CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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There is a Rrated to Mac and Stella's Kinky scene :devil:. PM please :devil:

Calleigh went in to check on Alexx after thanking Hawkes for bringing her back. As she got close to the room, she could hear Alexx softly crying again. "Alexx"? Calleigh walked over and sat down on the bed. "What am I going to do Calleigh"? How can I survive without Dennis". "I'm so lost Calleigh, "God the pain in heart sicken's me". "I know Alexx, but we are all here to help you get through it", you'll never be alone". "Try and sleep Alexx, I'll call you when dinner is ready". "How is she asked Stella"? "Not good", said Calleigh with tears in her eyes. At that moment Horatio and Mac walked in. Horatio took one look at his wife and asked, "Sweetheart, what's the matter"? "It's nothing, just Alexx is so upset and It got me going". "I don't know how she does it, I can't even think about losing you without dying inside". Horatio walked over and wrapped calleigh in his embrace. "You don't have too love, Shhh! I'm hear, believe me love, I'm not planning on going away anytime soon". "Daddy"?, yelled Marisol, HJr. hit me". "Excuse me love", "Hjr., what are you up too son"? "she started it Dad, she keeps calling me "fireball, because of my hair Dad and I'm tired of it". "Marisol what have I told you about that". "I know Dad but he keeps saying I suck at the video game and it's making me mad". "Listen, if you can't get along and play nice, you can all go to bed". "I'm telling you Calleigh we should have sent them to private school, I can't believe the things they've picked up from that Public School". "You can't blame the school, they hear it outside and in our home". "What to you mean in our home"? "Let's see", "here's one "hell, pissed off is another, "Oh and there is God damn it". "Alright love you've made your point".

Once everyone sat down to dinner Mac informed Alexx he'd need to talk to her later. "Mom" , yelled Claire. "What is it love"? Macster is throwing his food at, *"what's your name again"* (Anika) "at Anika Mom". "Macster I thought you told mommy you wouldn't throw your food anymore". "I sorry mama", Macster said with his impish smile. After dinner Mac talked to Alexx. "Alexx did your husband have any enimies"? "Not that I know of, he was very personal". "He very rarely talked about work at all". "Yeah there was a reason for that", "Dennis worked for the F.B.I.". "Excuse me"? , said Alexx. "he was an informent, I was contacted by one of their Agents today". "He was very intersted in taking a look at your husbands body". "What"? "Why"? "I don't know, he was acting very suspicious, so I told him he had to ask your permission first". "What should I say to him"? "Do me a favour Alexx, tell him no for now". "I still have a few things I need to look into before anyone else looks at the body". "Sure, I can do that Mac". "Thanks Alexx and don't worry we will figure it out".

Once everyone went to bed Calleigh couldn't stop thinking about what she'd go through if "H" died. When Horatio came out of the bathroom he seen Calleigh looking out the window. "Sweetheart"? "What's the matter"? When Calleigh turned around she had tears flooding her eyes. "Nothing Handsome I'm fine". "Come on love, I know when something is bothering you", and your tears say alot". "I just can't stop thinking where I'd be if you weren't with the kids and I in our lives". "Calleigh love, you need to stop stressing over this". "You are going to have yourself stressed out again and our Doctor is back in Miami". "Calleigh knew Horatio was right, she had been warned several times now that her stress level was very high". "I'm trying but I just keep coming back to the same issue". Horatio knew what Calleigh needed now, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with fire, with passion and love, until the only thing that remained in her mind was their magical love.

Meanwhile Stella was up to her old tricks with Mac. While he was in the shower she put on her new little maid outfit. This was one with the little panties that were totally edible. She knew damn well Mac liked to bite and nip.As he walked out of the bathroom he seen his wife and that was it. "God almighty Stella, you're going drive me mad". "That's the idea my sexy Stallion". With an innocent smile she said let's play
I know, love little Imp's :D

