CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Will do one more chapter, till tonight. I have to work till 8:30. :D :p

This is the case of Terrance Drake. A heartless Serial Killer and Rapist who prey's on Elder Women. He's Sadistic in his methods he uses on his victims. Horatio and Mac must find him before he strikes again. Terrance is very smart and knows he is being followed by the Police. But as Mac and Horatio become deeply involved in their mission to catch him, Terrance would turn the tables and one of their own would pay the price.

At the Office Horatio and Mac were reading over the case of Terrance Drake known Rapist and Murderer of Elderly women. Horatio and Mac knew this was going to be one of the hardest cases they ever had to handle. They couldn't believe the violence and sadistic ways this guy preyed on the elderly. "Jesus Horatio, what have we gotten ourselves into? I'm not sure, but the faster we get this guy off the streets the better". Mac had a bad feeling about this one. He could tell by the case file that this animal was smart, very smart. But then again what animal isn't. Mac called his team over to help with case, the more CSI's the better. As they all arrived they got down to discussing the case. Horatio felt it would be best to put everyone in pairs. "Danny and Eric" , "Hawkes and Ryan". "Everyone is to report in by phone every 2hrs". "Now study the case, learn it, breathe it, sleep with it". "Just remember this is a serial killer and he's desperate not to get caught". "Danny and Eric I want you to check all the bars including the Slum Central". "Hawkes and Ryan, you check all the cheap Motels and Hotels, the cheaper the better". "Most importantly, watch each other's backs, and stay safe". Once Mac and Horatio dismissed their team they headed home to their wives, they needed to feel clean again because this case had left them feeling dirty and empty.
That's it till tonight :lol:

