? asked calleigh. "We need to talk", I should have told you earlier, but I didn't want to upset you during the party". "Upset me, why"? "Narcisco Cruz was released from prison today, and has vowed revenge on our family". "You waited till now too tell me this"?, said Calleigh. "I'm sorry love, I didn't want to upset you". "Listen Caine, our children and Stella's daughter went out to the mall, and you didn't think it important enough to tell us, so we could have decided against letting them go". "I'm sorry love". "It wasn't done intentionally". Calleigh got up and walked out of the room.

"I'm really sorry Stella, I should have told you". "Yes, you should have, but I understand why you wated to wait". "I'll talk to Calleigh", come on Lindsay". After the girls left, the guys made a plan on how to protect the children and catch Narcisco Cruz.

"Calleigh"? said Stella. "It's going to be okay, what's the matter with you hun, I've never seen you like this"? "I'm pregnant again Stella". "Are you sure"? "Yeah, 100% sure". "Oh my", a few more and you'll have your own baseball team". "That's not at all funny". "I thought I was over the diaper stage for good". "Do you know that when you're 60 the baby will be only 14 years". "Thank's alot Stella for bringing up my age". "Oh, I didn't mean it in that way". "I mean your only 46 now, that's still young". "Look at poor Horatio, he's hitting 51 this year". "Listen Calleigh, in all seriousness, you need to be happy about this", I mean look at all the sitter's you have to choose from". Calleigh started laughing. "There we go, that's the Calleigh I know and love", said Stella.

Later that evening after everyone but the Taylor's had left, Calleigh went to talk with Horatio.

"Handsome"?, are you busy"? "Never for you my love, come here". Horatio sat Calleigh on his knee and kissed her passionately. "What is it love"? asked "H". "I'm pregnant again". "What did you say"? with shock. "I said I'm pregnant again". Horatio looked at his wife as tears pooled in his eyes. "I hope those are tears of joy". "They are love, they are". "This is amazing Calleigh, God, I love you so much". Getting up, Horatio carried his wife upstairs, and showed her, just how happy he was.

In the morning Horatio let Calleigh sleep, as he headed downstairs he heard talking coming from HJr's rrom. "Are you awake son"? asked Horatio. HJr wasn't sure what to do, he had Claire in his room, and knew his Dad would freak if he found them talking in his room. "Hide Claire". "Where HJ, where should I hide"? "In the closet quick". "Son are you up", Horatio said as he walked into his room. "Yeah Dad, what's up"? "not much son, would you like some breakfast"? "Sure I'll be down in a minute Dad". Turning around Horatio left his son's room, he knew Claire was in there, he could hear her breathing. Thinking to himself he said, "Innocent love", and whistled all the way downstairs.
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