In the morning Mac and Horatio left early to go over some information pertaining to Dennis case. "I think you need to get in touch with your Agent Parks and see what he knows about Dennis's involvement within the F.B.I.". "I know you're right Mac, but that means we will owe him another favour". "Well there's not much we can do about that, just wait and see what he gives us". Horatio made the call and found out that Dennis was working on a case for Agent Tyler that dealt with counterfit bills. Parks also informed Horatio to be careful because Agent Tyler played for keeps. "What did you get "H"? "According to Parks Dennis was working on a case with an Agent Tyler that dealt with counterfit bills". "Parks also warned us that Agent Tyler play's for keeps". "So you're telling me he's a dirty F.B.I. Agent". "No, that's what Parks is telling us". Mac and Horatio informed Danny and Hawkes to be extra careful. "How's Alexx this morning"? asked Hawkes. "Not good", I don't like seeing her like this". "Maybe I should stop by later and see her". "that might help Hawkes", thanks", said "H".

Hawkes headed over to see Alexx. (Knocks on door). "hey Stella, how's Alexx"? "Not good, she's in her room". "I'd like to go see her". "Sure, maybe it's what she needs", said Stella. Now Stella knew Hawkes and Alexx had a little crush on each other, as Calleigh had told her. When Calleigh came out of the room, she asked Stella, isn't that Hawkes"? "Yeah, he came to see Alexx". "Really", said Calleigh. "Calleigh, where are you going"? said Stella. "To listen of course, Shhhh!". "You're nasty", said Stella. "I know", said Calleigh. Hi Alexx, said Hawkes. "How you feeling today"? "Better thanks". Hawkes couldn't help thinking about the kiss last night, "Down boy", he said to himself. "Listen Alexx, I was wondering if you'd like to go for a walk". "We could talk", sometimes it helps". "I can't leave the kids". "I'll tell you what, how about we take them to the park". "All kids love the park", said Hawkes. "Give me a few minutes to change and see what the kids say". "Sure, I'll wait for you out in the Living room". Calleigh and Stella ran back to the Living room and sat down before Hawkes came out. "How's the case going Hawkes", asked Calleigh. "Let's just say we found out some interesting information about Dennis". "I'm sure Mac and "H" will explain tonight". At that moment Alexx came out with her children. "Hi my name is Hawkes and I work with your Mom sometimes". "I know she told us about you already". "I'm Jaemal and that's my sister Anika". "It's very nice to meet you both, shall we go". "Sure, said Jaemal.

As they walked in the park, Hawkes and Alexx kept an eye on her kids. "Alexx, please tell me what you're feeling"? "I can't because I don't know myself". "He had so many secret's, but to find out he was working wih the F.B.I. that really hurt". "The fact he couldn't trust me enough". "Did you ever think he was trying to protect you and his kids"? "No, I never thought that". "Look Alexx from what we know so far, he got into something that got him killed". "this Agent he worked for is really interested in getting to Dennis's body". "I know Mac told me". "You and the kids need to be careful Alexx, because if this guy is after something and he doesn't find on Dennis he's going to come after you and the kids". "I know this too, but I refuse to allow someone to make me feel terrorized". "I hear you Alexx", "now how about we take those beautiful children and go get some lunch". "Sounds great Sheldon, thank you for being here". Sheldon looked into Alexx eyes and said, "Anytime Alexx".
Thanks all around :D

After lunch, Hawkes walked Alexx and the kids back to Mac and Stella's. As they opened Mac's door shots rang out. Hawkes pushed Alexx and her kids down on the ground and covered them. Once the car sped away Hawkes asked Alexx if she and the kids were alright as Calleigh and Stella came running out. "what the hell happened"?, yelled Stella. "Someone shot at Alexx and the kids", said Hawkes. "I'll call Mac", said Stella. After Mac, Horatio, Danny and half the police force arrived, they questioned witnesses that were on the street. "Alexx are you okay"?, asked "H". "Fine Horatio, I can't believe this", just what the hell was Dennis into"? "That's what we are trying to figure out Alexx". After the NYPD left, everyone settled down in the kitchen to talk, while Calleigh and Stella made coffee. "Are you sure you're okay Alexx"? asked Sheldon. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little shaken up". Calleigh and Stella watched Sheldon and Alexx interact and were satisfied with the sparks they could see. Horatio and Mac agreed that they would need to talk Agent Parks again in the morning.