Once at home Horatio and Mac decided they would wait till after supper to tell their wives about Terrance. "Hi sweetheart, how are you"? asked Horatio. "Good, how did the case go"? "We'll discuss it later okay love"? "Sure". Calleigh knew it had to be bad if Horatio didn't want to discuss it around the kids. "Calleigh were is Stella"? "She's changing Kenya". "Thanks". Mac walked into the bedroom and seen Kenya staring up at him. Walking over he wrapped his arms around Stella as she changed Kenya's bum. "Hi love", I missed you"? "I missed you too". Mac breathed in his wife's scent as he kissed her necked and storked her arms. "Mac"! Come on I'm changing Kenya". "I know that love", "I'm just kissing you". "Yeah, in the way that drives me insane". "Sorry love I'll behave". Mac took Kenya from Stella and held her tight. Stella could see something was wrong with Mac, his facial expression spoke of distain and hate. "Mac". "Is everything okay"? Looking at his daughter and back to his wife he said, "NO, but it will be soon". Sitting down to dinner the kids did alot of talking about Daycamp and the fun they had. "Daddy, said Marisol. "We went in a canoe and got to go swimming, it was cool". "Wow, maybe daddy should come to camp". Marisol giggled. After dinner the kids were in the Den playing. "Are you ready to tell us about this case now"? asked Calleigh. "His name is Terrance Blake, he's a known Serial Killer and Rapist, he prey's on elderly women and enjoy's torture", said Horatio. "Mac has called over his team again to help out". "Is it that bad Mac"? asked Stella. "I'm afraid so love". "This animal is extremely dangerous and doesn't care about anything or anyone". Horatio didn't want Mac going into to much detail on this case, as it would be to much for them to stomach. Just as Mac was going to continue the phone rang. "That will be the guy's checking in". "Hello". "Hey "H" it's Eric". "We haven't found out to much yet". "A couple people said they have seen him hanging around the bar on Ocean st". "So we are heading over there now". "Be careful Eric, if you and Danny feel something isn't right, you get out of there". "We will". After they hung up the phone Hawkes called in to inform them that they were fine and no leads yet. Horatio got up and put on some coffee for everyone. "Handsome, are you sure this was a good idea"? "taking the case". "I don't know love", but I can't go backon my word". "I'm afraid I'm stuck with it". Mac said "No Horatio, we are stuck with it".
Horatio was laying in bed looking up in the sky when Calleigh came in wearing a black teddy. Horatio stared at the vision before him and thought "Jesus". "Hello Handsome", said Calleigh. "I have something for my hot sexy husband". Calleigh turned on stripper music really low and started dancing in front of Horatio. He couldn't believe how sexy his wife moved , he could see her muscles in her thighs and arms and all he could think was "You'd think she never had kids". He always loved the way she took care of herself. Calleigh came closer and crawled up the bed, she stood up over her husband and started stroking her hands up and down her body as Horatio watched. He was ready to burst, "Christ Calleigh are you trying to kill me"? She got down on her knees and leaned into his face and said. "No Baby, I'm just driving you to love me Stud". Calleigh bit his shoulder and stomach as he hissed in ecstacy and pain. Not being able to take anymore, he grabbed his wife and drove her wild with his kiss, his teasing until she was ready to scream, and Horatio covered her mouth to conceal her orgasm. Once they settled down to sleep Horatio told Calleigh he loved her and she told him, "Me too Stud, me too". Horatio laughed as they fell asleep.
ooo kinky!!
im reading a play called a streetcar named desire and one of the characters name is stella and her and her husband are like constantly having sex and getting heatd
i just noticed when i was doing homework related to the play
In the other room Mac was wide awake thinking about the case when Stella walked in. "Mac are you going to be okay"? "Maybe this case is to much for you". "No love, it's not that" . "I just can't shake the feeling that something is wrong, I don't like the vibe I'm getting from this case". "Listen to me Mac", if it's making you that uncomfortable then don't do it". "I have to love, it's a matter of principle". Mac knew talking about it wasn't going to help, so he embraced his wife and made her love him until he forgot about the case, the pain, and the gut feeling that something was going to happen. Later in the night Mac woke up in a cold sweat. He got out of bed without waking Stella. Walking into the Living room he stared out over Miami Beach. Calleigh heard a noise coming from the Living room and went to investigate. She seen Mac looking out to sea. "It's almost as if you could disappear into the night", isn't it", said Calleigh". "Hi, what are you doing up"? asked Mac. "I heard someone out here and came to investigate". "Are you okay Mac"? "You look upset about something". "No, it's just this case, something about it doesn't sit right". "It leaves me feeling restless". Calleigh walked over and stroked Mac's cheek, "If it's making you this uncomfortable, then back out of it Mac, Horatio will understand". "I know that Calleigh, but I can't". Calleigh could see the angony in Mac's eyes and she knew there was only one to get him to forget the case at least for tonight. She looked into his eyes and they kissed with passion, until all was forgotten except the kiss that they shared. In the morning Calleigh and Stella got the kids off to Daycamp, while Horatio and Mac got ready to face another day of hell.
"H", yelled Ryan. "We have a lead, our suspect was seen down in the North Shore area of Miami Beach. "Let's go Wolfe". Horatio, Mac, and Ryan took off in the Hummer. Ryan called to Eric and Danny to meet them there. As they got to the North Shore they were to late. The shock and horror of what they were looking at shook them to the core. Ryan and Danny turned away and vomited all over the beach, Eric and Hawkes, stared ahead with tears in his eyes ans Mac and Horatio held their thought's inside. "Snap out of it", "NOW", said Mac. We need to process this crime scene immediatly". Horatio called in for Alexx to get the body over to the morgue. When Alexx arrived she said "Sick saddisitc bastard". As she bent down, she noticed that there was bruising on the inside of her thighs. Once they finished processing the crime scene Horatio told the team to get back to the Lab and process the evidence. "Every second counts, we need to get this bastard before he strikes again". Back at the Lab the guys were still feeling ill and shocked. Horatio and Mac went to the office to talk. "What do you think Mac"? "Do you think they'll hold up"? "I'm not sure "H", "Hawkes yes, Eric yes", but Danny and Ryan, I'm just not sure". "I can still see it myself "H", the way he butchered and tortured her was unforgetable". "I know". "This Parks guy sure passed you off one hell of a deal". "Yeah", "I'm begining to think he knew".