Calleigh invited Sheldon to stay for supper. "Won't you stay for supper Sheldon"? asked Calleigh. "I'd love too, thanks Calleigh". Horatio and Mac thought to themselves, "Oh Sheldon if you only knew what the girls were up too". After dinner the girls got the kids ready for bed. Alexx came out and told Hawkes that her children wanted to see him for a minute. When Hawkes walked into the bedroom, Anika ran into his arms. "thank -you for protecting us Sheldon". "Your welcome sweetheart". "And thank-you for lunch today too, said Jaemal". Then Anika pointed her finger for Sheldon to bend down and when he did she kissed his cheek. Sheldon had never felt such warmth from a child and in that moment he realized his life would change forever. Once they had the kids down Sheldon told Alexx he would like to see her and the kids again tomorow. "Sounds wonderful", said Alexx as she walked him outside the door. Calleigh and Stella tried to look out the window but their husbands grabbed them and carried them like bags of potatoes to bed".

"So, I'll see you around noon"? asked Sheldon. "Yes, the kids and I will be ready". Sheldon took Alexx's hand and kissed it as they looked into each other, he could have sworn her eyes went jet black with passion. "Till tomorrow Alexx". "Night Sheldon". Hawkes waited till he heard the click of the lock and then he left. Once Alexx got ready for bed she laid down in the dark and thought about Sheldon and the feelings she was having about him. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep her daughter came in to her room. "Mommy"?, "What is it love"? "I can't sleep". "Come here then sweetpea and sleep with mommy". "Mommy"? "yes love"? "I miss Daddy". "I do too love", but he's up in heaven now with the Angel's, Grandma and Granpa and our dog Ruffis". "I know Mommy, but I still wish he was here". "Mom"?, called Jaemal. "Yes hun"? "I can't sleep either Mom". "Well come on up then and we'll all sleep together". "Mom"? "Yes Jaemal"? "How come someone shot at us today"? "I'm not sure sweetheart, that's what Uncle Horatio and Mac are trying to figure out". "Okay, Love you". "I love you too baby". Once the house was quiet and everyone was sound asleep, someone entered through the window of the Taylor home.
ack I hate it when you leave it like that overnight!!! I know you don't let chars die and that's good but please post soon so it's not hanging anymore. *pokepokepoke*
Once the house was quiet and everyone was asleep, someone entered through the window of the Taylor home. Quietly walking through he started rummaging in the drawers. Stella awoke to go too the washroom, as she walked by she heard sounds coming from the Living room. She ran back into the bedroom and woke up Mac.

"Mac, Mac"? Someone's in the house". "What are you talking about Stella"? There is someone rummaging in the Living room".
Mac got up and grabbed his gun, heading into Horatio's room he shook him awake.

"H","H"! "What is it"? Get your weapon, someone's in the house". Mac and "H" headed into the Living Room as they shouted ", FREEZE".
The guy looked , but showed no fear as he plowed himself in Mac. Mac went flying backwards on the floor. Horatio then fired and killed the suspect with one shot to the head. Horatio called NYPD and checked on Mac.

"Mac, you okay"? Answer me". Everyone came running from the bedrooms. "Get the kids out of hear, now", shouted Horatio. "Oh my God Mac, yelled Stella. Mac started moaning, "Are you okay Mac"? Asked "H". "I think so, Christ I feel like I got ran over by a truck".
Horatio smiled because he knew Mac was going to be okay. Horatio checked the guy for I.D. but couldn't find any. Once NYPD arrived Mac and Horatio dressed and headed over with the body. Horatio called Agent Parks and told him to meet him at NYPD. Once Horatio and Mac arrived Park's was dressed in track pants and t-shirt.

"Excuse me are you Caine"? Caine knew Parks needed to keep his disguise incase someone from F.B.I. was following "H". "Yes I am, can I help you"? "Yes I need to speak with you privately please".
Horatio and Parks went into Mac's office.

"What is it Caine"? "Look, I need more answers", Mac's house was rummaged through tonight and we killed a suspect". "Have you found out anything more"? "All I know Caine, is that counterfit money is being printed somewhere in NY. Dennis was sent in to find the Ring. My guess is, he did find out where they were printing and hid the information somewhere". "Where, I don't know". "You find the information, you find the people behind this". "Okay, thanks Parks". "You know you owe me one right"? "YES", just don't give us another Terrance Blake Case".

"Mac"! yelled Hawkes. "What is it Hawkes"? "I just heard about your invasion", is everyone okay". "Yes Hawkes Alexx and the kids are fine". "Listen Mac, I was thinking it might be best if I take Alexx and the kids to my place". "I have a security building and extra room's". "Sheldon these guy's are professional's, no Security can stop them". "If you want Alexx to stay with you, then you should ask her", "Horatio and I have to go back to Miami and look through Alexx's house for those damn paper's everyone is after". "Thank's Mac I'll ask her in the morning". "You do that Hawkes".

Calleigh booked the flight for Mac and Horatio to Miami. But what none them realized was that the information was in the new Teddy Bear Anika's Dad had bought her the last time he was in NY.
Want More :D :D :p :p

Mac and Horatio had arrived back in Miami. As they headed into the Airport Eric came running towards them.
"H", someone has broken into Alexx's home, Ryan and I went over to check on things and we found the door busted in and everything all over the floor". "They beat us to it Mac, how did they know we were coming back to Miami"? "We obviously have a leak in our Dept", said Mac.

Horatio and Mac headed over to see the damage that was done to Alexx's home.

"Christ said "H", look at this place". "How the hell am I supposed to tell Alexx about this". "Looking around Mac noticed that their were fingerprint's everywhere. "Listen Eric, did you and Ryan dust for prints yet"? "No, we haven't had the chance". "Start dusting everything, leave nothing untouched".

Horatio walked into Anika's room and seen everything all over the floor, but what upset him most was the Snowglobe Horatio and Calleigh had bought Anika for Christmas, they had smashed it onto the floor. Walking along into Jaemal's room Horatio seen nothing touched or out of place. He wondered to himself if someone startled them into leaving. As he checked Alexx's room it was also untouched.

"Mac, said "H". "Yeah"? "Come here please". As Mac walked over he noticed the same thing as Horatio. "Look either they were startled by someone or whatever they are after, must have been hidden in Anika's room". After they had finished processing everything Mac and Horatio headed back to NY.

*New York*
Hawkes was on his way over to talk with Alexx about having the kids and her stay with him.

"Good morning Stella", Is Alexx and the kids up and ready to go out for the day"? "Yeah, come in Hawkes". "Mac tell's me you want Alexx and the kids to stay with you"? "Yes, If she would like too, it will also give you and break with all the company you have".

Stella loved to yank Sheldon's chain whenever she could. "We don't mind we love having company and Alexx's kids are wonderful". "I know, but I'll ask her anyway's and see what she thinks". Stella knew damn well that Sheldon had the hots for Alexx and she knew it was only a matter of time before Alexx realized the gift she was getting in Sheldon Hawkes.

"Good morning Sheldon", said Alexx. "Morning Alexx, how ae you after last night's visitor"? "I'm fine, poor Mac took quite a hit though". "I seen that this morning at NYPD, he looked quite dazed". Just at that moment the kids came out of the room. "Hi Sheldon", said Jaemal and Anika. "Hi guy's how are you this morning"? "Good thank-you". "Where are we going today"? asked Anika holding her TEDDY BEAR in her arms. "I thought we'd go see a movie and then out for some luch", sound good"? "Uhhuh"! said Anika. "Anika, why don't you leave your Bear here until we come back", said Alexx. "No Mom, Dad bought me this and I'd like to take it with me". "If you look close, it has a big red heart shaped pocket on the chest and Dad told me it was full of his love and never to open it or it would all disappear".

No one had caught on to what Anika had just told them about her bear.

"That's fine Anika you can bring your bear". "Thank-you Sheldon". Bending down to Anika's level he whispered, "Your Welcome".

Once they had left Calleigh and Stella talked about Hawkes and Alexx's new friendship.
Here Mel just for you. :(

The part with Horatio and Calleigh love scene does have a beautiful Rrated. Please PM.