Mac and Horatio decided to dissmiss Danny and Ryan form the case. "You can't do that "H", said Ryan. "I can and I will". Danny was happy to go back to New York, the faster he got away from this case the better. "I'll see you back in New York Mac". "Take care Danny". "I will "H", sorry". "Don't be sorry, I could hardly stomach myself", said Mac. Once Danny left Ryan kept his argument up with "H". "I'm telling you "H", I can handle it". "Fine, you go see Alexx she's ready to the Op's, if you can get through it, you can stay on the case", If not then you go home". "Deal" , said Ryan. "H", said Eric. "What is it"? "We have traces of a foriegn object Alexx sent up". "It came from the victims lower anatomy". Horatio and Mac knew right away which part of the body Eric was talking about. "Christ , said Mac. "What the hell can we expect next"? "Horatio", yelled Alexx, can you come down and get your CSI Wolfe, he's passed out on my floor". "The boy will never learn". "Eric go get Wolfe and then send him home". "Jesus "H" I can hardly handle it myself , I've never seen anyone so mutilated like that", said Alexx. Once Eric took Ryan home he headed back to the Lab. "He's resting "H", he said to tell you he's sorry". "There's nothing to be sorry for", a case like this isn't for everyone". "Go get some rest Eric, I'll see you in the morning". Mac and Horatio headed home to their wives, they really needed them again tonight.
It was late when they got in and the girls were already in bed. Horatio and Mac went into their children's room. As they watched them sleep and breathe Marisol woke up. "Daddy , don't be sad". Horatio knew he shouldn't have went into her room when he feeling like that because his daughter could pick up on the vibes. "Daddy's fine Angel, you go back to sleep". Marisol knew her daddy needed a hug and she got out of bed took her daddy by the hand and made him lay down beside her, as she said "Don't worry daddy, I'll protect you", and she squeezed herself under his neck while he wept. Down the hall Mac checked on his children and they were all sound asleep except for Kenya. "Hi sweetheart, whispered Mac. "It's daddy, I love you". Mac sat down in the rocking chair with his daughter and just rocked and rocked through the night. Calleigh woke up out of sleep and checked the alarm clock, it read 4am. She was very concerned that Horatio and Mac wern't home yet. Walking into Stella's room she woke her up. "Stella", wake up". "What is it Calleigh"? "I'm worried it's 4am and the guys aren't home yet". Getting up they both walked into the Living room but it was quiet. "Look Calleigh, their jackets are here". Going through the rooms Calleigh found Horatio cuddled up in Marisol's little arms. Walking over she bent down and kissed her daughter and husband as she covered them up. Stella walked into the nursery and their was Mac sound asleep in the rocking chair with Kenya in his arms. Stella removed Kenya from Mac's arms and he woke up. "It's okay Mac", "I just don't want you to drop her". "I need her Stella, "I need you, I need all of you". "I know Mac, Alexx called us and let us know ahead of time".
that_girl, that's where Stella got her name from; Gary Sinise was in a version of that play at one point. Saw some yummy screencaps once hehe.

LMH, you make me warm fuzzy and sad at the same time...keep posting. *whacks Mac and Calleigh* you two behave...glad nothing went any further there.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Stella took Mac back to their room as he stood there stella helped him undress. She could feel his sadness and pain and it was causing her to cry. Once Stella had Mac down to his boxers she heard a sobbing sound, looking up at Mac she seen the tears pouring down his eyes. As she stood he grabbed her tight and squeezed her into him, but no matter how hard he tried it wasn't enough. Pulling down on stella's hair he kissed her, deeply shoving his tongue in her throat trying desperatly to feel into her soul. Picking her up in his arms he put her on the bed and stroked, petted her and loved her roughly so he didn't have time to think, only just feel his wife's passion and soul. When he was done he was shocked with the way he had taken her, never did he lose control like that ever. "Stella love, I'm sorry if I hurt you". "You didn't hurt me Mac, you loved me and a woman can't ask for more then that".

In the Morning Horatio woke up in Marisol's little arms. Trying not to wake her he climbed out of her bed and walked into his room. Calleigh was laying face down with her beautiful blonde hair floating around her back. Needing to be cleansed inside and out, horatio layed on her from the back and started caressing and kissing the nape of her neck, as his hands caressed up and down her body. Not wanting to release her, he removed her gown and drowned himself in her warmth. Calleigh woke and turned herself to face her husband, "It's okay Handsome take me any way you want me, I'm here". Horatio took his wife in ways they never thought exsisted and when he had had his fill of her he cried in her arms.

Calleigh and Stella got up and prepared breakfast. "I'm not sure how much longer Horatio can hold on", said Calleigh. "I know it's tearing Mac apart too". "I still can't believe poor Danny and Ryan having to see something like that and not being able to return. "That's what Mac said, as soon as he told Danny he could go home he booked a flight immediatly out of Miami". "It makes me wonder how Eric can cope with it, he's usually so sensitive". "That's why he's coping, the only thing on his mind is to catch this sadistic bastard and kill him". Just at that moment the door bell rang. "Hi Eric", said Calleigh as she kissed his cheek. "How you doing"? "Fine Calleigh, thanks". "Is "H" and Mac up yet"? "Yeah, their getting there, sit down and I'll get you some breakfast". Eric sat down as he waited for "H" and Mac Marisol came running out of her room. "Uncle Eric, I love you, kisses please". Eric loved it when Marisol asked for kisses, it helped make him feel better. Horatio and Mac came out and seen Eric sitting with Marisol on his lap. "Where's Hawkes"? Just as that was said the door bell rang. "Here he is now". "Hi Hawkes said Calleigh would you like some breakfast"? After what he had seen yesterday, he wasn't sure if he was ready to eat. "Maybe just some coffee please". "Sure, there you go". "Thanks, Calleigh. "You're welcome". Once the guys left to face another day Calleigh and Stella prepared their nerves for what tonight would bring when their husbands got home.
uhoh those sad faces make me leery. I do like that you don't let them die but fanfic writers are decidedly evil lol. We love torturing them, don't we?
When they arrived at Miami-Dade P.D. Agent Parks was waiting for them. "Agent Parks", said Horatio. "What is it now"? "I just came to see how you're doing on the case". Horatio just wanted to slug him in the mouth. "Not good, I've lost two CSI's due to what this animal did yesterday". "I heard, and I'm sorry, but I told you this was a difficult case". "Yes", but what you didn't tell me was the violence this animal distributes". "I'm sorry Horatio, but if I had shown you that you would have never taken the case". "But you misled me". "No, I told you what you needed to know, no more and no less". Horatio knew it was pointless to argue with him so he left. "The guy is a jerk", said Eric. "Let it go Eric", "let it go".

"What's are next move "H". "Well I think we should try the area's around Nursing Homes and Senior's Center's". "If he's going to plan another hit, it will be in one of those two places". With that said the teams split up, which was the worst mistake they could have made.
Eric and Hawkes were searching all the Nursing Homes within Miami. "What do you think Eric"? "I'm not sure, this guy is insane and unstable, we need to catch him now". As they were walking in behind the Miami-Dade Nursing home, they seen a guy matching the description of Terrance Blake. Eric called Horatio but got no response. "His phone must be out". "What are we going to do"? asked Hawkes. "We'll call for back-up and wait for them to arrive". While Eric and Hawkes were waiting for back-up they heard a scream, knowing they had no choice but to help they ran around the back and seen an elder lady laying on the ground. "Where the hell did Terrance go"? "It's not his MO to keep them alive". Just as Eric was bending down to check the woman, Terrance ran up and sliced Hawkes through his stomach as Eric turned around Terrance tried to slice Eric but he ducked and missed the knife. Just then all the sirens could be heard as Eric bent over Hawkes and tried to stop the bleeding. When the Paramedics arrived so did Mac and Horatio. "Eric, what happened"? "I bent down to help the woman and Terrance came out of nowhere and sliced Hawkes through his stomach, he then tried to slice my face but I ducked and he took off. I could have had him "H", but I didn't want to leave Hawkes". "You did the right thing Eric", said Mac. Mac went over to check on Hawkes, he could see the blood pouring from Hawkes. "Where are you taking my CSI"? "To Miami Genral". Mac told Horatio he was going with Hawkes and to meet him there. "H", is Hawkes going to be okay"? "I don't know Eric, I don't know"?
Upon arrival to Miami General, Hawkes was rushed into surgery. Horatio and Eric arrived, "How is he Mac"? "I'm not sure yet, the doctor hasn't come out". After three hours the Doctor came out of surgery. "Det. Taylor"? "Yes Doctor"? "Hawkes is going to pull through. We stitched his wounds and he should be fine avoiding infection". "there is something you need to know though". "Hawkes has been sliced in the shape of the letter "T". I'm not sure if it means anything or not, but I thought you should know". "Thank you Doctor". "Mac is he saying that Terrance branded Hawkes body with his Inital"? "Yes Eric, he's branded him for life". Mac knew he'd have to prepare Hawkes for the news when he woke up. "Mac, I'm truely sorry this happened". "It's not your fault Eric, you stayed with him and applied pressure, you most likely saved his life". Eric still felt like he was to blame, he should have known to be more cautious with Terrance. "Eric why don't you go and see Marisol for a while I know she'd love to see you". "Sure "H".