Horatio and Mac pulled up just as Hawkes and Alexx were leaving with the kids.

"How did it go in Miami"? asked Alexx. "Alexx", said "H, can we talk for a moment". "Sure Horatio, what is it"? "Your house was broken into". Alexx just stared in shock. "When is this going to stop?, asked Alexx. "I'm not sure", said "H". "Listen Alexx, the only room that seemed to be disturbed was the Living room and Anika's room". "By chance could he have hidden it in Anika's room"? "No", "he was never home long enough", he never went near her room". "Okay Alexx", "you go ahead and have a good time, I'll see you later".

After they left Horatio and Mac wnet to see their family.
"Daddy", yelled Marisol, You're back, "Hi Uncle Mac". "Marisol where is everyone else", asked Dad. "They are all in the Den watching "Cinderella". "Thanks Angel". "You're welcome Dad".

As they walked into the Den Eric and Macster were dancing to the music. Mac and "H" couldn't help but smile, they looked so cute, just like little dwarf's. When Macster did a twist he seen his Daddy. "Daddy, yelled Macster as he ran into his father's arms. "Love you daddy". "I love you too Macster". Mac walked over and kissed Stella, "Hello love".

Stella where is Calleigh"? asked "H". "She's upstairs resting, she hasn't been feeling well today". Horatio headed upstairs to check on Calleigh. "Sweetheart", are you okay love"? "Hi Handsome you're back". "Yes, love we just got in". "How you feeling"? "Good, just missing you". "But you just seen me last night before I left". "I know". "Calleigh what's bothering you"? "It's nothing Handsome". "Now come here and give me a kiss please". Horatio walked over and gave Calleigh a kiss that sizzled to the pit of her stomach. As they fell deeper into the kiss, Horatio could feel Calleigh shiver, as her flesh began to spread goosebumps. Horatio had never seen Calleigh so sensitive to his touch like this in age's, her passion this day was shaking him to the core of his organ. He couldn't get enough, as he held her captive in his arms. "Calleigh, your passion is killing me my love". "Please don't stop Handsome, just love me like it's our first time all over again". In the aftermath Calleigh whispered, "I'm glad your home".


After the movie Hawkes invited Alexx and kids to take pizza back to his Apartment. "Yeah"! "can we Mom"? asked Jaemal. "Sure hunny, if that's what you'd like to do". As they headed to Hawkes place, they picked up a Pepperoni Pizza and one with everything. Whne they entered his apartment the first thing Alexx noticed was that he was very neat and kept everything in order. Alexx could see herself with him more and more as they had so many of the same trait's. "What would you like to drink"? asked Hawkes. "May we have pop please"? asked Jaemal. "Sure a small glass if you want". "Sheldon, may I have some milk"? asked Anika. "Of course you may, help yourselves to Pizza I'll be right there". Once Sheldon got back the kids were enjoying themselves . "Listen Alexx, I was thinking it might be a good Idea if you and the kids stayed with me until this is over". "You can't be serious Sheldon", "I can't put you in that kind of danger". "Alexx, these men are playing for keeps, I'd really like to protect you and your children". "I'm just not sure". "It's not against you, it's just the kids I'm worried about". "Well then how about we see what the kids think and then you can decide". "I guess we could try that". Sheldon asked the kids how they would like to stay with him until this case was over. Jaemal yelled, "Yes, please Mom can we"? "How do you feel about it sweetheart"? "Whatever Mom". "Anika what's the problem love"? asked Alexx. "I miss my Dad", and she started crying into her Teddy bear as Hawkes walked over and picked her up into his arms. "I know it's hard sweetheart, but you have to try and be happy for your Dad". "He's watching you right now love, from Heaven and him seeing you sad and upset is going to make him feel the same way". "Is my Dad an Angel now"? asked Anika. "Yes he is love", he watches over you, your Mom and brother all the time now". "He sends you his love everyday, he's the breeze you feel when you're walking, he's the flower that pick and bring home and he's the heart in the middle of your Teddy Bear". "Your Dad is all around you love, evertime you think of him he's always there". Anika cheered up after Hawkes had told her about her Dad and she agreed to stay with Sheldon and her family at his place.
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