After Eric left Mac and Horatio walked down to see Hawkes. When they arrived in his room they could see the huge dressing on his chest. "How am I going to tell him"? said Mac. "Mac he'll understand, he has his life, that's a miracle in itself concidering the way Terrance butchers his victims". "I know you're right, but I should have sent him home with Danny". At that moment Sheldon awoke. "Mac", said Sheldon. "What happened"? "Terrance attacked you and Eric in the parking lot". "Oh, that's right". "Is Eric okay"? "He's fine Hawkes", said "H". "Listen Hawkes, said Mac. I need to talk to you about your injury". "What about it"? "It seems that Terrance branded your chest with the letter "T", said Mac. Sheldon just looked at his chest. "I want to see it Mac". "I don't think that's a good idea right now". "I said I want to see it Mac". Mac walked over and removed the bandage, it was horrible, right across his chest was the capitla letter "T". "Sheldon looked at Mac and said thanks for showing me". "I'm really sorry Sheldon". "Don't be Mac, I have my life and my first CSI scar". Mac said to himself, leave it to Hawkes to find something good come out of all this evil".
Horatio and Mac headed home. "Daddy", called Marisol, your home". "Hi Angel where is Uncle Eric"? "He's not here, was he supposed to be"? "Not really Angel, I just thought he might come and see you". Horatio was concerned because Eric was aweful upset when he left the hospital. Horatio tried to reach him on his cell but got no response. "Is everything okay Handsome"? "I'm not sure love", Eric was really upset with what happened to Hawkes, so I told him to come see Marisol for a while but he hasn't shown up and I can't each him on his cell". "I'm sure he's fine handsome, he just needs some time to cope with what happened". "I hope you're right love". Later that evening the phone rang. "H", it's Eric. "Eric, what's wrong"? "I need to see you"? Where are you Eric"? I'm at Marisol's grave "H". Horatio didn't know what to think, all he knew for sure was that Eric needed him. "Sweetheart, wake up love". "What is it "? "Eric called love, he needs me so I'm going to go out for a while". "Okay, love you". "Love you too sweetheart". Horatio arrived at Marisol's grave. Old memories came flooding back, memories he thought he forgot. "Eric", said Horatio with tears in his eyes. "H", look at how beautiful her grave is kept". "I know Eric, Calleigh comes here once a week and makes sure Marisol has fresh flowers". "Eric why are you here"? "I feel lost "H", just not in this case but in my life too". "How Eric you have family who loves you very deeply and are always there for you". "It's not the same "H", I miss Marisol so much and now my parents have died I truely have no family". "Look at me Eric, you have family, Calleigh, Marisol, HJr. , Eric and Cody. "But most of all you have me Eric, me and that should be enough for you, because I love you and the kids love you, you have family, you just need to accept us in your heart. Eric broke down in tears. "I know that "H" and I love you all too, but sometimes it just doesn't fill the emptiness". "It would Eric if you'd allow it too". Horatio pulled Eric up on his feet and wrapped him in his arms as Eric tried to pull away. "Don't fight it Eric, embrace it, I love you, "do you here me"? I love you". Eric"s heart finally accept what he already knew and he allowed "H" to comfort him and support him while he cried.
Not yet Poke-a-hontis. :lol: One of these day's I'm gonna catch you and poke*poke*poke, you with your own pitchfork :devil:

When Eric and "H" got back to the house Calleigh had some supper waiting for Eric. "Hi Eric, how you feeling"? "Good Calleigh", as he went up and hugged her she looked over to Horatio who was smiling. "Uncle Eric, said Marisol, come see my new kitty, mommy bought Claire and me new kitty's". Eric couldn't believe Calleigh had cats, he'd never seen her with any pets in the house. As he walked into the room he seen two kitty's alright but they weren't real. "Oh nice, mommy bought you the Critter pals", "Yeah Uncle Eric and it cry's and purr's". "It's very nice Mari". "Eric", Calleigh has supper heated up for you, said "H". "Okay I'm coming". Calleigh excused herself and went back to bed. A few minutes later Mac came wandering out, "Hey Eric how you feeling"? Much better, thanks". "How's Sheldon"? "He's actually in good spirits". "He's very excited about having his first CSI scar". As they were discussing the case, the phone rang. "Hello", said Horatio. "Horatio it's Natalia". "What is it Natalia"? "There has been another murder", said Natalia. "We're on our way". When they arrived the victim was a young girl. "H", do you think he's changing his MO". "No, I think he was desperate because you interrupted his last kill and he needed a woman to violate". Alexx looked at Horatio said, Horatio", this one has an object in her to". "Same type but different color". "Get it over to Lab, if we can compare the two we may be able to figure out where this guy has been".

Once Alexx left, Horatio, Mac and Eric looked for evidence and trace. "Anything Eric"? "Nothing "H". "Okay let's get back to the lab and see what else Alexx has for us". As they got to the Lab Ryan was waiting for Horatio. "H", can we talk for a moment please". "Sure Ryan in my office". "Listen "H", I want back on the case". "I know I don't seem strong enough to stomach what this animal does, but I do know I can help find him". "If you're sure you can handle it then by all means come back". Horatio and Mac headed down to see Alexx. "What have you got Alexx"? "Not much Horatio", "she was mutilated like the first, inside and out. I found several pieces of fleck's on her body, like some kind of metal". "I sent it up to trace". "One more thing Horatio, he sliced something off her chest", could be a Tattoo", can't be sure until she's identified and I speak with the parents". "Okay, thank's Alexx". "Oh Horatio, how is Hawkes doing"? "Not to bad", "I'll stop by and see him tonight". "I'm sure he'd like that Alexx". Horatio headed over to trace to find out about the fleck's that were recovered from the victim's body". "Eric", anything on those fleck's"? "Yeah "H", It's piece's of tempered steel, like the kind you find in steel mills". "Isn't their that Steel Town Metal's over on Ocean Dr."? "Yes that's right Eric, let's head over there now", said "H". As they arrived they surrounded the area. Horatio and Mac took the lead. "Ready said "H", "whenever you are". On the count they burst through the door and found the place empty except for a sleeping bag and some canned food". "Take the sleeping bag into evidence Eric and make sure the trace on it belong's to terrance and call me at home with the results". "You got it "H".

(At the Hospital)
Alexx stopped by to see Sheldon in the Hospital. "Now there is a man looking all hot for a woman", said Alexx. Sheldon laughed, "Alexx, how you doing"? "Come closer let me see how you're looking". "Talk about hot", said Sheldon. After they passed comment's back and fourth Alexx asked "Are you in pain Sheldon"? "No, it's not to bad actually". Alexx knew she was married, but she couldn't help feeling something for him. At that point Alexx leaned over and caressed her hand across his face and said, I'm really sorry this happened Sheldon". Sheldon embraced her hand and told her it was okay and not to worry. And as they say something just clicks, and Alexx leaned down and kissed Sheldon on his cheek. He closed his eyes and when he opened them he could see the passion light in Alexx's eyes. "Alexx, if only you weren't married". "I'd have you in my arms right now". Alexx knew he was right another time and place maybe it would have been.
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